Rating:  Summary: Enlist NOW for this War Review: I have been on the fence about this show for quite sometime. I remember my son watching it and being amazed by; first the CG work and second by the strong characters. But who wants to take a $5?.?? plunge? Well, I dove......
Well, the CG work for Season One, at least the first 7 eps. seems fairly dated and yet STILL has some particularly beautiful moments. The bot transformation are still a marvel to see and yeah, the backdrops are often sparse, and yet I still BELIEVE they exist for the sake of the characters, which for me is a must. There is something about this series that really makes me feel as though I am watching 'true pioneering' through the CG work. Like everything I'm seeing was made from a labor of love and is truly unique.
So many clever plot points injected right from the beginning: Dinobot 'the traitor' being a Maximal always has an edge to his presence; the orbiting stasis pods with the remaining crew orbiting the planet that can 'drop in' at any time; the fact they have to remain in beast mode but CAN change into robot form for short bursts is just pure genius.
The voice acting and character development on the first 7 episodes is actually beyond what I hoped. Easily taking up the slack for some of the dated visuals...
This for me, so far is a slam dunk purchase and the characters have that sort of instant chemistry that isn't forced. Some of the Predicons are annoying but alls fair in love and Beast Wars, eh??
I bought Season Two also but kept it wrapped up just in case this one wasn't worth beans, but it looks like I'm keeping both and making a mighty fine Burrito:), b/c the general word is that the 1st season is the worst season...!! Can't wait to see Season Two!!
Rating:  Summary: BEAST WARS: The Complete First Season Review: After haphazzardly releasing the first 12 episodes on two individual volumes, Rhino has decided to go with their G1 Transformers formula by releasing the complete first season of Beast Wars in a nice box set. Quite frankly, I'm delighted. Hopefully they'll include some new special features in this set, with some commentaries perhaps (but I doubt that one). A little "making of" or more 3D animation tests would be cool.But anyway, Beast Wars came on the scene in 1996 as a totally new 3D-animated Transformers show. Despite mis-givings and apprehensions of die-hard G1 Transformers fans, Beast Wars picked up a cult following of former fans and new alike. One thing to attract this old school Trans-fan was the upscaled fight scenes. The brutality of the fight scenes really gave me a sense that Mainframe Entertainment made this series for aging G1 fans. Gone were the days where robots would shoot at one another and no damage would occur. In Beast Wars robots would literally be blown apart. Fortunately the writers of the show got around this by including a automated repair unit in each of the factions' ship bases. But where Beast Wars shined was the various homages paid back to the G1 story and time line. This series was sort of a sequal or in essence a prequel to G1 due to that whacky time travel paradox. (Season 2 spoiler - The Maximals find the original Autobot Ark in prehistoric Earth). Another homage to G1 was the 2nd season appearance of Ravage. And then of course numerous dialogue references to G1. The CGI animation was good for its day, (being made in 1996), and surprisingly looks excellent on DVD. Bright colors with shimmering metallic appearance. Shame the environment was a bit bland. But nonetheless, the series had excellent animation over its 3 season run. The thing that set Beast Wars apart from its predecessor G1, was the accuracy (or similated accuracy) in robot transformations. Meaning that because this was a 3D animated series, the robot modes had to match the beast modes in size and form. The transformations had to appear as if they were the actual toys being transformed by a child. After Season 1 is released, I'm betting Rhino will release the shorter second and third seasons (13 episodes each) as one set. And then both 13 episode seasons of Beast Machines in another set.
Rating:  Summary: overrated Review: Apparently this series was supposed to have gotten better with time, I don't know because I lost interest, but the first season at least was pretty dismal, and of later episodes all I saw was "Megatron" as a (Fuzor?) with wheels and that looked really damn gay. Also I think there were a lot of references to Generation One taped on to give the series some weight later, presumably as a half-assed afterthought, but how do they explain this anyway? The shows are almost nothing alike and they made Megatron into a big gay english-butler-like purple Dinosaur.. like an evil Eurotrash Barney. Anyway, the first many episodes of this show, the ones that I watched, featured dated and ugly computer animation, poor writing that actually made season 1 of the original series look pretty damn good, and a host of dumb ideas. Making Optimus Prime a monkey.. dumb idea. Naming him "Optimus Primal".. dumb idea. Dinobot.. dumb idea. Rattrap.. just obnoxious. dumb catch phrases for Optimus... also a dumb idea. Rhinox taking out all the Decepti..I mean Predacons in one episode with his raging flatulence.. bad idea. I don't know why this show is so grossly overrated by its fans. In short it is a shameful bastardization of the Transformers we should all know and love. At least this season, the entire genesis of and basis for the show.
Rating:  Summary: BEAST WARS SEASON 1 .. PHENOMENAL SERIES! (after gen1) Review: Beast Wars Season 1 was just the beginning of a whole new transformers line. I loved this series because it did'nt have too many characters, thus, the maximals and predicons would have more of a personality to them. And of course, the first ever 3d transformers series. Season one starts off abit slow.. but just wait till season 2 and 3 come out! RHINO VIDEO..KEEP DOING WHAT YOUR BEST AT! THANKS!
Rating:  Summary: 1st season worste season Review: Beast wars season one has a feel that it is getting it feet under it. You are not sure if the series wants to be a childrens show or a nostalgic flash back to the generration one charcters. However the series decides not to pander to childer and instead starts to make several incredible decisions about the series.
1. It will be set up for adults. As such characters will die.
2. Moral issues will be faught and sometimes good will do "evil" acts to survive.
3. Every episode will build on each other. Their is an incredible continuity that is started in season one. This continuity is carried all the way into season three.
4. Scale, reality, and believable sci-fi are present in the show. Things happen due to a scientific reason. This may be a fantastical science as we see but they still make the show as hard edged as possible.
All in all a great season.
Rating:  Summary: "maximize" "terrorize" Review: Beast Wars was my favorite show...well until the dinobot thing, i'm not going to ruin it for you. Anyway the picture on this is awsome, so is the sound. There are some minor defects with the packaging and setup of the dvd's. The first is that there is no place to but the booklet so that it stays put and inside it some of the pictures beside the episodes are in the wrong order. The nest thing is just that wen it gives you a little preview thing in the chapters selection they have the same clip of rinox walking in two spots. But overall it was still really cool to watch it again and if your a fan of the show you will enjoy this. But it might have been better if it was released from Rhino
Rating:  Summary: Best Transformer series... Review: Beast Wars!! At first, with nostalgic prejudice for the original 80's American G1 series, I was POSITIVE that Beast Wars were second rate. It didn't help that I never caught the show's initial run in order or that i only occasionaly saw an espoisode now & then, so the plots/characters never seemed to make sense. Only after watching the original G1 series on DVD I noticed the glaring difference in quality. I realized that the G1 series were just glorified toy commericals, but Beast wars had high quality writers, very good story lines, and highly interesting charcters/charcter interactions, Beast Wars was a real program. There was also the minor things that bugged me from the originals that were fixed with Beast Wars, like when they transformed they were relative to their size, NO changing size (small item to huge robot) to fit the show/toy line. There were many tie ins with the original series including a special guest apparence of three decepticons in diffent episodes. The CGI animation was good for mid 90's, bright, clear colors with shimmering metallic surfaces show thru excellent on DVD (that's on only a stero TV, on HDTV it's heaven). A waste that the environment was bland & rather empty. The animals didn't appeal to me at first, but when u thought about it, it ended up fitting into the story better. Then there's none of those ANNOYING humans that wear only one set of clothes and have the transformers alway having to save them from terrible situations they make for themselves. I was disappointed that there is no subtitles or language options. The menu interface is rather cumbersome to select things. Then for those that care, there are barely any extras like the faces behind the voices or staff caring on with blah blah blah... I purchased this DVD set and anxiously anticipate the rest of the episodes of Beast Wars and Beast Machines!!!
Rating:  Summary: The Best Transformers Series Review: Before anything else, let me just say that I THANK Rhinomation for bringing Transformers, Beast Wars, and (crosses fingers) maybe Beast Machines in full form, DVD quality! Though many people love the G1 Transformers series better for its longer run, the movie, and more characters, in my mind, Beast Wars beats it hands down. The plots are more interesting, the characterizations are better, the writers are better, the action is more intense, and there's none of those annoying humans that wear only one set of clothes. I just hope Season Two and Three come in one set, as they're only 13 episodes in each.
Rating:  Summary: Come back to Cybertron Review: Dont buy this crap. Just be patient and wait until someone starts making new episodes of Transformers useing the real O.C.'s or Original Characters.