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Michael Moore Hates America

Michael Moore Hates America

List Price: $24.95
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Certaintly better than Michael Moore's manipumentary's
Review: A friend of mine bought this dvd and loaned it to me after I told him that I had read and highly recommend Michael Moore is a Big Fat White Man. I loaned him the book, he loaned me the dvd.

As a democrat I find Michael Moore a disgustingly, self serving capitolistic guy who could care less about his country and people in general yet pretending to be helping the democrat party. I sincerely think that Micky Moore cost the democrats more thanhe helped us.

This dvd does a great job in discrediting Moore for having any facts in his manipumentary's. The fact is even Joe Scarborough now admits that Michael Moore lied in his anti-Bush fictionalized manipumentary.

To the people saying go seee Michael Moore's junk first and then watch this to get a better idea, hey, that is Michael Moore's shills talking. You don't need to meet Osama bin Laden to realize what a louse he is and you don't need to waste your hard earned dollars on Michael Moore's junk to realize what a rat he is either.

Just watch this dvd. It tells it all. And I highly recommend Michael Moore is a big fat stupid white man as well.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Repugnant
Review: A truely bad documentary. For all Moore's flaws, he's still a genius compared to these amateurs...

Enough said

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Was expecting better
Review: I don't feel either way about Michael Moore, I've really enjoyed some of his films and I've not liked others. His critics tend to fall along two lines: those looking at his editing techniques and conclusions who point out that MM could work on these aspects of his films. Then there are partisan hatchet jobs, who only criticize because they don't agree with his views.
This movie falls somewhere in between the lines, and violates many of the same rules it expects Michael Moore to follow with razor accurate detail.
I'm not saying "don't watch this", by all means go ahead. I'm just telling people to rent it, not buy it. After one sitting, you probably won't want to watch it again.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Enjoyable
Review: I enjoyed this one from start to finish, and I think while the film did a great job dealing with some of the inaccuracies in Moore's films, the true merit was in its portrayal of Moore himself. I also enjoyed Mike Wilson's approach to his subject matter and how he wrestled with his own use of deception in his film.

One of the most important thing for every American to realize is how easy it is to distort the facts, and how often it happens in mass media. By picking a provocative title, Wilson forces himself throughout the film to deal with the fact that he is not, nor can anybody be, completely objective, even when making a documentry, and I think the choice of title was actually more an attempt to keep himself honest and reminds the viewer that nothing committed to celluloid of the page will ever tell the entire story, but that it is the documentry filmmaker's job to try.

I think Wilson was actually questioning Moore's integrity as an artist more than his patriotism.

And I would be very interested in hearing Moore's response to Albert Maysles' question at the end.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Challenge of Truth in a Documentary
Review: I originally saw this film at a festival and I found it to be quite surprising. In spite of its title, it is not an attack on Michael Moore. While it uses a Roger and Me type of device to tie the elements together, the film focuses on the challenge of maintaining truth and avoiding manipulating images and facts to make a point. The film certainly highlights many of the distortions in Moore's movies, but that is not the primary emphasis. Wilson examines his own desire to get certain images and the tempations to be less than honest in achieving that aim. To his credit, he always corrects these errors before moving on. The section with Penn Gillette is well worth the price of admission. He examines the nature of Bull$%#@ in different forms of media and discusses the difficulty in portraying facts with distorting them. If you are able to set aside your political bias and fawning worship of Moore, I think that you will find this film to be an entertaining look at the documentary genre and Moore in particular. Along the way, you will also get a healthy dose of the optimism that makes America the great country that it is.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A+ Don't Listen to People Here Who Haven't Seen It!!!
Review: I read an earlier review by Amazon member "CQ DX" that appeared on this site and I had to own this movie! He is clearly a liberal (not a crime), the crime is that he clearly did not watch the movie. As an open minded person I wanted to see and hear what the other side had to say. This movie, along with "Fahrenhype 9/11", actually presented better facts and fewer clever film making and editing techniques than Mr. Moore's movie.

Michael Moore is not a credit to "the left", he is a nuisance to us! Although I don't agree with everything in "MMHA" I was very interested in it from top to bottom.

No matter your beliefs...this is a good movie and worth seeing.

I'm sorry if my review is low on witty, hip, and fancy words like the other liberals seem to want to flaunt here...I say "Good movie, must buy, make you happy" :)

I wish this film maker was on our side of the issues...we might have won! Hey right wingers...wanna trade for our guy?

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: So hysterically bad, I peed!
Review: I remember this snail on the Daily Show, and how he thought they were actually interested in his "film". The focus was on how he never met Moore and knows nothing of him. And of course, Moore was easily accessable and made a cameo in the report. It was too funny. Well, this straight to video mess is a bit uncomfortable to watch. Only because you feel bad for this kid making a fool out of himself. Sure, he's only trying to make a buck off the success of Oscar winning Moore. So, for that, he gets the one star... but not my buck. I returned the dvd as defective, of course.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Desperate neocon garbage! Moore is a true PATRIOT!
Review: The ignorant, evasive, and hatemongering neocons are 'running scared' and are desperately showing their lack of intelligence once again. The minute some intelligent, artistic, and astute filmmaker or author points out some very real challenges and important issues facing America and millions of working people, they simplistically label him 'unpatriotic' and a 'hater of America'! Go figure! According to these nazi elitist ignoramuses, the United States IS perfect, so you shouldn't mention any of our real challenges and problems facing everyday Americans, and if you do, you should be sent to France! Moore is not perfect, but his films and books are a largely accurate and concerned foray into the many domestic and other concerns that affect millions in this country, and his excellent work is VERY patriotic and truthful to millions! Moore is REAL. So, get off your high horses and realize that ballsy guys like Moore who tell it like it is, do care for this great country a lot more than you probably do! Trust me... Moore is a LOT more American and patriotic than you pompous fools are!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Abysmal
Review: This movie is truly poor. I was looking forward to seeing this movie, but I was waiting for the theater release and didn't want to buy a copy. Luckily, a friend of mine bought a copy, so I watched it at her place. It's truly dire from beginning to end. Wilson has no charm or grace or talent and the movie belongs in the bargain-section, not on Amazon for $20 +

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Deeply flawed
Review: Without even talking about Moore's obviously superior talent as a filmmaker, I'll say this:

The concept "hater of america" or "anti-American" is an interesting one. The counterpart is used only in totalitarian states or military dictatorships. Thus, in the old Soviet Union, dissidents were condemned as "anti-Soviet." That's a natural usage among people with deeply rooted totalitarian instincts, which identify state policy with the society, the people, the culture. In contrast, people with even the slightest concept of democracy treat such notions with ridicule and contempt. Suppose someone in Italy who criticizes Italian state policy were condemned as "anti-Italian." It would be regarded as too ridiculous even to merit laughter. Maybe under Mussolini, but surely not otherwise. Actually the concept has earlier origins. It was used in the Bible by King Ahab, the epitome of evil, to condemn those who sought justice as "anti-Israel" ("ocher Yisrael," in the original Hebrew, roughly "hater of Israel," or "disturber of Israel"). His specific target was Elijah. The idea of leaving America because one opposes state policy is another reflection of deep totalitarian commitments. Solzhenitsyn, for example, was forced to leave Russia, against his will, by people with beliefs very much like Wilson's.

We have a very limited democracy due mainly to corporate control, and a very power-subservient corporate media; 1% of America has 50% of the wealth and 45 million Americans have no healthcare. Our life expectency is 2-3 years lower than Canada's. Our infant mortality rate is higher than Cuba's. Moore is trying to change that. That's not anti-American. The movie promotes a false patriotism that translates into subordination and loyalty to the state.
Wilson, in his attempts to instill fear of terrorism, forgets a very important detail, the root of the problem: that the best way of stoping terrorism is to stop participating in it.
There's a reason why al quaida attacked us and not Sweden. We should recognize that the US (being 4.5% of the world's population &consuming 50%of resources)exploits the world economically (especially the 3rd world, that's how we get rich) and that in much of the world the US is regarded as a leading terrorist state.

What was the invasion of South Vietnam, for example, in 1962, when Kennedy sent the Air Force to bomb South Vietnam and start chemical warfare? That's aggression. Or what was the Indonesian invasion of East Timor?What was the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, which ended up killing 20,000 people? These last two were carried out thanks to decisive U.S. diplomatic, military, and economic support. The invasion of Panama, what was that? The attacks on Cuba, Nicaragua and much of South America? The bombing of Cambodia? The forceful overthrow of governments? And the list goes on. We've supported dictators like Pinochet, Suharto, Duvalier, Ceacescu Saddam Hussein etc. Bin Laden does retail terrorism. We do wholesale terrorism.
If we bomb them, that's normal; that's what we do. If we get attacked it's the end of the world.
Let's stop our self-adulation and delusion and start applying to ourselves the same standards we apply to others. Let's not point at the splinter in the other person's eye while we have a log in ours. Let's stop our terrorism and exploitation and work towards a better world.

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