Rating:  Summary: Happy Mom - nice Review: My daughter and I picked this DVD. She loves the animals and the farm. We've promised to take her to one now. Baby Einstein is high on entertainment.
Though I think Brainy Baby(they a have a lot of videos) and Galloping Minds Videos (they have 2 'Alpahbets' and 'Shapes and Colors') are higher on education.
Rating:  Summary: WE HAVE ALL THE DVD's !!! Review: Our 12 month old has every single DVD Baby Einstein makes! We just added Baby Mac Donald to our collection for an early Easter gift (I couldn't wait actually! Wanted to see the newest one!) Our baby LOVES animals and this was a great addition from the World and Neighborhood Animals DVDs. The Old Mac Donald songs are a fun feature too she rocks and dances in her own way to them! Her favorite is still Baby Galileo..something about that baby Kangaroo! I would highly recommend all these DVD's to anyone and this is coming from a mother who is not too hip on TV! I think the old fashioned get out and play instead of being camped out in front of the tube is our households rules...these DVD's are made to teach. Our baby as well as our 5 year old LOVE THEM and have both learned so much from what we have observed! Thank you again Julie Clark and Disney!!
Rating:  Summary: Rated Ages 6 months to 24 months Review: The good things about this DVD are:1. The animals 2. The farm scenes, especially the ones that show the various methods of ploughing the fields. 3. The puppet skits don't repeat the same thing over and over again. 4. The Old MacDonald song 5. The song set to the Farmer in the Dell tune. 6. The pigs sliding into the mud puddle. 7. Has some good extras and not just flash cards and toy lists. The not-so-good things about this DVD: 1. Too much of the music is slow, when it should be upbeat. Why plough to a lullaby? 2. Younger children like it, but it's not easy adult viewing. This DVD puts me to sleep. 3. Some of the content is for babies, some for toddlers, but as a whole it doesn't hold the interest over 24 months. My son is now too old for the Baby Einstein series, and it's time to move on. It's been a great three years, and definitely essential viewing for children. Thank you Baby Einstein, and goodbye.
Rating:  Summary: Ee-eye Ee-eye Wonderful! Review: This is one of my top five DVD's in the Einstein series. It has an absolutely dreamy, breathtaking, peter-pan fly-over of a farm that goes on forever. Fantastic shots of cows, old farmhouses, and the requisite sing along that inspires my babies to harmonize. It's a guilty pleasure that I love to watch just as much as my three kids. God Bless Julie Clark for this series. I hope she got rich off of it.
Rating:  Summary: One of the Best Movies I've Ever Seen Review: This is probably my favorite video. I've watched it over 100 times and it seems to get better each time I see it. I would like to tell you what happens, but I don't want to spoil it for you.
Rating:  Summary: A Decent Addition to the Series Review: This particular DVD was a less intriguing to my 12 month old daughter than most other Baby Einsteins, except when "Old MacDonald" is being sung, and then she is riveted to the screen and dancing along with the music. (She also liked the farmer and the dell song and the close-up shots of animals during these songs.) This DVD has nice added Bonus Features: flashcards that can be autoplayed, an Old MacDonald sing-along, and the reading of an illustrated, rhythmic, and alliterative Baby Einstein book. The material is a little slow paced at times, and perhaps the image of farm equipment was not the best choice to intrigue children. Though I gave this four stars because of the general high quality of Baby Einstein videos, Neighbourhood Animals is a better choice, and it too has the Old MacDonald song.
Rating:  Summary: Lots of Fun for Mom and Baby! Review: This was our second Baby Einstein purchase-the first being Baby Beethoven. My 10 month old definitely stays interested longer in Baby MacDonald, as do I!!! She especially loves the scenes with the puppets and the animation, and she often bops along to the faster music. The only real downside, I agree, is some of the slower music. The plowing/planting portion also drags a little for us. But the ending, with the harvest hoe-down music, is a lot of fun-when I dance along with it she laughs and laughs! Great to pop in the DVD player when she is tired of playing, but not ready for a nap yet!
Rating:  Summary: We call him Moo-Moo Review: We did a trial run of this movie before the recommended age.
My nephew liked it well enough, but my sister put it up so that he could watch it when was a bit older. Now that he's ten month's old he seems to like it alot more. He has a huge smile on his face when the cow (who we named moo-moo) comes onto screen. The rest of the show he pays a little less attention to.
Only seen one BE aside from this one. I liked the other one (Bach) a bit more.
Rating:  Summary: My toddler loves it! Review: We have the whole collection and my 16 months old loves them old except for the Galileo video. However, after I got him Baby Macdonald he refuses to watch anything else. He loves the music and dances and laughes every time.
Rating:  Summary: Daughter loves this one Review: We let our 16 month old watch this video starting last month and now it is requested everyday, multiple times. ("Mooo" or "EI-EI-EI"). She has older brothers (5 and 7) so is exposed to TV when they are watching, but has never really paid much attention to it. She now is fighting them for her TV time so she can dance and sing along. Even her brothers like some of the silly parts. This is our first experience with the videos and will be buying more.