Rating:  Summary: havent seen the begining but wish i did Review: when started to watch the movie it had been on for i the 30 to 45 min. at thought it was a good movie i like the idae the story but there were some thing thought should have been better sooo im going to rent it tomorror i was shocked to see all the people who thought is wasnt that good but i like that king of movies oh well 2 each is there own i think u should go rent it on a rainy or boreing night and fined out if u like it or not if u dont it what $5
Rating:  Summary: really the worst anime ever Review: I like anime. I hated this movie. I saw it in a theatre with a group of 4 or 5 anime fans and we all felt stupid we blew $9 on this sub-par garbage. We all sat around afterward ridiculing the final shot (one character cradles another character's decapitated head in his hands while crying--pathetic.) Do not buy nor rent this crap. I won't bother describing the "plot" (OK I will: Freaky dream sequence, Dragon of Heaven fights Dragon of Earth and gets killed, Freaky dream sequence, Dragon of Heaven fights Dragon of Earth and gets killed, Repeat, Repeat, Decapitation, Boo-hoo, End credits, you realize you're $9 poorer.)
Rating:  Summary: Sadness¿¿ Review: X the movie is pretty much a squished and compressed version of the tv show. I saw the movie first. The movie's about Kamui (Kah-moo-ee), who moves back to Tokyo after six years. He lived in Tokyo when he was younger, and had two best friends, Fuma (Foo-mah) and Kotori (Koh-toh-ree). When he comes back to Tokyo, he isn't as friendly with them, and they are both worried. Kamui's destiny is to either become a Dragon of Heaven or a Dragon of Earth. The Seven Dragons of Heaven want to protect mankind, but the Seven Dragons of Earth want to destroy it. Kamui chooses to become a Dragons of Heaven. When he does that, his Twin Star is supposed to be a Dragon of Earth. A Twin Star is like Kamui's equal, whom he will battle. Ironically, Fuma, his childhood frined, is his Twin Star. Fuma, when he bocems and Earth Dragon, forgets all his past. Kamui doesn't knwo who his Twin Star is, thought, and is sad and surprised when he finds out who it is. Kamui, along with the six other Dragons of Heaven, Yuzuriha, Karen, Subaru, Sorata, and two others that I forget (sorry :(), battle the Dragons of Earth, and everyone dies excpet for Kamui and Fuma. They battle, and Fuma gets beheaded. It's SOOO totally sad. Then, during the credtis, they play a sad song in japanese called Forever Love. In the begining, Kamui's mother's clothes fall off, so she is naked, but that's only in on scene, which lasts like five minutes. The DVD has a japanese function, with or without subtitles. In my opinion, you don't knowsadness until you've seen X. You WILL cry, trust me. I did, and I'm not much of a crier myself. The only downside is that the english dubbing is not so great. I found it hard to tell when some one was talking or not. To REALLY understand what's going on, if you don't know muh abotu X, is to watch the DVD twice.
Rating:  Summary: Beauty at its best... Review: Being my first wave of CLAMP animation, this nearly broke my nose when it blew me back. The animation was beautiful, and although the plot was a bit rickety and the voicing could have been better, the visuals easily make up for the loss in those. And, of course, being the X-Japan fan I am, "Forever Love" as the ending theme was a huge treat. . .
Rating:  Summary: Watch the series! It's a million times better! Review: I'll keep this short and sweet. X The Movie was a good movie with a few drawbacks, but definitly one that should be seen. But if you are looking for the best anime out there, watch the series X, though not fully finished they will all be out soon, I belive only 1-3 are out right now(those are the only ones i can find) but 4&5 should be out soon. The series is everything the movie was not and 100x more.
Rating:  Summary: Lack of a plot Review: Overall, I heard many great reviews for this movie, so I decided to rent it. It was not what I expected. Perhaps, I was expecting too much from it, but it was a great disappointment. It seems that too much money was spent in the art and not enough in plot or character developement. After the movie ended, I can honestly say, I didn't understand a thing. At the start of the movie, they briefly list off the characters and their traits. That's about it in the character developement department. From there, they explain how the these characters need to save mankind or all humans will be obliterated. Mainly, they have to battle the "earth dragons" to save the Earth. That almost makes sense. Then, through all of the jumbled flashbacks, flashforwards, possible outcomes, precognitions, dream-sequences, and computer simulations, you find out that the main character has to fight an evil double of himself to decide the fate of the humanrace. Because of the premise, the whole movie sikes you up for a spectacular fight scene. In truth, it lasted maybe thirty seconds. It was extremely disappointing. I don't recommend this movie, if you are looking for an anime was plot, structure, or character developement. However, the art in itself, is rather stunning. This visuals are gripping, if not violent. I would definantly recommend this movie, if you are looking for an artsy, dramatic show and aren't interested in story. But you would be wise to first rent this before you seriously consider buying.
Rating:  Summary: great anime with small problems Review: A great anime based on one of the best selling mangas by CLAMP. The story revoles around Kaumi, a boy with the power to decide the fate of earth. He can become a dragon of the heavens and protect earth or become a dragon of the earth and recreate earth. A great anime and a must see if you are interested in learning about the series or CLAMP. There are a few problems however, the anime is a little old and it can be seen in the quality of the animation. also this story spands 6 graphic novels and so it is needless to say that some things were left out when they turned this into a movie (Character development for example). lastly i dont recomend this for small kids as it is bloody and graphic at certain points. I strongly suggest this anime
Rating:  Summary: Not the best, but a few very redeeming points. Review: I have watched this movie 3 times, and there is a lot that I still don't understand. If you're familliar with anime, think Akira for comprable complexity. However, I own it for one simple reason: the imagery. The animation is good (though not the best I've seen), but the imagery in many of the scenes is absolutely spectacular. Things that happen, or appear to happen, have very deep meaning beyond simply what they show. This all feeds into the overriding Good vs. Evil and Man vs. Nature themes within this movie. I would give specific examples, but I don't want to spoil too much. However, I can say within the first 5 minutes you will see what I mean. Definately worth a rent, probably worth the buy.
Rating:  Summary: This movie is okay Review: X is not one of the high flyers on my anime flag. You have to watch it a number of times to get the entire plot, but it's not too complicated. There's alot of action and almost too much bloodletting, a few of the deaths were unnecessary. Kids should steer clear of this one, because of it's intense violance and brief nudity, but any anime fan who likes a movie with decapitation and such, should check this one out.
Rating:  Summary: Can things get any cornier? Review: With a "cool" name like "X," you wouldn't know what to expect. I saw this movie in a theatre, not on the DVD, and let me say I was highly disappointed. The animation was OK, the plot seemed to have potential, but it was never fulfilled. It had so many loop holes that you were left confused when it's ended.