Rating:  Summary: great,love it,best movie, and more! Review: this movie is a type of movie you have to pay attention but it pays off so that your not confused later on the movie.it has action,fighting,and a script in which you have to listen.at the end i wanted the movie to keep going.you probaly will to if you watch it. this movie is a must see or buy if you all ready watched it.
Rating:  Summary: ALEXS CAPSULE MOVIE REVIEWS Review: Highlights: Direction; editing; performances; vibrant energy; controversial subject matter; superb ending Lowpoints: Its brutality might be misanderstood...Conclusion: Don't let the one lowpoint I brought up misguide you - if you're an average film-lover, and honestly appreciate filmmaking, you will observe the violence in Fight Club as an essential aspect emphasizing the overall relentlessness of the film. Certain teen comedies nowadays have more blood-letting than 'Fight Club'. The title itself suggests the violent nature of the film, and as a result, it is not the main attribute of 'Fight Club' that will linger after the viewing. David Fincher ('Seven', 'The Game', 'Panic Room') astonishes with the confident way he leads his audience through over two hours of no-holds-barred, full-throttle controversial energy. Edward Norton and Brad Pitt's chemistry is as electric as the fight scenes of the radical Fight Club members; Helena Bohnam Carter fits in perfectly, her character both atrocious and sympathetic. If you're in for a uncompromising illustration of radical ideas on contemporary society, represented through an intelligent director's control over two of the best actors of their generation, that rivals the flabbergasting effects of Tarantino pictures, you can't, CAN'T go wrong with David Fincher's instant classic.
Rating:  Summary: Palahniuk's vision shines Review: I picked this up in Blockbuster having no idea what this "Fight Club" was, knowing that friends joked about starting one, and hearing about how Brad Pitt lost a lot of weight to get super low bodyfat % he did, and minutes after putting the disc into my DVD player, I knew my life was changing. Edward Norton's character is someone I think many of us can relate to: a lonely man who knows his life sucks and is without meaning. His remarks about his job is the evil nature of the company he works for to a stranger and is disgusted with his constant, worthless, consumerism. It is from Jack that his salvation comes. He creates an imaginary friend, Tyler Durden, to remove him from life as he knows it and when you watch it for the second, third, etc. time - keep in mind that Jack is the empowered one. Tyler is simply an imaginary figure, whereas Jack created the Fight Club, blew up his apartment, led Project Mayhem, and brought his own demise. Jack is the hero that we (all the lonely men with a thirst for something great) should all aspire to, but with different methods (vandalism doesn't change who you are, you make the change on your own). See this movie, you worthless space monkey.
Rating:  Summary: fight club is excellent Review: A well written script, good direction, and fine performances from all three leads make this a great movie. You need to watch it more than once to get a better understanding.
Rating:  Summary: do not talk about Fight Club Review: This is possibly the best movie to come out in the past 5 or 10 years. This DVD is packed with all kinds of goodies. The story for the movie is equal if not better than the story in the book it was based on, which is VERY rare. I suggest the book and the movie to anyone and everyone who isn't exactly pleased with the way the world is ordered and run. Enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: Modern masterpiece Review: After I saw Fight Club for the first time I just wanted to go out and beat the snot out of everyone I saw. The story is so unique and mysterious that you will have no choice but to watch it all the way through. Definitely the squeamish little girls out there. Definitely for the testerone driven real men out there. Pitt and Norton both turn in excellent performances and you even get a piece of Meat Loaf with boobies. If that's not scary enough, wait 'till you see the ending. Excellent movie and even better on DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Stupid movie!!! Review: Fight club is one of the most over hyped movies that I have ever seem. Stupid plot. Stupid plot. Stupid plot. Stupid plot. Stupid plot. Pass on this movie. Don't waste your money.
Rating:  Summary: A perfect 10! Review: I will be the first to admit that I had doubts about Fight Club. When the movie was first promoted for its debut in theatres, the advertisements, I believe, gave a misrepresentative impression of the film's actual content. I thought, like many others, that Fight Club was going to be another lackluster production filled with all the clichés you would expect to see in a Van Damme-esque action misadventure. It took some goading but I finally decided to give this movie a chance, and I would highly suggest that anyone who has not should do the same. For anyone who is tired of the prefabricated plot lines that dominate today's movie industry, you know the ones for teeny-boppers and the sequels to movies unfit for original production, Fight Club is a refreshing alternative. The star-studded cast, Edward Norton, Brad Pitt, and Helena Bonham Carter, provide the perfect chemistry for this deceptively brilliant critique of the modern man. David Fincher, who also collaborated with Pitt in the movie Seven, captures the essence Chuck Palahniuk's novel with beautiful cinematography. The junior executive, played by Norton, is struggling to swallow his mundane existence. He suffers from a variety of ailments, from depression to insomnia. Norton's character, the narrator, whose name is never revealed during the film, an example of the subtle nuances that make this production so appealing, lacks a sense of identity, as is expressed in the following quote: "I'd look through the catalog and think, what kind of furniture defines me as a man?" Palahniuk, very cleverly, illustrates how disillusioned and materialistic society has become. Tyler's occupation of a soap salesman is yet another example. He sells his luxurious soap, made from lye and the pilfered fat from liposuction clinics, back to the very clients who supplied the materials. Underneath the comedy, the drama, and, at times, the brutal violence, lays an exceptional social satire. Norton's character and his partner in crime Tyler Durden, played by Pitt, revolt against the twenty-first century image of man. A prime example of Palanhiuk's contempt for the feminization of man occurs when the two board a bus. They see a Calvin Klein advertisement of a perfectly groomed young adult male devoid of imperfections and body hair. Tyler asks, "Is that what a man looks like?" They both laugh and express their sympathy for people following the path of superficial self-improvement. The film broaches some rather controversial social issues, which separate it from most conservative contemporary pieces. Many women, mothers especially, were offended by the line, "We're a generation of men raised by women; I'm wondering if another woman in my life is really what I need?" I thought that was a goal films; they are supposed to be about eliciting emotion. This film's cast and director combined to produce a film that will not be soon forgotten. From the horror of the Norton and Leto fight scene to the compassion and sorrow of support group scenes, Fight Club takes you on an eye-opening voyage through the mind of a man gone mad from banality. If you have not watched Fight Club yet and are tired of the same regurgitated garbage, check it out next time you have a chance.
Rating:  Summary: phenomenal movie, but... Review: edward norton is in it. and so is brad pit. and little shots of penises here and there. i mean COME ON! soap made of fat? a secret "fight club?" i've heard that this was a book before this was a movie - which is good, cause i don't want to read ANY book that's as bad as this movie was.
Rating:  Summary: My apologies.... Review: ... to all those people who made this great movie for all the bad things I said the first time I saw it. Let me elaborate.. I only went to see the movie because of my beloved Edward Norton. You know, I have even seen smootcy for the guy (which is not so bad, by the way). I spend most of the time pissed off because of all the blood, fighting, fake BS "you don't need cars, furniture, label cloths" until the time -sorry for giving it up- the narrator finds out Tyler doesn't exist but in his head. This story twist was all I really enjoyed in the movie... And I spent some time saying the worst things about it. Then the DVD was released, so I rent it for Norton's interview at Yale. Defining moment!!!! First of all the promotion package of the movie was one of the greatest I've ever seen (unfortunately these things only reach the US or at least they don't reach Greece), such an inspired catalogue, kind of reminded me of www.despair.com. The rest of the bonus material was good as well, but what was really worth it, was watching the film for the second time. Totally different... Knowing what is really going on, you have a chance to observe the little things that don't catch your eye the first time. Plus, I forgot about the blood and fighting and paid more attention to the excellent humor the movie has.. Irony mixed with anger, a bit desperation, and full of antitheses... amazing! For example, there's a scene where Helena Bonham Carter's character, a woman that is, enters a support group for men with testicular cancer... It's hilarious! Or the scene in which the macho Brad Pitt's character shows up in a ridiculous pink robe with matching goofy slippers. You have to see it.. please more than once. This movie just doesn't get boring. The more you see it, the more you discover. It's almost the same feeling you have when you come along amazing books.