Rating:  Summary: A breat of fresh air Review: One of the most beautiful films I've had the pleasure of watching in a long time, Amelie captures the audience's hearts and minds from the very start. It draws attention to life's subtle yet moving moments and combines it with simple every day events that many of us have grown numb to in our hectic modern day lives. Set in the Monmartre district of Paris, Amelie is essentially a story about a shy, reserved and somewhat eccentric young girl who convinces herself that her mission on this planet is to help people, and so she sets out to do just that. At the same time, she finds herself falling in love with an equally quirky character who collects discarded photographs lying around photo booths. Fabulous escapism that's a breath of fresh air to watch and so different from the run-of-the-mill Hollywood movies of late where the actors and titles change, but the movies remain so similar.
Rating:  Summary: **SCREAM!!** Review: This was one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. With Jeunet as director it's no wonder it was such a successful film (also directed City of Lost Children...another 5 stars!).Amelie is like the young girl who could have been your quiet playmate as a child and who still captures that innocence as a young woman at 23. She is the quiet girl in the back of the room wide-eyed in observation with quirky obsessions developed throughout her childhood that have stuck with her over time. Her wild imaginings and sense of vengeance will leave you tickled-pink. She becomes a Mother Theresa of sorts when she finds that one of her true callings in life is to help people find simple happiness from memories of long ago in their little day-to-day lives. Eventually she finds that her own life is in neglect of the happiness she sought as a child and did not recieve from her loveless family. Now, on her own, Amelie takes foot into a bevy of endless adventure. The art direction is fantastic and you will learn to fall in love again with the simple pleasures of everyday with Amelie. Amelie is a breath of fresh air in a stagnant world cold with misery. Bring the child to life and watch this film. You will be glad you took the time to sit and watch as the plot unfolds a beautiful story about life, love, and happiness! Don't blame me for wanting to watch the film again and again!!
Rating:  Summary: Whimsical Magic Review: actually, make it 4.5 stars. This is a sweet, charming, whimsical story filled with magic and humor. It is not a gripping, edge of your seat story, nor a deeply moving drama. But it has magic and a wonderful wit, which keeps you smiling. At one level it reminded me of The Red Balloon (a must see classic.) The story, about a strange, somewhat alienated young lady who finds a sweet way to give some meaning to her life, has some very creative twists and turns. Like a fine French pastry, this one will give you pleasure, and perhaps pause to think what you can do if apply a bit of effort and creativity.
Rating:  Summary: All special effects--no story Review: "Amelie" has got to be one of the most over-rated movies of the year. There was no story nor character development in this movie--just special effects. I mean, what was the movie really about? Some French girl finds an old tin box in her apt. one day and decides to return it back to its original owner. As a result, she winds up doing other good and bad deeds. THAT'S ESSENTIALLY IT! Big deal. And the way Amelie meets the love of her life is completely hokey. He comes into possession of a photo of Amelie in a Zorro costume and somehow miraculously enough manages to track her down at the restaurant where she works. He pledges his undying love for her and they make love that night. All because she did him a good deed. I wonder if he would've made love to Amelie if she was ugly and vice versa? Now there's a thought that probably didn't occur to the writer. And Michael Edelman, you wrote that these characters weren't one-dimensional? Did we see the same movie? These characters are nothing but one-dimensional. One of the reasons Amelie wears a Zorro mask is because she's shy and doesn't want the people who she does good deeds for know who she is. Yet she's not shy to make love to a guy who she just met that day. The critics are talking about her getting an Oscar nomination for Best Actress--yeah, right. She exhibited no talent whatsoever. The bottom line--don't waste your 8 bucks on this lame movie unless you're into special effects only.
Rating:  Summary: Pure Magic Review: Why I loved this movie: First off, it's in french, subtitled. Which I love, because I adore the sound. Secondly, it's surreal. Beautifully weird. Thirdly, I totally identify with Amelie, which is probably going to sound really bad once I start talking about the movie. Basically, it's a fairytale. This girl grows up in a very cold family, so she developed a very active fantasy life (which thankfully didn't involve dancing mice), but no social skills. So when the movie really starts, she's 23, but already has a number of eccentric habits, and she's basically started down that path that ends with 45 cats in a studio apartment. She has an eclectic, but very nice apartment, she still visits her father every week, even though he doesn't seem to care, she has a job as a waitress in a cafe near Montmartre. She goes through life as an observer, not a participant, and there's nothing to make her get more involved. So then one day--the day Lady Di died--she finds a box in her apartment that belonged to a little boy 40 years before. And she decides to find him. She decides that if he is pleased to get the box back, she'll continue doing good things like that. And if he isn't, well, so what. You don't need to know more than this. All that you really need to know is that it's wonderful. It's like watching a deLint story, almost. It's fabulously surreal, it's gorgeous, it has little bits of magic in an ordinary life. Amelie is a French Jilly, but not so chipper. She's gloriously fey--the poster makes her look almost scary--and so nice. She still at 23 has a very active imagination, and she manages to be pure evil (in an okay manner) once in the movie. I want this movie. It was a little sad, very sweet, hysterically funny, and utterly charming all in one. It goes on my list to buy, as if I'll ever find it in the states. As it is, I'm probably going to go see it sometime this week.
Rating:  Summary: Not enough stars, not enough theaters!! Review: I am sorry to repeat what everybody says, but everyone needs to give Amelie a chance, so why is it in limited release (only 150 theaters in the country last week)??? Warning! I am gonna get very personnal here: I drove far to see the film. I just bought the DVD from a french web-site even though it is not subtitled in english yet, I couldn't wait! One thing I can add that wasn't said in all the good reviews before: I went to see it with my boyfriend, we were in a "breakup mood" while driving to the theater (that is what long rides do). Not joyous at all. We didn't exchange a word during the movies nor hold hands as usually... Well no problem! This magical film doesn't require company to enjoy every perfect second till the end! While leaving the theater, we were still in the same "close to tears mood", but O surprise: "who cares?!?!?". Amelie kept me smiling anyway for hours! ...It is quite original to look at yourself in a mirror and see teary sad eyes on top, and a bright goofy smile on the lips! ;) Recommended for all ages, all tastes, ALL MOODS. (PS: now everything is fine with the bf, who can't stop praising the film too)
Rating:  Summary: An Adorable French Film Review: I went into this film expecting a cute film about nothing. I got more than that. This film was a cute take on the life of a girl (obviously Amelie) who has a strange life. It starts off by introducing random points that are happening simultaneously. Her parents are brought into the film through their likes and dislikes. The random odd-ballness was appealing and catching. It was hard not to like this film. It starts off a little strange, but eventually grows into an simple storyline, though in no way boring or dull. This film gave me a sense of peace by the end, and I could not help but smile. She herself is an adorable character and easily lovable. The director portrays France in a way that promotes roundness. Everything is color coordinated and perfectly fitting. The clothes of the characters, the attitudes of certain people in relation to their physical appearances. This movie is about two hours long and there was never a tiring moment. I highly recommend this movie. It makes one light-hearted and feel happy about things later. It has it's unusual parts, such as a porn shop, but these add to the personality of everything. More or less this movie is about a girl who decideds to change lives. It's made in a style where one can easily follow along and relate. Enjoyable.
Rating:  Summary: EXCELLENT!!! Review: Amelie is a wonderful film that fulfills one's imagination and hope-fullness. Audrey Tatou is just terrific in this child/woman character - no one else could have played it so well. The message is clear and uplifting; especially endearing during these days of uncertainty. The film's playfulness with Amelie and her search for her 'path' is fun to watch and anticipate. Her Puck-like antics make their point and the audience has the lucky position to watch the preparation of and ultimate outcomes. How many women can relate to her wishes, imagination, wanting the ultimate goal but afraid to go after it? Why can't Hollywood make films like this? Simple, intelligent, and fun. Another viewer said it best - after seeing this film, you WILL think about it and smile afterwards. See it and enjoy for what it is. A good film.
Rating:  Summary: Superb! Review: This is the best movie I've seen in a long time. This is the kind of movie that's going to leave a smile on your face after seeing it, and every time that you think back to it, the mere thought will make you smile. Tautou plays a child in an adult's body, the mentality and wonder of everyday life are brilliantly executed. How could you not love this movie?
Rating:  Summary: Long, LONG Overdue Piece of REAL Cinema Magic! Review: The less said about "Amelie" the better. This is a truly enchanting film that will stay on your impressions long after you leave the theatre and beyond. I've seen it twice and will see it again. And I will stick to my word. In closing, one of the VERY BEST FILMS OF 2001. And considering that this has been the worst year in major cinema, I hope "Amelie" will make Hollywood shake in their boots and scratch their heads wondering how an original & whimsical French film cannot be made in LA-LA land. My answer? A little bit of innocence, child-like wonderment and hope never hurts. Try it! Then have an ice cream afterwards! I'm pretty sure Audrey Tautou will be there in spirit with those big brown eyes, beautiful & luminous smile holding a spoon beside her. God bless you, Jean-Pierre Jeunet! You are a survivor, visionary & cinematic ninja-master. Wear it proud!