Rating:  Summary: Paranoid nonsense. Review: We have had many conspiracy documentaries with their manufactured "evidence":-the "In Search Of Noahs Ark" film(which was filmed in Utah),the "Elvis Is Alive" TV film which even host Bill Bixby disputed on-air,the Nostradamus special that produced "evidence" telling us why the world was going to end in 1999 and others. But the daddy of them all are the "Moon Landing hoax" films with their paranoid nonsense. It is interesting that out of 400,000 people that worked on the moon landings,they cannot come up with one witness to dispute it. And they cannot explain who did the effects,where they got a soundstage big enough to film it,why they took cars on some missions,how they managed to "fool" all the world's scientists and geologists with hundreds of pounds of moon rock that was brought back and how come instruments left on the moon sent back signals to Earth until 1979? And they did this six times without anyone finding out. Above all the silly conspiracy comments by the paranoid,they cannot answer one simple question-if it was a hoax then why would they do it six times?
Rating:  Summary: Good production, Facts Somewhat Believable Review: I recently viewed the DVD "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon" and I felt the artistic creativity was excellent. The facts presented, however, were somewhat believable but then again I am not sure of the "never before seen footage". From other sources it is said that that footage is available to anyone. Also, the title "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon" came from the movie Capricorn 1. There is a scene in the movie that one of the actors (I don't remember which one) said "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Mars". Also, the part in the documentary that shows the astronauts staging the landing inside a studio is directly from the same movie. Mr. Sibrel is a very creative and intelligent man but from personal experience, he can lie to you without any remorse or apology and that has changed my view of his credibility. But see the movie for yourself and make your own judgement.
Rating:  Summary: Bad science, Dishonest film making Review: Bart Sibrel asks us to believe that tens of thousands of engineers, scientists, pilots and politicians have engaged in a secret conspiracy for over 30 years. That they lied to Americans and the world about this very important event.Shame on this man, who calls himself a filmmaker. It is far more believable that he is just an opportunist with no sense of honesty and no regard for the honor of documentary film making.
Rating:  Summary: How did they return? Review: I find it questionable whether there is really any need for a documentary proving that NASA never sent men to the moon. Even if they had managed to reach the moon, it would have been an engineering miracle for them to have succeeded in leaving the moon's surface and returning to Earth. Actually, to say it was an engineering 'miracle' is being too generous. It was an engineering impossibility and it simply did not happen.
Rating:  Summary: A load of bunk Review: This DVD is typical conspiracy theorist trash. It puts forth theories and fails to deliver evidence. This is a con-man that tempts the viewer with claims of exclusive footage, when in reality, it's footage that is available directly from the source...and in the public realm. I still don't understand the attempt to tie the moon landing to the JFK assassination...I guess he has trouble keeping his conspiracy theories in order.
I feel dumber for having watched this DVD. My only consolation is that the DVD was borrowed from my local library...I didn't spend a penny...I suggest you do the same...if you must see it.
Rating:  Summary: Deception at its worst Review: This film is highly deceptive. After several minutes of emotional religious setup reeking of brimstone, it presents a few slipshod and comical attempts at discussing astrophysics and rocket science, neither of which its writer/director Bart Sibrel seems to know anything about. The film tries to argue that Apollo was suspiciously successful after the initial Mercury project failures. But that's easy to do when you completely ignore -- as Mr. Sibrel has -- the Gemini project in which all those problems were faced and solved, including the supposedly impassable Van Allen belts. (Here's a hint: Dr. Van Allen, for whom the belts are named, specifically repudiates this filmmaker's radiation arguments.) The film argues that the Soviets had a 5-to-1 advantage in space, but that was true only in about 1960. After Gemini (circa 1968) it was 3-to-1 in America's favor. That is just one of the film's many misleading statements.
Only toward the very end do you get to see any of the "smoking gun" footage from Apollo 11. Mr. Sibrel says the astronauts faked their distant en-route telecasts by shooting lots of video from Earth orbit using camera tricks. This raw footage was allegedly edited on the ground into only a few seconds or minutes of "polished" footage that the world saw. From an hour of "backstage" film the director says NASA mistakenly sent him, Mr. Sibrel shows only a snippet here and there, most of it without the audio that clearly explains what the astronauts were really doing -- testing television equipment they hadn't had time to learn to use. Instead the narrator repeats Mr. Sibrel's accusations of fraud. In fact, there's probably more time devoted to the Zapruder film of the Kennedy assassination (which is shown in eerie slow-motion with a dramatic gunshot sound effect at the grisly climax) than to the film's supposedly exclusive evidence.
The secret this film keeps most closely is that anyone can get Bart Sibrel's raw footage. It's not hidden away in some vault. You can buy it from Spacecraft Films uncut in a high-quality DVD format preserving all the conversations he elected to omit, as well as the shots that clearly contradict Mr. Sibrel's theory. You can, for example, see that the video was shot through the square side window of the spacecraft, not through the supposedly round hatch window. (The hatch had a round inside bezel, but a trapezoidal outside bezel -- a fact Mr. Sibrel could easily have researched but apparently chose not to.) You can see shots that include both the window frame and the distant Earth, clearly proving that the image of Earth was NOT an illusion created by the stagecraft trickery he suggests. Most enlightening, you can hear the astronauts discuss with Mission Control how they're only testing the camera, not collecting footage for fakery.
The only bit of evidence Mr. Sibrel can offer to support his interpretation is the title plate of the reel he was sent, saying that the footage is "not for general public distribution". That doesn't mean "Keep it a secret." There are many examples of genuine declassified NASA material from that period, and the stern warnings about what will happen if you release it inappropriately are in clear contrast to the gentle suggestion from the NASA Public Affairs office regarding this footage.
But so certain is the director that his raw footage is top secret backstage photography, he didn't realize that many of his "backstage" shots actually come from the 30-minute live telecast that was seen by millions, which is also included on his reel and instantly recognized by people well enough versed in Apollo history. That is, his reel contains both test footage that wasn't broadcast to the world at the time, and also a record of the live telecast for which those legitimate backstage sessions were practice. Sibrel doesn't know the difference, and so he indiscriminately uses shots from both sources, claiming it's all backstage stuff that was never seen. Many of the gaffes he says reveal the hoax in the "raw" footage were actually seen live by the entire civilized world, not trimmed away as outtakes by NASA editors.
Like other films of this type, the director's premise is established only by manipulation, misdirection, and selective quotation -- carefully controlling what the viewer sees and hears so as to preclude coming to any other conclusion. Save yourself some money. For the same price as Mr. Sibrel's film you can get all the Apollo 11 raw footage and judge for yourself without his "help".
Rating:  Summary: A must see, great entertainment Review: This is an entertaining and convincing documentary which will spark much debate. The evidence that the Moon landing DID occur is overwhelming (see www.redzero.demon.co.uk/moonhoax/ and www.badastronomy.com). The film maker, Bart Sibrel, uses pathos and non-scientific logic to make the viewer believe in the hoax. I enjoy watching a good lawyer, or liar, in action. If you can control what people perceive as the truth you can control the world. This documentary appears to be a scientific study, it is not, it is simply great entertainment.
Rating:  Summary: Worthless RIP OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: Nice Basement work. Video students could do a better job of editing. Provides no real proof. If this piece of crap was at all valid Bart would have disappeared long ago or been shot. This is man is a greedy head case who JUST WANT TO MAKE MONEY by making accusations on a poor video. Very dissapointing. Really wish he provided real evidence. I guess some people really WANT to beLIEve. Seriously do people really even care is we went to the moon? I mean seriously!
Rating:  Summary: One question: Why never any pictures from Earth or space? Review: This is perhaps one of the best movies ever made in my opinion. This film lays bare the coverup and conspiracy that has carried on since the early 60's on our government's faking of the moon landing. I have often read "debunkers" reviews of the film who claim to tear apart every assertion the film makes about evidence of the deception. Every single one of them comes up very weak and way short of the mark. We never put a man on the moon and this film, nearly perfectly, tells you how AND why the wool was pulled over our eyes and the eyes of the entire world. This is a MUST SEE FILM, especially for those who still think that we did acutally put a man on the moon.
Even if you see this film and don't believe a single thing in it, ask yourself this one simple question. With all the powerful telescopes that we have come up with to date, both Earth and space based, how come no one has ever taken a single photo of the landing site on the moon? We can count the dimples on a golfball from 30 miles up in space with our spy satallite cameras today but we can't take a single photo of the moon landing site to see if what we supposedly left up there is still there and in the location that it is supposed to be? The Hubble telescope can look back into space millions of years and see light from the time of the big bang but none of our satalliets can take a close up shot of the surface of the moon where we supposedly landed and left all kinds of equipment behind? I don't think so.
Don't listen to the debunkers who have been brainwashed into doing as saying exactly as they are told. Buy this movie and watch it, then decide for yourself. This movie is worth every penny and then some.
Rating:  Summary: Bad science, Dishonest film making Review: Bart Sibrel asks us to believe that tens of thousands of engineers, scientists, pilots and politicians have engaged in a secret conspiracy for over 30 years. That they lied to Americans and the world about this very important event. Shame on this man, who calls himself a filmmaker. It is far more believable that he is just an opportunist with no sense of honesty and no regard for the honor of documentary film making.