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The Iron Ladies

The Iron Ladies

List Price: $29.99
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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Has its shortcomings, but a nice story
Review: "Iron Ladies" - as others on these pages have well noted - has its shortcomings: the acting is far from top quality (the 'Coach Bee' character, notably, doesn't act so much as read lines); the sports sequences - for those of us now used to 'Seabiscuit,' 'Ali' or even 'Shaolin Soccer' quality material - is laughably amateurish; the script is trite; the film editing herky-jerky, etc., etc. And, no one is going to rush out and buy this soundtrack, for sure.

All well noted. But what "Iron Ladies" *does* have going for it is a good deal of heart and earnestness in telling what is, amazingly enough, a true story. Indeed, what seals the deal here in terms of having to check 'Ladies' out are the closing credits where - suddenly - we're shown newsreel clips of the 'Real Iron Ladies' squad and we suddenly realize:

a) It's all true (the essential elements of the story, at least).

b) There's a fairly jaw-dropping resemblance between these 'real' folks and their movie stand-ins (and it turns out Coach Bee may not have been such a bad actress after all, as a picture of the real Coach Bee elicted an 'Oh, My God!' from me and my wife).

c) No lie: this group could really play top-notch volleyball (evident in the clips).

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: An Original
Review: A light hearted look at a slice of gay life in Thailand. This movie really isn't bad if you're looking for something different and silly. Humor translates well in any language. The acting is very asian which is over-the-top, most of the time. There's a copy cat movie in cheerleading theme (as opposed to volleyball) called [...] it was curiously and unfortunately misnamed in English as "I Am a Lady". If you like Iron Ladies, you'll like this 'cuter boys in drag' movie, though, it's probably going to be hard to find outside Thailand. Copy the name and search for it online.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Laughable
Review: Horrific acting (oh, the coach is the absolute worst). Horrendously amateurish movie-making. Dreadful action sequences (hello, they're supposed to know how to play the game....). Lame dialogue that gets overly preachy at parts. If it had been done like a Baz Luhrman or John Waters film with that panache of being purposefully bad, it would have worked, but I get the sense it was actually taking itself seriously. *urp!*

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: pleasantly surprised
Review: I convinced three of my classmates to come with me to see this at TIFF last year (Tromsø International Film Festival). I wasn't sure what to expect, but was pleasantly surprised by what I found. this movie is wildly entertaining, but the best part (for me) was the fact that it's a true story.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Loved it!
Review: I first saw this film in Bangkok when it was first released, I don't speak thai, but love the people and the culture, and the acceptance of the ka-toi (lady boys) in Thai society. I wasn't sure what I was letting myself in for at first, but I immediately warmed to the movie, found it absolutely hysterical and went back to see it once more the same week. I was so happy when it was released on DVD and immediately bought it. There has since been a sequel (Iron Ladies 2) which is also good, but doesn't come up to the standard of the original. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED

Rating: 5 stars
Review: I recently purchased this movie on DVD as a gift to myself and what a good move.
I have been buying a lot of gay films and I would say that a majority of the films tend to be either violent,tragic and unresolved issues with the main characters either being beaten, so much anger with parents and mostly dying.
Iron Ladies delivers a different punch and it was very refreshing, the laughters I had the whole time I was viewing it made all the worries and exhaustion of the day all melt away, it showed me the humanity and kinship we human beings are capable off and how we should just tolerate each other and just accept one another for what we are God's children and have LOTS of fun in our lives and loves and no matter who we are,transvestite,transgendered,queen or straight we can all get along and find love too along the way. This is what the movie has taught me.
the characters, especially Jung and Pia, taught me to be true to who I am and even in adversity face it with courage and lots of make-up foundation, that we do not need to conform to be happy and that love and friendship do conquer all.
I was amazed that a movie with this topic could be made by an Asian Director and I guess after watching the film other societies are more open in their acceptance of people's sexual orientation that we Americans have and that we might think Gay Revolution has move forward here I guess it has accelarated in others.
Bravo to the film makers by showing a different view and perspective on Gay Life and this will be viewed and shared to friends and I will personally keep as a precious Gem,thank you Amazon for including such a wide range of Gay Films.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Amazing
Review: I saw this film in NYC last year when it was playing at the Quad Cinema in the West Village. It was incredible being in a theater full of NY-ers laughing outloud. This film is brave, joyous and hysterically funny. It's coming out on video/dvd this year and I can't wait to see it again!!!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A hilarious and touching romp, and it is a true story!
Review: IRON LADIES is a terrific little movie from Thailand that is based on a true story of a Volleyball team comprised of a group of irresistible characters who range from heterosexual, transgender, gay, and drag queens. Assembled by a new coach chosen to propel a losing team to the country volleyball championship, the antics involve the miscegenation of this varied group into a winning format under the umbrella of a team name 'Iron Ladies'. The over-the-top antics of the most flagrant of the drag queens serves to meld the other semi-closeted and straight members into a true team spirit, upholding the best values of good sportsmanship. As the Iron Ladies gain in winning their way to the finals, the expected parental concerns, gay bashing, and unrequited love stories intervene, but these all only serve to keep the wacky group real and grounded in humanity. This film is not unlike the wide appeal of 'Priscilla, Queen of the Desert', 'La Cage aux Folles', and 'The Fluffer' to mention only a few of the movies that stretch the audience's experience a bit. It is a genuinely sensitive, well produced, well acted film that deserves a wide audience who seek understanding of all social categories.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Absolutely Fabulous
Review: It is a funny uplifting movie and I laughed until I cried. Sure it has it's trivial spots, but it's easy to overlook the corniness over the fun! Love it!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A fantastic movie
Review: It is a funny uplifting movie and I laughed until I cried. Sure it has it's trivial spots, but it's easy to overlook the corniness over the fun! Love it!

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