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Taste of Cherry - Criterion Collection

Taste of Cherry - Criterion Collection

List Price: $29.95
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A "Taste" Of Life!
Review: As I read through the viewer comments on this film, it's clearly evident that they're are two sides the public has taken. Some say it's a slow, pretenious, boring film while others dare call it a masterpiece. A beautifully constructed film that was done with compassion and care. No doubt you can tell which group I belong to by the amount of stars I've given the film. But, that doesn't mean I am unable to see both sides of the film myself. As I first started watching this film, I too, became not bored, but, disillusioned with it. I was expecting something completely different, and was not prepared to see a movie which mostly takes place in the main character's van. Now, this does not mean I did not appreciate the obvious craft inwhich this film had been done with. I thought the cinematography was wonderful, the acting by Homayon Ershadi who plays Mr. Badi was enjoyable to watch, and the film was directed with style by Abbas Kiarostami.
Some might be tempted to say this is Kiarostami's version of Ingmar Bergman's "The Seventh Seal", while that's not entirely true, I can understand why one would say that. Both films try to come to some conclusion as to the meaning of life. What is life all about? How does one find happiness? I admit I like Bergman's film better, but, "Taste of Cherry" in its own way is just as compelling and spellbinding. It has a more subtle tone to it then "The Seventh Seal". There are moments where the film does have a tendency to lag a bit, but, when the film starts to take shape, it's one powerful film.
The story-line of "Taste of Cherry" as many if not everyone knows is about a man, Mr. Badii, who wants to committ suicide. His only problem is he cann't find anyone to bury him. This leads him on his own journey to find someone to do this deed. After searching and searching for someone, he finds Mr. Bagheri (Abdolrahman Bagheri). Its when these two meet that "Taste of Cherry" comes full circle. Now, there will be those who say, well, can you really say a movie is good if it only has 20 minutes or so that work? If they managed to swell up the feeling that those 20 minutes do, then yes! But, I do also feel that there is more than just 20 minutes or so of this film that works. "Taste of Cherry" is a wonderful film that is not for all tastes, but, for those who have enjoyed it, and those that might come to enjoy it in the future, we know there are few films that can do what this one does.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Don't know why
Review: Either this film is brilliant or it is horribly bad. I don't know, but I do know that I was mesmerized as I watched it, and it stayed on my mind, even after repeated viewings. This is cinema.

Intentionally or not, it's structured like a Qur'anic Ruku, which is rare in modern literature.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Simplicity
Review: El Sabor de la Cereza al contrario de lo que se podría presumir no es una película intimista. La película es más un tratado moral sobre el suicidio - tiene el hombre derecho a poner fin a su propia vida o debe esperar la decisión divina. A pesar de ello, no hay juicios emitidos ni sentencias o moralejas moralistas. Sólo hay una sensación de haber comprendido la miseria humana.

La miseria en la que está sumido el Sr. Badi, su principal personaje, contrasta con la visión optimista y quizás ingenua de la vida de las personas a quien éste recoge en su viaje por las montañas de Teherán.

La visión y reacción a su propuesta por parte de cada uno de los personajes a quien recoge en su viaje es una escalada en contenido y emoción.

Primero, el niño soldado que se ve abrumado y asustado ante tal propuesta. Luego el seminarista, quien acepta los designios de su religión sin cuestionamientos. Finalmente, el taxidermista, con una visión más mundana y más simple de la vida. Es éste personaje quien mayores y mejores argumentos en contra del suicidio aporta. Sin embargo como explica el Sr.Badi, un tercero puede comprender su sufrimiento, pero no lo puede sentir.

La película está filmada con la misma simplicidad de su trama: sin adornos innecesarios, con planos largos sobre el rostro del Sr. Badi, con silencios prolongados y como mencioné con diálogos simples y llenos de emoción.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Best Kiarostami film I have seen
Review: Excellent movie. Most original Kiarostami movie I have seen. LOVED the ending (or lack of! ) Happy to see a movie that does not try to appeal to the masses or anyone. Found it very emotional. Impressive to see how much was done with so little.

Given my rusty Farsi, and the fact that the subtitles were on your face, I had to listen and read at the same time. I can see how the subtitles did not do justice to the movie.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: nothing happens very slowly
Review: I am a fan of international cinema and art-house films (Bergman, Truffaut, Renoir, Lelouch, Eisenstein, Kurosawa, Oshima, Fellini, de Sica, Tornatore etc etc) so I have to admit to being surprised and confused over how this film scooped prizes at Cannes and elsewhere. I suppose that it was so different to the average Hollywood "shootemup" that some critics thought it original. So original that the director obviously felt that minor factors like character development, a story and an ending were not really necessary. To be fair the camerawork is original and the film has a neo-realistic feel, so, if you want an alternative to the latest offering from Cameron and do not mind sitting through the long pauses, separated by long pauses, you could try this film.

Rating: 1 stars
Review: I cannot believe this film shared the Palm d'Or with the much better Japanese film, "The Eel," in 1997. "The Eel" is everything that "A Taste of Cherry" is not and Kiarostami can learn a lot from Imamura: provocative film images (e.g. white street light turning red, man plunging into an aquarium, etc.), an assortment of interesting and diverse characters, black comedy, great story line (i.e. man's inability to connect with one another--hence the character who tries to communicate to the UFOs), and lots of metaphors (e.g., eel, UFOs, unaccepted lunch boxes, etc.). I have seen "The Eel" five times and am still not bored with it whereas I kept checking my watch to see what time it was during "A Taste of Cherry." I know it's unfair to compare films but I really believe there's no comparison between "The Eel" and "A Taste of Cherry." Do yourself a favor and check out "The Eel" instead.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The Taste of Cherry we should all appreciate
Review: I feel that this movie is trying to teach a moral lesson to the viewers. A man who had contemplated committing suicide reminds the main character of the movie, who also is planning on committing suicide, of the simplicity of life and all the beautiful things in life that we do not appreciate, such as the taste of cherry.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One Word MASTERPIECE
Review: I have been following the Iranian film movement with great interest. Unlike most films this one has no real beginning or end. It is like the viewer is drawn into the protagonists life for a brief day and then the viewer leaves before the climax ends. When I saw it, the ending was superb, because audiences tend to want all the ends tied before a movie ends, but this movie didn't do that. It chose to leave and let the imaganition take over. And that is what I loved about this film. That is what I love about Iranian films, because they take simple ideas and document them with pictures, with great writing, and slow pace. Most people do not get it, but the ones who do, appreciate the effort the filmmakers put in making these simple buy joyful films. This film is simply a masterpiece, and is the best film of this year!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Rent it, Buy it IF you like it.
Review: I just saw the movie this weekend. It is a very long and boring movie with endless dirt roads. The way the movie ended, I think the video was tampered with. What happened at the end?

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: You can REALLY feel it.
Review: I saw this movie twice and both times felt the overwhelming emotions that the characters take you through. It not only tells a story, it teaches as well.

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