Rating:  Summary: Mainstream subversion Review: I am not sure about this film--I had the same feeling about 'Eyes Wide Shut'--a film with so much hype should have induced a 'love it' or 'hate it' reaction. One of the ways to judge a film is if the images or visual and narrative metaphors resonate over time. In the end EWS faded and I decided that Kubrik got stuck in the 70s.I suspect that American Beauty will also fade, but I am now fascinated by the notion of mainstream subversion of American icons. This is the usual territory of alternative cinema or animation (Southpark and the Simpsons), both of which are more subtle and persuasive than AB. As an Australian I wonder what this film says about American Culture (we Aussies love to hate (hate to love?) America): is it a sign of a maturing culture or a decaying one? Is America coming to terms with its demons or is the 'serpent eating its tail'. Is it healthy to expose your shadow to the 'neon glare' of Hollywood or have you just run out of ideas? I certainly was not bored by this movie but I suspect that its significance will be judged in time not because it was technically brilliant (although it was technically good), not because it had great acting (although many of the performances were excellent) or not because the images will stay with us (although many were well crafted), but more because of what is says about the time. For all its blackness American Beauty still seems a sanitised version of Solondz's 'Happiness' or Kaye's 'American History X'. But I guess the 'jury's still out'. I'll have to let it percolate, I'll have to listen to the perspective of others, I'll have to let time pass on this one. If you can't immediately love a movie, maybe being undecided is a worthy second for a filmmaker.
Rating:  Summary: Fabulous Review: I know everyone has heard it, and I will say it again: American Beauty is incredible. Very rarely does a movie take a simple concept and create a vast and complex array of characters and their emotions. The acting, cinematography, script and direction are all breathtaking. This movie touches on a world where few can take you: into the simplistic beauty of everything around you. This film has actually changed the way I look at things, and has made me notice things I never have before. Kevin Spacey's performance shows his incredible range of emotional states, and all of them are convincing. The chemistry between Thora Birch and Wes Bently is thorough and flows nicely, creating some charming and moving scenes. American Beauty is an American classic.
Rating:  Summary: You can't deny the "Beauty" Review: It seems to me that all of the negative reviews of this film have taken the movie too literaly. There are so many aspects of the film that a viewer can love: the story, cinematography, performances, music, etc. "American Beauty" reserves its meaning for each person that views it. See this movie and find its meaning for yourself, but don't deny the beauty of wonderful elements that compose this masterpiece. If you can't find one thing that is phenominal in this film then you are missing film at its best
Rating:  Summary: BLOOD AND ROSES Review: I read somewhere that the overwelmingly red look of American Beauty is a symbol for blood and roses. Represented in the film by the flower petals in Lester Burnham's fantasies, and the blood spilt when the sadness that hovers beneath bears its face. The title of American Beauty does not refer to the pretty surfaces that hide the anguish of these people, but the beauty of their souls when dealing with that anguish. Many reviewers have considered the title to be ironic, it isn't. I've heard Kevin Spacey say that this film is about context, because taken out of context the behaviour of these characters seem bizzare and even phsycotic, but out with in the context of their messy lives or indeed anybody's life, it seems natural. If I tell you that Kevin Spacey plays a character who is obsessed with the idea of sleeping with his daughter's best friend, a daughter who constantly anounces her hatred of her parents, a woman so obsessed with appearances that happiness is but a memory to her, a loner who makes his living as a drug dealer with a firm rigid father living in denial about his son and himself, you would guess that there would be no one to like in this film. You would be wrong. This film is magical in the way it lets identify with these characters, care for them and worry about their outcome. Infact the ideas of American Beauty are nothing new. The persuit of happiness through the abanodoning of materialistic possesions and the satisfaction of primal, animal and natural desires was the exact same premise for Fight Club. This could be a middle aged version of that film. The family turmoil closely resembles Ang Lee's The Ice Storm 1998, and like that film, American Beauty ends in tragedy. But as with all masterpieces its not the "point" that counts, but how you get there. Just like the fact that anything new you learn in life is the history you don't know, most originality in movies is the movies you haven't seen and the novel's you haven't read. The fact that the film remains a masterpiece is a credit to the execution of those ideas, not their originality. Our hero is Lester Burnham a man who goes quits his job, black mails his boss, and goes wild for a year. His journey of self-discovery is not what your average citizen would call moral, yet we still sympathise. My favourite scene in the film is where Lester meets Ricky(Wes Bently) outside a part. Ricky sells marijuana for a living and makes a lot of money. Lester tells him that when he was his age he "flipped burgers all summer long" for very little money. "That sucks" says Ricky, "No actually it was wonderful." The heart of the film is this scene, Lester's yearning for those years where his whole life was ahead of him, when he believed he coul do anything, when he wasn't such a "loser". This purity is the Beauty to which the title refers. Ricky Fitts is the boy next door, a loner who likes to film people. His father is a rigid military man. Both Wes Bently and Chris Cooper who play father and son respectively give monumental performance equal to Kevin Spacey's oscar winner. Their family is a contrast to Lester's, and in its tragedy, emotional complexity and heart break exceeds it. Ricky's catatonic mother is perhaps what Lester would have become had he not taken charge of his life. I have tried to define this film, but its not a film that can be defined. It is one to be experienced. If I tell that the sight of a paper bag blowing in the wind will amaze you, you find it very silly indeed. Acredit then to this film that when Ricky show us a video of a paper bag blowing in the wind, it is indeed a breathtakingly beautiful sight.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best Movies Ever! Review: American Beauty is a great movie. It brings out the best and the worst in its characters. This movie illistrates the fear we have of things we cannot avoid (i.e. Death) and stupidity with which we hold on to what has inflated value(wealth). When the movie is over hopefully you realize what should truely be valuable to you. Kevin Spacey elaborated on this point at the Oscars, and made the first point (that I've heard) in an Oscar winner's speech. I also give him props for bringing his mom :) -Chris
Rating:  Summary: American Beauty Review: This movie can be easily noted as one of the best of all time.Full of Twisting emotions such as sadness,happiness,anger and even fear. The fear spawned by the realistic oddities of the domestic household.This movie does not make you guess on whats going to happen because you don't care it's relaxing to a certain extent. Kevin Spacey played a very real and moving Father and husband. Annette Bening played a strong role as a Mother and wife .I said this was a movie earlier I lied THIS IS A FILM!
Rating:  Summary: The Best Movie Ever Made! Review: I've seen American Beauty in theaters 3 times and I think it is the best movie ever made. It is the most realistic movie about how a family really is. This movie moves me more and more every time I watch it. The acting in this movie is better then i've ever seen before. It relates to real life families and their problems. It also is a very sad movie but makes you think about life in a different way. The main reason why I am reviewing this movie is because I read some of the other reviews on here and I was very upset about what some of the people were saying. They said that they didn't understand why it got best picture of the year. I can tell you why it got best picture. It got best picture of the year because it was a well thought out movie that is completely realistic and has the best acting i've ever seen. I can't explain why I like it so much. It just really touches me and makes me appreciate what I have in my life. If you haven't seen it yet, I suggest you go see it right now. It is the best movie ever made!
Rating:  Summary: A perfect example of our world Review: This is a great movie. every american should see it, it is a reflection of what we can turn into. the wife is a model of all th money grubing types out there, the daughter represents all the people who feel forced into a certain ideal. the father is just a person who finally opens his eyes and sees the lies. he is the only one who deciedes to do a thing about it. it is a great movie...watch it
Rating:  Summary: This Movie Changed My Life Review: (...)The most common "cutdowns" on this movie arethat the families portrayed in this movie never once express the"wholesome family value." THAT'S THE POINT! There really are families out there like Lester's, that really have 2 gay neighbors next door. Some young girls really do hate their families. Life isn't all peaches and cream. Not all families tell each other they love them, and hug each other after every meal. This movie is trying to show that. The other knock on the movie is the idea of Spacey chasing after his daughter's friend. This idea of the plot was nessesary. Spacey is learning that he should do what makes him happy, not his materialistic wife. Then when he realizes that what he is doing is wrong, is when he "grows". The ideas in this movie have the ability to shatter perfect little dream worlds some people have built themselves into, and those are the people that usually think the movie is about some 40 yr old child molester. For those people, go read "The Cathcer in the Rye," and call me in the morning. For me, this movie was truly life changing. It makes me want to go out and do something, live life for me, not everyone else. Spacey delivers an astounding performance, most likely the best i have seen him. All of the characters are amazing to say the least, and came together in a seemless masterpeice. This movie brought me to tears, while bringing me to a new level of thought. See it now, and find out for yourself. END
Rating:  Summary: What's the big deal anyway? Review: This would DEFINATLEY have to be on the the top 5 list of the worst movies I've ever seen. I mean, what stupid idiot would want to go and see a movie about some middle aged jerk chasing after a 16-year-old girl? To me , this movie is just a take-off Lolita, and the only type of award it deserved was a golden respberry for "worst movie of the year."