Rating:  Summary: Bouncy Bouncy Review: Angel Links is a rather ordinary space adventure show about a 16-year old girl with a profoundly out-of-the-ordinary bustline. That's the first of many bad choices in this show: Meifon, the heroine, is simply absurd looking (and it doesn't help that she has a pet living in her cleavage). Meifon is the head of Angel Links, a private space security firm located on a frontier world set in the same universe as the previously released (and much superior) Outlaw Star. In this first disc (containing 4 episodes out of 13 total), she takes her crew from one job to the next, though she works for free in fighting pirates. There doesn't appear to be much of a continuing storyline, although there's a fairly obvious "What's Meifon's secret past?" mystery being set up. Those who look for quality animation should be aware that Angel Links relies heavily on computer graphics. This CGI work is poorly integrated with the traditional animation, and the results are far from spectacular. The traditional animation itself ranges from mediocre to good.Beyond its objective faults, Angel Links suffers by comparison with Outlaw Star. Outlaw Star had the advantage of a plot arc running from episode to episode; here, we have only individual episodes. Second, as far as the English dub goes, there are differences in translation between Outlaw Star and Angel Links as to basic terminology--it's understandable due to different studios being used for dubbing of the two shows, but it's sloppy. Finally, the characters are far from compelling; there is no one with the personality found in the Outlaw Star cast. There is only a bouncy girl and some rather non-descript subordinates.
Rating:  Summary: Suffers in comparison to its sister show Review: Angel Links is a rather ordinary space adventure show about a 16-year old girl with a profoundly out-of-the-ordinary bustline. That's the first of many bad choices in this show: Meifon, the heroine, is simply absurd looking (and it doesn't help that she has a pet living in her cleavage). Meifon is the head of Angel Links, a private space security firm located on a frontier world set in the same universe as the previously released (and much superior) Outlaw Star. In this first disc (containing 4 episodes out of 13 total), she takes her crew from one job to the next, though she works for free in fighting pirates. There doesn't appear to be much of a continuing storyline, although there's a fairly obvious "What's Meifon's secret past?" mystery being set up. Those who look for quality animation should be aware that Angel Links relies heavily on computer graphics. This CGI work is poorly integrated with the traditional animation, and the results are far from spectacular. The traditional animation itself ranges from mediocre to good. Beyond its objective faults, Angel Links suffers by comparison with Outlaw Star. Outlaw Star had the advantage of a plot arc running from episode to episode; here, we have only individual episodes. Second, as far as the English dub goes, there are differences in translation between Outlaw Star and Angel Links as to basic terminology--it's understandable due to different studios being used for dubbing of the two shows, but it's sloppy. Finally, the characters are far from compelling; there is no one with the personality found in the Outlaw Star cast. There is only a bouncy girl and some rather non-descript subordinates.
Rating:  Summary: Outlaw Star this is Not Review: Angel Links is an Anime about a 16 year old girl (Meifon) who is the leader of a group of people who fight pirates for free. Anyone who has seen Outlaw Star will immediately recognize some of the technology used in the show, like the Pirate's Grappler ships. When I first heard about this Anime, it was being touted as "from the Outlaw Star Universe". What this translates into is a "we'll put the Outlaw Star name on it and the people who watch that show will be suckered into buying this one." Don't get me wrong, this Anime is OK, just not of the same calibur as Outlaw Star as they would try to make you believe. Disappointing considering they put the O.S. name on the top of the box. The animation is pretty high quality stuff, with a lot of similarity to the animation in O.S. The dubbed version is OK, but they need some better voice actors to get people to watch the Dubbed version over the Subbed. This title could use some better storylines. Instead of having one big theme running through all the episodes, it seems that they just go from job to job and totally forget about the previous episodes. With the exception of the little girl and her caretaker from the first episode, who you see on more than one occasion after the initial episode. In conclusion, this is an OK anime, but I would rent before I buy. Not for everyone.
Rating:  Summary: Outlaw Star it is not... Review: Call me crazy but I liked Outlaw Star and got sucked into this serries from the same universe. Something about repetative images and way too much of a made for the fan boy nature. Seeing the ship lanch once, okay. In the second episode can we get past the big boat? By the sixth episode I had seen enough of the ship taking off. The story is okay but nothing so exciting that I'd say would make up for the repetive nature.
Rating:  Summary: Doesn't even come close to Outlaw Star Review: First of all im giving it a 5 star rating out of respect for Outlaw Star which was a fantastic series but anyway lets get back to the subject. If your getting this because you absolutly loved Outlaw Star like me, well you can't compare the two because Angel Links isn't even in its league. But, if your getting it because it looks good then let me tell you what it's about. First off it's about a 16 year old girl named Meifon Li, who's parents died when she was little and was raised by her grandfather who was a wealthy buisness man. But, he eventually died too and his dieing wish was that his grand daughter (Meifon)would make a corporation that is a free space pirate-fighting service. This DVD contains 4 episodes each 30 min. long, 1. Guardian Angel, 2. A Wasted Fairy Tale, 3. The Proud Dragon, 4. Lief-Living Ether Flier. Well if you get it I hope you like it, and I hope this review helped you!!!
Rating:  Summary: Outlaw Star meets Sailor Moon Review: I picked up this title expecting that any product associated with the Outlaw Star universe (which I loved) could not go wrong. I was mistaken. As an anime, Angel Links is extremely "girly," complete with a bright pink logo, a small, Pokemon-like bat-mouse that lives in the main character's ... and magically turns into a sword (I'm not making this up), and a deputy commander so effeminate he makes Tuxedo Mask look like Ted Nugent. Add to this the main character's romantic interest -- a willowy, sensitive businessman who builds orphanages and saves children -- and a guest character who spends all his time looking wistfully at pictures of his baby, and you have the Harper's Romance of anime. These elements are not necessarily bad things, by themselves -- if you happen to be a twelve year old girl, you may very well love the show to pieces -- but the series doesn't really offer much beyond that. The Angel Links is more or less invulnerable during space combat, and the only time the main characters are in any danger is when they leave the ship. The Angel Links also features the "Links Cannon," which is the Rouroni Kenshin of space weapons -- one shot and the enemies are all out of commission. The first three episodes generally feature the Angel Links effortlessly trouncing enemies one after another, all without breaking a sweat. Not very dramatic. It doesn't help that the "launch sequence" and "Link Cannon blow-em-up sequence" are recycled once or twice an episode, giving it a cheap, stock-footage feel. Even though the first disc features only four episodes, characterization is next to nil. Lei Meifong runs around being cute and playing with the little creature who lives between her ... -- the rest of the crew mostly bark orders or stand around looking confident as the Links Cannon sends off another wave of explosions. To top it off, the best character from the Angel Links cameo of Outlaw Star, Duuz, does nothing but stand around polishing his sword -- there is an amusing bit featuring Duuz scaring some small children, but that's not really worth the price of admission. I gave this show the best shot I could, knowing that many series have a slow start and take a while to get going -- but Angel Links is so dismal that I doubt I'll ever watch it again, much less pick up the second disc in a faint hope that it will get better. By itself, Angel Links is a mediocre title with little to offer. It's not poorly made or badly executed, it's just dull and uninteresting. In comparison to Outlaw Star, it comes out looking much worse.
Rating:  Summary: Nice novel, plain animation, great music Review: The Angel Links animation is based from its novel Vol.1 and Vol.2. The story does not end here and it continues on novel Vol.3 and Vol.4. Since the story in Angel Links is based on a unique settings (mostly about technologies and explained in novel, not animation) some of the scenes in animation may seem stupid and unreasonable. So, if you don't get the chance to read the nevels, most likely the animation will not impress you. However, the music is wonderful and it's pretty worthwhile to but if you can find its soundtrack. One more word, I regard its "spaceship melee combat" idea as a rebel to the Gundam-fans. Since you can make MS's (robots) to do melee thing in the space, and MS's are actually spaceships - why not make them look like ships exactly? You can see how stupid(?) the space melee idea is in the Angel Links / Outlaw Star world.
Rating:  Summary: Bouncy Bouncy Review: The main theme to this show is "how much can we make a show ....?". Here's an idea, let's make a series with an okay cast, except let's make the main character as annoying as possible. And if the ship ever sinks into water, she needs to hold it up somehow........ Wow.... I never thought of that before.... flotation devices..... what a great idea.... Mmmmm orbs..... Okay, seriously, I did not enjoy Angel Links. The animation of this series is sub-par. In comparison to Outlaw Star this series is worthless. If you enjoyed Outlaw Star, you won't like Angel Links. Look at the one freaking dude that gave this show 4 stars.... He apparently loves the novels.... Which has what to do with the animation? I loved the book Starship Troopers... Ever see the movie? I think you get my point.
Rating:  Summary: Not as good as Outalw, but it could've been. Review: This review is from a guy who has seen every last episode of Angel Links. I'm just reviewing the 1st DVD to give people a head's up about this series. This is a good show, but it's clear that they did not put as much creative work into this as they did Outlaw Star. I guess we're supposed to be so distracted by Meifon Lee's rack that it shouldn't matter, but there is a severe lack of creativity in this anime. I can appreciate that two of the supporting characters appeared in Outlaw Star, but a talking Dinosaur? I mean c'mon people can't we make Aliens anymore or are we going to settle with walking talking animals that can be found right here on Earth, or at least in the fossil record? And what's with this cute little pet called "Taffei" that transforms into her sword? Can anyone say Ryo-Ohki? You could tell that they just threw this together and placed it in the Outlaw Star universe. I'm not upset that this show was not like Outlaw Star but Angel Links really had the potential to be different if they stuck to the more unique elements, which they failed to do. Angel Links bounces back and forth from one point to another. Sometimes they'll be focusing on the mystery of Meifon's past, yet in others the main thrust would be on their job of protecting people. This approach makes Angel Links seem like just another typical space show and therefore nothing special. While Angel Links doesn't break any new ground in the plot department, the visuals definitely rock the house. The art of Angel Links is incredible! Every aspect is beautifully and uniquely done -- from the characters to the ships! There's nothing generic in Angel Links, unlike in some anime where characters and things look more or less the same. Overall, I'd recommend this to basically anyone who enjoys space-type anime, but don't expect another Outlaw Star, for it doesn't come close.
Rating:  Summary: This is one quality anime title, ya fools. Review: Well even though I'm probably going to get it for writing that, I think this is a pretty good anime and a good spin-off to Outlaw Star. Even though when I first started watching it I kind of thought, man she has some really big [chest] but if anyone noticed, and I could be the moron here, but the other episodes Meifon isn't as busty as she was in the first episode. Now I have only seen Angel Links through volume 2 so I could be wrong but I kind of got past her cleavage after one episode. So in all I gave the series so far a 5 star rating because it is a decent series and the action scenes I think have been pretty cool especially in episode five when that guy gets shot in the head and blows up in his car or in episode 7 when Meifon loses it, excellent. But I think the constant repeats of the ship taking off are getting old, other then that Meifon is a babe (volume 2's two shower scenes were a surprise), the action and story are great. And to all of you out there expecting another Outlaw Star then forget it, remember from the Outlaw Star Universe not the sequel, it just use's some of the same random and very minor parts that Outlaw Star also had in it, mainly the Angel Links it self. So give it a chance as it's own title not the sequel or spin-off to Outlaw Star.