Rating:  Summary: *SPOILERS* Review: I suspect the reason this film is so awful is due to studio politics and the compromises that have to be made to get projects off the ground in an increasingly prohibitively expensive medium. Certainly the director Sam Mendes had to abandon his first attempt, probably because the script is such piffle it's hard to make it work. He gave it his best shot, fair enough. This isn't the truth about America, it's one script writer's view of America and judging by his CV he has not done a great deal other than work in sitcom, which says a lot about the structure, approach and choices made in this film. Trite scenes such as the throwing of the plate (queue canned laughter) and Benning's unconvincing behaviour in selling a house for instance. Nothing works or convinces, especially the fatuous notion that a father should be murdered for 'ignoring' his sibling. I suspect the writer threw in other stuff garnered from 'Sex, Lies And Video Tape' and a tasteless who-dunnit element in an attempt to make the picture seem familiar and entertaining for the audience. The bottom line was always money, not profundity.I think I'm right in saying Geffin had a hand in backing this film and there has been talk recently of a 'gay clique' in Hollywood and it's influence behind the film'making scenes. I don't know if that's the case here but the gay couple are signalled straight away as being the happiest. The film also plugs the usual gay propaganda that anyone who dislikes gays must automatically be in the closet. The scene where such an alleged person punches his son full in the chest for touching a plate is particularly unconvincing and pernicious. The portrayal of the wife and women in general all seems to come from a certain questionable perspective. The so-called spiritual element about the nature of beauty produces an unbelievably laughable scene involving a bag. One character looks at the blood matter of a brain with a hippy dippy stare that seems to say "Wow man, It's so bea-u-ti-ful!" I cannot believe anyone takes these preposterous contrivances with dead birds and the like seriously. It's palpable nonsense. All this huffing and puffing just for a reactionary 'Wizard Of Oz' homily about a family picture and 'there's no place like home.' The film then proceeds with some sentimental voice-over guff about leaves and the loss of youth. As the camera pulls back over suburbia and the patronising final sentiments are spoken, we can almost hear the film-makers behind the screen giggling "My God, are they really BUYING all of this?" Well, sadly the majority of people are sheep. The reality is that America has oppressed a large number of weaker and poorer countries over the last three decades in the guise of fighting Communism. Very few people seem to be aware of the real horror that has gone on in central America and America's hand in it, and the third world in general, at the expense and loss of life of the poorest in those societies. America is not the evil of the world but in the light of this enormous suffering and loss of an experience that only comes once to us all, are we really expected to care about the 'suffering' of Burnham and his wife and their arguments about damaging the sofa? Americans love this film because very few of them have suffered real injustice in their lives, the kind you suffer if you're born in Sudan, for instance. A price has been paid for such comforts and Americans should be grateful for the lives they have, and not whinge. Materialism does not necessarily mean a loss of inner worth or that you can deepen your world. Many have been freed to pursue personal expression, such as making drivel like this film. Be grateful for what you have in the time we have left, which in the face of increasing weapon super-technology attainment, may not be long. American Beauty's sincerity is disingenuous. It flatters to deceive. It's purpose is to make Americans feel safe and good about themselves so that the people behind it will be successful and make money. There is a machine that has to be fed and a huge amount of talentless people are out there figuring increasingly desperate ways to do so. 'American Beauty' incapsulates all that is glib, meretricious and plain wrong about modern cinema and as such, in my opinion, it is one of the very worst films ever made.
Rating:  Summary: What's the big deal? Review: This is an academy award winner. It has been praised from by everyone as "innovative" and "original." I found this movie, however, to be a bore. Kevin Spacey does do a great job portraying a man in crisis. About to be fired from his job, he blackmails his boss for a big separaton bonus. With this money, he can live his dream to work in a McDonalds. I am not making this up. He also starts lifting weights again, renews his passion for pot, and falls in love? with his teenager daughter's friend. His wife is having an affair. His daughter, very unhappy, is dating a local thug and drug dealer. American Beauty takes great pains to excuse everyone's conduct. The drug dealer's father is a jerk and a bigot. His wife feels unloved and unsatisfied at home. His daughter is his daughter. Won't you be messed up in such a family? Personally, I felt that the story itself was slow and aimless. It was also told in a very depressing manner. What was the point? It was almost if the writers took the day in the life of some ordinary person and put in up on the screen. Since, normally, we live day-to-day, there isn't a common theme or connection in such a story. I realize that alot of people might like the camera work or the performance of Stacey or Benning, but I want a coherent story. Since there was none found here, I didn't find much to like. Still, I do appreciate the actor's performance and work on this film. Thus, I gave it a "2" instead of a plain fail. But whatever I ultimately rate this one, I would warn everyone but "artsy" people away from it.
Rating:  Summary: Thoroughly enjoyable dark comedy Review: Forget all the deep analyses of the characters and the film...simply put, this movie is hilarious and touching, both at the same time. Definitely a classic. I am generally NOT a fan of mainstream films, and might have passed this one up due to its unbelievable acceptance by the masses (baaaaaah). I prefer off-beat, independent films because I usually find the typical mainstream movies a tad ho-hum. But I found the humor in this very unique and refreshing...this is the type of movie John Waters should have evolved into making. All cast members do a great job, and Annette Bening is particularly hilarious as an "empowered" real estate agent and wife. The movie has some serious moments here and there, and you may see yourself in it from time to time, but I was overwhelmed more by its humor and frankness.
Rating:  Summary: The greatest masterpiece of all time. Review: There is truly no way to describe the magnificance of this masterpiece, except to say that this is the greatest movie of all time. Their have been many fantastic movies in history, but none to the incredible caliber of "American Beauty." My only regret is that I do not have the terrific privilage of seeing this work of art again for the first time.
Rating:  Summary: One of the top 20 movies I've ever seen Review: This movie was the first one I bought on DVD. I never got a chance to see it on the big screen and I have been kicking myself ever since. The DVD delivers crisp sound and picture quality that VHS cannot duplicate. The red coloration on DVD comes out the way Mendes intended it to. Also, listening to Mendes commentary of the movie was very insightful. If you enjoy deep, thought provoking movies that make you stop and think about the way things appear, then this is an excellent movie for you. If you take movies for surface value and don't read deeper, then avoid this movie, cause you won't understand it.
Rating:  Summary: I just don't get it... Review: OK...so stop reading if you loved this movie. Personally, I just don't see that it is that special. Some scenes are good; a few are memorable...but it's been about two months since I watched the DVD and I CANNOT REMEMBER the beginning, end or much of the middle of the movie. Somehow, it didn't stick, and my mind must have been drifting. I'm not an afficionado of dark comedy...and this is such a film. I found nothing to much appreciate in nearly all the characters...and some of them (like the father/marine with homophobia) are such cardboard, two-dimensional stereotypes that nothing they do is memorable...you've seen it all before in real life or in the movies. There just isn't anything new here. Don't waste much money on this one...just rent it if you feel the need to see it. About the only thing of interest is seeing the actress who played the little girl in Disney's Hocus Pocus playing a typical tormented teen in this movie.
Rating:  Summary: American Masterpiece Review: I always enjoy reading the reviews of controversial books and films. The ones that entertain me the most are those in which the reviews claims that those who enjoyed the movie are demented, that any sane or intelligent person would have hated the film, that the true intelligentsia would despise it. Naturally, American Beauty got quite a few such reviewers. I humbly disagree with them. This movie is, in my opinion, sheer genius. I was captivated by Kevin Spacey's opening monologue, and hardly blinked throughout the rest of the film, except to blink back tears during Spacey's closing speech. The music is almost hypnotic; the pacing is perfect. Scenes are as beautiful as paintings, and symbolism is rife. I've watched the movie five times now, and haven't tired of it. There's always something more to discover, another layer of meaning to be unraveled. The acting is not perfect. I agreed with the Academy's decision not to give Annette Bening the Oscar; and while Kevin Spacey was brilliant, the three adolescents all had "off" moments. But this is such a minor complaint in the grand scheme of things. I was so captivated by the overall impact of the film that I didn't even notice until a later viewing. Borrow it, rent it, or buy it. This is a must-see.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent flick Review: Okay, I'll admit it, I'm a sucker for short attention span movies. As much as I enjoy movies like this one, in my mind, I'm secretly wishing for them to just hurry up and cut to the chase. This movie was recommended to me, however, by someone who makes my attention deficit disorder look like I could sit and read War and Peace, so I gave it a shot. What did I think of this movie... Let's see... It as incredibly unpredictable, which is such a rare treat these days, it is definately NOT the poop from the same dog wrapped up in different paper as most movies are lately, it provides just the perfect blend of ingredients to give the viewer a taste of our main character's state of mind, it's real but quite surreal, it makes a slough of social statements most subtly, which I am quite impressed with. DESPITE the grumpings of all those who think they know better and have a great deal more knowledge of films, or background or whatever it is that qualifies them to tell me what I should and should not like, this movie is STILL GOOD. This is coming from someone like myself, who us drawn to shallow, light movies because I can't sit still for very long. If *I* sat through it, and watched it, and wasn't counting ceiling tiles or making a running commentary, and this movie was able to hold the attention of a complete 30 year old child, it was EXCELLENT. It was poignant, beautiful, artful, filled to the brim with talent and worth every grain of its salt. Watch it. And do so like you're having a huge piece of chocolate mousse cake... taste and savour every bite.
Rating:  Summary: Good...but not Oscar worthy Review: I think this film was overappreciated. Yes, some parts were original, nicely shot, yes, there was some good acting, but darl comedies have been better filmed before, like "Happiness" for example. And I always thought Bening's performance was overrated. I think she's a competent actress but I've seen her to better effect elsewhere. However this is not entirely her fault, for I feel her role was underwritten and one dimensional. Spacey is adequate, I guess. I don't know, it just didn't bowl me over. Darn depressing, too.
Rating:  Summary: spacey rules Review: he is no james dean but i dont think that he could be criticised for his acting ability. once again this movie proves that a self absorbed bloated american director would have turned this prize buffet into christmas turkey. a great film owed to sam mendes and kevin spacey. american directors should stick to tearing omaha beach to shreads. to make a truly darkly humourous film without using excessive force as tarrantino showed the world, you have to come from one of the most depressing populous in the world england. mendes has shown something universal in american suburbia that is always hidden (discounting john lynchs blue velvet) with flowers, beaver cleaver, and picket fences. this film could have oh so easily become drool and paedophilia laced with pink floyd. but as we do say or used to say on the isle of the angles "turned out nice again." Or not so nice again the complexity and the lies are the most entertaining you look forward to the sarcasm and are almost annoyed with the gunshot.