Rating:  Summary: Enjoyable Adam Sandler Review: I really enjoyed this movie. Unlike The Wedding Singer, the humor was a bit more locker room gross-out, but like the Wedding Singer, it was filled with sentiment and heart. An angry Scrooge-like Jewish man learns to grieve, let go, and love the holidays again. No, it's not for small kids. That's why it's rated PG-13. Sandler shows tremendous talent and versatility as the voices of Davy, Eleanor and Whitey, the latter two being annoying elderly fraternal twins whom Davy grows to love despite their freakishness. Rob Schneider, Jon Lovitz, Kevin Nieland add their talent, as well as cameos by Tyra Banks and rock singer Ann Wilson as Davy's mom. Alison Krauss lends her sweetness as the singing voice of Jennifer, Davy's childhood love, now a single mom. The music is the most outstanding part of this film. The lyrics are silly and goofy, but also clever, and the song structures are dynamic and hooky, and will stay with you afterward. If you go into this movie realizing it's not a white-washed Disney flick for the kids, but it's a funny, sometimes gross, but sensitive Christmas story that tackles somewhat-adult issues, like why some people hate the holidays, I think you'll enjoy it almost as much as I did. It's also loaded with special features that are worthwhile, too.
Rating:  Summary: terrible movie Review: I used to be a fan of The Simpsons, but now much more of a South Park kinda guy, so it's near impossible to offend me really.. The humor was good in some spots, but overall I fould it to be annoying and pointless. The emotion and general plot was pretty good, and I've always liked Sandler for his singing abilities and SNL work, but this movie was bad (some of the singing was okay, but personally I didn't like half of it). Most of the content is incredibly gross and could make you vomit if eating, but that's Sandler's great gold.
Rating:  Summary: Awsome Movie Review: This movie is hilarious. I loved this movie, anyone who thinks this movie is dumb. They are out of their minds or they just don't have a sense of humor. But if you like comedy and are looking for some laughs. Then "Eight Crazy Nights" is a good movie to buy. The story is great and the songs rock. This is one of the best Sandler movies.
Rating:  Summary: The best movie ever!!! Review: Man!That was the coolest movie I've ever seen and I want to buy it SOOOO much! But anyway Davey this "crazy 33 old Jewish guy" is like "the town bafoon". Adam plays Davey,Elonor who is Whitey's sister, who is hilarious and Whitey is the youth bastetball coach who is a really nice old man who does lots of good deeds including saving Davey from at least 10 yrs. in jail. You MUST see this great holiday movie! You just have to!
Rating:  Summary: Great! Review: Here it is. Another Sandler movie... First "Littly Nicky"; a movie I saw 3 times and bought on DVD because I liked it so much, yet critcics despised it. Why? I haven't a clue. I enjoyed it. Then, there's this Summer's "Mr. Deeds". Yeah, his most underrated one yet. It's not his best, but I wouldn't have bombed it like everyone else did. Now this. A great Christmas movie. An animated Adam Sandler movie. Of course I didn't expect critics to like this. So I ignored the 1-Star rating in the newspaper, saw it with a friend, and laughed... Davey, a 30-something Jewish man, who hates the holidays, once again tries to turn this season into another catastrophe. But this time he goes too far. He's taken to court, where he's sentenced to twenty years, but a little, fat old man stands up for him. He takes him under his wing, and promises to turn Davey into a normal person. Does it work? Well, I won't spoil the movie, but you can probably tell anyway...
Rating:  Summary: 80 crazy minutes Review: You have to realize two things to enjoy this movie. PG-13 films are typically not for children. Parents seem to think just because its animated means "hey take the kids." Well how about we think a little BEFORE we go running to the theatre? Complains about that are just unfounded. The rating says it all, PAY ATTENTION. The second thing you must realize is that this is an ADAM SANDLER movie, like his earlier films. Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, all crude and rude, get over it. That was his style and he brought it back to make one of the funniest adult animated movies ever. The jokes here are classic, from whiteys seizures to him doing the robot in the middle of a basketball game. His sister eleanor has the cutest voice which I've been imitating ever since I saw the movie. The townsfolk are a scream, with rob schneider as an asian waiter. and jon lovitz as a man with a hook for a hand. This is a very unconventional Hannukah movie for the holidays. Sure it's gross, but if your offended than go rent the Ya Ya Sisterhood or some crap like that.This one is for the guys, not for parents or children. Next time read the rating before you complain. Don't believe all the crap, this movie was HILARIOUS. If you like Kevin Smith movies or Adam sandler movies than see this and bust a gut laughing. (hopefully not literally)
Rating:  Summary: "Smell ya later, Poopsicle!" Review: I STRONGLY agree that this movie is VERY underrated. Me and my little brother absolutley LOVE it, we've been watching the DVD ever since I got it for Christmas! We LOVE watching Davey Stone (the splitting image of and voiced with zest by Adam Sandler) make an idiot out of himself and everyone else around him. We LOVE Whitey Duvall's funny, squeaky, parrakeet-like voice (it's to die for)! His "Seizer scenes" are worth the 30 bucks this DVD costs! And how can you NOT love The deer and of course, Whitey's weird, wig-obessesed sister, Eleanore! My favorite song is "Bum-Biddy." I've never really been an Adam Sandler fan, but this movie is very underrated and really kicks @$$! There's my story, and I'm sticking to it!
Rating:  Summary: Crazy about 8 Crazy Nights! Review: This movie is awesome. It is the perfect movie for the holiday season. I am absolutely crazy about Whitey, the old man referee in the movie. Elenore and Davey are also hilarious! I love this movie and watch it over and over again with my whole family. Something you should buy because it is great! "Smell you later poopsicles!" (A funny line from the best movie in the WORLD!!!)
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie in my Top 10 Review: This is one of the best DVD I watched in a long time it is very fuuny, great story, great animations and I love the songs this is a movie that you can watch over and over I watched it about 17times now and it hasn't gotten old yet so if you are looking for a great movie(DVD) to buy get this one trust me it rocks.
Rating:  Summary: Nobody's Perfect Review: Everyone's allowed to flop now and then. No matter how surprisingly. I'm pretty big on Adam Sandler. He was integral in championing the glory days of SNL. His humor is sick, perverted, and offensive - to some people, that is. Me, I find myself laughing myself half to death at the most shallow of toilet humor when engineered by Sandler, whereas 99% of society looks stupid and superfluous when the execution of this type of humor gets into the wrong hands. If you think NOBODY can pull off a fart joke that's actually funny, make sure you check out his first two cd's before nailing the coffin. They get old, but thankfully it takes a while for that to happen. Then came his movies. One after another, legions of Sandler followers attended a decade's worth of 90 minute comedies which were diverse in storylines but similar in format and style. Fans couldn't have cared less about most critics' "2.5/4 ish ratings." Adam Sandler was and is a big pioneer of the kind of random humor that made big shots like Conan O'brien famous. Many don't get it, so they dismiss the Adam Sandler catalog entirely, though not before using some of the adjectives I demonstrated in the opening paragraph. But then came this movie. I missed it in the theaters, so I rented it instead of buying it - smart move on all accounts. The first time I heard Whitey in the courtroom, I thought it was Adam's ("Stone"'s) main character just changing his tone of voice amidst his rantings with the judge. In due time, my brain recovered and realized that Adam was actually voicing an entirely different character. This is a huge joke - and not the kind that Sandler was going for. I've heard much better, and more contrasting, and much FUNNIER voices on his cd's, and basically anywhere else outside this project. Huge mistake #1 is having your two main characters have almost the same voice. It's as if the one character is just speaking in a higher voice the whole time, and it's not convincing at all. In other words, that's one strike for poor acting. Huge mistake #2 is the plot. Whenever you've got animators involved, it pains me to see a great technical effort wasted on a failed delivery of entertainment. A promising youth gone bad after tragedy strikes - that's what briefly takes the main character on the tried-and-tired-to-death path of needing to confront his emotions. What audience is this geared towards? It has the aspirations of a child's movie, which would make it more forgivable, but that notion is quickly dissolved as soon as we start seeing the stereotypical Sandlerisms that always randomly invade his work. Ok, not for children. But the 3rd grade plot makes a viewer who is any older than that want to beg for 74 minutes of his life back... The movie's so short, barely over an hour, but 15 minutes into it I felt like time was moving so slowly, I was back in highschool. That NEVER happens with the always creative Adam Sandler, as he always keeps you involved... well, now we've got to change that to ALMOST always. I hate to say it, but Adam made a boring movie. What a time to have writer's block.