Rating:  Summary: The newest format tackles a personal favorite. Review: Okay, now most of you who are reading this review already know how good of a movie Fight Club is. Most of you know that Edward Norton and Brad Pitt give outstanding performances that will have you applauding. Most of you know that the production values are up there with the best of them. Most of you know that the script is brilliant, mostly because it is adapted from the best novel of all time. And most of you know that David Fincher is a genius. So I'll skip all that and get right to the big story here: Fight Club is being presented on D-VHS.For those of you unfamiliar with D-VHS, here's a quick fill-in. The "D" stands for "digital" (obviously). With a D-VHS player, you can record HDTV broadcast in its full 1080i scan lines without sacrificing quality. And now that movies are finally coming out to own on the format, we can see them in high definition. But how much better is it than the DVD? Well, it's certainly good enough to take a look at. First, the video. Anyone who bought the Fight Club DVD knows that it has excellent video and looks just down-right awesome. The image here is even better. Compared to the 480 scan lines on the DVD (progressive or interlaced depending on your player's output), the 1080i here helps the transfer enough to just squeak past the DVD. One thing you'll notice right away is how the colors are perfect. Black level is dead-on and colors never bleed or smear. The DVD had some edge enhancement that wasn't too noticeable, but was there, nonetheless. It ain't here on the D-VHS. The image is so life-like and free from error that it looks like film. If you consider yourself a videofile, you needn't look further for one of the most impressive video performances available for the consumer. Now, the audio. Considered by many to be top demo material, the DVD edition of Fight Club had a staggering Dolby Digital EX mix. Mayhem surrounded you wherever you were. The surround back channel added to the three-dementionallity of the film. It stood up to the best and held its own (even against powerhouses like Star Wars and Gladiator). The Dolby mix here again just barely squeaks by the DVD release, and while it's not an official 6.1 mix, it decodes perfectly into the surround back, so those of you with 6.1 receivers needn't worry about that. The only thing I'm really surprised with is the fact that no D-VHS titles have DTS tracks yet, especially considering there's nothing on the tape but the movie, a 5.1, and a 2.0 track. They could have easily fit it in. Oh, well. Maybe in the future.... So is D-VHS really worth it? Well, at least with Fight Club it is. With an absolutely perfect video presentation and a hard-hitting Dolby 5.1 mix, this is perfect for those just now getting into D-VHS and want to see if it's worth the investment. Surpassing even the excellent DVD, I don't see why anyone with a D-VHS player would want to pass this up. Movie Grade: 5 stars (out of 5) Video Grade: 5 stars Audio Grade: 5 stars
Rating:  Summary: Mind Blowingly Amazing Review: This is the best movie in the world!!
Rating:  Summary: AWESOME MOVIE Review: This movie is so good. Its thrilling, its full of action, and it has a point. If you want a movie that'll make you think, watch this.
Rating:  Summary: the ultimate hypocrisy Review: This film wants us to believe its blood and gore and crass Hollywood commercialism is a clever, rebellious attack on the materialism and triviality of the numbing boredom of bourgeois consumerism. Yeah, right. The haute-middle class producers, directors and actors must have laughed all the way to the bank. After all, the producers and actors get to rake in the big bucks and buy their very bourgeois mansions and Jaguars -- while by now a bored, rootless crossection of adolescent males has probably lost eyes or teeth in their attempt to be cool like their screen "heroes." This film is nothing but the usual Hollywood attempt to cash in on the male market's infinite capacity to queue up to view blood and guts. It is especially galling that this film tries to mask its blatant pandering to the lowest common denominator with a patina of intellectual Freudian imagery in an attempt to impart a high tone to its crass commercialism. Shortly into the movie it was clear to anyone who has read Freud that Brad Pitt was Norton's alter ego. Too bad the director didn't make the female character also a figment of Norton's imagination -- and have his id (Pitt) and his superego (Helen) battle for mastery of Norton's destructive, puerile soul. At least that might have introduced some higher level themes and might have palliated the gratuitous violence of this dreadful Hollywood exercise in "show me the blood and I'll show you the money."
Rating:  Summary: Best DVD Ever Review: This is a great DVD! It has all of those really great features that you watch because you're bored or because you are a Fight Club junkie. You need to add this to your collection, so that you can have one more possession that can own you.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing Review: This film is most definately on my top 5. If you have not seen this, watch it now! If you have seen it and did not like it.. well, is that possible? I loved it.
Rating:  Summary: Chuck Palahniuk Fan Review: The movie was great as is the book of Fight Club. All of Chuck Palahniuk's work should be made into movies. His stories have a great underlying meaning, which is usually about breaking people down to their simplest. I mean to the point that people are equal and that material posessions and common thought are not what they seem. The point is that his stories make you think beyond what we are traditionally accustomed to. His stuff is definetly not meant to be watched or read just once.
Rating:  Summary: Mischief. Mayhem. Soap. Review: It is seldom that a movie comes along that leaves such an impact. This is why I believe that "Fight Club" is one of the best movies ever. It is a movie that lays out some philisophical ideas about life, yet the audience doesn't have to believe in them in order to see what the writer and director are trying to say. But the movie isn't just that. The story is layered, and all elements to the story hold significance. The character named Marla (unlike in most movies) is not a love interest that is only used to increase running time nor to add spice. Marla plays a much bigger part in the story than even Marla (and the audience) knows. At the beginning of the movie Edward Norton says, "thats when I realized, the bomb, the gun, the revolution, had something to do with a woman named Marla Singer". Most audience members forget these lines the first time around, that's why audience members may think that its all about Tyler Durtent's philosophy. Tyler Durdent's philosophy is unique, truthfull, but flawed at times. The movie takes note of this when Edward ("Jack") is caught as the only guy with common sence. So you can't say it's a movie that pushes a belief. The movie leaves a lot of unanswered questions and begs to be viewed many times. Audience members may draw their own conclusion on "Fight Club". Yet in the end one thing is certain, all "Jack" wants is Marla, and that has nothing to do with Tyler. Ebert thought this movie was "silly", Berardenelli called it a modern day "Clockwork Orange". Not everyone will understand, but the ones that do will love this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Mind Boggling. Review: Fight Club will play with your mind. It is strange and amazing how someone came up with this. The acting is excellent. It doesn't quite deliver a happy message or have a happy ending but it's worth seeing. This movie is brilliant, Do i nead say more? I think not. Go rent it and you'll agree
Rating:  Summary: Good, not-so-clean fun Review: Fight Club is one of those movies that you either love or hate. In my case, I found the plot and characters very interesting. The idea of feeling good (or bad, I was not sure) about your life by pounding the crap out of each other was an idea that might not have worked out under another director's belt. But Fight Club's director, David Fincher (Se7en, Alien 3) does what he does best in creating a dark, creepy setting, full of plot twists and clever dialogue. In the beginning, Fight Club is full of humor. Our unnamed hero goes to support groups for people with various diseases. Although he does not have any of these diseases, he goes to feel better about himself. The first 30 minutes could be described as a dark comedy, but as the film progresses into the actual "Fight Club" stage, it gets more and more like a psychological thriller. Though, through bloody fights and confusing plot twists, we begin to see that Fight Club is much more than just a thriller. It tells us that we need to hnestly confront our own demons in order to figure out who we are, who we want to become, and how to take control of our lives. With good performances all around, I recomend Fight Club highly to anyone who wants more than just an ordinary thrill ride. PS: For another good thriller that makes you think, I recommend "the Usual Suspects".