Rating:  Summary: A serious and hilarious comedy Review: Fantastic, is what we can say about Chasing Amy. At the same time, Kevin Smith can tell a funny story, expose preconceits and teach us the real meaning of love and sex, in all their forms. A must-see! I am not very fond of comedies, but after knowing some of Smith's work, I'll ever look after the rest of it.
Rating:  Summary: Chasing Features Review: It's surpising how the smallest films create the best DVD's. Hell, this DVD is better than most action films or blockbusters. The DVD is packed with features and contains deleted scenes which are hysterical. One scene features our beloved Banky(Jason Lee) throw a brick at Steve Dave, the local comic book shop retardee, and his friend, Walt's comic book store. The layout is also intriguing with video of Kevin Smith and Ben Affleck introducing all sorts of stuff. The film itself is also wonderful which has Holden(Ben Affleck) chasing the wonderful and beautiful, Alyssa Jones(Joey Lauren Adams. Little does he know, he's in for a surprise which hurts more than Spielberg's JAWS. I have been a devoted Kevin Smith fan forever and must say he rocks the house with his DVD capabilities. I can't wait for this fall's Special Edition of DOGMA. You want a great DVD, purchase this!
Rating:  Summary: One Star is the Lowest? Review: This movie made me cry . . . well, it bored to tears to be specific. It is easily one of the worst movies I have ever seen.If you are looking for a good love story, never mind my reivew. I do not care for love stories and cannot appreciate them generally speaking. I find the plot uniteresting. The humor is Kevin Smith's pattented brand of "He writes like people talk!" alleged form of wit. Newsflash: People's daily conversations are pretty much uninteresting. That's why we have movies in the first place. Smith mixes in a lot of "It's funny because we're talking about sex" lowest-common-denominator humor that 95% of people seem to find funny. Don't confuse it for wit. He also uses pop-culture references from Star Wars and comic books that I find sophomoric and unfunny. Silent Bob talks for a long time. People seem to think this is ground-breaking, given that he barely spoke in all of TWO WHOLE movies leading up to this. Had it been five movies, maybe, but for me it spoiled what had been my favorite character in Kevin Smith's entirely over-rated series. Okay, the black guy was funny. And the joke about the dollar bill in the road was funny. But the drawn out conversations featuring Smith's Sledgehammer of Plot were some of the most painful moments I have ever seen on screen. I won't give it away out of curtosy, but the proposition towards the end is somehow completely predictable and counter-intuitive at the same time. (It's obvious that the plot is leading there, even though it's stupid, and you are powerless to stop it.) However, I will defend Smith from those who are trying to turn this into a political issue. Get over yourselves. I am giving this one star because I think it is a bad movie all-around, not because I define myself in terms of some agenda that dictates all of my opinions and feelings.
Rating:  Summary: Kevin Smith Does Good Work Review: Rather than review the content of the film, that has been done numerous times here already, I am focusing on the DVD itself. That said this is another excellent DVD right up there with Mallrats in terms of quality and extras. Since the movies was shot on 16mm, the image isn't quality isn't going to be up there with that of a Fight Club and it is the same case with the sound. They are both better than VHS, but hardly great. What you are paying for here are the extras and that is where this DVD shines. The commentary by Smith is funny, not as funny as Mallrats, it is more informative though. The deleted scenes are hilarious to the point that you start to wonder why they were taken out of the movies and that is explained (sort of) in the disc. The outtakes are funny as well, better than the usual, probably because the actors are actually funny people themselves. The only problem would be for people that already bought the laserdisc, in which case this is the same package you already purchased with a new introduction by Kevin Smith which is very funny itself. All in all if you liked the movie, you will love the DVD. It is absolutely loaded and quite the departure from the typical seriousness of Criterion.
Rating:  Summary: GENIUS! Review: Kevin Smith is my favorite director! Hands down! and this film is a classic! Kevin Smith can make a movie, rude but intellgent at the same time, and make you laugh and think at the same time. Chasing Amy is a movie that captures that wonderful boy meets lesbian experience all of us guys have had! If you ask me this is one of smith's best films yet! Not that he has made a bad one. I really like Jason Lee's proformance in the film. However i found it hard not to think of him as Brodie, from smith's 1995 effort, Mallrats. Joey Laurren Adams is a stunnig actress and fit this part like no one else! Ben Afflick has never been one of my favorite actors, but I found him a little easier to enjoy in this feature. If you have not had the Smith experience, you should rent one of the 4 films as fast as you can! I would start with Clerks! The one problom with this flick is the lack of Jay & Silent Bob!
Rating:  Summary: everyone should move to redbank, nj....now! Review: or if they cannot...watch all the kevin smith movies...esp. chasing amy! i am a new convert to the brilliant genius that is the kevin smith phenom but one that is devout. yes, devout enough to order the silent bob and jay action figures and magnets off the viewaskew dot com website! how crazy am i? of course... to buy the dvd...only amazon will do (unless, you want the k.s. autographed copy!) this is a fab movie and the DVD version is AWEsome! so many special features (k.s. is fanatical about adding cool ditital extras!) and the map of the whole jersey saga...brilliant. ("never underestimate the drawing power of the garden state"- dogma) this one is a must-have! get it.. .now! oh, and get dogma, clerks and mallrats too while you're at it... i did! ~redgrrl~
Rating:  Summary: Superlative film making Review: Invariably, every movie reviewed here is claimed to be "THE BEST MOVIE EVER" by someone. While that's an entirely subjective view, I can state that this is MY favorite nmovie. This DVD version only enhances my appreciation of this film. Even before it opened, this flick generated controversy due to the overlying plot. It garnered diametric reviews. Very few people felt lukewarm about this movie (as seems to be the case with all of Kevin Smith's films.) You either loved it or hated it. While there's no accounting for taste, I'd venture to guess that most people who hated it simply didn't "get" it. This movie is NOT, at its heart, about a guy who falls in love with a lesbian. It's about the (usually male) insecurities that are brought into a relationship, and the damage that they cause. It's about the destruction of (again usually male) friendships that a new relationship often brings. It's about how lessons are learned, usually too late. Just about everyone I've watched this film with is able to say, "Yeah, I've done that." Or, "Yep, that's happened to me." Or, "Ha! I know exactly how he feels." Chaing Amy is the most realistic look at relationships that I've ever seen. I'd be willing to bet that most of the folks who didn't "get" it, have never had a bad relationship or more likely never had a relationship at all. The acting job by the leads is great. Ben Affleck is every guy. A little overconfident, totally in love, willing to do anything, and a complete and utter idiot because of it. Joey Lauren Adams shows that she's so much more than a disctinctive voice. She has the most powerful performances of the film, and it's obvious how much emotion she put into them. The DVD is spectacular. It's basically everything from the previous laserdisk release, with a new intro in which Kevin Smith explains his "F@#% DVD" comment on the commentary track. The commentary track alone is worth the price of the DVD. It's easily the best View Askew commentary so far. The banter between Smith & Affleck is hilarious. Along the way they also explain some of the concepts behind the film & its meaning. If the Chasing Amy detractors would watch this commentary, it's likely that alot of them would see the movie in a new light and change their tune. Along with the commentary are 10 deleted scenes. Most are funny, but it's obvious why they were removed. The unused intro though, is classic and something that every Kevin Smith fan needs to see. This is a comedic character/dialog driven movie. If you want an extremely intelligent witty human look at relationships, you'll LOVE this movie. If you're looking for gloss and effects, go elsewhere.
Rating:  Summary: Deals with lesbianism, sex, friendship, relationships, etc Review: Holden McNeil (Ben Affleck) and Banky (Jason Lee) write a comic book together titled "Bluntman & Chronic." One day at a convention their gay friend Hooper (Dwight Ewell) introduces them to a fellow comic book writer, Alyssa Jones (Joey Lauren Adams). For Holden it's love at first sight. He totally falls for Alyssa, but when he finds out she's a lesbian, that kind of changes things a little bit. You have to be an adult about this movie. You can't go in seeing it thinking it's just another Kevin Smith comedy. This one deals with a very serious subject that really makes you think. It's funny, but it really makes you think. This is probably Kevin Smith's best. Though it does kind of leave you hanging, it's a great film. You all should see it....that is if you think you can handle it.
Rating:  Summary: Kevin Smith Is The Filmaker For The Future Review: This is one of thhe greatest movies that I have seen. Every installment of the New Jersey ring of losers is very entertaining. All four of the films are movies that I will keep in my DVD collection forever. There is no other series that lives up to great comedy filmaking like the series that has been made by Kevin Smith. Smith makes every moment of his movies work on so many levels. He is the person to turn to in the future for movies. Buy this DVD and buy the other two. Buy Dogma when the special edition comes out. Don't buy the one that's out now. You won't get the hilarious antics of Jason Lee and Mewes along with the boy they call meathead.
Rating:  Summary: Real! Review: I cannot even count how many times I've seen this movie. Yes, it does kind of have a feel of low budget, in my opinion the "smallness" of this movie made it seem more real. The first time I saw this movie, I swore Kevin Smith walked into my life, wrote about my friends, my home, and (ssshhh) my love life. No, this movie is not for everyone. Yes, the love confession in the rain scene was tops (hmm, Ben Affleck soaking wet!), but my favorite was the fight scene at the hockey game. THAT was real. I have lived that before. Joey Lauren Adams (Allyssa) was absolutely convincing in her pain. And I loved seeing Jason Lee play a character that wasn't so one-dimensional. I had my doubts about his acting ability before I saw him in this role. The side characters were a wonderful breath thrown throughout, but the real aim of this movie worked for me. I saw the characters' relationships with each other portrayed in a way to where at the end of the movie, I wanted more of these guys.