Rating:  Summary: WATCH THIS MOVIE! You will not be sorry! Review: ...That's what I thought Fight Club was going to be;... another Brad Pitt flick, and he beats people up. Well, I was WRONG!This movie has more twists than you expect, and it's twisty right from the start. The book (by the way) is excellent as well, and the movie does a great job sticking to the plot of the book. I saw the movie first, then read the book, and I could not get Ed Norton's voice out of my head, they're THAT close. It makes you think, it makes you jumpy, it makes you want to go make soap, and perhaps blow something up. Mostly it makes you think. And maybe watch it, oh, seventy times more so you can catch everything. P>Do yourself a favor, WATCH THIS MOVIE! You *will* like it, I promise. I've forced dozens of people to watch this, and each one liked it. Even my MOM liked it, and she's even more anti-everything than I am!... (And no, this isn't a "guy" movie. I'm very girly, and I loved this movie)
Rating:  Summary: Pure Genius! Review: This was one of the most clever and entertaining films I have seen in my entire life. It was filled with wonderful performances and interesting twists in the plot. The movie is about an insomniac, played by Edward Nortion. Because Edward Norton's character is never named, I will call him "Ed". Ed is only able to go to sleep, once he has had a good cry. So, he goes to depressing groups filled with men that are dying of cancer. All of a sudden, a creepy woman, Marla (Helena Bonham Carter), starts going to these groups, which annoys Ed very much and it prevents him from sleeping. Later on, while on a plane, Ed meets Tyler(Brad Pitt) and eventually moves in with Tyler because his house was burnt down. Later on, while fighting, Tyler and Ed find out that fighting really helps them let out their emotions and helps them sleep as well. As a result, they start a secret club called "fight club", in which random men attend to fight eachother and let out their anger. The club becomes very popular, and the men in the group form a sort of cult. In this cult, the men start "project mayhem" in which they cause trouble around the world. One day, Tyler is gone, which leaves Ed alone with the cult and project mayhem. Ed can't handle all that pressure, so he leaves and looks for Tyler. For some weird reason, everyone keeps mistaking Ed for Tyler. I'm not going to give anymore of the story away. This is one of my favorites, and I reccomend it to anyone who can appreciate a brilliantly made film. Go see this!
Rating:  Summary: Not for all tastes Review: I can admit that the performances in this movie were very well acted and I can see how some people do like this movie alot, however I am not one of these people. Even though I don't like the movie. I can't get over the subject matter of the film. I have an open mind and love thought provoking movies of all kind such as Mullholand Drive, however this movie left a bad taste in my mouth. People say in their reviews that corporate America has conformed our society, but are we not free to live in any way that we chose and try and make a living the way we see fit. All this movie advocates is conformity and violence. It says that it is ok to get your point across through violence and torture. If this movie were trying to show this in the way of a black comedy, I could get past its subject manner, however there was no attempt at comedy in the entire movie. All of the members of Fight Club had no original ideas of their own and behaved like drones similarly to a socialist rebuplic. This movie seemed to praise socialism and bash capitalism. If you watch this movie, I think you will see why socialism will never work and why we live in a capitalist society. The movie teaches lessons and makes points that have been blatenly clear for some time. I think there are very good ideas here, but the way they were portrayed in this movie is not for all tastes.
Rating:  Summary: Unexplainable, unrateable, unbelieveable Review: ... Brad Pitt. I hate to say it, but the man is an extremely talented actor. Ocean's Eleven, Snatch, Fight Club, Seven...all amazing flicks. But I'll tell you...Fight Club is the best movie ever made. Here are eight reasons why: 1) You cannot categorize this movie, it's everything. It's action, it's drama, it's supsenseful as anything in some parts, it's funny, and it's horrifyingly graphic. 2) I've noticed something different all 123258005 times I have watched it. I know, I know, the number is what I like to call an exaggeration. But seriously, I have picked up something new that makes the plot even more extreme each time I have watched it. ... I have seen this movie probably at least 150 times, seriously. I am so sad. 3) It's brilliant. All these people keep bashing it as dangerous and demented. How about thought-provoking? How about a new angle on the world? How about a message to go against everything you believe and just listen? How about the fact that there's millions of movies like that with those themes, but Fight Club does it differently? 4) Edward Norton is my favorite actor. It's just a piece of the puzzle. Ever since I saw American History X, I knew that this guy was for real. You wanna know why he gets almost zero publicity? He chooses not to. He thinks it would interfere with how you saw his characters if you knew the real him. Wow, now that is conviction to your career. 5) The soundtrack is the finest soundtrack that any movie has put out. The only soundtracks that come close are Terminator II and The Mothman Prophecies. 6) This movie was flawlessly written. If I could write a movie like this, you wouldn't see me critiquing someone else's genius on this website. 7) The pure fairy boy gets destroyed. Usually, fairy boys win. The fairy boy in this movie...how he looks after the...well, watch it. You'll see what I mean. 8) David Fincher is brilliant. Um, that's all. Watch this movie, and your brain will hate you the first time you watch it. But isn't that supposed to be what watching movies is about? Stimulation that interests your eyes and your brain? Please watch this. Do yourself a favor and buy it. Don't just rent it. I know one person that hates this movie, but he hasn't seen it, so that should tell you something.
Rating:  Summary: "You just had a near-life experience" Review: After having refused to watch the film because of comments about how Brad Pitt is cute, I accidentally flipped channels when it was starting. I sat still through the whole thing, from the opening credits in the cerebral cortex to The Pixie's "Where is my mind" in the end. I must say it was one of the few movies I have seen that has captured my undivided attention for so long - that made me go to the video store pick up the DVD only hours after watching it for the first time. The dialogs are incredible and you will be blown away by how seemingly small and even funny remarks can sum up deeper concepts. Beware - if you have psychotic inclinations, I'd rather you didn't watch it because it can be, well, encouraging. The glorious Helena Bohem-Carter hits the perfect tone playing Marla Singer and Edward Norton's performance is worthy of awards and standing ovations. I cannot believe how neglected this film was in regards to how the actors portrayed their characters. I was completely immersed in the story and feel the same every time I watch it. The film's editing is also worthy of attention, because it managed to bring the story together without destroying the director's great work. A really successful cinematic acheievment. I highly recommend it; try and find the Tyler Durden in you.
Rating:  Summary: Stunning... Review: This is definitely the most amazing movie I have ever seen, period. Edward Norton and Helena Bonham Carter and Brad Pitt put on great performances. I don't think I need to give a quick summary- plenty of others have done so already. The movie basically takes on what the results might be of our corporate society, and looks at a sort of anarchist club. The movie poses a lot of questions, and certainly is one of the most thought-provoking and gripping films I have seen in a long time. I didn't find the violence excessive at all, honestly. There was plenty, but I've seen a lot worse. Some people seem to think that this movie takes on rich white guys that are depressed- but I think it has little to do with race- more to do with the faceless corporate drones that are grown and produced in our society, and the problems with the mass conformity spawned by this. The movie does not glorify fighting or anything else- the fighting was a way for the men to feel alive, just feel after being numbed by corporate america. I think that many people did not wuite understand the message of the movie- rather, they picked on the themes of fighting and masculinity, while not understanding their purposes in the movie. Fight Club is a fantastic film, worth many viewings.
Rating:  Summary: Brad Pitt and Edward Norton can't be touched!! Review: I thought this movie was very well done, the acting doen Brad pitt and Edward Nortons was amazing, and the movie had a sick and twisted ending. This movie was about edwarton Norton playing a business man and finding a different part of himself. He finds a tottaly imaginary charcter named Tyler Durden.(BRAD PITT)these two battle it out and edward norton finally realzizes his split personality and about the leader of project mayhem and fight club.. IF u like these weird kinda moviees or u just like brad pitt buy this movie. Also the bonus footage is mad good too...
Rating:  Summary: I was BLOWN away! Review: I didn't get to see this in the theatre but all my friends would tell me is "you'll like it, it's your kind of movie."LIKED IT????? I was blown away. I won't say anything about the ending except that i had no idea that this was the outcome of all outcomes. It was scary, terrifing, troubling, funny, sensative and basically the same emotions that is held in each one of us. Way-out, far-fetched or was it? Did it hit a nerve? Could this be me? Basically i bought this movie because i'm a big Ed Norton fan. He's the finest that Hollywood has but at the end of the film every emotion that i have ran thru my body in a scary-funny kind of way. Fight Club is raw and real. The acting is the best. The extra information that are on the disks is the best. This DVD will really show you the benefits of what this DVD technology has to offer. An award should be given to this DVD on merit alone. It's a real mans movie even though many women like it as well. Buy it,,,,you will not be disappointed just don't expect Mary Poppins. Clue-----the fighting IS the minor (however important) part of this film. (ha!)
Rating:  Summary: Well, at least I've got that couch thing covered. Review: I am amazed by how many people completely miss the point and write this movie off as an empty excersize in narcissistic violence. This is a complex, layered, multi faceted plot delivered in a crisp visually stunning manner. This isn't "just" a movie about guys who fight to get out their frustrations, that's like saying Jaws was about fishing. Alongside the biting social commentary and the primal macho juice, is a parable about losing yourself in your own problems, lying to yourself for as long as you can, realizing it, and seeing the effects it has on everyone around you. What's great is all of these pieces, a wounded romance, anti-boss revenge, triumphal combat, a devoted personality cult, can be appreciated as individual bits and scenes, but still work together to advance the story arc. Even setting aside the very original plot, the movie itself is just great to look at. A greenish, glistening, unhealthy glow permeates the urban landscape of the film. The pacing, presentation, acting, and foreshadowing are all perfect. Loud, original, technically impressive, and fun with a mind game ending that makes you analyze the entire film again....I hope you'll take a look if you haven't already.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Review: This was an awesome movie. Brad Pitt really fit the part of Tyler Durden and Edward Norton was great. Filled with dark humor, crucial points and one of a kind directing from David Fincher whose made another classic movie, Seven, as well. You can do no wrong with this.