Rating:  Summary: The Perfect Anime Review: This in my opinion is the perfect anime for anyone. It's got a bit of everything so everyone goes home happy. It's got drama, action, intrigue and even a bit of brief nudity. Sutherland and Berkley were excellent choices for the voice overs. The characters have depth, and by the end of the movie you feel their saddness and anger. On top of all this is a beautiful soundtrack, and it really shines in the climatic battle at the end of the movie. To me, this movie represents what should be a template for all great anime.
Rating:  Summary: A hacked-up version of the OAV series Review: People often seem to have the same general reaction to the Armitage III movie when watching it: great animation, great concept, but a very jumpy and confusing storyline. The reason for this is simple: the movie was pieced together from four one-hour OAV episodes! If you want to see a MUCH easier to comprehend plot, get your hands on a fansubbed copy of the OAVs (you'll also avoid the hideous dubbed voice acting that way).
Rating:  Summary: Eye candy, but nothing more... Review: While I can see what the writer(s) were trying to go for with this film, I can also see that they did not even come near to achieving it. First, the storyline is nearly incoherent, jumping around far too quickly. Also, the characters are not particularly well developed. They are simply unable to express any subtlety of emotion, the only anything is ever developed is by blatent, and boring, statement of fact. In my opinion, this film's only saving grace its its artful directing and style.
Rating:  Summary: A staple Anime! Review: there isn't much i can say about this movie except it was outstanding! It is often hard to find a good anime that you can wacth more than three times, but this movie has a certain quality which makes it last. Although the voices arn't great (naomi)you do get used to them after a while and actually start to like them. The villan was greatly developed and wasn't just the typical "i want to rule the world" bad guy. And you never have to wait for good action scenes. however, I wouldn't reccomend this flim to people just getting into anime (quite a bit of nudity and very graphic violence). This movie is a must have for any serious anime collection.
Rating:  Summary: An Action Packed Anime! Review: Armatige III is an anime that should have turned into bottom of the bin anime but instead it becomes what most animes never become, outstanding! With high energy action seqeunces laced through a indepth and compelling story Armatige III is a rollercoster thrill ride that you will not want to stop. Set in far future on a Mars colony, Ross is a cool level headed cop. His new partner is a trigger happy 19 old named Armatige. Together the two travel the streets in search of a vicious serial killer whose victims a female thirds, thirds are robots that have been programed to act human. While Armatige III is reminisent of the clasic film noir "Blade Runner" the stroy also runs on it's own origanality as well. The voice are outstanding and the animation is quite good, as well as the techno styled musical score. Armatige III is perfect for both action fans as well as sci-fi fans.
Rating:  Summary: Nice for Hard Core Animation Fans Review: Not much I can say about this one. Very Akria like. Only complaint is the Voice acting. Their is a style to voice acting that Japanese Animations follow. Not too many English dubbs hit the mark. The only one I can think of that was really good is Ninja Scroll. The Celeb actors take away from my enjoyment of the movie. I would suggest that hard core fans turn on the Japanese Dubb and the English subtitles to really enjoy this movie. The last two fights in the movie were really well done. Lots of action and they bring the movie together very well. Again though I must say the English voice acting hurt the movie.
Rating:  Summary: Make Armitage III a part of your Anime Collections Review: The first anime video I owned was Armitage the III, it was so good that it influenced me into collecting more anime. Armitage III is one of the best Sci-Fi anime and the graphics, sound effects, characters and the plot were all very good. I've watched this movie over and over again and I never got bored of it. Because of Armitage III, now I have a huge anime collection.
Rating:  Summary: It's a deep one. Review: I suggest you watch the director's cut of "Blade Runner" and then this film. It is an introspective and moving view into what makes a person human. Mixed also with political intrigue and social commentary. Not a film for casual viewing, it will draw you in and make you think. Sort of like the new kid on the block, "The Matrix." Note that this film is available only in its English language version with the voice talent of Elizabeth Berkley, Keifer Sutherland and a capable cast. It was marketed in Japan with Japanese language subtitles. Some people complain about Sutherland's delivery, but I think he sounds just like he does in all the movies I have seen him act on. This film is certainly not perfect, but it is a worthy addition to any collection.
Rating:  Summary: It was like watching a great Final Fantasy Movie Review: All around this is a wonderful movie. My only complaint would be the not so obvious ending but even that is overlooked by the greatness of this movie. It's funny that I saw it was ranked up with Final Fantasy 7, because it very much reminded me of the many plot twists, combats, and general running found in the Final Fantasy games. Just when you thought you knew how it went the story took an entirly different direction. Quality.
Rating:  Summary: Its a mixed bag Review: the first time i saw this movie i loved it. however, now, a year later i watched it again and noticed a few things.first, the good: the scenery is incredible! i haven't seen locales this tasty with cyberpunk influences since "Blade Runner" and "Final Fantasy VII". contrary to a few reviewers, i actually think that the dubbing was pretty good. better than most anyway. Elizebeth Berkley really gives life to Armitage's character. Keifer Sutherland could have been a little less somber, but it seemed to fit his character fine. i also thought that the soundtrack was very interesting, because i'm a big fan of electronic music. also the action sequences were done fairly well. especially the part where Armitage and Ross were storming the hospital. now, the bad: some of the directing doesn't make any sense. the bad guy periodically appears out of nowhere without reason or explination. not to mention the end. it absolutely baffled me. is there some hidden meaning, what? the plot is a little weak in places. i never really fully understood the relationship between D'Aneclaude and the Thirds. also the face-off between Armitage and Rene in the hospital could have been done better. The biggest problem in my opinion is the bad writing. the love scene was very corny. pretty much all the exchanges after that point too were cheesy. still, i think that it is worth watching at least once.