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Mulholland Drive

Mulholland Drive

List Price: $14.98
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: THE WORST MOVIE OF 2001
Review: This is as bad, if not worse than THE LOST HIGHWAY. It's hard to believe this scatological piece of so-called film noir came from the same man who made ERASERHEAD, THE ELEPHANT MAN, BLUE VELVET, WILD AT HEART, and THE STRAIGHT STORY. David Lynch has ultimately lost his edge when it comes to translating his nightmarish perception of reality. The slow paranoid timing, brooding music, and geek show symbolism is becoming self-indulgent and pretentious. Not to mention boring. That's right all you Lyncheads.....Boooorrrrriinnnggg. Just because it's paint splatters on a canvas doesn't make it great art.

Robert Ebert says this is one of the best movies of the year and he still doesn't know what it means. What does that say about what he and other critics value about film as art? Should we immmediately elevate this film to importance because everyone says you have to see it twice to understand it? Because Roger Ebert and the other pseudo intelligentsia tell us how brilliant it is? Something about a dual identity? Who cares? The journey was tedious and full of holes. Yes, sometimes great art is not understood the first time and should be viewed again and reassessed. But I was squirming in my seat the first time. I'd rather have root canal than sit through this mess again. Yes, sometimes great art doesn't even have to have meaning.(and I assure you this film is meaningless) But for God's sake at least make it interesting. Watching this film was like watching paint dry. At times it was like watching a really bad television program. Twin Peaks it's not. I don't mind being challenged by convoluted writing, but I know when I'm being mentally masturbated.

David Lynch is not a good writer and needs to start optioning projects from The Writer's Guild. Discuss this in the coffee house amongst yourselves. Me......I'd rather watch L.A. CONFIDENTIAL, again. Or.... THE MAN WHO WASN"T THERE, again. If you like stylishly bizarre film noir, see that instead. It's far superior. The Coen Brothers do David Lynch better than Lynch, who is quickly becoming a parody of himself. If you're reading this you're probably a Lynchead and pressing the NO button by now. But don't be fooled. The Emperor has no clothes. It's blaringly obvious that this man's vision is puerile.

I can see why this was scrapped as a Television Series. If Television Executives can smell the stink when the Movie Critics can't; head for the shelters you sheep, the world is coming to an end.

David Lynch died with punk rock. He's over. Lynch, I wasted 2 and half hours of my life and I want 'em back!! I'm tired of looking inside your head. It's empty. It's time to fill it up with something new.

Signed, a former Lynchead.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Just Average
Review: This is not a masterpiece, nor is it in any sense horrible.

THis movie was a pretty good movie, if you know what to ignore. There are plenty of scenes in this movie that you could take completely out, and it would have no effect at all. Why? Because many of the scenes are thrown in there, for apparently no reason.

Yes, I got the point of the movie. But some of the dots do not connect, and a lot of people try to act smart by saying they love this movie. By saying you love a movie with some parts that made no sense, some people might be "What a smart person, they got it and I didn't." Well, that's pretty much what it comes down to with Lynch and his fans. I know a lot of what it is symbolism and illusion. But it's just not needed.

Some of the stuff that gets thrown into this movie would be like randomly throwing some paint on a finished, very well made portrait. It only hurts it and it would have been better if left out. Which is why this movie only gets 2 stars.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: David Lynch Finally Gives Us An Ending. But Not A Middle!
Review: After Lost Highway I had almost given up. Remembering Fire Walk With Me, however, I gave Mulholland Dr. a shot. I should have remembered that Fire was a prequel to a series that went nowhere. Although Lynch must have felt a need to get an ending that made sense this time, he for some reason didn't feel a need to make a movie that makes sense most of the way through. Yes, the larger parts do tie together in the end, although hardly everything does. But just because the puzzle is difficult does not mean there's much joy in solving it -- the payoff, though eerie, was just too long in getting there, and the story too sloppy, and with too many never-explained turn, events, and whole characters, to warrant much interest. David Lynch, I see that you're trying, and I wish you the best, but that's the last time I plunck down my money to see one of your pictures. Ugh.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Where's the mystery?
Review: Lynch gives the thriller-mystery genre a real twist here but not in the usual sense of trick endings. At least not trick endings as we're used to expect. It's just that the latter part of the film gives the viewer a bit of a cinematic judo throw. Can you roll with it and get up for more? Here's what happens. You think you're watching the plot of a pretty good mystery unfold, along with the character development of appealing if somewhat corny Hollywood types. Except you're aware that this is a David Lynch film so something's going to take an unexpected turn somewhere and of course it does. You realize the real mystery is "where did the story I was just engaged in go"? Ah! Now the fun really starts! You've got LOTS and LOTS of clues to sort through to figure out who is who and what they are up to in the film. I'm not going to tell you my theory (other reviewers have, so if that's what you're after, look there) but I had a great time coming up with one. Inside the DVD Lynch gives you "10 Clues to Unlocking This Thriller". If you were intrigued by the film after seeing it in a theater like I was, saying to yourself "there was more to that than can possibly be grasped in one viewing" then this DVD was meant for you. I've now watched the film three times and I'm still seeing all sorts of new connections and duplications of story lines from different angles. [I've still got one clue that's bugging me, what is the "Sylvia North Story"? In the film it's the film that the director is casting but is it also a real story or film?] Well, THIS film is great fun! It's creepy, funny, playful, sexy, with several wild characters and yes, it's confusing at a certain level. But repeatedly entertaining with many interesting moments throughout. I think you'll want to pull this DVD out through the years and watch it, perhaps with friends so you can hash over what is actually happening in Mulholland Drive. Something is being said about life, death, art and Hollywood. Part of the mystery is the very structure of the film. Does that sound like a game you want to try to figure out? As the Cowboy says in the film "....so let's just say I'm driving this buggy and if you fix your attitude, you can ride along with me." Lynch is more or less saying the same thing.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: One of the Best Movies I've Ever Seen
Review: It's important to note that if this review were based on the movie alone, I'd have given it five stars. I only gave it four stars for one reason: the DVD is a little bare. Perhaps it's because I've've been spoiled by double DVDs with numerous special features, but the lack of special features is a little disappointing. With that said, I still would have given it five stars if that was the only problem. My biggest problem with the DVD is the lack of chapter selection. I'm sure that David Lynch did this for a reason, but it is a step backward towards the days of VHS, and can become quite a pain when you want to view one particular scene, especially with a complex movie like this that challenges the viewer to think.

As for the movie itself, I felt that it was absolutely brilliant. I love David Lynch, and I think that this is some of his best work. (You'll have to excuse my brevity, as I'll let the movie speak for itself and I don't want to ruin somebody's experience) The acting is superb. In my opinion, Naomi Watts had the best performance of the year. Lynch is in top form; as always, he does a great job of combining symbols with outstanding camera work that allows you to see what he wants you to without beating you over the head with it. The story is complex, yet a very intriguing riddle. It will most likely require multiple viewings to fully understand and appreciate this film, but it's well worth it; each viewing is as enjoyable as the last (possibly more so). That is the magic gift that David Lynch gives; his films either retain their original interest or increase it upon repeat viewings. This film is a masterpiece, and I recommend that Lynch fans and non-Lynch fans alike buy this DVD. Despite my slight gripes about the DVD, it is one of my favorite movies and the DVD is well worth the money.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: WARNING: Plot spoilers & analysis. behind the genius of MD
Review: Okay, to all the reviwers who thought this movie made no sense, shame on you. You haven't really been paying attention. Everything in this movie has it's place. It does take a little effort to figure out, but there is a purpose to this film. Heres my take:

In the beginning of the film we are shown Dianne's POV as she begins to sleep (the bed & pillow). We are then introduced to the Rita character as shes about to be murdered. An accident foils the murder plan and Rita loses her memory. What follows is a very important part of the film that most people seem to miss. There are a few characters "pulling the strings". These are the guys on the phone, the guy in the wheelchair, the brothers who later visit Adam the director, the grifter behind the wall, and The Cowboy. These guys are working to insert Camilla Rhodes as the star in Adam's film. These characters are caught in a loop until they get it right. (Making Camilla the star.) That's why the people at the table in the meeting with the director know what's going to happen (ex: the man who calls out for an espresso has researched it and acquired (or so he thinks) the best espresso.
The Betty character is nothing more than a guide although she doesn't know it. Betty is "sent" NOT to help Rita find her identity, but to eliminate her from the loop. The Betty character is accompanied by the two seniors who are also working "behind the scenes" to get Camilla Rhodes to be the star of Adams flick.

Rita (who was Camilla) now has no identity. She is no longer a player in the game. Her existence is now merely a blunder (because of the accident.) The new Camilla (the girl in the picture shown in the meeting) is the new variable and all other varibles (Rita, Dianne) are inconsequential.
Betty & Rita attend club Silencio only to realize that "it's all an illusion". The performer states that "There is no band". There are no performers and whatever happens is pre-destined (tape recorded). Betty is given the box that will eliminate them from the loop. Betty disappears because she has done her job (guiding Rita to Club Silencio & finding the box). When Rita uses the key to unlock the box she is gone as if she never existed.
The second half of the film recalls what led up to the hit being put out on the then Camilla(Rita). The movie switches from past (the party scene) to present (when Diannes neighbor gets her stuff back). The last part of the film re-introduces the "guides" that accompanied Betty (who's job it was to remove Rita from the loop.) The guides drive Dianne to kill herself, thus eliminating both extraneous variables (Rita and Dianne) from the picture. Now theres a clean slate where the "new" Camilla can take her role as a star.
The bumbling hitman character kills the guy who foiled Ritas murder. (Remember, they talk about a car accident where he was most likely a participant.) But, that was just an aside as the hitmans goal was to acquire his book (which was not important to the film aparently).
The Key the hitman gives Dianne signifies that the hit has succeeded and "Camilla" is dead.
The grifter behind the wall seems to be the one who actually cleans up the loose ends. Through his actions, and his box, all three main characters(Rita, Betty, Dianne) are eliminated from the timeline thus cementing the new "Camilla" as the star of Adams movie.

The movie is about the forces at work behind the scenes. In this case a young Starlett named Camilla Rhodes. The story that Lynch chooses to tell represents the consequences that those forces have on others. The manipulation of names & faces & identities as variables in a bizarre formula to achieve stardom. The characters seemingly play out a destiny or fate to suit a desired result, but they had to work at it a few times to get it right.

At any rate, this is the conclusion I came to when watching this film. Oh yeah, it only gets 4 stars because the DVD has no comentary and minimal extras. Still its a genius of a film. Direction, acting, soundtrack, it's all there, best movie I've seen since Donnie Darko.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: some people just don't get it
Review: I honestly don't understand how a person can feel qualified enough to bash this movie. David Lynch is a true artist, and the beauty of his films is that they cannot be taken in one sitting. This isn't Dude, Where's My Car. This isn't a movie for the lazy armchair critic. The best movies are not the ones that are great in one viewing. They are the ones that make you come back again and again.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Dont listen to the negative reviews
Review: Mulholland Drive is really one of the best movies of 2001. I'll admit at first, i too was a bit confused, to see the film only once will not do it justice. I ended up seeing it again and finally solved this puzzle. The movie is a tragedy of dreams and hopes gon wrong. You must give the film a second chance. It's really not that complicated, you must pay careful attention and you can will understand it too. Most of the film is simple enough until the two main characters open up the blue box. After this point in the film carefully watch it. Most of it towards th end is basically flashblacks and it jumps around somewhat. Just follow it careful and you will understand why this film has been so highly acclaimed as it has been. Once you figured it all out, you will see how a tragic and sad tale it all was. Please, please do yourself a favor and watch it and if you didnt understand it, watch once more....its all worth it!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Requires repeated viewings.
Review: A truly excellent movie requires repeated viewings. If you only need to see it once to "get it" then there's not much going on in it. The trouble with David Lynch material is that you have to go into it recognizing that it will take repeated viewings. This can be frustrating, but it can also be extremely rewarding.
I don't want to spend time explaining this movie; I have spoken with a number of friends about their interpretations of this film, and they have all offered radically different versions. This isn't the kind of movie that requires one explanation; it's a film that you submerge yourself in. It's not about plot and story, but about images and impressions. Don't try to figure the movie out, just experience it.
Not all people like to just "experience" movies. If you need a movie that has a cohesive plot -- and there's no shame in that! -- don't watch this movie. This movie, like a Picasso painting, is not about a direct representation of events or people, but rather about the artist's impression of events and people. And, let's face it, David Lynch doesn't have the most normal impressions of things. But that's what makes his movies so fascinating: the sheer strangeness of them. The imagery in his movies are striking and beautiful as well as frightening and haunting, and this movie is perhaps Lynch's most powerfully visual film yet. The performances are also stellar; Naomi Watts is completely convincing in the many roles she ends up portraying (and you got to love Billy Ray Cyrus!).
Know that you will need to view this movie more than once. The greatest movies require repeat viewings to glean every bit of meaning and experience from them. If the movie needs only one viewing, it's a shallow movie. Cinematic masterpieces from "Fight Club" and "Memento" to "Vertigo" and "Citizen Kane" all require multiple viewings in order to fully appreciate the genius behind them; "Mulholland Drive" is no different. Yes, it can be frustrating to finish a film in confusion. This just means you haven't watched it with the right mindset. Prepare yourself to watch it again; that way, you won't feel the pressure to "get" the movie on the first pass and you can simply slow down and experience the movie as it is.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: An incoherent piece of junk
Review: if you enjoy story with a beginning, middle and an end with some sort of purpose and meaning, do not waste your time with this mess.

even with beautiful cinematography, some steamy lesbo love scenes, and the director's reputation of being unconventional, mulholland drive is an utter failure as a movie no matter how you cut it.

don't be fooled by other reviews claiming this is some sorta artistic masterpiece with deep provoking ideas and groundbreaking vision that can't be fully comprehended by us normal folks. the truth is that this movie can't be and will probably never be understood by anyone including lynch himself.

it kinda resembles people kept pumpin money into internet stocks without knowing what they were actually buying but just following the bandwagon and others so called industry experts. don't buy into..."you have to watch it a dozen times in order to figure out what the movie is all about" it doesn't make sense for a very simple reason: the script is badly written with contrive characters, events and plot devices for the sole purpose of creating confusion and shock effects with no true story value

Many good movies/stories have nonlinear structures that appear confusing and make audience think deeper but they all have to make sense at the end such as Pulp fiction, Momento, Abre los ojos, and the like. mulholand drive tries too hard to be unconventional and it ends up becoming what it's now - an incoherent piece of junk

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