Rating:  Summary: DID NOT DISTURB ME....THUMBS UP ANYWAY! Review: I had to buy this dvd after so many people said this was a warped and disturbing movie.It didn't scare me or make the hairs on my neck stand up but it's a pretty good film.It is a film you have to see more than once.God, do guys really feel like this.I'm 42, but I was a snarlly punk when the first wave of punk happen.Hey,guys it's allright to show your sensitive side.I felt some sympathy for Jack, who doesn't hate phoney corporate america?But violence and beating someone into a bloody pulp to feel alive?This film was branded facist by many mainstream film critics.A lot of these guys act like dimwitted bozos.I liked the charactors played by MEATLOAF,a lovable loser,and that brave little ho,HELENA BONHAM CARTER.Brad Pitt was good as usual,even though he's just a figment of Jack's personality.ED NORTON I wanna punch him out.Maybe that's the key to this movie's wild success with today's youth?He is nuts,but are't we all.?Anyway I liked this film,it's stylishly directed by DAVID FINCHER.It's got dark humor,a interesting script,and a wonderful score.There's several commentaries on the feature selection.If you wanna get real disturbed see, HENRY:PORTRAIT OF A SERIAL KILLER 'HAPPINESS' 'REQUIEM FOR A DREAM' 'I STAND ALONE' 'IRREVERSIBLE' and any TAKASHI MIIKE film,my faves being 'DEAD OR ALIVE'and'AUDTION'these films will blow your mind apart!
Rating:  Summary: Will make you want to breathe smoke. Review: This movie rocks. this is the most unreal and amazing exploration of the real world ever committed to celluloid. this is more than a movie, this is an experience. Norton's hero, no name, big problems, shoots himself, brilliant.Pitt's Durden, hard, fast, funny, evil, shoots himself, brilliant.Helena Bonhanm Carter, looks like Robert Smith of The Cure, gets naked, says lots of funny stuff, brilliant. Meat Loaf, has huge breasts, beats guys up, brilliant. David Fincher, makes it all look fantastic and move nicely, brilliant.FIGHT CLUB..........BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Women should watch it, too! Review: This is a film that was completely mismarketed. This is not a film, as the previews and original teaser suggested, about pure male testosterone being manifested in basement brawls. It is not a mindless-violence, action-hero flick used solely as a vehicle to show the washboard abs and chiseled man-waist of Brad Pitt. It is, actually, a film about the chaotic descent into madness and clarity by the main character. It is about the schism of personality that occurs not only with manic depressives or schizophrenics, but on a smaller scale with each and every one of us, every day, as we question our purpose, our reasons for fitting the mold when all we want to do is break free, and our intense and inward reactions to the immense pressures of culture and society. This is not a film that exploits violence simply for the entertainment factor. It's a deeply funny, deeply thought film about the roots of violence, and the possible need for violence amongst the displaced men of today's culture. Suckled on advertising and inhabiting the soft life of corporations, how can the past hunters of society not be driven to make violence-or at least something that feels powerful-with their hands? It taps into the rage men feel at being promised and denied a spot as a demi-god in the culture simply because of their gender, and also taps into the hopelessness the younger generation feels at having been raised without our fathers. Helena Bonham Carter is really the only woman in the film, but having a mostly male cast does not hurt this film for an intelligent female audience. So many of its components speak more directly to a generational frustration than any male-female dilemma, and the insights on the current male situation through this film are thought provoking regardless of gender. I'm eternally glad I let myself be argued into seeing what I had already dismissed as a gratuitous smash-fest featuring the less-than-desirable Pitt (I call him "Pockmark"), as it now holds strong at #2 on my list of favorite movies of all time. David Fincher has created something truly stunning out of Chuck Palahniuk's novel, and the acting performances by all involved are hilarious, dynamic, utterly natural and completely absurd.
Rating:  Summary: Mind Blowing Review: The best movie of it's genre. Absolutely exceillent. With a high powered acting ensemble, you are taken on an amazing ride inside the head of an over worked sales rep. In the end it is a story about burn out and wanting to stop everything to start all over again. The two disc pakage is full of everything behind this movie and, yes, just watch out for that hidden spliced in frame. It pops up now and then.
Rating:  Summary: A Cult Classic! Review: Interesting tale of what happens when white collar worker get bored. With nothing better to do, two guys have a fight and it draws a crowd. This seems to start a new fad where accountants/lawyers/stockbroker types get together and watch two of them go at it. Eventually, guys are showing up to work all bruised and there seems to a knowing when one sees the other. As the movie progresses, we are not sure what is real and what is in the mind of one of the main characters. There have been other movies that seem to depict fights in back rooms and garages (Jean Claude Van Damme did Lionheart). This movie is definately the best of the bunch.
Rating:  Summary: Everybody's breaking rules 1 & 2 of 'Fight Club'..... Review: This movie is so good, it's still being hotly talked about and analyzed 5 years after it's release. This ought to tell the prospective viewer one thing: Here's a classic that should not be missed! True, some critics say there's too much gratuitous violence, but this is more than balanced by the dark comedy and social satire that pervades it. There's a definite philosophical undertone here that can't be ignored which adds to rather than detracts from the whole experience. Anarchy, fist fights, and mayhem were never so much fun to contemplate till 'Fight Club' came out. For the record, in an uncommon twist, I felt like the movie was much better than the book it was based on. Beyond a hard-hitting script, solid direction, and great acting performances turned in by Edward Norton, Brad Pitt and Helena Bonham Carter what else can I say?
Rating:  Summary: MIND-BLOWING Review: Can a movie get any better, I suspect NOT!!! Get this, if you take the acting of Edward Norton the unmatched charisma of Brad Pitt mix it up and toss it into a "Savagely funny!" (Chicago Tribune) storyline add an arsenal of subliminal effects things could "spiral toward oblivion." As soon as the credits came up after I watched this movie for the first time I immediately (and literally) jumped out of my seat laughing and hopping around in excitement. This movie will tickle your senses and leave you humming the Pixies for weeks (watch the movie to understand that last comment).
Rating:  Summary: Riveting! Review: I really like this film about a bunch of bored white collar workers that get together to watch some of them fight each other. The excitement starts to secretly spread throughout the country to other big cities. As the movie progresses though we are not sure what is real and what is the imagination of the main character. I highly enjoyed this movie and pick up new things each time I have seen it.
Rating:  Summary: Well-acted, well-directed, but what does it mean? Review: Saw this movie last month. Everyone ranted and raved about this movie (which I avoided seeing for a long time) and while I admit it has great acting and directing, and is very stylish, I was left holding an empty bag at the end of the film. I won't spoil the "surprise" ending, but I will say I thought the wrap-up did nothing for me. Maybe I'm from the wrong generation? But I was 24 in 1999 and I doubt even then I could have gotten into the "message" that this movie seems to deliver. On the one hand, the message seems to be that we ought to abandon the conventional and live our lives as if every day will be our last. Sort of a "go for the gusto" premise. On the other hand the message seems to be that your modern young American male is condemned to a life utterly devoid of thumos, hence his only way to attain bona fide manhood is through senseless brutality? I dunno, but speaking as a new father, husband of ten years, an Army Reservist, full-time employee, full time student, et al, there are more than enough "dragons" in this world to slay without having to engage in any of the nasty business portrayed in the film. The world is ripe with challenge, and any young male with half a brain ought to be able to find a hundred different things to engage himself in that will not only prove positively productive, but also extremely "manly" in every sense of the term. Pitt's character whines that his generation has no great wars to fight? Well, 9/11 knocked on our door, and it seems we have a doozy of a war on our hands now. Pitt declares that you cannot plumb the true depth of your manhood without fighting? In an age when young males are neck-deep in senseless slaughter, I would argue that unless the fighting is actually for something important (e.g. the real War that is on right at this very moment) the senseless barbarity of the 'fight club' is the furthest thing from manly virtue. Really, that's what I'm left with after watching this film. Twist ending aside, what point was there to the 'fight club' anyway? Yes, the film does seem to be something of a rant against our consumerist American culture, but we must remind ourselves that previous generations of young men worked hard and died hard so that we in this age could know comfort, safety, immense material well being, and few real hardships. If this comfy life is a 'bad' thing that we men supposedly chaffe against, then it is news to me. And for any young man out there who is looking for challenges and contests beyond the ordinary, I would refer him to his local Army, Navy, Marine, or Air Force recruiter. The Service has a bottomless list of opportunities for young men to prove themselves, often in the manliest and most noble way possible, and it's all just a phone call away. Okay, enough with the commercial. I just shook my head at the end of this movie and thought to myself, what was the point??