Rating:  Summary: Hilarious Review: I have grown up with the italian version of Trinity and the american version still makes me laugh. Picture quality is not brilliant (considering that the film is very old and was never ment to be an oscar movie) but still better than a VHS for sure. I guess the sound could have been somehow corrected though. I was a bit disappointed by the lack of any subtitles or language selection (I would have appreciated italian language or english subtitles at least) but nevermind I know the italian version word by word. Do not expect blood and violence (a lot of punches around here but I would not call that violence) this is a film almost suitable for children. In conclusion? GREAT
Rating:  Summary: TERRIBLE QUALITY PICTURE Review: I have purchased the double sided DVD with both movies - They Call Me Trinity and Trinity Is Still My Name. The DVD is recorded by "Quality Special Products". What a misleading name. The picture is terrible, like a 3rd copy from a VCR tape. I have the same DVD from German e-m-s in widescreen and with very good picture. I do not recommend buying "Quality" recording, it is WASTE OF MONEY.
Rating:  Summary: Great film... The DVD stinks! Review: I like this movie and have seen a very nice widescreen showing of it here on New Zealand TV and back in the UK.The quality of the DVD is worse than a worn out VHS tape. I couldn't believe my eyes. How can a DVD look this bad? Some of my 10 year old VHS tapes look better. Washed-out colour, poor sound, and worse of all, Full Screen. There should be a no star option for the rating of DVDs. This would definitely get it. I have this and Trinity Is Still My Name and its quality is the same. One of them has a cute quiz game on it maybe even both but I can't bear to watch them after just one viewing. What is worse is that there is no real alternative; this was not available in region 4 or 2 when I bought it. I do notice that it is now in Germany. Might check that one out.
Rating:  Summary: I'm still laughing my a** off! Review: I love Terence Hill and Bud Spencer's movies! They really put you in a good mood with their perfect hiliarousness. I don't care how less sense they make and I didn't care when I was about seven and those movies were the only real cool thing on Television. Absolutely everybody in my class was crazy about Bud Spencer and Terrence Hill, we used to do our schoolyard fights just the way they did with all the mean guys. One day, our Teacher called on our Parents and told them that those movies would make violent lunatics out of us ( it was the same kind of Teacher that told my parents that they were bad parents because they owned a computer and let me play ), but noone that matters really cared. I enjoy those movies even now, they made me laugh more than "American Pie" did. Call me silly, but these movies are true genius: The great Dialogue, the way Bud punches his Fist on the Head of basically everyone, how Terence shoots about four guys by playing cards and doesn't seem to care... I am kind of surprised that people call those movies serious western flicks. But it doesn't matter that much. To me, they are hiliarous , far from perfect but they managed to make me laugh after some real terrible events. That's enough to say I like them!
Rating:  Summary: Here They Go Again! Review: I vividly remember watching several Bud Spencer/Terence Hill films in the early 1980s. This Italian comedy team always provided lots of laughs with the crazy situations each of their films put them in, and these two goofballs were in a lot of different situations, from westerns to car races to cop films. Throughout it all, the formula always stayed the same: Spencer played the taciturn giant who always found himself roped into yet another misadventure by kind hearted Hill. What followed usually involved several awesomely choreographed fistfights (actually hilarious slapfests), slapstick comedy on a level one rarely sees, and a sappy ending where the two save some unfortunate soul who needed their help. I am hoping for a DVD release of "Crimebusters," but until then I will take what I can get from these two funny actors. This means watching films like "They Call Me Trinity" "They Call Me Trinity" is really a spoof of the popular spaghetti western genre so prevalent during the late 1960s and early 1970s. In this engaging comedy, Spencer and Hill play two gunslingers caught up in the harsh realities of the Old West. The film opens with a shot of Trinity (Hill) lounging on a rickety sled pulled by his horse across a baking desert (shades of Corbucci's "Django"?). Trinity arrives at a hole in the wall restaurant where he takes some guff from a couple of bounty hunters who don't like his looks. When the two thugs discover they are facing down Trinity, the fear on their faces is unmistakable because this unassuming, dirty creature facing them is the fastest gunslinger in the West, often referred to as "the right hand of the devil" due to his amazing speed in drawing an iron. Trinity easily deals with these two bounty hunters and continues on his journey to meet up with his half-brother Bambino, played by the inestimable Bud Spencer. Bambino is a taciturn giant of a man, seemingly slow to anger but capable of out shooting the most dangerous outlaws in the land. He's so fast they call him "the left hand of the devil." When Bambino doesn't feel like putting a man in a coffin, he merely slaps them unconscious with a quick blow to the head. Bambino is less than enthused about the arrival of Trinity, and for good reason: his brother always manages to embroil him in dangerous situations. Since Bambino is actually an outlaw himself hiding behind a sheriff's badge, he does not need the attention Trinity always manages to bring wherever he goes. This wouldn't be a real western without some ornery villain whose sole purpose in life is to cause misery to everyone in town. In "They Call Me Trinity," that villain is the Major, a southern dandy who raises horses. Major and his gang of miscreants have taken a special disliking to a group of Mormon farmers settling in a nearby valley. Problem is, Trinity takes a liking to two blonde Mormons and now decides to give them a hand, all the while dragging the reluctant Bambino into the resulting fracas. Every attempt Major makes to dislodge Trinity and Bambino fails, often with hilarious results. When Major decides to join forces with some ridiculous hombres in the region for a final showdown with the farmers, the results are quite amusing. There are at least two sublime joys one gets from watching a Spencer/Hill film. One is the facial expressions and vocalizations of Bud Spencer and the other is the slapstick scenes in each of the duo's films. Bambino is an absolute hoot to watch, always grunting and shrugging with barely repressed disgust as Trinity drags him into yet another problematic situation. Bambino's people skills are sure to draw a chuckle. For instance, on at least two occasions friendly passersby throw out a "howdy, sheriff" only to hear Bambino growl "shut up" while he keeps on walking. In one scene, Bambino discovers Trinity is in a bad situation and asks hopefully, "Is he dead?" only to look crestfallen when informed that his brother is not yet six feet under. The bear like Spencer is a marvelous contrast to the rail thin Hill. Then there is the omnipresent slapstick. This usually translates into a huge fistfight/slapfest where Spencer and Hill lay waste to huge crowds of enemies. The final fight in "They Call Me Trinity" is probably one of the largest in a Spencer/Hill production. There must be fifty guys wailing away on each other for about ten full minutes, with furniture, boards, and fists all delivering punishment in rapid fire succession. The fight scenes in this film aren't as funny as the one in "Crimebusters" where Spencer puts a pair of bowling shoes on his hands before beating the tar out of a gang of mafia hoods, but it's still satisfying to watch. The DVD of "They Call Me Trinity" is a mixed bag. This film really deserves a better treatment than the one offered here. The picture quality isn't all that bad, but you can tell there was no restoration performed on the print. In fact, the picture is barely above VCD quality. The audio isn't great, either, with significant background hum between dialogue sequences. As for extras, there is a lame trivia quiz and short biographies on Spencer and Hill. A commentary by Bud Spencer and Terence Hill would be a nice touch, too. Still, the movie is more than watchable and serves as an excellent introduction to the antics of these two funny comedians. I can't wait to see more Spencer/Hill productions come out on DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Maybe They'll Try To Make A DVD One Day! Review: I'm Sorry! I loved this film, as well as it's sequal. They are clever, detailed, and funny on a number of levels. I enjoy the unglamorous aspects of these westerns that better portay the benefits of living conditions here in the 21st century. Most westerns aren't this thruthfull, despite the fact that these films are spoofs. When I first attemped to play the DVD, I removed it after 5 minutes, frustrated and disapppointed. I knew, when I ordered it, that it was pan & scan (full screen), and although that was a let down for such an excellent film, I adjusted my enthusiasm accordingly. But this thing looks like a distorted copy of the original VHS tape, only with the edges cropped even tighter. There's less picture viewable than the VHS tape, and to make matters worse, the DVD has, as a result, poorer resolution too. It also has washed out color. My honest recommendation, if you don't own a copy of this film in any format, is to buy the VHS copy of it. There are no extras on the DVD. So, the only thing you lose by buying a VHS copy is 1) a requirement to rewind the tape, and 2) a 7 year shelf life before degradation starts becoming noticable. And what would you gain with a VHS copy of this excellent film? You'd gain the entire "Full Frame" picture in a better quality of color rendering. Maybe you could even record your own DVD-R copy of the VHS tape. Even that would be better than this. Mark.........................................................................................................................
Rating:  Summary: I've been a big fan... Review: I've been a big fan of the Trinity movies since grammar school! My older brother and I stummbled on one of them while watching late night TV back in the early to mid 70's. They are great. My favorite scene is the gun drawing/face slapping Trinity does to a bad guy! HILARIOUS!!! I'm so glad I found them here, and quite by accident I might add. I intend to add them to my wish list and purchase them ASAP!!!
Rating:  Summary: Movie was great, DVD was OK Review: I've enjoyed the Trinity movies for a very long time. So, I had to get it on DVD as soon as one of them came out. While it is perhaps the best quality "film" of They Call Me Trinity I've ever seen, from this DVD one can tell that there aren't any pristine clarity copies left. It is the cleanest copy I've ever witnessed, but don't expect a "Matrix" in clarity.
Rating:  Summary: Punchy! Review: In this film, Terence Hill (actually an Italian actor) purposely doesn't shave to more closely resemble the Clint Eastwood of Man With No Name fame. But he does Clint one better--not only does he sport a similar hat, he also wears really raggedy clothes that go hand in hand with his extreme laziness. Half the time, he doesn't even ride his horse; he lounges on the whatchamacallit that he's tied to his saddle--like a big hammock with wooden struts--big enough to carry a man, pulled by a horse, trailing in the back. The horse does all the work. I mean, let's face it, this guy is lazy! He also eats like a pig, but is the fastest gun in the West. His half brother's a horse thief but takes over as sheriff in the typical little western town that's run by a typical rich dandy, played to perfection by Farley Granger. Usually Granger annoys me (cf. Hitchcock's Strangers on a Train), but here he's perfect. Granger and his men are fixin to destroy the nearby Mormon settlement run by Brother Tobias, a holier-than-thou kinda guy with two hot lookin babes in the fold that Trinity just can't resist. Throw in some ridiculously immature Mexican banditos and ya gotta tasty brew that's well worth the price of admission, folks. This Trinity guy is so darned lazy that when Brother Tobias starts reeling off all the tasks Brother Trinity's gotta take care of, the lazy bum--in spite of the babes--heads for the hills with his brother. What a guy. The beginning is sorta slow, but stick with it. It definitely gets better. The ending is a real hoot. I ain't never seen so much punchin' in all my life. Cheap, lotsa fun. Go for it.
Rating:  Summary: Yawn.......What's that noise? Review: It has it's funny moments but it's really slow and there's often an annoying whine in the background.