Rating:  Summary: Beats the heck out of that new "Transformers: Armada" show Review: This is probably the best season of the Transformers cartoon (it's split into two parts because this season had approximately 50 episodes, and that would have made for an extremely expensive, not to mention bulky DVD set). This had the best stories while retaining the character lineup everyone liked and was familiar with. Season 3 wasn't bad but they changed the lineup to reflect the changes in the movie which irked some people.If you only buy one DVD set from a Transformers season, this is probably the one to get. Oh yeah. If you've only seen that godawful Transformers: Armada cartoon on Cartoon Network, be advised that this is not like it at all. The original Transformers was much, much better. You'll see for yourself if you pick this up.
Rating:  Summary: Season Two, Part One: Part Two Will Be Ever Better! Review: I am writing this "review" to give you some numbers and info on the Transformers series and the DVD boxed-set format. Season One had 16 episodes; Season Two had the lion's share at 49, and Season Three had 30 even. What would have been the premiere three-parter to season four, "Rebirth," was instead the last of the Transformers series. It was 3 more episodes, brining the grand total to 98. Season two is *the* season for Transformers fans, as it demonstrated a huge animation improvement over the first season as well as deeper stories and more character development. All in all, season two is the nuts and bolts of the Transformers we all remember and love. Therefore, the season two, part two boxed set will, presumably, contain the last 25 episodes of the second season, wrapping up season two on DVD. Season three (presumably to follow later next year), was the last, and followed Transformers: The Movie. In season three, Rodimus Prime and Galvatron lead the Autobots and Decepticons, respectively. Whether Rhino takes season three as one big set or two smaller ones (the probably outcome) remains to be seen, but I sincerely hope they include "Rebirth" at the end either way. What would (should!) have kicked off season four, the three-part episode "Rebirth," was the last three episodes of the Transformers cartoon, as the show was cancelled after that. "Rebirth" had the best animation of all, and hopefully Rhino will include it at the tail end of the Season Three boxed set(s), giving us the entire series in nice, clean boxes. I hope Rhino follows through and puts all 98 episodes out in this great, boxed-set format. Oh, and one more thing - a widescreen movie DVD would be much appreciated, Rhino... maybe with a Peter Cullen (Optimus Prime), Frank Welker (Megatron), Leonard Nimoy (Galvatron), Judd Nelson (Hot Rod), and Robert Stack (Ultra Magnus) commentary track(s) for fun... ;) I know, I know... a long shot. But it *would* be the holy grail for Transformers fans :) Support Rhino's ongoing committment to Transformers DVD Boxed Sets by buying Season Two, Part One! Transform and roll out, Transfans!
Rating:  Summary: Ah the memories Review: Well for those of us born in the era of the transformers, I'd say this is a good thing to add to anyones DVD collection. These are the episodes that are going to be on all the DVDs: DVD 1: Parts, Wholes, Devices, and Schemes Autobot Spike Changing Gears City Of Steel Attack Of The Autobots Traitor The Immobilizer The Autobot Run DVD 2: Megatron's Evil Influences Atlantis, Arise! Day Of The Machines Enter The Nightbird A Prime Problem The Core The Insecticon Syndrome Dinobot Island Part 1 DVD 3: Sterner Stuff Dinobot Island Part 2 The Master Builders Auto Berserk Microbots Megatron's Master Plan Megatron's Master Plan #2 DVD 4: Faraway Places, Times, and More Desertion Of The Dinobots Part 1 Desertion Of The Dinobots Part 2 Blaster Blues A Deceptacon Raider In King Arthur's Court Hope this helps
Rating:  Summary: Better than season 1? Review: O.K let's be honest. Season one is great, but season two is awesome. We are introduced to the protectabots and the aerialbots which get to go up against devestator! Then there's the episode where the autobots are banished from earth, only to return to have arguably the biggest autobot/decepticon battle ever! Spike gets to travel to cybertron and best of all we learn the origin of Optimus Prime. All in all I think you're agree that this is the best season ever!
Rating:  Summary: Cartoons have returned... Review: Transformers is with out a doubt one of the greatest cartoons ever made. I won't bore you with the ... that kids are made to watch now a days, I'll simply say this. It is our responsibility as friends to buy the DVD set and expose our Naive children to a great show. Now all we need is a live action movie to begin production on the tail end of marvels movie success.
Rating:  Summary: I'm a 25 years old kid Review: I can't stop smiling like a Baby everytime I look this Cartoon I have first season on DVD And... Oh God it's incredible how I feel Is just like I'm jumping back trough time and I realize how much everything has change. I'm sorry but I Can't avoid to compare the greates 80s and earlys 90s series Vs the Patetic latest 90s series: Let's Remember 80's earlys 90s ..> Transformers, G.I. Joe, Mask, Robotech, Inhumanoids, The Visionaries: Knights of the magicall Ligth, Ghostbusters, Thundercats, He-man, Spiderman and his amazing friends, X-men, Batman The Animated Series (A Masterpiece), Dungeons and Dragons, The Game Master, Etc, Etc. Latest 90's ..> Pokemon, Digimon, Power Rangers, Sakura Card Captors, Transformers Robots in disguise (Very Sad), Beast Wars Transformers (Bad Plot), G.I. Joe Extreme (Somebody Save Me) If you are in your mid 20s and you hate Transformers you had no childhood Thank God for this DVD release
Rating:  Summary: Season 2: The meat of the series Review: It's great to see that the release date for the Season Two Boxed Set has moved up. It was thought that release would not be until next year. For you Transfans, this is THE season to collect for sheer volume and some of the greatest Trasnformers episodes of all time. Episodes included in Season Two are: War Dawn The Key to Vector Sigma The Golden Lagoon Starscream's Brigade The Secret of Omega Supreme Megatron's Master Plan Cosmic Rust and many more fantastic episodes. Now, granted, with 49 episodes in a season you get some real duds in it, but the not-so-good episodes are far worth the fantastic episodes you will acquire by collecting this 2nd season boxed set and the volume two to follow.
Rating:  Summary: More Than Meets the Eye Review: Part of me wishes they'd have gone the whole road and did all 49 episodes at once... I've waited long enough for this, now I gotta wait until April for the other half? They could do the discs individually and in the big boxed set, like they did with Season One. oh well... at least we're getting them. Im curious as to whether or not they'll do what they did with Season one and use the unfinished beta film or the actual broadcast tapes. I really wish they'd use the broadcast tapes, just for the fact that the beta tapes were missing pieces of the animation here and here. I do look forward to this set very much though. Now if we can just get some coverscans up on this page.
Rating:  Summary: Transform and Roll Out! Review: My mom got me the "Transformers - Season 2: Part 1" DVD box for Christmas last year. The set contains the first 24 episodes of season 2 (each one has remastered video and audio). The first three discs contain seven episodes each, while the fourth disc has three episodes and special features. The strangest thing about the second season is that the second year characters appear on our home planet without any explanation. I blame the animators at Sunbow Productions for this indecency. Among the new batch of Transformers are: New Autobot cars Smokescreen, Tracks, Hoist, Inferno, Red Alert, and Grapple New Decepticon jets Dirge, Ramjet, and Thrust Autobot scientist Perceptor Autobot mini-vehicles Cosmos, Powerglide, Beachcomber, Warpath, and Seaspray Autobot defense base Omega Supreme And... Decepticon triple changers Astrotrain and Blitzwing I already know that the rest of the '85 Transformers had been seen first in season 1 before season 2. My mom's favorite Transformer from the "Generation One" world is Optimus Prime. As for me, I like all the '84 and '85 TFs because they are very awesome. I don't really care much about the Transformers that appear in seasons 3 and 4 of the cartoon. I'm glad I got it, because I wanted it very badly. That's my mom -- she's always willing to help her family out, no matter how difficult it may seem.
Rating:  Summary: Better than Part 2, not as good as Season 1 Review: My title says it all as far as I'm concerned. The character development and addition of new characters in this part of season 2 flows much better than in part 2 of season 2. The animation quality is on-par with Season 1, and the stories are extremely exciting and fun to watch. Devastator is in a lot of episodes, and that gestault of robots was always one of my favorites.
The sound quality on these discs has been restored very well by Rhino or whoever did it for them. The episodes are easy to understand and there's even some good stereo sound taking place at times. The picture quality is for the most part fairly crisp and clean and as I said earlier, the animation is just that, animation.
I thought Part 1 of Season 2 was very good and a lot of fun to watch. The fallout that occurs in Season 2 Part 2 is a bummer, but this is worth the money.