Rating:  Summary: Disturbing? Ha Review: I just want to say that this is a true masterpiece! And to the reviewers like the "too distrurbing" one, let me say this: American Beauty is NOT an educational movie. When that reviewer says: "if you're a parent you won't like it" come on! that's so stupid. A good movie doesn't necessary have to be optimistic. You can't say "it's too disturbing to be good". It doesn't have anything to do.And again: no one said this was an educational movie ok? don't get confused, you "parents".
Rating:  Summary: Disturbing and insightful Review: One of the more controversial popular movies in many years. Kevin Spacey, Annette Benning, et al. deserve the praise they have received. Many feel American Beauty is depressing, disturbing, and nihilistic. The debate is wonderful. How we respond to this movie says a lot about who we are and our capacity to accept challenges to our comfortable standards. We, as a society, need to be challenged. Finally, a movie that doesn't pander to politically correct notions or pawn off special effects laden melodrama to subdue and amuse the gaping masses. The movie IS depressing and disturbing. In a powerful provacative way. It explodes comfortable assumptions about the efficacy of the american dream. Aren't imperfect people deluding themselves when they aspire to and actually expect suburban utopia? Is the ideal of the american dream better than the people trying to obtain it? Is this why are so many average americans unhappy most of the time? Because they feel incapable or undeserving of a societal aspiration which has been thrust upon them, unasked for? American Beauty is nothing less than a blistering indictment of the comfortable mores of suburban America. Of course the least dysfunctional relationship in the movie is the gay couple's. Then again, the gay couple's relationship is never explored. Do they fight and argue like traditional couples? I'll bet they do. Because it's normal and healthy to fight and argue. The two households explored are like two museums at first. Sterile, hushed, and surface perfect. Neither are families beyond the biological sense. Both are just small collections of individuals who happen to live together. The film IS nihilistic for the fictional characters. But that's ok. The movie isn't really about those imaginary people. In the end we don't really care about those unhappy unpleasant people; how could we? It's about the people watching it. We may not care about these unhappy wanderers but we do care about ourselves and those we love. The characters in the movie are too far gone to be helped. Are we?
Rating:  Summary: I rule. Review: When Kevin Spacey said the line, "I rule," I couldn't help but say, yes, yes you do. What an incredible performance by Spacey, and the whole cast, really. This movie will leave you thinking about life when the credits begin to roll, much like the Shawshank Redemption and other modern day classics. Truly an awesome movie. I loved it, you will too.
Rating:  Summary: Another thing.... Review: If you were touched deeply (HA!) by the motif of "beauty in the ordinary", then go read Joyce's "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man", which has in it a much deeper, genuine explanation of true beauty. This movie is hyperbole, a of easy answers that have a much greater assumed context than is developed in the film. By no means is it a masterpiece. The hype about it is just a flock of sheep proving that strength in numbers does, though it shouldn't, work. "And when at times the mob is swayed / to carry praise or blame too far / we may choose something like a star / to keep our minds on and be staid." Joyce is luminous. Read it and discover REAL beauty.
Rating:  Summary: Why Best Pcture? Review: I do not own & will never own this film. I saw it on HBO. I was not thrilled to see about half the cast drop their clothes. The Insider should have been best picture over this mess.
Rating:  Summary: Truly Disturbing Movie Review: This movie definitely is disturbing for the soul and the mind. The look at how a dysfuntional "all-American" family can see the scares and the happiness of how everyday life can be for most families. I saw this movie out of the Oscar excitement. It made me a bit haunted. I still wonder why it won Best Picture?
Rating:  Summary: American Tragedy Review: Overrated picture #10,000. Again I see a movie the whole world seems to rave about and where others find art I find trash. Seemingly when I discuss my opinion with others, all they will tell me is " Well wait until your over forty and you'll get it." Look I GET IT! But if I have to see this movie again at forty it will be too soon. The gimicky story structure infuriated me with its plot device ridden script (Was it necessary for the neighbor's father to be gay? The plotting of the scene where Chris Cooper kisses Spacey was SOOOO cheap!) None of the preformances convinced me one bit. I don't care how many Oscars this one took home, winning an Oscar does not a good film make. If your idea of a good time is seeing Kevin Spacey toss it in the shower and chase little 16 year old cheerleaders, while a closet homosexual next door beats up his son than this flick is for you. I think this is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I'm ashamed that I sat to the end. This is ORDINARY PEOPLE for the MTV midnight soap opera crowd.
Rating:  Summary: If not for "Hollywood", it could have been great Review: Contrary to to what everyone seems to think, the original screenplay of "American Beauty" *was* changed. (note that the following will ruin the ending) In the original script, Lester succeeds in having sex with Angela on the couch, and she confesses her virginity after. In comparison with Lester's character throughout the rest of the film, this is inconsistent, and was changed solely to give him a false epiphany, and evoke sympathy from the audience when his brains were blown out. If he had sex with her and then found out about her virginity, it would have made more sense, would have been more powerful and poignant in a less sentimental, gimmicky way, and, like so few movies in cinema history, might have been a real tragic masterpiece. I am awfully suspicious of that Steven Spielberg story. It reeks of the kind of rumor people make up to make a movie seem incredibly great, hiding the truth. If you read the PUBLISHED screenplay, Alan Ball's preface recalls another instance where the original script was changed. Don't be so gullible. What happened to the "American Beauty" script happens to virtually every movie you will ever see in a conglomerate theatre. Unfortunately, it is only the lesser-known independent films, of which everyone seems to have a preconcieved bias against, that maintain integrity. Expand your horizons and discover the pure art of cinema.
Rating:  Summary: Wow Review: Definitely on my list of the top ten movies. The DVD also contains a number of goodies including an extensive, well-produced documentary about the making of the movie and its transition from script to screen. Excellent commentary from writer Alan Ball and director Sam Mendes. And of course, I can't say enough about the movie itself -- a terrific story, metaphorically air-tight as well as thoroughtly entertaining. "A classic movie," to quote Mr. Spielberg.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely incredible! Review: This dark drama had me on the edge of my seat from start to finish. It delves into the mind of a man going through a mid life crisis. He realizes that life is only so long and the he is going to do what makes him happy. Of course he pays the price for his indulgences, but the path to that price was incredible. This is a must have DVD for anyone who enjoys a comedy a bit on the dark side.