Rating:  Summary: The Dish Soars!!!! Review: The Dish is simply put, a wonderful film. If for anything, it captures-perfectly-that summer of l969 when Neil Armstrong & Buzz Aldrin first set foot upon the moon. We see the event from the point of view of a small Australian town who happens to have the largest radio telescope("the dish") in the Southern Hemisphere. The actual moon landing is seen via grainy,often black and white news footage, which only enhances the nostalgia of the film. There is hilarity in the portrayal of some of the characters and there is also drama to underscore the importance of the event.Sam Neill and Patrick Warburton give stellar performances as one would expect. Musically, it scores well with great rock/jazz tracks of the time by Steppenwolf,The Moody Blues, Mason Williams,Blood Sweat & Tears and more. I was sorry this film did not get a wider release in the US.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderfully Refreshing Review: I found myself driving 114 miles through back-country roads, only to wind up sitting in a very odd, cramped, and non- airconditioned theater (I think it led a former life as a church), simply to see this film. Would I do it again? ABSOLUTELY! The movie is well worth whatever discomfort endured, to have the privilege of seeing it. It is very well written, with witty lines, interesting character quirks, and touching moments. The cast is superb, allowing us the ability to truly feel something for their character. It's an all-'round good film; no violence, no gore, no car crashes or explosions, and minimal cursing. This film is a truly refreshing event indeed.
Rating:  Summary: Outstanding Review: After seeing the movie I came home and immediately sent a mass e-mail to everyone in my address book recommending they go see The Dish. The next weekend we took both sets of parents. As soon as it is available on VHS I am stockpiling a collection to give as gifts.
Rating:  Summary: A Pukka top drawer smashing terrific film Review: Yes, this is just about the best film of this century so far. Just go and see it and you'll see what I mean, 'nuff said.
Rating:  Summary: Another Australian Winner Review: My wife is an American History teacher so she encouraged her class to see "Pearl Harbor". We both agree this one is probably better than "PH". The humor is so natural, the acting is superb, probably because there was only one face (Sam Neill) in the movie that anyone has seen before. It's a great story and the fact that it is true makes it even better. Please find time to see this great little low-budget blockbuster!
Rating:  Summary: Enjoyable and not too heavy. Review: From the creators of The Castle comes a fun comedy that tells an unusually true story about the heroes who allowed us to see Neil Armstrong walk on the moon. The film is accurate and entertaining, but not exactly the most exciting movie of the year. Frankly, as the film starts, its boring. But, as the characters develop and the story neatly unfolds, The Dish becomes a light and enjoyable experience. The film gives us comedy without being too in-your-face. It pushes all the right buttons with such experienced unforced flow it becomes almost impossible not to raise a smile. There is also a fabulous soundtrack and some mighty promising performances, most notably from Tom Long who plays the nervous but clever Glenn with a respectful and funny angle.
Rating:  Summary: The Dish Review: What a surprise! The feel good movie of 2001. Not only filled with humour and educational about the Apollo 11 mission, I was only 11 at the time, but this movie made me proud of our country and proud of our efforts engaged in the space program. What a joy!
Rating:  Summary: Charming & funny historic film, strongly recommended for all Review: The television signal from the moonwalk was not carried to earth by carrier pigeon, it was beamed through a big dish in the middle of Australian sheep country.The story of the Australian involvement in the moonwalk is told in a uniquely quirky and funny manner that only Rob Sitch and the rest of the ex-DGen team could do. With a budget bigger than that of their first feature film, The Castle, the resources where there for the production team's creative dreams to be fulfilled. The product is a well-crafted and clever piece of cinematography. Australian viewers will enjoy local acting talent in Tom Long, Kevin Harrington and even ex-Neighbour Eliza Szonert, while others will enjoy the entertaining real-life based storyline and intelligent, genuinely funny humour. The movie evokes nostalgic reminscing amongst those who were glued to their TV sets that day in 1969 (largely through a awesome movie soundtrack). Those, like myself, who weren't around at the time of the moonwalk will enjoy the somewhat abstract history lesson. The Dish is a fantasic, light-hearted yet thoughtful film. I strong recommend it to all.
Rating:  Summary: RELIVING A GREAT MOMENT ON EARTH (DOWN UNDER) Review: Without this throughly enjoyable film, the important role of Australian scientists in bringing live video of American astronauts walking on the moon's surface would have been an unnoticed footnote in history. Certainly, when we watched the moon landing on our home TV in New York City, we took for granted that getting the images to us was not that "big a deal" .... and never mind that the Australians had ANYTHING to do with it. What this film brings home is the fragility of the entire NASA enterprise. The retrospective makes clear that given the state of the art, success of the moon landing mission boardered on the miraculous. Of course, the movie's title refers to a radio telescope in a farmer's field in the outback town of Parkes, Australia. The Dish installation played a critical role in making it possible to bring live TV images of Neil Armstrong's first lunar steps to a worldwide audience of more than 600 million viewers. Geography and timing put Parkes in the ideal position on earth relative to the moon for receiving Apollo 11's signals. NASA collaborated with the Australians in to make it happen. But the true story brought out in this film is that the biggest TV show of the millennium almost didn't happen. Everything from local power failures in Parkes and a very rare wind storm on top of some attutudes at NASA made the Australians' part in broadcasting this event touch-and-go from thebeginning. Directed by Australian filmmaker Rob Sitch, THE DISH stars Sam Neill (he also starred in "Jurassic Park") in his most memorable performance as Cliff Buxton, the rock steady and competent chief scientist of The Dish. Others which made this film work were Buxton's quirky sidekicks, math expert Glenn Latham and technician Ross ``Mitch' Mitchell (played by youthful Tom Long and Kevin Harrington). They're joined by super-serious NASA scientist-bureaucrat wonk Al Burnett (Patrick Warburton, regularly playing on TV's Seinfeld) who at first isn't sure the Aussies have what it takes to make The Dish work for NASA's program. Previous tales of NASA's Apollo 11 mission were covered in Yankee pride for good reasons. In the space race with the Soviet Union (hardly mentioned in the film) the first moon voyage was the most daring, dangerous and significant single event of the 20th century. It was a triumph of American ingenuity. But just as World War II wasn't won by the Americans alone - never mind that John Wayne safely beating the enemy on Hollywood sets would have you believe otherwise - neither was Apollo 11's success soley America's triumph. When you see the moonwalk begin, and Armstrong starts his slow climb down the ladder of the lunar module, your heart may skip a beat as you realize that three decades ago, for one brief shining moment, all of humanity was united in reaching out to the universe through our courageous astronauts. As in Houston, Texas , the film makes it dramatically clear that in Parkes, Australia ordinary men and women working together in extraordinary ways made this historic event happen. You've just got to see THIS film!
Rating:  Summary: A Film that is an absolute MUST Review: This was the best movie I have seen in years and am recommending it to family and friends. The humour was excellent and the drama intense, an odd combination, perhaps, but exactly right. I look forward to seeing this film again.