Rating:  Summary: Fight Club Review: This is the best movie by far. Though Ed (David) doesn't seem to exactly get the credit he deserves, he makes up for it. I don't think there is one thing about this movie I don't like. Every character is great. So many good quotes and such a good movie. This is one movie that I don't believe anybody can truly say they don't like.
Rating:  Summary: A long future in "mid-nite screenings" ,like Taxi-driver etc Review: Though there are many brilliant films, this would be the most 'multi-faceted' of them all.The amount of detail required to pull this off, makes this film deserve 'best director'.And easily 'best screen-play', though it's mostly an exact duplicate of the book.The soundtrack is original and brilliant also. There are a couple of negative points.The book's ending is ingenious.But the film's ending makes no sense, and is too Hollywood--appeasing.And though many fans of this film may enjoy the fight scenes, I find that the loud 'pack' sounds and gorey close-ups were a cheap-shot at society.I think it was a lack of class and artistry.Many potential viewers who could've learnt to appreciate the film, were lost on this element.This would be (along with the title) what makes so many doubters about this film being psychologically deep. But the positives of this film are excedingly brilliant.This film attempts a level of difficulty that most films don't go near (especially the psychological elements).30/40 years from now, "Fight Club" will be doing the "midnight screening" rounds at city theatres.Just as "A Clock-work Orange", "Taxi Driver" and "Apocalypse Now" presently do.
Rating:  Summary: Read The Outsider!!! Review: Those who found something existentially important and life-changing about this movie, read "THE OUTSIDER by COLIN WILSON" to take the implications of the movie much further.
Rating:  Summary: "Soap." Review: Without a doubt, the dialogue in this movie is some of the most memorable and quotable material of the 1990s. All three main actors are excellent. Edward Norton is in his element when playing characters a little left-of-center, while Brad Pitt steals every scene in the movie with his usual cool pinache; and Helena Bonham Carter, in a shocking choice of roles (her usual characters being budding young Britsh gals) comes across well as an alluring goth-chic. The director, David Fincher, is in fine form, having directed Brad Pitt before in the critically acclaimed blockbuster "Seven" in addition to his work here. The camera tricks, warped cinematography, and clever camera angles make for a unique experience. The film editing is top-notch and inventive, and was sadly the only Oscar nomination this film received. On all fronts all pistons are firing. Later.
Rating:  Summary: A perfect Guy movie Review: what can i say about this movie that hasn't been said already? great story, very interesting plot, and oh yeah a stampede of "Tyler Durdenism." After watching this movie my view on the world and myself has changed. I turned into a Chuck Palahniuk fan and finished reading Choke and Fight Club and now reading Survivor. The book of the movie is a little different. The acting in the movie is good. Not the best for either of the main actors and therefore no 5 stars, but good nonetheless. The philosophies of Tyler Durden might be a little depressing and can make one feel worthless, but very interesting nonetheless. Well, great movie. I have not heard a bad thing about this movie. And if anyone says it's a bad movie...then he or she really doesn't know a good movie when they see it.
Rating:  Summary: Retort to "A viewer from Irvington-on-Hudson, NY" Review: "A viewer from Irvington-on-Hudson, NY" asked and shall receive. The question is: "What does Fight Club make you think about?"Could be different things to different people, but here's a few definites to enlighten Mr(s). A. Viewer. We are emerging from an incredibly politically correct time, and the biggest victims of that period are the very people whose fathers victimised others: men in general, white men in particular. Slowly we've been learning/forced to change our ways, to act in defiance of our basic animal urges. We have become less promiscuous as a whole, and more tolerant of others. Our hunting/fighting/mating urges are partially fulfilled and partially replaced by consumerism and the media. We started to become everything that everyone (including ourselves) think we should be. But it's not going to work. We're fed up now of being told what to do, what to wear, what to buy and how to behave. We're fed up of double standards, of being told what's wrong with us but being unable to retort without fear of persecution. We're no longer so eager to please. We've tested the water and it's warm. The main thrust of Fight Club is to turn our backs on the fabricated consumer-machines we've become, to stop worrying about everyone else, and start forging our own future. Fight Club states this as a challenge, though deliberately supplies a wrong answer. As well as a rant about subscription to material hunger, Fight Club also works as a warning against subscription to political ideology (though it could apply to any religion or cult). In Brad Pitt, Norton finds a charasmatic figure worth following into sociopolitical terrorist activity, but when he finds out that Pitt is not quite the person he thinks he is (watch it and you'll find out), he discovers that it is himself, not Pitt, who is responsible, and without that ready-made package to subscribe to he is quick to see the error of his ways. After the initial excitement of seeing this ultimate consumer begin to break the rules and tap into his more instinctive characteristics, we are dismayed to learn that he has merely replaced one type of subscription (to the Ikea catalogue, for instance) with another (the titular organisation, and it's later incarnation). However, Fight Club is optimistic. Though Tyler Durden's "answer" to modern man's problems suddenly collapses under its own paradoxes (which should clear up those accusations of fascism), Norton comes to a happy comprimise that can include being yourself and being someone to someone else (which should clear up those accusations of misogyny). The initial principal of ignoring women and focusing on the future of the male animal cannot be upheld: to succeed in the end Norton has to make room for everyone, most of all the woman he loves. So a third point the film makes is a valid criticism of the feminist discipline, and that of past political figures such as Malcom X. So in summary: be careful which leaders you follow, don't drink at Starbucks, and don't try to forge a future for one subset of the population alone. In short, be an individual, not a subscriber.
Rating:  Summary: Ka-BOOM! Review: The plot twist is not the best, but Fight Club is one hell of a trip. The best part of this film is the whole anti-social element that the film revolves around. You will not see a better film about anti-social political ideas that cause the plot to develop into a revolution that takes America by storm. In the wake of 911 this film was almost prophetic and it still stands out as one the best DVDs you can own. In short this movie is a plastic explosive that Hollywood let go off for the hell of it and it was well worth the risk.
Rating:  Summary: What can I say? Review: I have been watching movies my whole life. This one is quite simply the best I have ever seen. It is packed full of food for the mind, soul, and body. A movie you must watch, and then watch again, and again.
Rating:  Summary: one twist to rule em all..!! Review: ahhaa..so u thought the end twist in sixth sence was the best twist in the tale u've ever seen..watch this one...and u ll b compelled to watch the film over and over again.. the unnamed protognist(edwerd norton) is an excutive of a very famous car company..a self indulgent, overworked and frustrated individual..who suffers from insomnia..he meets taylor durden (bradd pitt), a soap maker who also moonlights as the projectionist in a film theater and works as a waiter in a hotel ..so far so good..until tayor asks the protognist to do him a favour.."hit me as hard as u can..!!" ,and thats it..hence forth the movies moves with a break neck pace..and if i say break neck, i really mean it..till it ends,, and u go.."hell,what did just happen..??" the beauty of it is ..the director keeps dropping clues here and there from the biggining..and we just dont see em coming..u can call it a surprise ending..esp if u havent read the novel..but once u watch it again..u get the idea that how well the whole primises was concieved.. but then this isnt a 'makes u feel good'sortov film.. its disturbing at times and violent as well..but if u can take all of it with a pinch of salt..it makes one hell of a viewing.. watch it..u wont b disappointed
Rating:  Summary: I Am Jack's Review of The Fight Club DVD Review: Fight Club is elegant and brutal, sophisticated and terrifying. It makes you squirm and ask for more... You will watch it twice. Fight Club asks the life questions that every consumer in the USA should be asking of themselves. It grabs our values by the throat and demands that they answer for themselves. Beautifully photographed, the movie is dark and disturbing in hopes that you will not lose the point. It admonishes but never preaches. It challenges without giving the answers. Fight club is about soap, and one man's search for meaning. It's about loyalty, leadership, and the mentality of the pack. It may stretch your sensibilities, but it will definitely make you think.