Rating:  Summary: Sucks Review: Yeah well this movie was just terrible. Sandler tries paroding the classic cartoon musical but he fails in every way possible. I mean this is a stupid movie, one song is about how great the mall is and then another song has the logos of different stores singing to him. It's almost a marketing ploy to get people to go holiday shopping more. The film also tries to make the audience sympathize with Sandler's character but once again it fails, we have seen the Grinch and A Christmas Carol too many times to actually care about this Jewish Scrooge. This movie sucks all around with cheap gross out humor that may have worked better had it been live action but that would have defeated the purpose of the film. And one last comment, Why the hell is this a double disc DVD? All of Sandlers good and/or funny movies are singular yet this movie is terribe and it gets the extra feature treatment. This movie sucks.
Rating:  Summary: AWESOME. Review: This is definitely one of the best movies I've ever seen. Great characters, great animation, great story. It has a moral but is by no means preachy, and is very funny. I would reccomend this to everyone.
Rating:  Summary: One of Sandler's lows Review: Mr. Sandler is one of the funniest actors in the world today. And in late 2002, Sandler decided to try his hand at something a little different - an animated film. But was this a good move? Read on for my review of Eight Crazy Nights.BASIC PLOT: In this film, Sandler does the voice of a man who, in his neighborhood, is considered to be a very bad person. He breaks the law, is rude to people, and just plain hates the holiday season. For his crimes, he finds himself facing jail time, but Whitey, his childhood basketball coach (also voiced by Sandler) offers the judge a proposition - instead of jail time, how about making him coach basketball? This is agreed upon by all, and when Sandler's home burns down, he moves in with Whitey, and begins to undergo a gradual transformation. I won't spoil anything else for you. FILM OPINIONS: What the hell was Adam Sandler smoking when he agreed to do this movie? The first major problem is evident from the start - the basic plot is a rip-off of The Grinch. Another problem is who the animators intended the film for. The film has several songs, like in animated children movies, but there is a ton of crude humor - obviously NOT for the young crowd. It's rated PG-13, but parents won't want their kids to see it due to the crude humor, and teens and adults won't want to see it because it seems too childish. What are we left with? A film that NOBODY will want to see. Sandler fan or not, I suggest you pass this one by. DVD: Obviously the film hasn't arrived on DVD yet, but I'm guessing they'll be giving us the standard extras (chapter selections, trailers, behind-the-scenes footage, etc.) Also, more likely than not, the film will be available in full screen and widescreen - the two forms will probably NOT be available on a single disc. OVERALL: I can't stress enough how poor of a film this is. If you didn't know better, you'd swear Sandler was TRYING to make a bad movie! The only thing that kept me from giving the film one star is the fact that some of the crude humor is pretty funny (just what you'd expect from Sandler). But still, it doesn't make for a worthwhile film. Do yourself a huge favor. Pass this one by. Sandler has made a plethora of excellent comedies, but this just isn't one of them.
Rating:  Summary: ive seen this before........... Review: this is the worst comedy ever icould tell this was an adam sandler movie right from the start it its a compilation of all the weak jokes from his past movies and albums, actors and songs put together to make a very dissapointing comedy. Had i known this movie was so bad, i hoped someone would have brought it TO MY ATTENTION YESTERDAY!!!!
Rating:  Summary: It's Just Ok... Review: Seems to be a wide variety of opinions on this movie. I saw it with my son last year on a great snowy day. It's certainly not Sandler's best work. It's kind of an update Scrooge with Sandlers character hating the X-mas season and needing redemption. It's not really a little kids film as there is some swearing and some poop jokes. The animation is not first rate at all. It's not horrible, but certianly not Disney quality. Sandler is a bit annoying when doing the voices of some of the other characters. It's a voice that really grates on you. Still, there are some funny bits and it's worth a rent but I don't think it's one that I would add to my DVD collection.
Rating:  Summary: The single worst movie I have ever seen. Review: Adam Sandler's 8 Crazy Nights is 80 lousy minutes of my life... wasted. I can only begin to think of the things I could have done isntead of sitting through this horrible, filthy tripe. Maybe I could have seen the South Park movie for the 100th time, or played catch with a friend, or had my teeth pulled out by a Nazi doctor... anything but this. So, what is it that makes this film so horrid? So absolutely terrible? There are a number of things. 1. THE SICK, DISGUSTING FART HUMOR - Alright, so maybe one can tolerate a few fart jokes. Like I mentioned above, I enjoyed the South Park movie, which was loaded with crude humor. Why, then, did I not like 8 Crazy Nights? Maybe, it was because the South Park film had a point. All of the sick humor led up to something. Here, it is just done to try and make those idiot 11 year olds out in the audience smile, but I don't think anyone in our theater smiled and most of the people in the theater were... about 11 years old! It is done to gross out the viewer and then laugh in the viewes's face, proclaiming, "Ha ha! We made you pay 9 bucks for this!" Does watching deer spewing excrement make you fall off of your chair? What about watching an old guy stick his finger up his hairy rear-end, then proclaiming he put his finger in a "kitty's mouth, but the kitty has no teeth"? Well, if you're one of the... maybe 3 people in the world who does like this so-called "humor", you're in for a treat, because all of this is in there. 2. THE CHEESY AND SO-CALLED "SENTIMENTALITY" - Alright, so I'll bet some are saying, "This movie does have a point! It's a touching story". Maybe that's because you are being tricked into the way that it shoves it's "sentimentality" into your face until you sufficate and die. Yep, it's got a ton of moments that forces the viewer to pluck its own heartstrings and then rip its own heart out and eat it. It's got it all: a boy and his single mother, the love interest, the poor old man all-of-a-sudden and unrealistically saved by the anti-hero gone hero. So many cliches and it is never subtle about a single one. It makes me sick thinking about how much the film tries to manipulate its audience and cover itself up by saying, "It's a Hannukah cartoon", which brings me to my next point... 3. THE WAY IT MARKETS ITSELF AS A "HANNUKAH" FILM - Is Adam Sandler honestly Jewish? Apparently the only thing he seems to know about Judaism is who else in show-biz is Jewish. There is much more to Hannukah than dreidels and menorahs, contrary to what the film believes, yet not enough for Hannukah to be the "Jewish Christmas", as the film believes. Hannukah is, in fact, for those of you who don't know, quite a minor Jewish holiday. If anything, gifts should be given on Rosh Hashanah or Pesach, or Purim, especially. Believe it or not, the only reason gifts are given on Hannukah is because people felt bad for all the little Jewish kids, whose non-Jewish friends were getting all sorts of things. Now, when I walked into ECN (I'll abbreviate it, now), I was expecting a funny little comedy, something that the Jewish community can finally appreciate, with a sort of Mel Brooks/Woody Allen Jewish type of humor, mixed in with the above-average Sandler fare and some animation. Have I ever been more wrong! (...)P>Never in my life have I, a Jew, ever been so offended by something that was so Jewish, and why? Because it isn't, even though it markets iteself to be just that. 4. THE BLATANT PRODUCT PLACEMENT - Remember how I said about how un-subtle the "sentiment" in the movie is? Believe it or not, there is something that's less subtle than this... the sickening, disgusting and overall blatant product placement. That one musical number made me want to tear out the arms of the theater chair, vomit on them and throw them at the screen in disgust. You've got the Foot Locker ref singing on one side and a Victoria's Secret mannequin on the other, with the logos printed everywhere. I'll bet if the companies knew how bad this film would be, they wouldn't even put their products in it... even if Columbia paid them. The only good think about this movie, besides its short running time is the third installation of the Hannukah Song. Sadly, this is played during the end credits. Just writing this review made me think of only some of the terrible things about this movie... it doesn't even deserve the title "movie", something that even clunkers like Scooby Doo have. Nope, Eight Crazy Nights is on its own level of badness, the 10th level of hell in the Dante's Inferno of film. Please, I beg of you, do not waste your time! You will want your precious money back! Actually, you'd want twice your money, three, five, 1000 times your money back. You'd also want so much time back, that you may want to develop a time machine that can take you back to when you were in the video store, making your selection. NEVER SEE THIS THING. NOTE TO PARENTS: Don't ever show Eight Crazy Nights to your children. Actually, ground them if they ever see it once in their entire lives. Not only does the film contain an obsessive amount of crude humor, but it will also make your children lose IQ points. It will make you lose IQ points if you watch it with them. The PG-13 rating looks harmless, but it should really be rated NC-17 for "total stupidity". More stupidity is emitted whenever this movie is shown than the entire universe emits in a millenium. If it wasn't for Big Fish, I'd think monkeys ran Columbia pictures... wait, not monkeys... amoebas. Okay, maybe it isn't that bad, but it is the hands-down, zero-doubt, single worst movie I have seen and will ever see.
Rating:  Summary: BEST HOLIDAY FILM IN YEARS!!!!!!!!!!! Review: 8 Crazy Nights is one of the greatest holiday films I have ever seen in my life. It ranks up there as one of the greatest holiday films with Jingle All The Way, Christmas Vacation, and Home Alone. The jokes are HILARIOUS and the plot is so beautiful. I cried from laughing sooooo much and cried from the wonderful storyline. This movie is pure genius.
Rating:  Summary: Finally! Review: Oh, my goodness. To all of you reading out there, I have been waiting for this movie's release date for almost a whole year. Ever since the film came out in theaters, I checked amazon.com every day to find out when it would be released and now, I know. Also, this DVD comes out on my birthday. That is cool. Anyway, all my friends who saw this movie and all the reviews I read said that this movie was terrible. I say forget those reviews because this movie is simply amazing. If you like Adam Sandler, then this movie is for you. If you don't like Adam Sandler this movie is still for you. This is by far his best movie ever (Happy Gilmore is his second best). This is a must buy for any Sandler fan. It is warm and witty and has the voice talents of so many people from Adam Sandler's SNL days. Classic movie. You can count on me being there at the store before school buying this. Can't wait!
Rating:  Summary: A Classic Christmas Movie Review: I absolutley loved this movie. Even though it has the trademark Adam Sandler crudeness, it made me feel good and warm, just like all the classic christmas movies do. It's not nescessarily for all ages (it does get pretty crude) but I'd say 8 and up. I'm definetly buying this.
Rating:  Summary: Eight Crazy Nights Review: This movie was so good!I loved it, Adam did a really good job on this movie. The only thing I want to know is, what is taking it so long to come out on dvd?