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Magnolia - New Line Platinum Series

Magnolia - New Line Platinum Series

List Price: $26.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Anderson confronts ignorance
Review: I think the people who have said that this movie is hard to watch if you can't take emotion hit the nail on the head. This film is emotionally charged, tapping into the strongest feelings that we have: love (whether it be heterosexual or homosexual), loss, and ultimately happiness and reconciliation.

I don't understand how reviewers can claim that the movie had no climax or conclusion. I thought it was pretty clear what the climactic moment of the movie was (coughfrogscough). I heard Philip Seymour Hoffman explain that scene very compellingly. He said that all of these incredibly important, though publicly unrecognized, events were taking place (and they did happen), so it was completely logical to culiminate all of the grief and rage with a sort of ridicualously absurd public plague. The pain in the lives of the characters was so thick and blinding it was almost as though it manifested itself in that scene. And no resolution or "coming together"? Notice how significantly the characters have changed by the end of the film.

Another thing that Hoffman said was that he loved playing a "good guy," someone with real morals and his "ducks all in a row." Phil isn't the only character like this. The Catholic cop is also a moral person, someone most people would label as a big dork. I think many of the negative reactions to this movie come from a strong distaste for "goodness" that is engrained into our collective psyche. Dysfunction is much cooler. We'd rather watch Lester Burnam lust after a sixteen year old. I admire Anderson for directly confronting this trait of our society. Sure there was a fair share of dysfunction in Magnolia, but Anderson realized that a balanced equation for realism must include goodness as well. I applaud him even more when I think that Anderson must have known that he would be met with the ignorance displayed in many of these reviews. And he made the film anyway.

So go watch all of your wonderfully hip stories of losses of innocence and sadness. See if you get any emotional fulmillment. Oh, I forgot, you'd rather not feel any emotion at all.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: D-E-V-I-N-E!
Review: magnolia is layers of wonderful acting and dialogue, not to mention out of this world cinematography and a beautiful sountrack by Aimee Mann. In the past, I have felt that some "intertwining" films have been gimmicky, and that there is always one story you want to get back to. Not magnolia! Every story was fabulous! The entire cast and crew put their hearts and souls into this film and it sure does show! I've seen this epic drama many times now, and every time, there's something new I appreciate about it! I won't go deep into evaluating the performances, because everyone is their own powerhouse, but Philip Baker Hall and William H. Macy moved me more than I have ever been moved before. It's a real dark and emotional film, so try to watch it on a sunny day, not one that is gloomy and raining cats and frogs... er... dogs.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: 3 Stars for great directing and acting but a bad story
Review: I agree totally with the reviewer from Grapevine, Texas. The first 10 minutes or so were very intriguing, literally pulling and drawing me into the film. I thought I was in for something very special. The film is constructed in the same manner as "Resevoir Dogs" is put together, many stories running succinctly and intercut with one another. Just when you forget about a character and their situation, boom, there they are. The acting is first rate, even though watching Jason Robards die on screen was heartbreaking. I did find the movie dragging on a bit after the second hour. I was awating a climactic ending, along the lines of "The Game". But sadly, the film never delivers. The ending is one of the biggest letdowns I have had in film in quite awhile. The ending is so proposterous and contrived that you have to wonder what the writer was thinking about, or smoking, while he/she was writing it? Worth a few bucks to rent if only for the directing and acting. But don't waste your money if you are considering purchasing it.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: I want my money back and...
Review: After renting this movie, I felt the need to return to the video store and not only demand my money back but my hourly rate for the three hours I wasted as well.

This movie, sporting an excellent cast, had great potential. The first ten minutes of the movie made me feel I was truly in for a great movie. The next hour and a half kept me on the edge of my seat waiting for how the plots were going to come together.

While watching the last hour of this movie, it became obvious that they never would. The dialog became slow and the characters lost their interest and the common theme that brings the movie together in the end is...

I so wish I could tell you how this movie ends just so you WON"T WASTE YOUR TIME AND MONEY ON IT! All I can say is...when it rains, it pours!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: the power of performance
Review: Paul Thomas Anderson's film 'Magnolia' is a movie that captures the full attention of the viewer from the first stories of chance and coincidence to the seemingly apocalyptic storm of frogs that draw all of the characters together. Some of the performances seem a bit overdone, most notably Julianne Moore as Linda Partridge, but with the small amount of time allotted to develop each character and advance the story, these types of performances are more than necessary to give the viewer a sense of pathos and sympathy for each character and his or her struggles. Directorally, Anderson is nothing less than genius. It's very rare to find a young writer/director who is equally adept with a camera and a pen. The movie is a masterpiece, both complex and visually stunning. A film like this should be the hallmark of a director's career. Fortunately for everybody, Anderson has the best years of his career ahead of him.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This is what film is all about
Review: I read the screenplay before I saw the film, which isn't bad, but in this instance, it is. See the movie, THEN read the screenplay. So, for me, the thrill was so to say "gone". But there was still much left to enjoy.

This movie starts off showing three instances of chance, or coincidences in life. Which is basically the whole movie. Someone might ask me, "Well why'd they have to take three hours to play it out." Because, the beauty of it all is hidden within the film. The acting, the cinematography, the music, everything. I can't say much about this movie because I'm still not sure how I exactly feel about it. I'm going to have to view it a few more times. It's a journey, that's what this film is. A cinematic journey of life, love, death, family, sex, drugs, and everything else. Stuff happens...that's what this movie shows. Stuff hapens...and that's life.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Maybe I missed something...
Review: I thought this movie was god awful. I sincerely enjoyed Anderson's "Boogie Nights", so I was very excited about this movie and wanted to like it. No chance. It bored me to tears. Seriously, can anyone tell me they enjoyed the 3+ hours that led up to the ridiculous ending of this movie? C'mon! The dialogue is tedious and it just tries way too hard. I have no problem with a movie that really has no sensible conclusion or plot, but it's got to be compelling and at least say something along the way. This stinks!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Stunning Visual and Musical Feat
Review: This is my favorite film of 2000. I saw it three times in the cinema and watching it on DVD is just as satisfying. Plus the extra interviews and diary of the film is fun and interesting. It is long and it does at many times border on the sentimental, but it never falls over the edge. Really, it doesn't seem as long as the minute count indicates. There is so much happening and it keeps your interest perked to the point where the hours slip by without notice. It maintains a brilliant delicate balance between the characters interconnecting them in strange and moving ways. The music is what makes the movie because it connects all of the characters in one emotional movement. You are really told so little about them, but the poignancy of the script in conjunction with the emotional texture of the music weaves not just one but several penetrating emotional portraits. Aimee Mann's music is simply poetic. Julianne Moore is one of the best American actresses of the shiny screen today and her performance is one that is complex and makes you feel tremendous sympathy for this woman who is so desperate. Tom Cruis' role is at the same time hilarious and moving. He pulls it off masterfully. Philip Baker Hall gives a great performance. Those who loved 'Boogie Nights' will love this film. My only criticism is that the story of "the worm" is not developed enough, but if you read the screenplay you will see that this story line is drawn more deeply. The story was cut out for time reasons even though it's still a long movie. But even so, the film has so much to offer you will definitely feel you've got your money's worth. It's a powerhouse.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Magnolia
Review: The entire movie is anti-climactic. You could watch it backwards and it wouldn't have made a difference.

Being that this was a three-hour movie, I had high expectations of Magnolia. A movie this long was bound to have in-depth, intelligent dialog that analyzed the events of everyday life. For the first two and a half hours I watched it as objectively as possible, but in the back of my mind I was hoping that all this character/plot development would eventually lead up to a climax that was worth three hours of anyone's life.

I was disappointed, however. The prologue for the movie and theatrical trailers that I have seen did not do justice to the irrelevant, uninteresting rhetoric of the movie. It does not "all come together" in the end. There is no epiphanous moment in which the movie makes a point, changes your perspective, or convinces you that this particular DVD was worth twenty-five dollars.

The songs by Aimee Mann were the only high points.

For those of you who loved this movie, this is only my opinion. I can see how a movie like this could be so highly praised, but it just didn't do it for me.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: You know, you know, you know. GO, GO, GO.
Review: Ok,so I gave it 5 stars, and i know that it implies perfection, but deal with it. First of all, I saw magnolia on opening night in the theater, and didn't really like it that much. I thought it was ok, beautifully filmed, but it didn't meet my expectations. Because I knew of the multiple storylines, i expected something tarantino-esque with something that tied together neatly. Boogie Nights also really affected my expectations. Since half of the cast of Boogie Nights is in it, I couldn't help but associate it. THIS IS NOT TARANTINO. THIS IS NOT BOOGIE NIGHTS. It isn't ironic, sarcastic, and full of pop culture jokes. It's a bit messy, but so is life. It is very emotional, and that is why i had trouble dealing with it. I wasnt ready to "get off my ego" and let it affect me. Since emotions are the focus, if you can't experience them, the movie feels shallow. I was expecting a story and event driven movie, and this isn't what i got. I kept waiting for something, and while i waited, i missed most of it. But even though i didn't like it all that much, i couldnt get it out of my head. I kept thinking about it, and i kept realizing how much life really feels like the movie. At one point in my life, people all around me kept getting hurt, all at the same time. I just kept thinking, this is like magnolia, everyone is experiencing the same things. So i watched it again when it came out on video, and it was like watching a new movie. I noticed so much more, and i realized how amazingly real the acting is. Just watch Tom Cruise react to the question about his mother, and tell me it isn't one of the most real things you've ever seen. I still felt it was a bit too long, but it seemed more justified. "Life is Long." I couldn't stop thinking about it. I thought about this movie everyday of my life. And honestly, this is cheesy but, it really changed my life, and made me see things in a new way. SO NOW THEN. I bought magnolia on DVD and have watched it two more times, everytime, i like it a little more, and i keep seeing new things. i don't think it's perfect yet, but it might be perfect to me one day. it isn't so much of a movie as it is an experience. it continues after the credits have rolled and creeps into your life. whether it is a perfect movie or not doesnt matter. Being perfect doesn't insure this type of impact. It really isn't for everyone. I can only think of a handful of people i know who MIGHT like it. Whenever someone tells me they like it, i'm surprised. Most people can't invest themselves into something like this. So i wouldn't recommend buying it if you haven't seen it. But if you see it, and dont like it, don't give up. It deserves a second chance if not a third and fourth. This is a movie that keeps growing everytime you watch it. "This is a long way to go without a punch" but thats all i can say. have I justified my 5 stars?

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