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The Personals

The Personals

List Price: $29.95
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Humor and heartache
Review: God, I love this movie! At last, a Taiwanese film with heart and depth, and complexity to really sink one's teeth into beneath a simple and unassuming premise.

Du Jiazheng ("Rene" Liu Joying) is a thirty-something woman, an attractive and successful ophthalmologist, who advertises in the newspaper, looking for a husband. We go with her (under the assumed name of "Miss Wu") on a series of dates with a hilarious assortment of bizarre characters. It would be hard to pick a single standout suitor, but my favorite line has to be "Besides drinking, you must have other hobbies?" Well, it turns out he does, but I'm sure Du wishes she hadn't asked. It is a joy to watch Liu's face as she reacts to her dates' revelations and ploys with bemused and intelligent aplomb.

In between these disastrous meetings, Du makes phone calls in which she recounts them to an answering machine, or writes in a diary. She also runs into a teacher she had had in college, Professor Luo, vigorous and charismatic in red turban-like hat and pants, black suspenders and a white T-shirt. She unburdens herself, and receives sage advice and comfort, a scene that is presented in brief interludes between the dates.

Initially, it seems that "The Personals" is going to be a whimsical comedy about modern dating in Taipei, not much different from typical Hollywood cinema-by-numbers. But gradually we gather something darker is happening in Du's life, a hint here and there in her conversation with the prospects, then in the phone messages and journal entries, as it becomes apparent they're addressed to an estranged lover.

On my first run through this film, it was the weird dates that dominated, with their inventive oddness and humor. But as soon as it was over, I was compelled to rewind and start again, and this time I found myself paying attention to what had before seemed interstitial material, even fast forwarding through the dates that earlier been the focus.

I won't give away the resolution, except to say that it caught me by surprise on several levels. But beyond the overt ending, and feeding off it, the film ultimately seems to be about how with unthinking cruelty we use others' love, loneliness and desperation to assuage our own.

The cinematography is not in-your-face, but is subtly creative. The dates are filmed from a variety of angles which adds visual interest to the otherwise straight talking faces, and many scenes seem to take a cue from the Japanese director Ozu, with his careful framing. One in particular -- when Du tells the answering machine "I feel like a voyeur [listening to her suitors bare their lives]", the camera is peering in at her, voyeuristically, through a window.

This film won't be for everyone. If you need explosions and car chases to keep your interest, if a movie about relations has to involve thrashing naked bodies or shouting and screaming, if suspense for you is only generated by dark shapes springing from the shadows ... well, give it a pass. But if you like quirky indie flicks that explore emotions and relationships, that put script and acting above special effects and fancy camera work, go ahead and take a chance. Although this film may haunt you, unlike a bad blind date it can only stalk you in your mind. No "Fatal Attraction" scenarios, the worst is that you'll be forced to buy a copy.

Production notes: The subtitles are easily readable, even on the VHS copy I viewed. Crisp white in a good font, with a thin black halo, they stand out against any background yet are not obtrusive. The music was well chosen to the mood, including what I assume is a Chinese cover of "The Lion Sleeps Tonight". Unfortunately, none of the characters except Du are specifically credited (though the translation of the credits is sparse); I would be curious to know who played Professor Luo, for one.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A must see
Review: The movie has more to it than the laughs. It makes you wonder the true meanings of life. A great movie. Rene Liu truly is one of the best actresses around.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Funny and cleverly written
Review: This movie is interesting. From the start, you would be wondering why a pretty doctor like Wu (played by Rene Liu) would want to place a personal ad. As the movie progresses, you start to learn about her life and background besides all the crazy blind dates she has (many funny scenes on the blind dates). Then comes the ending when the true reasons unfold. Rene Liu performed very well as an actress in this movie. It's a good movie to see.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Not Romantic, Not Funny
Review: To be fair, maybe this movie is not trying to be romantic or funny, and if that is what you are looking for, you will feel disappointed. But even as a drama this movie doesn't work, with endless displays of monotonous dating scenes and deadpan acting. I gave it two stars for Rene Liu's smile.

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