Rating:  Summary: Finally!!! ^_^ Review: At last X The Movie is available for order...or preorder for now ^_~. Since it was released in Japan in May on DVD, Manga Entertainment(the company that has the rights to X here in America) can finally release it on DVD here. Lucky Lucky Lucky!!! Since they already translated the movie into two types of VHS (subtitled and dubbed) they shouldn't have too much to do with the DVD except the transfer from Region 2 DVD to our Region 1 DVD, work on the subtitle size(I notice that subtitles of DVD are bigger than subtitles of VHS), and add whatever little extras or what not to the DVD.Most likely, the DVD will be bilingual(having both the dubbed track and the original Japanese track with English subtitles). I can't think of what extras they might put on the DVD. I don't know if they will put the ones from the original Japanese DVD or make their own. ^^; Most noticeable of X on DVD will be the picture and sound quality. From what I have heard, X looks absolutely gorgeous on VHS...so can you imagine what it will looks like on DVD? *Melts in background ^^* Bliss on a disk ^_^!! My comments on the movie itself: Aside from the wonderful animation, the movie's story is its downfall. X is based on an original manga by goddess manga artists CLAMP. However, whenever the movie was made the manga was still incomplete and still isn't finished(16 volumes and still rolling 0_0!). So the movie tries to cram those volumes that were finished into an hour and a half long movie which seems rushed. Those who are the familiar with the manga will enjoy it(though perhaps with a bit of disappointment), those of unfamiliar with the manga might still like the brilliant animation but despise the storyline. Those who are overall CLAMP fans(like myself) will enjoy it!! If you are interested in the manga, Viz has translated the first seven volumes into English, though now they have stopped due to technicalities in their contract. I don't really recommend American translated manga, due to the fact that they look like they have been badly xeroxed and the translations are terrible at times. So I of course recommend the original Japanese manga, imported. If you don't know Japanese then I guess you can buy the original manga and take up the language, or wait for Viz to fix their problem. ...!! For those of you who may find yourself disappointed with the movie...Fear Not!! CLAMP is making an X OVA that will be released on VHS and DVD on the 25th of this month in Japan. To top that off...the OVA is a prologue for the X TV Series from which I have heard will be starting in Japan around October. Isn't that wonderful!? I hope we get the rights to the OVA and TV Series here in America!! Though No Doubt We Will!! I'm thinking the TV Series will start whenever CLAMP's currently running anime, Mobile Angel Angelic Layer(from what I have seen another great new anime of theirs which hopefully we will get here in America), ends. Cross your fingers. Most of CLAMP's anime are available here in the US, either on VHS or DVD, except for their music videos. ^^; I even saw a clip of the OVA...and it was beautiful!! ^_^ Matta Ne!!
Rating:  Summary: It's alright Review: Wonderful artwork but if you're not paying very close attention, you will get completely lost in the storyline. This anime makes your brain work very hard as you try to figure out what is going on most of the time. Much of it is in a dream sequence and you'll be relieved once the dream is over so that things wont be so confusing. The main characters are Kamui and Fuuma. I've only read a few of the mangas but it appears they are a yaoi couple. I've seen several pictures online where they are clearly homosexuals but I'm not sure if those are official pictures. If they are a couple it sadly was not portrayed in this movie. They are dubbed as being just friends.
Rating:  Summary: Great Visuals but utterly confusing Review: The first thing that you notice when you watch this video is of course CLAMP's wonderful art designs, the next thing you realize is that unless you've read the manga you'll be utterly confused by what's going on. Having read the manga I did know what was happening and why, but I think if I hadn't I wouldn't have understood most of it. Now please don't get me wrong, this video is worth seeing just for the visuals, so if you like CLAMP's artwork, (which I do) this is a definate buy or rent.
Rating:  Summary: X/1999 Review: The fate of Tokyo (and the world)becomes a heavy strain on Kamui, our young protagonist, who returns to his home at his mother's behest being told that he is the Kamui that will save Tokyo and is warned not to choose foolishly in his decision on whether to side with the Dragons of Heaven who fight for the salvations of humanity and the Dragons of Earthy who are willing to sacrifice all human life in order to give the earth a new start. He returns to his childhood friends Fuuma and Kotori. Throughout the film two Dreamwatchers are revealed as Hinoto ( a blind albino) who works for the government to decipher dreams, and her younger sister Kanoway. The seven dragons of heaven and seven dragons of earth fight their battles throughout the extent of tokyo until the final battle that will determine our fates. I rather enjoyed this anime because of its wonderfully done characters, but lament that it is so short and does not fully cover the struggles between the main characters. A bit confusing at times with the intricacy of the dreams it is best viewed by people that have a good grasp on anime.
Rating:  Summary: very dissapointing Review: A very formulaic film. It has one of the most disappointing endings in anime. Very non-climatic. The animation is beautiful, but I'm a person who believes that if you don't have a strong story to back that animation up...it doesn't matter how good it looks. This movie doesn't really have a good story. Rent it or skip it, but don't buy it.
Rating:  Summary: X : A review Review: Nudity=1/ Violence= a lot (more than I can count)/ Decapitations= 5/ Blood= through the hole movie/ Stabings=2 Ripping of the stomache=2/ Exploding bodies naked and not naked=10 / Crusifications=2 Hard to follow (very, very, very!)/ Very dark and mysterious...Exceptional animation/ Fictional dreams/ Good music/ Freaky/ For mature audiences only 14+/ Official rating=R/ Recommended for people who like the movie ARMAGEDDON and SCIFI Parents recommended to watch this with or without your kids first if under the age of 12/ 98 minutes/ made by manga video/
Rating:  Summary: Pathetic Plot Review: This movie did not fulfill my expectations. X is a paradigm example of anime: nice art, nice concepts, bad story telling. X's plot resembles a mere plot proposal: a structure but no originality, no character development, and no literary complexity. I felt like I was watching a video game laden with bad one-liners (eg. "An impressive force shield, but is it really necessary?") The opening scene revealed some potential (although it was soaked in Freudian metaphors), but the story went downhill from there. If you're an anime fan because of violence and nudity then this film is for you. If you're an anime fan because the first anime you watched was something like Akira, then this is not for you.
Rating:  Summary: No character development ruined it Review: I think that if I had been able to read the manga I might have actually liked this show. It was really complex, with awesome visuals (if you like the really pointy-face type of people) and what could have been an epic storyline. People I know who read the manga and knew all the background stuff loved the movie and were glad to see it come to the screen. Unfortunately, I, like what I suppose might be a large chunk of the population, have never been able to read the manga so had to take this as a stand-alone movie. The premise was good, the visual were good...but any background details about the characters were virtually nonexistant. We have three friends, two guys and a girl, and we have some superheroes in the typical anime fashion: larger than life (which I like, don't get me wrong). You have a large corporation, you have bad guys, and you have magic and technology. All good stuff. What you don't have, unfortunately, is any depth to these characters. The final bad guy seems to go almost instantaneously, and without any provocation, from a best friend to worst enemy. They never touch on why he changes, or really get into the psychology of it all. I'm willing to bet anything that the manga itself goes real in depth with this, but in the anime it's just plain unbelievable. I almost didn't finish the movie, but did and went away with it leaving a bad taste in my mouth. My suggestion: if you've read the manga you need to watch this movie. I love having my favorite mangas spring onto the silver screen, it's so awesome to watch them. However, if not prepare yourself for a mediocre anime with zippo in the way of character development. They introduce the characters, then systematically begin to kill them off. It's not the happiest of endings either, let me just warn you. Why 3 stars then, if I don't have anything nice to say? Because it's good if you actually know the background info, and I loved the animation. Simple as that. :)
Rating:  Summary: X is appealing Review: If you're getting tired of your typical anime films, then X is definitely for you. A great film that won over my sense of imagination. Good animation, though i think the dubbing took away part of the quality of the film. the only reason this film is receiving a mediocre rating is because of the strong contrast of opinions, on one side there's the people who like the "happily ever after" film, and the other's that either appreciate the film overall and don't rate it for the ending, or the people who are naturally dark and appreciate the film for its gothic perspective. I think the film would have been more appreciated (or less) if it were a little bit longer, the only thing that truly disappointed me was the sword fight at the end, it wasn't nearly long enough as it should have been, almost as if the animators got tired of drawing. and some small feeling nagged me that there was something missing, i haven't seen the magna yet so perhaps if you feel as i do that you can find answers there, as for the happily ever after people, i say take a hike! you want happy?! watch disney!
Rating:  Summary: Very good movie! Review: I saw the Japanese version with the English subtitles and I thought it was excellent. The only problem I had with it was its darkness. Sometimes it was hard to tell what was going on, but what you could see was awesome graphics and excellent fight scenes. The storyline was a little confusing, but in the end, the movie pieced together very well. I love this movie!