Rating:  Summary: Typical Adam Sandler Review: when the movie starts, all you can think is " this is the stupidist movie ever" but as it went on i found myself being drawn in. i have to tell you that if you love adam sandler, this is worth it. its a typical adam sandler movie. if you dont enjoy his humor, its not worth it. but i can say that i have laughed hystericallly at movies before, but this is the first IN MY LIFE that has ever made my cry (from laughter). i loved it.
Rating:  Summary: "That's a technical foul!!" Review: It goes without saying that many, MANY people ended up loathing this movie. While it can be easily understood why so many people would not take a liking to this film, I must admit that I really enjoyed "Adam Sandler's Eight Crazy Nights." Of course, it's in no way a masterpiece or ingenious, but it's not trying to be.The story revolves around a character by the name of Davey Stone; a man who HATES the holidays. He's an alcoholic troublemaker who is vulgar and barbaric in his ways. After causing mischief one too many times, Davey's facing jail time. That is, until a lovable (and furry) basketball referee, Whitey, decides to take him under his care and supervision, and see if he can get Davey to fly straight. Seems to be a simple and straight-forward task, although Davey isn't one to change his stripes at command. In the end, the movie revolves around how one can lose his Holiday cheer... or how he can end up getting it back. As I said in the beginning, I completely understand all the negative reviews and why so many people would hate this movie. I have no problem admitting that I loved the movie to a certain degree. While I know it's no cinematic masterpiece, I also understand that it's not trying to be. I took the movie for what it was and ended up enjoying it very much. I laughed numerous times (Whitey and his sister are priceless) and even enjoyed the music in the movie as well. Sandler is great when it comes to writing songs. Parents, be warned: This is not your traditional family holiday movie. "Adam Sander's Eight Crazy Nights" is vulgar and even disgusting at times. It has heart, or at least I believe it does, but parents make the understandable mistake of thinking that since this is a cartoon that it can be enjoyed by everyone of all ages. It is PG-13, and it is PG-13 for good reason. If you have no problems with your kids watching previous Sandler flicks, then chances are you won't have too much of a problem with this one. The DVD is loaded with some great extras; especially for a film that did poorly in the theatres. It is a two-disk special edition that features both widescreen and fullscreen versions of the movie. Special features included are nine featurettes, rough deleted scenes, cast and technical commentaries (the cast commentary track with Sandler doing the voices of Whitey and his sister, Eleanor), and more. Overall, a pretty impressive package. Take caution when you decide to view "Adam Sandler's Eight Crazy Nights." It's not extremely popular and the overall reaction to this movie appears to be negative. I, on the other hand, enjoyed it and have no problem fessing up to it. If you're a fan of Sandler's past hijinx, then you should definitely check this one out (although, don't expect it to be as good as his other movies). While it's not the most popular movie in the world, I really enjoyed this animated flick.
Rating:  Summary: This could possibly be the worst movie ...... Review: I have ever seen, and please keep in mind that I'm an Adam Sandler fan. I loved some of his previous work, but this one was just way too much for me to take. I watched this with a large group of people, and we all agreed that this film just had to go. We made it to just under 40 minutes, so we gave it a chance. I cannot stress enough as to how annoying this film got in just those 40 minutes. The voice of Whitey (Sandler) was like somebody taking a fork and raking it across a chalkboard, pure pain. The humor was few (and I mean very few) and far between. The deer licking poop from a frozen Whitey and a trouble making lead role (also Sandler) were the highlights, and they just weren't funny but were billed as some of the biggest laughs of the film? Sorry folks I just didn't see it, nobody did. I was severly disappointed. In summary, skip this one and go buy/watch the Water Boy, Happy Gilmore, Big Daddy, or somehting else. Even that stinker Little Nicky was a ton better than this garbage.
Rating:  Summary: one of the worst movies of 2002 Review: god!!! what a dumb movie. the fact that Adam Sandler can do this is just wrong....never lives up to what if true and it down right smells like cheese....sick and demented jokes dont help its premise...though Whitey gets a few lifes...nicely animated but a poor outcome. think of this as a guide beofer watching it...Jon Lovitz, Rob Schneider and others contribute voices.
Rating:  Summary: Piece of garbage Review: Adam Sandler sucks now, too old, too fat, too rich.
Rating:  Summary: Nauseating! Review: If you are adamant to watch this movie despite all the negative reviews, please do it after the Holliday season. This is the most depressing, sad, pathetic, sarcastic and cruel movie that I've ever seen in my life. Through all the movie I felt that I am going to cry and was depressed for the rest of the day. Basically it is a movie about a guy that lost his parents during his childhood, twins with serious genetic disorders and a single mom. How somebody could find it funny is beyond me. If you want to kill the Holiday spirit and get into a deep depression than this movie is perfect for you! If not - skip it.
Rating:  Summary: Occasionally funny; a little touching Review: Summary: The beginning of the story, which is related near the end of the movie, is that of a bright and energetic young man who loses his parents in a tragic accident then undergoes a drastic personality change, turning from the town hero into the town zero. This now grown man, Davey Stone (voice - Adam Sandler), is constantly getting into trouble and doesn't really seem to care. As the town's Christmas celebrations get underway, Davey creates a ruckus running from the police and lands himself in court, where he is about to receive a strict punishment, only for the local town do-gooder, Whitey (voice - Adam Sandler), to step in and volunteer to reform Davey by making him help referee the youth basketball games (where he used to be the star). The judge agrees and Davey is now forced to spend his time refereeing. Whitey also does his best to befriend Davey, but only really gets the chance when Davey makes a fool out of some guys at the local gym who retaliate by burning down his trailer. Davey is then invited to and decides to move in with Whitey and his spinster sister, Eleanore (voice - Adam Sandler). Slowly, Eleanore and Whitey work their way into Davey's life, only to burn their inroads when Whitey innocently relates the story of what happened to Davey's parents. As Davey's inability to deal with this part of his past is the cause of his misbehavior, Whitey's recounting of the story turns him back into the anti-social jerk and leads him to rudely criticize Whitey. Doing his best to brush off the criticism, Whitey then heads for home to get ready for the town's annual Christmas banquet. Whitey, as the town do-gooder, has been trying for years to win the town's prestigious ribbon given for outstanding service to the basketball league. Whitey and Eleanore dress in their finest, fully believing that this year will be Whitey's triumph. When he doesn't win, Davey's haunting criticisms come back and Whitey finally realizes that the townspeople really don't seem to care about him and all of the things he does for them. Crushed, he leaves with Eleanor to find solace in the mall. But Davey, having experienced a change of heart (also in the mall; Adam Sandler must have some strange mall fixation), bursts into the town celebration and gives them a powerful lecture on how they have overlooked Whitey, who has only been nice to everyone his entire life. The townspeople finally come to their senses and realize their mistake. They race to the mall and bestow upon Whitey the ribbons he truly deserves (he gets them from all the years he should have won them, which are all of them), resulting in a rather touching climax where Whitey's years of service are finally recognized. My Comments: I almost hate to admit it, but I was actually touched by this movie. It did such a good job of making Whitey a lovable but pathetic character who only experiences frustrating defeats that you can only feel sorry for him. In my more humanitarian moments (like right now as I write this), I am inclined to see Whitey as a representation of the average man (though heavily laden with pitiable characteristics) and this movie as being about how those people who do so much for society are often overlooked. This is especially true considering the person who wins the ribbon during the celebration is a billionaire who shelled out a pittance (for him) to buy a new scoreboard, as compared to Whitey's immeasurable time contributions (basically a variation of the Widow's mite story from the New Testament). But the movie isn't without its problems. The biggest one is really something my wife pointed out early on: Who is the movie targeting? I mean, it seems most movies have an intended audience and/or a specific genre (action, drama, young girls, etc.), but this one doesn't really seem to have either. Because it's a cartoon you might think young kids. But this is really a cross between the Simpsons and South Park in crudeness, which means you can rule out children under 10. Teenagers may find it too cheesy to bear, and adults likely won't find it initially engaging, meaning you've lost all of your potential audiences. However, if you can make it through the first 30 minutes or so until you really get to know Whitey and fall in love with his character, the movie may suck you in, but you really do have to give it a lot of leeway. As far as the story goes, it's not perfect and I don't think it has any pretenses to be perfect. Where is Davey's extended family? What happens between him and his former girlfriend? Why is Davey such a jerk? Even without answering these questions, the story works, but it does take a while to get your attention. Overall, I didn't have very high expectations going into this movie and I really wasn't sure what to expect as it seemed to be some sort of hybrid Hanukah/Christmas movie. I didn't end up loving the movie, but it was better than I thought it was going to be and I was actually touched by the story, though I was touched more by Whitey than by Davey. It definitely isn't a movie for young kids, but some adolescents may enjoy and young adults may as well. It's probably a bit too crass for older adults to appreciate it, but you might be surprised.
Rating:  Summary: Spare yourself. Review: This movie is such a bizarre combination of morality and immorality it seems like no one would really like it, but there are always exceptions. If you're looking for a sweet Christmas tale, watch A Christmas Carol or The Grinch. If you're looking for potty humor, watch Beavis and Butthead. This movie tries to be both, and in the end, the sick humor and complete meanness just cancel out the moral message the plot tries to portray, leaving the viewer with nothing. Anyone who has the impression from these reviews that this is a "moral" movie, please beware, it is far, far, from it. There were glimmers of morality and good humor in there, but they were all but eclipsed by the nastiness.
Rating:  Summary: Eight times worse Review: Total crap. I can forgive the lousy animation, but the tedious and lackluster script, the fake and annoying characters, the crude humor, the fact that there's nothing to LIKE about it.... Oh, don't waste your time. Very little is funny; not worth watching. It's only 70 minutes, and even that was too much.