Rating:  Summary: Cannibal Ferox (a.k.a. Make Them Die Slowly) Review: This film has to be one of the most brutal and disturbing ever made... You will need a strong stomach to get past all the gruesome violence-- a man is castrated, a woman's breasts are pierced by hooks, stomachs are ripped open, a man's hand is cut off, a man's skull is cut open and his brains ripped out and eaten-- not to mention the various animal deaths. It is all very disgusting, and is really only for hardcore gore fans.The film is about a group of anthropologists who travel to the Amazon to prove that cannibalism does not exist. Along the way, their Jeep is stuck in the mud, and they meet two drug dealers who say they narrowly escaped being killed by the natives, who are cannibals. Soon, they find out that it was all a lie, and that it is really the drug dealers who tortured the otherwise harmless cannibals. It is all very ironic, and they soon find that, when they make their way into the village, the natives want revenge-- the rest of the film is really just about the group trying to escape, unsuccessfully. There is also a subplot which takes place in New York, that has the police trying to track down the drug dealers. Directed by Umberto Lenzi, who is known for shocking and violent films such as Eaten Alive and Nightmare City, this film will most likely make you vomit. But despite this I cannot say that I dislike the film... I am very fond of it because I remember viewing it when I was younger and I really liked it. While it is not a film I would watch everyday, I still like it because it is somewhat stylish and includes a great score that sticks in your mind long after you view the film. I recommend the film only to hardcore gore fans only. It would probably give any other person a heart attack!
Rating:  Summary: One of the Best Cannibal Movies Review: I have all the cannibal movies ever made except a couple, and this is one of the best. This is Lenzi's best effort out of Man from Deep River, Eaten Alive, and this. Cannibal Ferox sees two very brutal deaths that are must-sees- Radice's charscter Mark Logan gets castrated then his head chopped off, and a woman gets hanged by her breasts. There are only a couple scenes of actual cannibalism, but the cannibals themselves is what the plot revolves around. Compared to Cannibal Holocaust, I give it four stars, and even on its own it could've been better. It is supposedly a comment on racism, but we all know its an explotation shocker. I first saw this in seventh grade as a rental and it was pretty scary. Now seeing it with older eyes as a diehard cannibal fan, I can look back and say that the rental got me into cannibals in the first place. Radice is actually my favorite actor, but these days is embarassed to be associated with Italian horror and pities those like me who can't find a better way of having a good time. Grindhouse did a good job with this as well as The Beyond- it looked much better than the old big box rental titled Make Them Die Slowly. A must-see for exploitation and horror fans!
Rating:  Summary: GUESS WHO'S COMING TO DINNER.... Review: Another "so bad it's good" video nasty classic now available on dvd! "Cannibal ferox" was written and directed by Italian Umberto Lenzi and filmed on location in New York and South America. It was originally released in 1981, two years after the excellent "Cannibal holocaust", which many people consider to be the pinnacle of the "cannibal" genre. Personally I prefer "Ferox" to "Holocaust", mainly because the latter tries a little too hard to be a "proper" movie, while "Ferox" has no such pretensions and just gets on with delivering the gore by whatever cheap and nasty means are required. The film actually starts off in NYC, with the rather annoying subplot which serves as an intermittent and completely pointless distraction throughout the film, and involves gang members (and later police) searching for a missing drug dealer who has run away with their money. All of a sudden we switch to South America, just as three young explorers (Gloria, the leader, plus her brother Rudy and friend Pat) are about to set off into the jungle. They don't believe in cannibals! In fact, this is a research trip to help Gloria finish her thesis, which seeks to prove that cannibalism is a myth. Little do they know.... After a series of minor disasters and encounters with the local natives and wildlife they eventually bump into two other Americans, Mike and Joe, who tell them they've escaped from some cannibals that killed (and partly consumed) a friend of theirs. Our three well-meaning innocents believe them at first, and before long they all arrive at the cannibals' village, which is temporarily safe due to the fact that most of its inhabitants have left. The few mainly elderly natives who remain are obviously rather wary of Mike, and Gloria and her two companions are shocked by the sight of some decaying and partly consumed human remains, whose presence seems to back up the story Mike and Joe have told them. However, by the time they realise what's really happened in the village and what a fine mess they've got themselves into, it's too late.... When the gorefest really begins, most of the cutting, stabbing, chopping and impaling is surprisingly realistic (although there are some very amateurish moments as well). I'll refrain from describing it all, but my favourite moment is a particularly juicy "lobotomy" scene that you won't forget in a hurry, and of course, there's also some cannibalism.... Overall the quality is well above average for a video nasty and while the plot, dialogue and acting aren't exactly brilliant, I've certainly seen and heard a lot worse. The main problem with the film is the unnecessary sub-plot which starts in New York and eventually ties up with the action in the jungle, but mainly just gets in the way; and listening to the same burst of cheesy disco music during every cut-back to NYC starts to get on your nerves after a while. The director is also a little too keen on punctuating the jungle scenes with endless footage of the local wildlife, and seems to be particularly fond of monkeys, but it's worth enduring all this for some genuinely excellent gore! This dvd re-release has been put together very well. The film has been superbly transferred to dvd and whoever designed the menus and wrote the chapter headings has an appropriately sick sense of humour (you'll see what I mean when you get it). The extras include an interview with Umberto Lenzi, commentary from Lenzi and one of the actors, production stills, movie posters and more. Although often talked about as if it's the most horrific of all gore movies and apparently banned in a huge number of countries, "Cannibal ferox" is not as shocking as you might expect. Many of the complaints about it have come from animal rights activists who object to the fact that apart from the fake gore inflicted on the humans, the film also includes some animal deaths which are obviously real. If you do enjoy this film then "Cannibal holocaust" is definitely worth seeking out as well, but most of the other cannibal films ("Cannibal apocalypse", "Cannibal terror" etc) are best avoided....
Rating:  Summary: take it for what it is and you will love it Review: This movie takes itself very seriously. That is perhaps why it has such a comical overtone. Be you not decieved though. This movie creates a disturbing scenerio that leaves a lasting impression. It's flaws are so obvious that they're not flaws at all. This film has an innocent dementia not unlike a child who rips the wings off of flies. For better or for worse I find myself popping this one in time and time again. True cult material.
Rating:  Summary: What Cannibals? Review: This is a true exploitation movie. It was probably banned in 31 Countries because it was so boring. I give it 1 star for two reasons: 1) The opening credits music - real tacky - Nice! 2) And for the positive reviews written about the film that conned me into buying it in the first place. Take my advice - Tim Burton's Sleepy Hollow has more graphic violence than Cannibal Ferox...
Rating:  Summary: Gore Fiends only Review: Well here we have it. Umberto Lenzi's Cannibal Ferox on DVD. This is definatly one for gore fiends only. There are some scenes were the gore is used quite nicely, but unfortunatly they are pretty spread out and you have to watch the [stuff] in between. Also, what is the deal with killing all of the animals? Yes, I will warn you, many cute and furry animals gave their lives for this film. The extras on the DVD are pretty good. You get trailers, bio's, commentary, and all sorts of other things. Mine even came with a mini poster. So if you are into gore and don't mind the cruelty to animals than you can probably appreciate this film.
Rating:  Summary: make them die slowly ... Review: this movie was boring. the only thing really shocking about it is how the ASPCA didnt sue the ... out of them. it clames to have so many scenes of graphic torture and what not, but they neglect to tell you that 2/3 of the abuse is done to the animals. the only reason i gave it a rating at all was due to the fact the the actual scenes that involved the slaughter of a human looked pretty real, other then that it was a seditive.
Rating:  Summary: The ULTIMATE in Cannibal movies Review: Other than the even more disturbing "Cannibal Holocaust"..."Cannibal Ferox a.k.a Make The Die Slowly" is by on all accounts the most graphic, goriest, disgusting, repulsive, movie I've ever seen. This movie makes "Faces Of Death" look like a kiddie matinee on a Sunday afternoon. And that is saying a lot. The plot is very simple; a few people go into the Amazonian jungles and basically get hacked, sliced, chopped, and ripped to shreads by really pissed-off cannibal natives. I really can't go into details, because for 1, it's too graphic, 2...I would be ruining the movie for those wanting to see this flick. Grindhouse really did an excellent job in re-releasing this 70's/80's cult gem back into the original un-cut, un-edited format...so yes you can throw away those old Thriller Movie versions that you payed 2 bucks at your local video rental stores. I totally praise Grindhouse in heir past(Lucio Fulci's "The Beyond"), present(Make Them Die Slowly) and future(Cannibal Holocaust) attempts to bring back the old cult classics.
Rating:  Summary: Fun movie, Grindhouse DVD exceptional in extras Review: This review is just to say that Grindhouse Releasing has put out one of the most impressive DVDs I have seen yet with "Cannibal Ferox". Excellent picture and sound, and exceptional extras (like having Lenzi talk all the way through the film).
Rating:  Summary: warped my precious mind Review: I rented this movie from the local video store when I was only 10 years old , and that is probably the reason why my mind is so warped and I gave Zombie Lake 5 stars...the day I saw this movie it was definitly the most sick , perverted , disgusting thing I ever saw in my life and to a 10 year old it was extremely horrifying. I finally saw it again years later completly and it still left me feeling horrified and disgusted. I've seen this movie countless times since then and it still to me is able to live up to the title it's trailer proudly gave it "The Most Violent Film Ever Made". This movie is the most sick and disgusting piece of film making I have ever witnessed , and I loved every single minute of it. Pointless violence , pointless nudity , excessive gore the only people that could find this entertaining have to be mentally defected ..and I think after watching this at the age of 10 I am indeed mentally defected See this movie ...or are you a big baby?