Rating:  Summary: Aqua Teen Hunger Force... ASSEMBLE! Review: Aqua Teen Hunger Force started with a crudely-drawn and intensely disturbing cameo on Space Ghost: Coast to Coast and has since been reincarnated with their own show, where they're drawn better and are somewhat less disturbing but intensely funnier. The show is postmodern humor at its best, rarely making the least bit of sense but always entertaining. Think of it as just one long non-sequiter and you may have an idea of what to expect.The first two seasons of the show made their way into this collection, and the episodes are consisently hilarious. With the Aqua Teens facing off against villains like the Mooninites (think Space Invaders gone wrong) and Happy-Time Harry (voiced by the incomparable David Cross), each episode will have you scratching your head and doubling over with laughter simultaneously... if you're coordinated enough to do that, anyway. The only thing I would like to have seen from this collection is more extra features, as the ones on there are pretty weak. That brings the DVDs down a star, but I can still recommend them whole-heartedly.
Rating:  Summary: I have to lose 20 more pounds or I'll never be pretty!!! Review: ATHF is one of the funniest shows to ever exist. There aren't very many special features, and the original cut of Rabbot isn't that funny, but it is quite interesting. Also, someone else noted that there's no Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past from the Future, but I'll patiently wait for volume 2 for that. And there's commentary for only 3 episodes, which for me was a disappointment, but what commentary is there is quite interesting, and most of the Mooninites commentary is a guitar solo. Anyway, for it's shortcomings, which is mainly the lack of special features, this is quite the worthy DVD.
Rating:  Summary: GENTLE MEN!! BEHOLDD.... Review: One of the most perfect shows ever!! Aqua Teen is completly irevrent and insane! Its my cup of tea! Words can't explain how happy i was to see this released on DVD! And at such a fantastic price! I paid about $20 in total. Aqua Teen Hunger Force's format is great; 11 minutes of controled chaos that sometimes spins completly out of control! Alot of people say the show makes no sence. I think it does. Maybe i'm insane but i see a formula! most of the time, Dr. Weird introduces a "threat" that the Aqua Teens must deal with and/or defeat (EX: Episodes such as "MC Pee Pants", "Raboot" and "Bus Of The Un-Dead") they just sort of hang out and stuff happens to them involving this thing or character. in the end, they either defeat it, or lean to accept/deal with it. In other episodes, Dr. Werid intro is completly RANDOM! and the show has to do with an outside character or thing but no mater what, there really has never been a bad episode! The chrarcters are brilliant. Of coruse the main ones like Master Shake, Meatwad, and Frylock, but the suporting cast is funny as all hell! my other favotire characters are Carl, Enignock, and Err (aka the mooninites) and Emery, and Oguletrhop (the plutonians) This set fetures 16 Classic episodes such as "Space Catastrophy from beyond pluto", "PDA" "Bad Replicant" and "Revenge of the Mooninites". There is no bad episode! and I realy can't wait till Volume 2!! BUY THIS! NOW!!
Rating:  Summary: Everybody likes to Dance! Review: Whether it's Shake complaining, Meatwad dancing, or Carl's car getting destroyed one way or another, all I can say is that Matt Maiellaro and Dave Willis just hit jackpot. This is absolutely, in my opinion, the best primetime cartton since Family Guy. And with it on dvd, I now don't have to wait until sunday night to watch it. Yeah, there are some interlacing issues, but the laughs coming out of your mouth will compensate for it. The best episodes are "Space Conflict From Beyond Pluto" (I was done with this red book the second I saw it), and "MC Pee Pants", because of it's amazingly funny dialogue; MC: Look man, people totally misunderstand me. I write about life on the streets. I don't advocate demons. Come on, drilling into hell? Where you get that schiznoz? Frylock: What? Look, I'm gonna read your lyrics sheet. MC: Awright, fine, yes, you want me to spell it out to you? That's what I advocate. Yes, okay, you are correct! Look at me, man! I'm a giant, talkin' spider with a disposable diaper! I'm inane, man! And yeah, there are'nt too many special features, and the "Mayhem of the Mooninites" commentary does kinda suck, but the other commentaries are hilarious (When you go to the store, you can buy...). And the hidden easter eggs are just as funny. Just make sure to buy it, and you will not feel like you bought a piece of crap, even if you're new to the program. Now, where is my Brak DVD?
Rating:  Summary: Ultimate Random Humor Review: From the silliness that is Cartoon Network's "Adult Swim," comes Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Meet Shake, Frylock, and Meatwad. Three "detectives" living in Southern New Jersey who keep finding themselves in the most insane situations for your entertainment. Watch them battle giant robotic rabbits that cause spontaneous hair growth! See them deal with rude two-dimensional moon-beings! Witness as they create life from a moldy, dirty kitchen (by far, my favorite episode). It is next to impossible to explain this show to anyone that's never seen it, but the secret to its greatness is the interaction between the three main characters. Frylock is a down-to-earth genius with telekinetic powers. Meatwad is a lovably naive... well, ball of meat. And Shake is the arrogant, selfish leader that lives for tormenting Meatwad, and watching bad horror movies. They all live next door to Carl, who loves his IROC and his above-ground swimming pool more than life itself. Whether the Hunger Force is saving the world from being destroyed by pointy-skinned alien beings, or just lounging in Carl's pool, their dialogue and interactions with each other are nothing short of random-humor genius. For example, after Ol' Drippy (the friendly mold-creature) gets hit by a truck saving the oblivious Shake's life: Shake: So he pushed me out of the way? Frylock: YES! Shake: Well, he's in a better place now. Frylock: He's IN the grill of the truck! I watched disc one when I got it home and laughed non-stop for an hour. The intelligent stupidity of this show is just amazing. If random, unexplainable humor is what you crave, then one-click this DVD set right now. You won't be disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: Absurd, and I love it! Review: As seen on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim. Aqua Teen Hunger Force is one of the funniest shows I've seen in years. This is something my friend would love to see as well. I really wanna show him. Too bad it was on Sunday nights at 11PM EST. That's a work night. Cartoon Network should've made an Adult Swim Network like how they did with Boomerang. For those of you new to ATHF, the cast of characters are these three food items and their human neighbor Carl in New Jersey. Master Shake is the milkshake. Kinda hard to explain here but I'll try. He's the irresponsible one. He likes to cause trouble sometimes. Meatwad is the meatball. He's the stupid but lovable one. He's got a high mouselike voice. Sometimes it's hard to tell what he's saying. Frylock is the container of french fries. He's the smart and serious one. He also can shoot rays out of his eyes. This is one funny and sick show. In one episode, they buy this cheap toy for Meatwad. It was an action figure of a low-life with a knife for a hand. It actually had a mind of it's own. And it was baaad. It drinks beer and everything. That's one of my favorites. I couldn't stop laughing. I also enjoy the episode where Frylock cloned the TV and the TV put the Aqua Teen characters in them (the TV just showed the characters, not suck them in or something like that). Honestly, I haven't bought the DVD, I just saw the show on Cartoon Network. I wanna buy it and show my friend. I'm so sure he'll love it like I do. Something for his birthday.
Rating:  Summary: THE GREATEST DVD EVER!!! Review: Buy it now....also register at www.athf.com!
Rating:  Summary: I put two and two together and decided I am pissed off... Review: Michael Lipinski from St. Louis, MO you just take the heat from Sir Loin, he owns you and all da shorties. The Frydar picked you up and decided you killed Carls car and that's a bad thing to be doin baby. DO NOT TELL THE LORD I AM HERE...
Rating:  Summary: ATHF owns...... Review: First, I noticed someone said that the title had nothing to do with the show- it has EVERYTHING to do with the show...The go swimming (Aqua), they ARE teens (Teen), they (as items) satisfy your hunger (Hunger), and they're team/force (Force). Anyways, I wasn't too disappointed this didn't have all the episodes I'd expected, it's still great and only twenty bucks. The whole show is filled with absurd, random creativity (which I love) that will suck you in once you watch it for a few minutes. You might be inclined to think, "Fast food items? Wtf?", but give it a chance. It's awesome. Fast food or not. The standout episode for me would be the Mooninites one. Somehow, I feel that was just brilliance. If you're contemplating buying this, and you love random humor and the rest of AS, I'd say give this a shot. It shouldn't be a let down, and if it is....uh......
Rating:  Summary: Never Trust a Spider With a Drill Review: Here's something that sounds like it wouldn't work: Three main characters, all of them fast-food byproducts in the most literal of senses, living together as roommates and having things happen to them all the time. The first, Master Shake, is a giant shake that thinks he's in charge of the group. He's overbearing, domineering, and the one that likes to sit in front of the television and watch movies like "Assisted Living Dracula." Then there's Meatwad, a hunk of meat with a need to dance and to take the verbal/physical fist of the Master Shake, keeping everything on a laughable plateau. Sometimes it little jokes about his plastic brain, other times it's the fact that he believes the things that Master Shake tells him - despite the fact that they're WAY out there, and still other times it's the ranting that a sugar-powered high brings forth. And rounding it out is the one keeping everything on track, Frylock, with the skills that (forgive the pun) make meals. He's the one with the lab, the one with the power, and the one with the brains. O, and he daytrades, too. Some of the things appearing are aliens that want to melt people, giant bunnies stomping their neighbor's car, Mooninites coming and proving the moon is superior, and proof of what happens when you buy cheap playtoys. Sound funny? Probably not at first, but it is actually funnier than most newer things I've seen. The themes of the shows revolve around them being detectives, but the creators said that this was just a theme to help pitch the fact that these three oddities were simply hanging out and letting things come to them. When this spot was started being featured on Adult Swim, I had the luxury of seeing it and thinking to myself that this wasn't going to happen in my cranium. There was no way I was going to like a plot revolving around a fixed introduction (a mad scientist creating some sort of havoc or simply doing something strange) and then bumbling into that cast. I happened to see the "I Want Candy" episode that began with a rap song about candy and ended with a giant spider in disposable diapers rapping about "drilling a hole into hell to unleash ancient demons to help run his global diet pill pyramid scheme," and it changed everything. Combine plots like that with humor, lots of it, and a likable set of subordinate characters and you have yourself a truly great show. Then take it to DVD, combine all 18 episodes (186 minutes) of season 1 with the original pilot episode and commentary on three episodes, and you have something that is well worth the price that one DVD oftentimes costs. Perhaps you've never had a chance to see Adult Swim before or perhaps you have and you've thought you'd like it. Maybe the rudimentary animation and a seemingly mundane cast stung you and you found yourself turning the channel a little too fast, hoping to escape to infomercialdom. If that sounds like you (and maybe it does!) in any way, form, or fashion, you should rethink the rash judgment and give this a chance. If nothing else, rent it and burn a few hours with some friends and a round of drinks and you'll find it amusing. And if you're already a fan, then there is no better selling point than the fact that it is here and it is calling you! Aqua Teen Hunger Force Unite!