Rating:  Summary: One of the most enjoyable movie experiences Review: A great movie. Pay close attention to the beginning SPOILER You can actually see visions of Brad Pitt come up when Norton is talking with people within the first half hour
Rating:  Summary: WHERE'S THE OSCAR? Review: More thought provoking than The Matrix and deeper than American Beauty, Fight Club is simply the best film of 1999.
Rating:  Summary: To Psychological Balance Review: Don't forget to suspend disbelief. This film is about a thinking, feeling, individual's quest for self-fulfillment. Face it: Not everyone wants CK suits and a BMW. However, everyone wants a sense of purpose. Fight Club uses primordial, violent, almost sickening imagery to convey the struggle one may go through to sort through society's standards in quest of inner peace, freedom, and individuality in an increasingly materialistic world. In the modern world, traditional values such as love, honor, devotion, patriotism, even faith are being subverted by slick marketing of desire attachments (BMW?) by international corporations. Who says work your butt off to protect American values? No: You work your butt off to get more things. This film does not solve anything; it just makes you think. And you'll think about guy things. The masculine, logical mind has a tremendous burden in each generation. Thus, people seeking a romantic movie are appalled, and people seeking an adventure are pleased. The controversial ending resolved one man's life's purpose; his inner struggle was successful. In a sense, he destroyed his "evil twin," who distracted from psychological balance. Fight Club grew on me, and I now rank it as collectible.
Rating:  Summary: Fight Club Review: Fight Club isn't just a movie about fighting. If you walk away from it thinking about the violence, then you weren't paying attention, or you aren't mature enough to understand Fight Club's moral. Sure, it's wrong to identify yourself by your car, your clothes, your job. Yes, your possessions can possess you. But it's equally wrong to fall into lockstep behind any other leader. Your personal identity must come from within: this is what the film screams. Ultimately, you strip away all the external definitions of what makes you you, and you're left with the internal definition. Fight Club is a call to question the path of least resistance, the way of life that anyone or everyone else says you should take. Who are you? What do you want from your life? Decide for yourself, because there are too many people who are willing to say "Wear clothes from Abercrombie and Fitch, because they make you a better man", or "Join our religion because we know the truth", "You can't think that way because it's politically incorrect", or "We're gonna burn this whole world down...wanna join us"? Fight Club is one of the rare instances where the whole is equal to the sum of its parts -- piece it out into its components, and each one is meritorious in its own right. Both Norton and Pitt put in outstanding preformances, and David Fincher weaves a very hypnotic atmosphere. Kudos to The Dust Bros. for their dark and memorable electronic score. The film is based upon the book of the same title, written by Chuck Palahniuk. He wrote Fight Club while working as a diesel truck mechanic, cobbling it together from events and friends from his own life. All in all, it's a good book and a fairly ballsy film from Hollywood.
Rating:  Summary: Destined to be a classic Review: Fincher is a brilliant director. He draws you into the story like no one else, especially in the theater. Excellent special features on this DVD, though. Edward Norton...best actor of his generation? A perfect portrait of the corporate american drone. Snap!!
Rating:  Summary: Greatest Movie Ever Review: This is one of the greatest movies of all time. Brad Pitt and Edward Norton do a great job. I easily think its the best movie i've ever seen! Get this DVD and you won't be dissapointed.
Rating:  Summary: best flick I've seen in the lasrt 4 and a half years Review: This movie kicks some serious butt, if ya know what I mean. I mean really. It's the sobering slap in the face for moviegoers everywhere, from New York City to Paris to Philly, PA. The fab HELENA BONHAM CARTER, straight out of England, is a real treat to behold, so check her out in FIGHT CLUB as Ed Norton's main squeeze. Ed norton is great in the lead role as Tyler Derden, and BRAD PITT lights uyp the big screen in his hunky superstar way (and the small screen too) in the very same role - that's right, the same role!! This movie movie really makes you think about hoW THE HUMAN BRAN REALLY WORks and how sometimes each all of us feel like wer'e someone else sometimes. Who is Tyler Derden anyway??? Watch and find out, but don't blink. You might just miss something important=! Catch you later, fellow fight clubbers. #1
Rating:  Summary: People tend to miss the point here. Review: First of all, I'd like to say that I wish more DVD's were like this. The commentary tracks are all great, the sound is great, the video transfer is beautiful, and the extras are great. The packaging is even cool. I hope that more DVD producers are paying attention to the accolades the fight club package is getting so that we will see more of it's quality in the future. As for the film itself, it is certainly one of my favorites. I'd even disagree with the earlier reviewer who called A Clockwork Orange a better movie. While the Kubrick movie is brilliant in and of itself, the story is not of the same quality as Fight Club. Which is understandable, as I feel Chuck Palahniuk is a superior author to Anthony Burgess. The Fight Club story works on so many levels that you get a bit delerious at times. People seem to want to attach messages to the film, "It's Anti-Consumerist" "It's a send up of the men's movement" "It's A satire of the Support Group culture" "It's anti capitalist". All of these things are true, and none of them are. Most of those aspects of the film are mere invitations to look more closely. When you do, and after you have peeled back the layers after a few repeat viewings (repeat viewings are essential to gain full enjoyment from this one, you don't just want to watch it again, you have to. It's another thing that makes it a great buy.) yoiu begin to see what the movie is actually about. I'm not going to spoil it for anyone, as the process of discovery was the most enjoyable aspect of the film for me, but do please watch this one a few times with no preconceived notions, and I'm sure you'll see what I mean.
Rating:  Summary: You either love it or H A T E it! Review: The director David Fincher has been very successful with his great two movies prior "Fight Club", which are "Seven" and "The Game". He's known to go to extremes and manage to keep the suspense and thrill combined with a good story all through the movie. But this time he broke into a deep barrier and failed! First, the story of Fight Club doesn't make any sense or logic. And this was the same issue with his earlier two movies but back then he managed to pull the movie together with an amazing shocking ending. But here with Fight Club, I was hoping that the ending would make this movie makes sense but instead it was an insult to the viewers! Second, the twist of Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt) in the last quarter of the movie... can't be swallowed easily because all through the movie (if you watch it back) nothing indicates that this can be valid! Third, the bodies of those club fighters were all skinny with little body modification. I haven't seen one person with real big body!!! Fourth, what is it to enjoy in this film? It is not entertaining, not logical, no suspense... etc. This movie can not be accepted with all audiences, it is either love it or H A T E it nothing in between! And I hate it!!!
Rating:  Summary: Pure In-your-face Brilliant Satire Review: Although David Fincher's Fight Club, is acclaimed by many critics as an excellent film who's ideas and revolutionary filmmaking may shape the way that movies of the future are made, many people do not like Fight Club. Violence undoubtedly turned some people off to the movie, however many people who do not like Fight Club, do not dislike the film because of its violence, but rather because these people have an inability to comprehend and/or identify key components of the plot and its underlying themes. Fight Club has every element that defines a classic movie. The complex satirical plot is well developed although; it does require an open-minded audience. The plot is enhanced drastically by a witty and comical dialect. In order to be an epic film, acting performances must be impeccable, Edward Norton and Brad Pitt both delivered all-star performances and every supporting actor or actress was cast perfectly to fit their parts. Innovative visual effects were used throughout the film, to enhance the already energetic movie. Scenes like the one where Edward Norton's character describes the accesorizing of his apartment are unlike any display of effects of the past. Even the sound was befitting of the film. The soundtrack does not consist of a lot of big name acts; it merely includes tracks that would go well with certain scenes. Above anything else it is the motifs, the ideas being presented, and the way in which they are being presented that makes the film the masterpiece that it is. One of the ideas that Tyler Durden tries to convey to Edward Norton's character throughout the film is the idea that as he puts it, "It's only after we've lost everything that we are free to do anything." Tyler tries to show him that life would be much more valuable if people stopped worrying about the material things that truly don't matter. Like when he holds a gun to Raymond, the store clerk's head, and tells him that he is going to die. Raymond really thinks that he is going to be shot. Then when Tyler tells him that he must get back on the track of being a veterinarian, which Raymond had always dreamed of but given up on, because it was "too much school", or else he would be killed. Tyler is able to show Edward Norton's character that Raymond's life will be better. Every breath that he takes will be sweeter than most people can ever imagine. At this moment in time Raymond won't be thinking about what kind of car he drives or what type of stereo he owns, he will be glad that he is getting a second chance and will live his life to the fullest. Fight Club has every aspect of a great movie, yet many people do not like this wonderful film. Fight Club uses beat-em-up and often brutal satire to portray intense ideas, and some viewers may have trouble understanding these ideas. Fight Club is not for the faint of heart, but rather an audience who is willing to open their mind to the experience of not only watching a great film, but also questioning their own lifestyle.