Rating:  Summary: Good, but not "Best Picture" material Review: I don't want to just rehash what has already been said (and there are already over 500 reviews on this movie) but I did want to give my impression of the movie in a different way.When I first entered college, I took an introduction to psychology course, taught by an especially gifted teacher. Almost everyone in the class (myself included) was overcome by the "Freudian Syndrome" of believing every neurotic symptom described in the book applied to our lives. Our teacher cheerfully explained this common phenomenon would occur and only those on the extreme end of the spectrum would be considered truly sick. This movie is one giant Freudian Syndrome. The characters somehow connect with us because we have experienced their traumas at one point or another in our lives. I tried not to be cynical, but I found it difficult to sympathize (or empathize) with any of the characters due to the fact that they are all so far "out there". Not to mention, many other reviewers have already pointed out the numerous "common sense" problems of who they choose to interact with and the reasons given in the movie as to why each person made the choices they did. In other words, these people aren't real - they're cartoon characters. This movie was the introductory course (rental material). If you liked this movie and you want the advanced course, then buy the movie that should have won Best Picture - Magnolia.
Rating:  Summary: : ) Review: Now when I notice Floating refuse on the street I think of Beauty
Rating:  Summary: Can I Give More Than Five Stars? Review: Stunning! Brilliant! Ignore the add campaign, just go see it. The acting is fabulous, especially Spacey, but the entire cast is superb. The writing is sharp, and not a moment is wasted. All the characters are complicated and well drawn. This is a movie about one of my favorite subjects: the way our society rewards the worst in us and destroys people I can't say enough good things about this movie. JUST GO SEE IT. Without a doubt the best movie of the year! >A+
Rating:  Summary: Over Hyped Review: Let me start by saying that I am a movie freak. I can respect any sort of genre, from slapstick to gore. Cary Grant to Chris Tucker. Just for the record, none of the "content" of this movie swayed me from my opinion of the production - although a valid argument can be made about Hollywood morals. What disturbed me was a script and cinematography finding inspiration in other previous works of material. Then it tries to be all things to all people. Now granted, if you would rather eat Ben & Jerry's cookie dough - vanilla malt - pretzel ice cream instead of cookies, a malt, and pretzels on their own, then perhaps this cinematic "fusion" of a movie is worth viewing. But if you are a tough one to please, this will be a frustrating excercise. If you are still torn, read on. The following highlights examples of "inspirations" for this movie that I had to distill from many more. AB seems to be inspired in the macro sense by "Lolita" and "Death of a Salesman," both timeless classics. To say AB is a copy of either is untrue and I can appreciate that. The movie has a feel in the way the characters interact that seems inspired by "Heathers." The portrayal of people in a miserable state with all the cheery background props (perfect house, happy music, etc.) in an upbeat tone seems copied. Also with the similarity of a "dark" teenager (this is getting rather cliche' folks, for about 30 years). See the movie "Pump up the Volume" and tell me that the character protrayed by Slater in that movie does not directly relate to the freaky neighbor - his media for communicating is different - video compared to audio. Even the romantic interlude is exactly the same, she undressed for him at a distance, offering herself up (the casting is eerily similar - Mathis fans take note). On the cinematography front the overhead pan of the rooms at the end is right out of "Snake Eyes" or "Bound" and the repetitive shot sequences during sex scenes (which are popular of late) straight from "Out of Sight". The video clip with the bag that everyone raves about - this is inspired by countless movies of what is beautiful to people. Even in the simplest of movies, such as "City Slickers" there was a scene like this with Jack Palance describing the smile of a woman as eternal bliss (in a far better delivery by the way). Also, many may recall the De Niro metamorphosis in "Taxi Driver" with the working out scenes. The transition from ordinary to rebel is pretty obvious and seems to be copied. There are other technical issues on the social front that I question. The daughter and her friend are so implausible. You have this anarchist girl who hates what appears to be her best friend, Mrs. Popular - this would not be the case. Mrs. Popular would be with Johnny Football Star were it not for (don't laugh) Kevin Spacey? So is that what binds their friendship? Hollywood also assumes that most popular high schoolers are mean spirited. Especially when they drive BMWs. The movie tried to get me to care about the suspense of the ending, but it could have been changed in the last minutes of the film. Was it the wife? The neighbor? Who cares? I am certain that the producers test marketed this movie with all three endings. This trend, by the way, makes me feel cheated out of a serious production. The ending narrative was supposed to inspire the seriousness of the movie, we see beauty in everything. But perhaps more of a struggle with the Spacey character seeing things and highlighting them for observation and being shot down by his wife or employer would have made for more learning experiences. But to reach this happiness at the last day of his life seems unlikely, where were the steps to getting there - where did he learn? I didn't see where he learned anything other than to revert to his teenage form. How does that lead to self actualization? You got me. Ask the dark teenager cliche' next door. Maybe the bag or dead bird will give him an answer. One final word. Is it just my imagination, or is Kevin Spacey trying too hard? The lesser known "Swimming With Sharks" was one of his best performances, then the "Usual Suspects" was a pretty good (not as great) performance and then he peaks with "Se7en" or "L.A. Confidential" and then starts sliding with "Negotiator" to this edgy character in "American Beauty." It was if his character goes from NoDoz to Nytol from one scene to the next (but ends the movie in Prozac, I suppose). And then his "Big Kahuna" is just plain over-acting. He is talented, but needs to be diluted on the screen. As for the Academy, I suppose it speaks to how poor the movies were in 1999 when they gave this their best. Perhaps movie goers are fed up - box office receipts are trending lower of late. Perhaps an AB2 script is secretly being drafted in the background to boost receipts. After this movie, nothing could be tasteless.
Rating:  Summary: Not to much to say about this one Review: First off, I like dark films alot. I like films that end they way that this one did. What I did not like was that the whole time I felt that something was missing. I wanted to give the characters an extra boost, something to make me interested and make me care if they lived, died, got laid, were happy... It just didn't happen. This shows once again how tainted the Academy is. 'Nuff said.
Rating:  Summary: it flows through me like rain Review: American Beauty is the kind of rare film that comes along that could actually change your life. It leaves you wanting to run out and tell everyone everything you've always wanted to tell, but were too embarassed; to do everything you've always wanted to do, but were to afraid to take the risk. Whenever I watch this movie I always cry at two parts - when they are watching the video of the bag blowing in the wind and he talks about how there is so much beauty in the world - and at the end when Lester talks about falling stars and his grandmother's papery hands - and that shot of Carolyn on the amusement park ride and the way he says "and Carolyn" - such subtle things, but they really punch straight to the heart. This film is proof that what really makes a film great is not special effects or big budgets, or even big name stars (even though there are stars here), but a story and characters that make you FEEL something so profound that it stays with you for the rest of your life. American Beauty is one of those greats. Let it flow through you... like rain.
Rating:  Summary: Mystical Review: It is not often I finish watching a film by saying 'Oh My God' out loud. Let be more specific: this is the first time. As a piece of entertainment, it is exceptionally good. Amongst all the other great things (cinematography, acting, etc.) I would particularly mention the script - there are some outstandingly witty and funny lines, as well as some monologues that may well move you to tears. One point I would like to make which few others seem to have done - this film is expressing ideas which have been told us by mystics of all religions throughout the ages - to see the sublime in the mundane, or even the repugnant, simply by waking up to ourselves. "We think we are alive but in fact we are simply asleep in life's waiting room." It carries this message across in such a beautiful artistic style that it will send shivers down your spine. Kevin Spacey here gives the performance of his life, in a role he was born to play. The DVD (thankfully) does have director's commentary, unlike so many other great films released on this medium, but do you think Sam Mendes could say 'the lighting in this scene was fantastic' a little more often ? ;-)
Rating:  Summary: Spec-----tacular Review: First, let me say this... if you are one of those people wondering how this could have won academy awards you are probably either a) a young teengager b)on old close minded codger c) someone who likes Van Damm, Bruce Willis, Keeanu Reeves, or Antonio Banderas action movies or d) someone who needs their art spoon fed to them. This is a deep, dark portrayal of how complex our lives all are if you just scratch the surface and dig beneath the thin facade of normalcy that we all hide behind. Stop pretending to be this normal, straight laced, 'make room for daddy' household and see life for what it truly is... beautiful beyond words. There is an intertwined, complex weave between all our lives and that is the beauty of living. Not everyone is the same and there is no such thing as "normal" except for the people who are too afraid to open up and embrace our differences (racists, ignorant people, fanatical religous groups). If we were all the same wouldn't it be a very boring and ORDINARY world - difference makes it exciting, unique, and yes sometimes strange and wierd. Take the good with the bad. I loved this movie because it moves and inspires me. It is more than eye candy pandering to the lowest intellectual level (Titanic, Matrix, Die Hard, Zorro, and Timecop). This movie means something and people who don't like it are afraid to admit how realistic it is. We all have dysfunction in our lives, no one is the typical 'leave it to beaver' family. This movie shows us the beauty of our differences with a style and story like no other. This movie didn't win enough awards in my opinion. If your liked this movie you will love "Magnolia" with Tom Cruise - it is another realistic depiction of the sad and beautiful world we live in.
Rating:  Summary: How did this movie win the Academy for Best Picture? Review: People who have reviewed this movie must be either a) seriously demented or b) not familiar with any "good" films. This movie was a large disappointment. It gave a very sick and twisted view of life. It also had some of the worst performances by actors I have ever seen, including Spacey. I do not know what everyone sees in this film, but it is just not there. It just goes to prove that the Academy does not know what they are talking about because this film did not deserve anything.
Rating:  Summary: Where's all the xtra stuff?!?!?!?!?! Review: Great movie! Kevin Spacey is awesome! One thing bothers me though . . . Where are the deleted scenes? The movie was suppose to start in a courtroom setting. The movie even had an alternate ending. Not saying they should have changed such a great movie, but at least include them on the DVD, considering its one of the reasons DVD was created.