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A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon

List Price: $29.95
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Not that bad
Review: This is not the show that was shown on Fox. That show was hosted by Mitch Pilegi. This DVD is narrated by a woman and features different footage. The film has two very compelling moments. The first features Neil Armstrong speaking at the White House. Armstrong has an odd choice of words when he addresses the audience concerning truth and deeds not yet accomplished. The second choice moment is the film of the Earth shot through the small round window. The astronaut's words during the sequence are important, because he claims to have the camera directly against the window. We see someone edge an arm or something in front of the window- proof that the camera is not against the window filming Earth surrounded by the void of space. The trick is blacking out the capsule and shooting the Earth through the window from the opposite side of the capsule. It really does look like Earth from a distance, but you can see the trick after viewing all the footage. There is a weak point or two that can be argued easily by a skeptic. The shot of the capsule with no stars behind it actually seems to have a few, unless my DVD just had a glitch. The film actually makes you think unless you are completely close-minded. I thought my purchase was worth it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: If you really want to think...
Review: I've read most of the reviews posted here on Amazon and I've seen the movie numerous times. I am not a conspiracy theorist by any stretch of the imagination and still I found this movie to be amazing.

If you are considering buying this video, DO NOT listen to the sheep that have left poor reviews. If you read them you will notice that they are written with passion, as if they have suffered personal injury at the hands of this film. I suspect that these are older people who cannot stomach the fact that they may have been DUPED by the government. Personally it had never ocurred to me that the Apollo missions may not have ever happened. Now I haven't made up my mind as to what I believe, which is precisely why I found this film to be so iteresting. It goes through a series of arguments and evidences as to why it would have been impossible to land on the moon and what the motivation for such a hoax would have been. It even addresses the logistics of keeping such an elaborate hoax under wraps.

The bottom line is that all of the negative reviews posted here are from people who don't agree with the director. One should not dislike something simply because they don't agree with it! The fact is that it is a well made, thought provoking film that is guaranteed to test your faith in the powers that be (or were, I guess), and the reason that they hate it so much is because it doesn't fit in to what they want to believe. So, if you are an old, closed minded dinosaur with no interest in knowledge and critical thinking this tape is not for you! If you like to be challenged - HERE'S A GREAT ONE FOR YOU!

I do feel compelled to warn anyone who may see this movie that doing so may lead to hours of research into the science behind the directors assertions, so be warned...

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Bad Bart & His Cronies Should Be Locked Up!!!!
Review: In a society that has free speech, I guess we have to tolerate execrable garbage like this. But I cannot more strongly recommend to you TO NOT BUY THIS NAUSEATING JUNK. You will only encourage the dumbing-down, anti-science, historical revisionist movement. The producers of this ahem, "documentary" are quite possibly mentally ill as well as troublemakers. Get a darned life you guys!!!
Please, please I hope this is not a growing trend. Hey, Buzz: can I throw the next punch?!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: What this video is really about
Review: This video purports to prove that the Apollo moon landing project was a hoax, and that one of mankind's greatest achievements actually took place in a Hollywood studio.

Advertising for the show claims to have "unprecedented, recently discovered footage that proves we didn't go to the moon!" and that we see Neil Armstrong attaching cardboard over the camera lens to make the earth smaller than it really is, to give the illusion that the astronauts were far from the earth, when in fact they were only in earth orbit.

What a load of nonsense and outright lies. The "amazing footage" is nothing more than the astronauts rehearsing for a TV broadcast. There is no cardboard. And Neil Armstrong is nowhere to be seen.

We're also asked to believe that since Richard Nixon was president during the moon landings, it proves they were a hoax--because Nixon was a crook. So that means that everything Nixon ever did is suspect: Perhaps someone should review tapes of Nixon's visit to China--I've always had the feeling that was a young Jackie Chan playing Mao Tse-tung. In any event, since Nixon got into office in January 1969 and Apollo 11 landed in July, my hat would be off to him for pulling off a hoax on such a grand scale in only six months.

If all this claptrap isn't enough for you, the final 2'30" is a slow-motion copy of the Zapruder film. When the second bullet hits, we get a nice close-up of JFK's brains getting blown apart. What we don't get is an explanation of what this gross spectacle has to do with an Apollo hoax.

This is an arrogant video. It does not put forth its ideas as mere theories, but as fact. But you can't use "theory" to describe a moon hoax anyway, because a theory requires evidence, and there simply isn't any. The "evidence" given is hopelessly muddled and contradictory at best; at worst, it is simply wrong or made up. The more outrageous the claim, the better--adding dramatic music and flashy graphics can draw many people in without their questioning what's being said. But in order to question science, you must use science, and there is no science here.

Once you get past all the nonsense, the underlying idea is: IF there had been a hoax, these are some of the methods that MIGHT have been thought up. But it does not then follow that there was a hoax. And I'm sure NASA's PhD's could have come up with better ways to trick us than what is seen here.

What this video is really about is trying to con people into believing something that isn't true, via emotional manipulation, factual distortion, and lying. It's about ignoring logic, history and common sense. It's about self-aggrandizement at the expense of journalistic responsibility. It looks at "evidence" the same way you look at shapes in the clouds-you can see pretty much anything you want to, when in fact there is nothing there.

I find this video insulting, because it denies human imagination, ingenuity and achievement. It disregards courage, intellect and know-how. It also thinks that we're stupid enough to accept its unsupported claims as evidence or proof (or both). And it would rather have us looking over our shoulder, trying to see who is after us, rather than looking up to the stars and trying to find a better way to do things. It's a complete waste of time.

Rating: 1 stars

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Thank you Buzz for Punching this Idiot!!
Review: Bart Sibrel is a ... who deserved to be Punched by Buzz Aldrin. My friend made me a copy of this tape to prove that many ...people exist in this world. Sibrel needs to get a Life. He probably believes the alien autopsy film was real. This video is good for a laugh. It would be even funnier if there were not people out there who belived this garbage is the truth. Sibrel makes all of the other ...theorist actually look smart. He is an embarassment to America. Buzz Aldrin is a true American Hero.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: If there were a 0 star it'd get that!
Review: I actually did a fairly extensive year long research project specifically on the idea of a moon hoax. I went in thinking a hoax was possible, however after this DVD, I relaized the money I had wasted. This DVD is for the stupid fool who will believe anything he/she hears. Spend your money on capricorn one and something else entertaining. And Mr. Sibrel is full of himself. There isn't any amazing footage, actually, hes clearly in it for the money...

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Bad science at it's worst
Review: You will never find a greater collection of bad science and outright lies than in this documentary. Shadows converging? Even my 12 year old figured out the reason for that but here in this documentary the makers couldn't. No stars in the pictures on the moon? Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out either but here it's presented as proof of the moon landings being a hoax. Even their statement at the beginning of the documentary that states that 25% of the people in the US (based on a poll by Gallup) believe the moon landings are a hoax is not correct. Gallup has the poll on their website. The correct number was only 4% and you will find more than that believe Elvis is alive probably. Nothing but bad science and distortion. Hard to believe anyone with even the most basic understanding of science could swallow this fairy tale.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Disappointing
Review: The DVD ran less than an hour, and repeatedly referred to video footage that was not included on the DVD.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: This is no time for stonewalling...
Review: Having just watched another "Did we really go to the Moon?" program, I decided to revisit this review.

The main thing that struck me having seen interviews with Doubters and NASA spokespeople is that while the Doubters make very specific observations, which they claim suggest a 'faking' of the Moon landings, the NASA people only make generalized denials.

At no time did the principal NASA spokesman take the Doubter's points one by one and answer them directly. Even if you disregard the idea of the Van Allen Belt radiation question, and the flexing or blowing of the flag in a supposed vacuum, a number of points remain problematic.

The main area that simply does not look legit is the area under and around the lander - in every single mission. Even given the relatively minimal thrust used during the final descent, there should have been some kind of blast crater, however shallow, under the lander. This, plus the fact that the lander legs were not in any way embedded in the lunar surface, nor was there any dust etc. on the pristine feet, does make the scene look far too neat and tidy. Like a set.

The other big concern re: the lander is that during the remotely-viewed take-off, there is no visible thrust from the engine, and in take-off mode, there would have been more thrust than in braking to land. It certainly looks more like the unit has been yanked upwards by a cable, as the Doubters suggest.

Equally, the photographs are another problem. Not only does there appear to be more than one light source in many of the photos, as evinced by the shadows falling in different directions, but the clumsy, chest-mounted cameras were such that they could never be aimed with any true precision. Yet somehow all of the lunar photos are beautifully centered, and in crisp focus.

I am not even going to examine the suggestion that Gus Grissom was murdered in the launchpad capsule fire, other than to say that Doubters believe he was about to blow the gaff on the Apollo program, and its inability to complete the job by the end of the decade, due to numerous technical inadequacies. They also believe that other individuals were also killed in case they disclosed sensitive information.

Did the Apollo team reach the Moon, or was it, as has been suggested, filmed on a set in Area 51? At this point, in the absence of disclosure, we cannot be sure, but the hostile reactions to any reviews which suggest that there may be some truth in the video, raise issues in themselves. Either NASA people are angered by the idea that they have been played for chumps, and that the entire program was just a Cold War political sideshow, or they are all getting their buddies to jump on and click "No" because they want to suppress even the idea that anybody has the right to question items that are by ANY definition, anomalies.

No, the video does not prove anything definitively, but it does raise many genuinely intelligent questions that NASA have never adequately addressed and which they have refused to take seriously. But then, we all know about the power of Denial, don't we? Governments in all their forms are masters of it.

This issue is far too important for NASA to stonewall it. Forty billion dollars of US taxpayer's money went into the Apollo program. Given this outrageous expense, it is morally unacceptable that NASA should just ignore a series of valid questions, which have not been addressed in more than thirty years. Surely NASA could spend a few grand making their own video in order to step-by-step handle every point raised by the Doubters - while having an open two-way discussion with the principal Doubters. That is, if it is possible to deny the claims of those that doubt the legitimacy of the Moon landings, and assuming that NASA has nothing to hide.

To merely mumble about 'bad science' and ridicule Doubters and describe people as gullible 'nuts', WITHOUT a systematic examination and disproving of the most disturbing of the apparent anomalies, NASA are just proving what many people suspect - that they are so aloof and contemptuous of the public that paid their wages, they are acting as though they are a law unto themselves.

Don't get me wrong, I would LOVE it if NASA would go ahead and effectively disprove the doubts raised by this and other videos. I totally accept that it may be possible for them to do so. Yet in the absence of such a structured analysis, I can only conclude that they are either just too arrogant and contemptuous to feel answerable, or they do indeed have a few skeletons in the closet.

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