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The City of Lost Children

The City of Lost Children

List Price: $27.95
Your Price: $20.96
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A childs dream can be so bold...
Review: Darkness. Loss. Solitude. These are what fairytales are made of. The monster of this story is Krank, a manmade man who cannot dream, so he steals children to take there dreams. a child he has captured is the brother of a strongman named one and one is determined to get him back. the special effects are top notch and only outdone by the characters, and dialogue. I hadn't seen this film until I bought it myself, it looked so damn interesting..I am definatly not dissapointed. this film is now in my top five

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A "Myst"-ic Marvel
Review: This film was recommended me by a Danish friend of mine, and knowing her, I expected something truly unique and was not disappointed. Even the opening credits showed the ultimate care and artistry imparted by the film's creators. But what really astounded me was the beauteous characterisation, the credit for which cannot be imparted only to the actors or directors or the screenwriters--this is a manifest of every area of specialty within the film. "The City of Lost Children" also employs a phenomenally gritty and fantastic set which conjures memories of the computer game, "Myst." A truly artful rendering of a fantastic story.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Dark and richly satisfying
Review: When I first saw this movie I wasn't sure if I would be able to finish watching it; it was so strange and completely without any connection to the reality I knew that it disturbed me. But I kept watching, and I was drawn into the story. A brilliant scientist who cannot dream is stealing children who can, and attempting to dream vicariously through them; however, he can't understand why all they have is nightmares. He is watched despairingly by his servants and companions, who include six cloned individuals called Mishinka and a disembodied brain named Irvin (voiced by Jean-Louis Trantignant)who has migraines. Meanwhile One, a circus strongman who has lost his little brother Denree to the scientist and Miette, youthful leader of a band of orphans, are attempting to free the children from the scientist's clutches. The adventure by itself is fascinating, and the characters live on in your mind long after the credits roll. The entire movie is reminiscent of a dream itself; the squalid semi-futuristic town where the story begins can easily be imagined as the realm of nightmare. Stunning visual effects and costumes by Jean-Paul Gaultier add to the overall lush style. See also Delicatessen, by the same director.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Spectacular cinematorgaphy and wonderfully original story!!
Review: The City of Lost Children is one of the finest films in recent years.It brooding and dark, reminiscent of the original Crow film, but still light years ahead. The effects are tremendous and the sets are stunning. The story is wonderful, origianl and terrific, and must be seen in the subtitled version with the origianl French dialogue.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Breath-taking
Review: Beautifully made. Flawless. One of the most origional films ever made

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This One Makes it to My Hall of Fame
Review: I'm very stingy with my HOF rating only a hand full of films achieve this lofty status. The City of Lost Children is most deserving. The cinematography alone makes this one worth watching, one of the most visually stimulating films ever produced. In the tradition of Brazil and A Clockwork Orange this film excites the imagination and provokes the mind. The plot is inventive and original. A must see for all 'thinking' movie goers.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Excellent!! A must see.
Review: My wife and I rented this movie on a whim and we thought it was magnificent. Jean-Pierre is an amazing director. He also directed Delicatesin and Alien:Resurection. You may also notice that he uses the same french actor in all three movies as well as Ron Perlman in two.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great
Review: I thought this was one of his best!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A feast for the eye's!
Review: The remarkable visuals and the provocative story make this one of the best movies I have ever seen. It deserves every praise it gets.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Stimulating
Review: Buyer beware, this film is not for the light hearted not the dim witted. Darkness wrought, this film mixes a delightful solution of French noir with the apokoliptic feel of The Crow:City of Angels.

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