Rating:  Summary: Join the Club... Review: I saw this movie in theater. I didn't mean to, I entered the wrong theater at the cineplex. As soon as I saw the opening credit sequence, I stayed. I now cannot tell you what movie I was originally going to see, but I know that it wasn't as good as this movie. This is a movie for everyone. It has love, hate, depression, insomnia, insanity, intensity, and soap. Feel the fury, reach deep inside, and find the Fight Clubber in you.
Rating:  Summary: MIND BLOWING Review: This is the BEST movie I've ever seen. This movie shows what one person can do if one was so inclinded. With the cast of BRAD PITT(Snatch), EDWARD NORTAN(American Histroy X), and the female monkey from the new Planet of the Apes movie, this movie is unstopable. From the very first frame to the last this movie pulls you in and doesn't let go. It has the best TWIST at the end that forces you watch it again. The Camera angles are unbelieveable and the song track is good, if you like the PIXIES it has the song, "Where is my mind." I've bought this movie and I've watched it at lest 5 times, IT'S THAT GOOD. It's full of Pharses and Quotes that are unforgetable and Eye opening. This movie is definately in my TOP 5 favorite movies. If you like this you'll love AMERICAN HISTORY X also staring EDWARD NORTAN. I would also recommend the author, I don't know his name, but his books are awesome. THIS MOVIE WILL CHANGE YOU
Rating:  Summary: Superb. An original and daring peice of cinematic excellence Review: From birth, we're always told that violence is wrong and fighting is not the way to solve problems. This film is one that examines violence not as a means of solving problems, but as a means of verifying your own existence. This movie dares to portray violence not as a completely horrible and ugly part of life, but as something that in some strange way has a sort of purity to it. Not that this movie says it's a good idea to go out and punch someone in the face, but it definitely does challenge you to think about a few things. The film's story follows Jack (not his real name, but see the movie and you'll understand), an empty materialist insomniac who feels very depressed by his life in general. He works for an auto insurance company and spends most of his time and money building the perfect 21st century apartment, complete with all the essentials; IKEA furniture, a home exer-bike, a personal home office unit, and plates with little bubbles inside them, not to mention a wardrobe that was "almost complete and getting very respectable". Jack is a typical slave to the consumer culture of America and is a generally soulless and shallow individual with nothing real to live for. He finds some slight satisfaction through attennding meetings for people with diseases, such as tuberculosis, blood and brain parasites, and testicular cancer. Jack finds that going to these meetings allows him to cry, giving him an emotional release for all of his sadness, rage, self loathing, desperation, and whatever other feelings lurk deep inside him; the feelings that he can't purge by ordering furniture. These support groups become his new life, and for a time he finds happiness with them. That is, until another "faker", Marla Singer, starts going to Jack's beloved support groups as well. Jack finds that when there's anoter faker present, he is unable to cry, and he is thus robbed of his salvation. Admist all this, things just get worse for Jack as his apartment fills with gas while he is away on business and explodes. After getting over the initial shock of having all his property ripped from him, Jack decides to call Tyler Durden, a man who he had met only several hours before, and who was for a short time Jack's "single serve friend". Tyler agrees to meet Jack for a drink, and the 2 of them engage in the first of many philosophical discussions throuoghout the movie, the basis of this one being whether or not Jack is better off without the apartment. After leaving the bar, Jack asks if he can stay with Tyler. Tyler agrees, but with one condition; he wants to fight Jack. Jack is stunned by this request, but agrees and proceeds to punch Tyler directly in the ear. The 2 continue fighting, and eventually involve others who gather around them. Jack finds the same release he found through crying by fighting, and is very taken by his new found interest. This is the beginning of Fight Club, an organization for men wishing to regain their masculinity by beating each other senseless. Speaking from a strictly cinematic standpoint, this is a truly remarkable film. The directing, the writing, and the acting are all top notch. Norton is absolutely incredible as Jack and shows that he will most likely go on to be remembered as one of the greatest actors in the history of film. His expressiveness is amazing and he brings the character to life like no one else could have. Pitt is also great as Durden and brings a mesmerizing presence to the screen. Watching Tyler rant about the demasculinization (I hope that's a real word) of men in modern society is fantastic. Helena Bonham Carter is also impressive as Marla, the only female character in the movie. She was a great choice for the character. Fincher's direction is also phenomenal. The camera work is great and the dark lighting sets a very fitting mood for the movie. The dialogue is clever, original, insightful, and anything and everything else good dialogue should be. This is one of the best movies I've ever seen. It's creativity is outstanding and the performances are magnificient, plus it never gets boring and the plot twists are great. This is a movie that dares to view violence, masculinity, consumerism, and self realization from an entirely different perspective. I reccommend this movie very highly to anyone who appreciates originality and creativity in cinema.
Rating:  Summary: Action and Plot what an idea Review: What a different movie! I did not go into this movie when I rented it thinking it would appeal to me but the acting is excellent and the plot is so twisted that you can't look away. I ended up buying the DVD and I love it. Not for the squeamish!
Rating:  Summary: Why do USA buyers get ALL DVD features? Overseas get NONE Review: If you check the Australian DVD version of this you will see it has only 1 audio commentary. Yet USA viewers get 4 - that's right, I repeat F-O-U-R. Why do non-USA viewers always get less features on there DVD? It's not fair, shame on the money making DVD movie studios. Is it because were not from American we deserve, are worth less? It's very frustrating, then later they come out with special double edition to get more money from the poor overseas consumers. I really hope this review gets publisged, to inform my fellow Australians not to get the local Fight Club version on DVD. It is inferior. Plain and simple.
Rating:  Summary: Mental LSD. Review: In its most condensed form, Fight Club is about the confliction between conformity--the pressure to conform to a material addicted society -- and nonconformity--the defiant nature of the inner and much suppressed anarchist within all of us. The movie is a tour guide through the darkest aspects of nature. It has a dismal overtone throughout that is distrusting and depressing at times but all the while, brutally true. It is witty and cynical in a way that you will find yourself laughing at things that should never be humorous. Palahniuk has a artistic way of nearly overdoing things at times. He sure likes to beat the dog well after its dead when, with each blow, maggots are expelled from each and every orifice. But thats the beauty of it all. Jack is the epidome of all that is mundane, average and, well, a white-collar slave. During his breakdown he becomes aquainted with his previously dormant alter-ego, Tyler, who is the absolute opposite of himself. As Jack decends into madness, his vulnerability allows his alter-ego to slowly consume him. By the time Tyler becomes the prevalent personality, Jack emerges only from time-to-time to find himself feeling confused and abandoned. He discovers that Tyler has underhandedly formed a militia of renegades to overthrow the consumerism manifestation. Eventually, the escalating chaos steers him to his consequential demise. The captivating directing is raw and graphic but necessary to the film's charisma. The dialog is interesting, fluid, witty and intellectually stimulating. All in all, its master piece. When you think it can't possibly get more weird, suddenly there is a twist of a twist of a twist and you find your brain in a knot of perplexity. It masterfully sustains suspense till the very end. And when the end comes, every uncertainty and mystery is uncovered and the whole movie makes sense. This definately not a movie for Puritians, children, the weak-minded, persons with a high gag reflex or somebody who has yet to be weaned from his mother's nipple.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best movies I own! Review: This is bold, bruising humor alright! At first, I didn't really know what the VHS box was talking about in its description of Jack being a ticking-time bomb insomniac until I finished watching the movie. It's a bit complex to explain anything about this movie since it's one of those psychological comedies. The movie stars Edward Norton (one of my current favorite actors) and Brad Pitt as well as Helena Bonham Carter, Jared Leto and Meat Loaf. The flick starts off with Edward Norton who plays simply the "narrator" but hinted with the notification of Jack as he sits on a chair with a gun in his mouth pointed by Brad Pitt who plays Tyler Durden. You are then taken moments and perhaps days before what had led up to the circumstances. Jack is an insomniac who is looking to decorate his condo with new furniture and home designs to maybe reshape his depression. He starts attending sessions for those who need the same help as him but ends up sprawling back into depression and insomnia when a fake cancer victim steps into the picture. Eventually things get out of hand for Jack and things aren't as they seem and you find out that he's actually "insane" lol with serious emotional problems. You'll have to watch this flick to understand what I'm saying. Jack and Tyler Durden are the same person but in different perspectives. Tyler is who Jack wants to be like and everything that Jack wants to be is Tyler Durden. Anyway, FIGHT CLUB is basically a club for males to release their anger and emotions as they channel primal male aggression beating each other senseless until one of them gives up or gets knocked out. The therapy shockingly works for Jack and the whole system is topped with rules. Through many zany moments, you will find yourself trapped in a maze of questions but everything will reveal itself slowly as the film proceeds to the mind-blowing climax. The bottomline is that this movie delivers no remorse with pure style. Booming with a soundtrack by the Dust Brothers and a concept so worth picking the title up for. Both Edward Norton and Brad Pitt give terrific performances. My favorite scene has got to be when Jack beats himself up in front of his boss. Rent this movie TODAY!!
Rating:  Summary: A Classic in my Book Review: The first time I saw this movie I was in shock to how good it was. Since that point I have seen it at least 25 times, and it never gets old. Brad Pitt and Edward Norton work together so well in this movie. I'm not really a Brad Pitt fan, and I didnt think that he would have worked for this movie because he is a pretty boy, but he works perfectly in it, no one else could have been better for his part in the film. I dont even need to say anything about Edward Norton, he's just a plain out fantastic actor(my favorite as well). This movie is by far the best and my favorite movie I have ever seen, and I have seen a lot of movies. If you have not seen this movie yet, go rent it, it is truely a great film. The only people I would not recommend it for is people that cannot take violence, there are some pretty brutal fight scences. For everyone else, go see it, you wont regret it.
Rating:  Summary: I Am Jack's Sense of Fullfilment. Review: Ok, if you haven't already seen Fight Club, then go out to a parking lot and beat yourself silly. If you have seen Fight Club, you got that. Ed Norton plays the narrator, a nameless character who's dissappointed by his professional life, his love life, and the world he lives in. A character who could be any one of us. Enter Tyler Durden. Tyler is a man who scoffs at rules, society, and social norms. Tyler is a man who is dangerously smart, and even more dangerously charming. When a series of events bring the two together, things begin to happen. Men once tested their valor and courage in battle, but of late we've been taught that fighting is wrong, to avoid confrontation. But Tyler encourages a generation of disenchanted men to embrace their aggression, to channel it, and to make use of it. Only problem is, Tyler has big plans for society, and there's little to stop him. Learn the frightening ease with which soap can be made deadly. Learn the art of self-destruction. Most of all, get some aspirin for the twist ending if you're watching this for the first time.
Rating:  Summary: The real American Beauty Review: Don't get me wrong, I did like American Beauty, but sometimes it was about as subtle as Kelsey Grammar by season 5 of Frasier. It was smart, well intended, yadda yadda yadda - but it also just seemed so "obvious" at times that I couldn't jump on that masterpiece band wagon. Then I saw Fight Club - a love it or hate it film for sure, but I was blown away. To me it conveyed a very similar message with more creativity, more mystery and more raw energy than American Beauty could even imagine. I'm no Brad Pitt fan, but he was fine here. Norton - who lately is taking some missteps - was excellent and HBC was brilliantly freaky and vulnerable at the same time. Gotta love that Valley of the Dolls reference when she walks out of the house! Violent, yes. Weird, sometimes. But vivid and amazing.