Rating:  Summary: Made to be enjoyed year after year Review: Christmas is coming, but Charlie Brown can't get into the Christmas spirit. Seems all the hustle and bustle leaves him feeling sad. Lucy suggests that he direct the Christmas play, but it doesn't seem to be helping. Can Charlie Brown find the real meaning of Christmas?This is an absolute holiday classic. I can remember watching this every year when it was on, and today it never fails to put me in the Christmas mood. It's really amazing how well this stands up, even though the animation is far from perfect and some of the references are out of date. (Aluminum trees anyone?) Still, for me, that's part of the charm. All the characters are true to their comic strip personalities, making for some very funny lines and moments. Also included on the DVD release is It's Christmas Time Again, Charlie Brown. This second special is an animated collection of some of the Christmas themed strips from the late 80's. There's no single story and it's not as charming as the first, but I enjoy it and its great moments. ("Hockey Stick!") The DVD offers no extras beyond these two Christmas features, but the picture quality and sound are excellent. This DVD is a must for all Peanuts fans, but belongs in the library of anyone who enjoys Christmas specials so it can be enjoyed year after year.
Rating:  Summary: The Video That Started It All/Term Paper Due The New Year Review: With this package, you get 2 holiday specials! A Charlie Brown Christmas (5+ stars) and Happy New Year, Charlie Brown (4 stars). The 1st is the video that started it all for Peanuts animation back in 1965. How many of us had to see it as a kid? Charlie Brown is asked to direct the Christmas play by Lucy and is determined not to let it be another commercial Christmas play. Things go awry when nobody wants to listen to him (they'd all rather dance around!). Snoopy decorates his doghouse in hopes to win 1st prize, drives the whole Peanuts gang crazy (tries to steal Linus' blanket causing everybody to crash on the ice and tries dancing on Schroeder's piano until he gives that crazy beagle the scowl to get off!). It's up to Linus to shed light on the true meaning of Christmas. Happy New Year, Charlie Brown was done 20 years later. Although not as good as A Charlie Brown Christmas, it has its moments. Christmas vacation is almost over and Charlie Brown still hasn't written his term paper on Gulliver's Travels. He goes to the New Year's Eve Party in hopes to see the Little Red Haired Girl. Will he get to see the love of his life? Will he get his term paper done in time (and manage to get a decent grade)?
Rating:  Summary: My favorite Christmas special Review: I realize that I am writing this several weeks after Christmas, and this is a Christmas DVD, but this is the first year that I missed watching "A Charlie Brown Christmas" on television, so I rented the DVD. Ever since I was a little boy, this has been my favorite Christmas special, and one that I always looked forward to watching every year. I grew up reading the Peanuts comic strips and I grew up watching the Peanuts Christmas special. Charlie Brown is depressed. He can't seem to get himself into the Christmas spirit. He doesn't like the commercialism of Christmas and scarcely knows the true meaning of Christmas. Lucy selects Charlie Brown to be the director of their Christmas play and he decides to get a Christmas tree for the production. The other kids tell him to get a "nice shiny aluminum tree, maybe a pink one", but Charlie Brown and Linus bring back a sad looking real tree. Charlie Brown is almost laughed out of the auditorium, but when he asks if anyone knows what Christmas is all about, Linus has the answer. Linus recites a passage from the Bible telling of the birth of Jesus. Charlie Brown is cheered and leaves with the tree. He tries to decorate the little tree, but even that is ruined. Linus and the gang follow behind, fix up the tree, and at the end, they show the true spirit of Christmas. It is a sweet little Christmas special, filled with memorable moments that will always make me smile. The one thing that amazes me is that Charles Schulz was able to include Linus's speech near the end about the birth of Jesus. I don't imagine that would have been able to be included today, but I think the special is all the stronger for it. I have a hard time imagining that any new Christmas show will ever hold as special a place in my heart as "A Charlie Brown Christmas". This DVD also includes "It's Christmastime Again, Charlie Brown" (1992). This Christmas feature is lacking the overall charm and emotion of the older special, but it has a lot more humor. It is also different from the first Christmas special in that this one is more a series of vignettes (perhaps based on Schulz's comic strips) than a complete story. There are sequences with Charlie Brown trying to sell Christmas wreaths before Thanksgiving, and of Sally rehearsing for a Christmas play. Sally's sole line is "Hark!", though I think she missed the rest of her lines where the herald angels sing. It is a cute cartoon, but ultimately it does not quite live up to "A Charlie Brown Christmas", but it my mind, nothing can live up to that one.
Rating:  Summary: Remember aluminum Christmas trees from the '60s and '70s? Review: There really were aluminum Christmas trees back then. There were also pink frosted trees with some really psychedelic decorations, too. I've watched this every year since I was a child. I used to stare up at the TV while CBS played that "SPECIAL" graphic and music and then . . . there it was: The Charlie Brown Christmas special! Now that I'm an adult, my schedule has almost made me miss the show each Christmas season. But now that I have the video, I will never miss it! A friend of mine even gave me the cassette of Vince Guaraldi's musical score to go along with it. Hooray! I'm always touched by the message in the story. Christmas is too commercial. It pains me to see Christmas stuff in the stores before school starts, or to see commercials pandering to children so their parents can buy more stuff. But watching Charlie Brown and the gang reminds me of a simpler time. Snoopy, with his gaudily decorated dog house, represents all that's commercial and greedy about Christmas. Charlie Brown tries to overcome that with his involvement in the school play and his search for the right Christmas tree to set the mood for the play cast members. I love this show. I heard that ABC bought the rights away from CBS for all the Charlie Brown specials. But I'm glad I have my video copy so now I don't have to worry about whether it airs or not.
Rating:  Summary: A Gunuine Christmas Classic For All Ages Review: Perhaps the most endearing of all the Charlie Brown specials is "A Charlie Brown Christmas", the first in a long series of made for t.v. half hour films portraying the famous Peanuts Gang. For almost forty years, watching "A Charlie Brown Christmas" has been an eagerly anticipated event for millions of households. I recall watching it as far back as twenty-two years ago, and have watched it every Christmas since. "A Charlie Brown Christmas" was made in a time when commercialism was running rampant all over the country. Stores advertising to shoppers what they ought to buy, long before Thanksgiving had come and gone. Unfortunately, we still see this blatant commercialism today, which makes this short film so very poignant and all the more special. Charlie Brown is assigned to direct the school Christmas pageant, much to his glee; for he feels accepted and worthy. When Lucy tells him to go out and get an alumminum tree, he takes Linus along with him. What Charlie Brown ultimately gets is a small, sickly looking tree, which is rapidly loosing its needles. But, Charlie can see how much the tree "needs him", somebody; something which he can identity with. When he returns, he finds the gang dancing to un-Christmas like music, instead of rehearsing their lines. They stop to take a look at the tree he brought, immediately burtsing out in mocking laughter. Apparently Charlie Brown has failed again. In disgust and humiliation he flees, taking the tree with him. And when he comes upon Snoopy's dog house, all decked out in Christmas lights, not to celebrate the joyous holiday, but to win money in a contest, Charlie Brown has had enough, and almost loses all faith in Christmas. Linus saves the day, somehow able to bring the tree back to life, and make it look much healthier and stronger. But it is when he explains the meaning of Christmas that the "gang" gets the point of Christmas, and what Charlie Brown was trying to do. "A Charlie Brown Christmas" ends with newfound meaning for Christmas, hopefully not soon forgotten by either the Peanuts Gang, or, more importantly ... us.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Present Of All Review: My children are a little old (age-wise) for this, but we all still enjoy watching it around this time of year. This classic will never die out, as it will be enjoyed for many generations to come. Having always been a huge fan of Charlie Brown to begin with, this is, by far, my favorite Christmas special. I can remember seeing it for the first time like it was yesterday. Charles Shulzz did one amazing job with this classic. This short animated special shows children the true meaning of Christmas, and Linus' delightful explanation is timeless in its teaching. This classic is something that can be enjoyed by people of all ages, but especially by families with small children. This is just one great video that would make an excellent addition to anyone's collection.
Rating:  Summary: A Christmas Classic Review: Christmastime is officially here, and while everyone is having fun decorating, and putting together their Christmas wish lists, Charlie Brown is having doubts about the whole holiday. He seems to be having trouble finding the true meaning of Christmas, so he visits Psychiatrist Lucy who presents him with one solution to his problem. Be the director of the Christmas play! Charlie Brown happily accepts the job, but when he sets out to find the perfect Christmas tree to use as a stage prop, everyone is disappointed in his decision. As the tree is small, and scraggly. But this one little tree is exactly what Charlie Brown and everyone else needed, to realize what the true meaning of Christmas is. After all, it's a beautiful tree who just needs a little love. Fans of Charlie Brown will relish in this holiday tale that will help anyone, even the most grinchiest of people, find the true meaning of Christmas, and realize that the holiday doesn't have to be so commercial. With beautiful animation, and a wonderfully inspirational storyline, A CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS, is a must-see for all fans, young and old. Erika Sorocco
Rating:  Summary: Not just for the holidays. Review: I know, I know. It's a Christmas movie. But the themes are solid and the beloved characters are enjoyed by children year-round. We have had this movie for over a year now- and the children watch it at least a couple of times a month. (And yes, they were doing this even in our 100 degree July and August weather.) It's a tradidional favorite that everyone should have.
Rating:  Summary: What about the other holidays, Charlie Brown? Review: I liked this movie alot except for Linus' very storng Christian messages. They should have also have put other holidays in like Haunnka and Kwanza because not every one celebrates Christmas.
Rating:  Summary: A Wonderful and Moving Special, but I noticed... Review: All the previous reviews kind of say it all about this special but in reading them, I did notice one thing. Charlie Brown's depression is reacted to by Linus who says that he (Charlie Brown) is the only person he knows who could "take a holday like Christmas and turn it into a problem." Actually, Charlie Brown is like countless others who find the holidays difficult and painful--a time where lonliness and need is keenly felt. So Linus is actually of no help to Charlie Brown here and is actually wrong!!! Interesting that Linus is the one who later presents the true meaning of Christmas to the Charlie and the others...