Rating:  Summary: The movie that fights for it's right Review: A excellent movie about Jack(Edward Norton)a man who finds an escape from his insomnia in support groups for illnesses. Even though he has no illnesses it's helps him and he can sleep again, until a chain smoking witch named Marla Singer comes along only for the free coffee. He cannot concentrate with another faker around and the insomnia starts again. It soon unravells into him meeting Tyler Durdon (Brad Pitt), a man who's free will and care for nothing leads Jack to follow him. After a late night of drinking Tyler starts a fight with Jack and this realeases pressure aswell. But it soon turns to a giant club that fights every day of the week. A very well done movie so dark and disgusting you feel like taking a shower. Excellent acting on all parts and the fight scenes were gross but beautiful. The end will leave you stunned and a second viewing is almost necessary.
Rating:  Summary: Congratulations if you've gotten this far Review: there is just about NOTHING i can say here that doesn't reiterate one of the other 760 or so reviews in some fashion, but i'd like to add a few things i didn't see in the first 150 reviewsi think the advertisement campaign was actually quite clever. they market it as a "boxing, brawling, sweaty guys beating eachother up" film, but then they release a bombshell of poignant observation about American hypocrisy and materialism. i'm betting that -=*MOST*=- of the people who reviewed this movie at 1 star are close minded ultra-conservative Christians. this movie was apparently aiming to change some minds at SOME capacity, but fell short of that. oh well. this is a movie for those "out of the box" (not in corporate terms, doofus) i don't swear by the movie and take every single line that Mr. Durden spews straight to my heart, i simply sit back and say "i'm glad somebody said it". i don't expect this review to be very helpful also the movie did produce an amusing running joke "the first rule of worship is...you do NOT talk about worship, the second rule of worship is...you do NOT talk about WORSHIP..."
Rating:  Summary: The First True Classic of My Generation Review: Older people don't like this movie, because it calls for completely destroying the world they created. Remember how your parents hated the music you listened to? The same goes for this movie. Totally and delightfully twisted, this movie is so completely over-the-top and original, it's more fun to watch the second time than the first. I must warn you that it's not for everyone. Anyone who is totally conformed to society and wallows in it's structure will be horrified by this movie. Everyone else will pretty much like it. It's very violent and cerebral. You'll find yourself grinning ear-to-ear at things you were always told were bad. A very surprising movie. If you've never seen it before...WATCH IT NOW!
Rating:  Summary: This one gets inside your head.... Review: This movie is perhaps the most twisted, mentally confusing movie since either Seven (another Brad Pitt mess-with-your-mind movie) or Clockwork Orange. Watch it just once, you miss more than half of the things going on in it. I saw it twice in the theatres, and then bought the DVD the day it was available. Every time you watch it, you see something new, or get a new insite. Edward Nortan plays one of the most convincing "screwed-up" characters in recent memory. Brad Pitt.... well, I had lost hope for him after Seven, but he turns in a character performance worthy of being compared to Hannible Lector. A stretch? Not really. As with Seven, do NOT watch this movie on a full stomach, or by yourself... that is, unlsee you're into that sort of thing. :)
Rating:  Summary: "Fight Club" opens the mind Review: It would be easy to say that all Fight Club is is a place where men can act on their anger. It would be easy to say this, but it it would not be true. Fight Club is whatever you want it to be. Meet Edward Norton. We are not told his character's name in this movie. The reason for this might be that he is a representative of all the men like him. He is stuck in a job he hates, and goes to 12- step meetings in order to make himself feel better. Whenever he is seated on a plane, he has sadistic images in his head of the plane going down, and he hopes that it will, but it doesn't. It is on a plane that he meets Tyler Durden(Brad Pitt), who tells him that the only use of the oxygen masks are to give the passengers a high so that they will accept their fate. He seems to see right through Norton in a way that is very strange. The only thing that we find out about Durden is that he likes to play pranks such as changing the chemical content of a customer's soup(You get what I mean) and snipping a frame of adult film into a children's movie. Norton stays with Durden in a run down house because his apartment blew up and then Marla(Helena Bonham Carter) comes into the picture. She is an angry chain smoker who seems to dislike all of the men that she's with. Norton recognizes her from one of his self help groups. One night Durden wants to fight with Norton just to get him to loosen up and so they fight. They continue to fight every night or so for a while and then they get noticed. More people want to join them and eventually they have a large following. They then fight in a basement under a bar and the group gets more organized. Durden then thinks up homework assignments so to speak for the members to complete. The homework assignments consist of vandalization and getting into a fight with someone. This is all in their benefit because it will set them free from their sad lives. The Fight Club seems to change from a group which causes small time mahem to a blown out terrorist organization. "Fight Club" is a dark film with the violence that is evident in many of David Fincher films such as "Se7en" and "The Game". The screenplay was written by Jim Uhls which was based on the novel by Chuck Palahniuk. This is definitely not a movie for everyone. Some people may walk out of this one feeling like they have to vomit while some may feel different in a way that cannot be explained. They may want to see this one again because it is impossible to analyze "Fight Club" in one viewing.
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant! Review: I dont know who these dumbasses are who think this movie sucs, but let me ust tell you they are complete morons. This is probably up there in the top 100 movies of all time. Its in my personal top 5. Look, it was exciting. True, it wasn't a movie where they go around beating people up, but there was a good amount of harddcore fighting. Yet, it also managed to keep an incredibly interesting plot throughout, with a surprise ending as good as that in the sixth sense. Yet, on top of all taht, it's funny! Yes, there are some truly funny parts in this movie. I can't see why anybody wouldn't like it. So, if you're willing to try something new, and get a terrific blend of action, and deep htought buy this movie now!
Rating:  Summary: An Excellent DVD for an Excellent Movie Review: This DVD package is not to be missed. Besides the tremendous "Fight Club" feature presented in all its glorious widescreen perfection (this movie really suffers artistically when cut to the small screen) and pristine CD quality stereo sound (the sound is so important to the effectiveness of the film that this is also a must), you get almost more extras than you know what to do with. First, the commentary tracks are superb and offer insights into many aspects of the film ranging from its meaning to its construction. The commentary with David Fincher, Edward Norton, Brad Pitt, and Helena Bonham Carter is especially enjoyable and makes you feel as if you are in the room watching with them. At some points it feels as if Helena Bonham Carter's dialogue is injected which leads me to believe that her comments were recorded seperately and that detracts from the comradarie a little bit, but it is still well worth listening to. The track with David Fincher is very interesting as well especially if you consider, as I do, this man to be among the best directors working today. He goes into detail about the trials of converting his vision into reality and it is a wonderful insight into the craft of filmaking. The track with Chuck Palahnuik is very good as well, he seems just tickled to see the movie and is delighted with how well his concept came across on the big screen. He gives background, through interesting anecdotes, as to where his ideas came from and these stories themselves sound as if they would make a great movie. Other features include deleted scenes that are well worth looking at, a short documentary about the making of the movie, conceptual stills, storyboards, location scouting, all with multiple commentaries. This package has everything you could ever want, do not hesitate to get it.
Rating:  Summary: Fight Club is crap for Suburban Wannabes Review: I gave this piece of crap one star becasue the site wouln\dn't let me give it less. "Fight Club" is the movie for you if you're into the closet bound, homoerotic fantasies of a schizophrenic who is not capable of having sex with a woman unless he imagines that another guy is doing it. What really scares me is that the whimps that like this garbage are allowed to walk the streets wihtouth a keeper. If they're so into fighting why don't they put on gloves and get into a ring. Because they'd get the life beatren out of them, that's why. This kind of junk-- and Neil LaBute's "In The Company of Men" are supposed to be "real guy" movies. Real eunuch movies is more like it.
Rating:  Summary: If you like your heroes mentally ill you'll like fight club. Review: All I could think duirng this movie was that the hero should really have been at the psychiatrist's officer gettign Prozac. This is a great movie for guys with serious reality issues. You wade through this entirre film only to relaize that nothing in it ever really happened. I gave it a 1 becasue there were no allowances for negaitve numbers. This will one day repalce "Plan Nine from Outer Space" as the worst moive of all time.
Rating:  Summary: Fight Club about more than Fighting Review: This film is for the Generation X age cohort. If you are not a member of this age cohort, i.e. born between 1965 and 1977 this film may not make much sense to you, it may even offend you. For the rest of us belonging to the baby bust generation, this film speaks volumes. The film is about a man, struggling to find true satisfaction and hapiness in a world saturated with consumerism, materialism, and social stratification. This is a film for a generation that was raised on television sit-coms and cold cereal. A generation that believed major life problems could be solved in a half hour (minus commercials) or that problems can be solved by consumption of consumer products. A generation tricked into beleiving that one day we would become wealthier than our parents, become millionaires and rock stars. This film deals with members of this generation coming to the reality that this is not going to happen. When they realize this, the search for something real becomes primal and animalistic- fighting and pain. The members of fight club come together to fight the face of consumerism and materialism, and to restore economic equality to all people. To give a legacy to a generation so devoid of war, depression, and revolution that it was named generation X.