Rating:  Summary: Berserk Review: A lot of people consider every anime to be an instant classic. They either love it or despise it. While Berserk is a good series with many memorable moments, it can hardly compare with a series like evangelion or samuri x. Berserk starts off as a mindlessly violent anime. There is no real character development or story. As the story progresses, we begin to feel for a few select characters. The characters themselves aren't very normal but in their own bizzare way they do seem to act natural and realistic for who they are. The violence also increases as the series goes on. This series' biggest problem is it attempts to be realistic in the battle scenes but every blow goes directly through any armour and sends gallons of blood everywhere. Yet, despite how easily blood spews out, you will never see a person's intestines or anything like that. Guts himself gains the ability to kill off a hundred mercenaries by himself when the series is at it's best. As for the plot, it never really becomes anything great. It is pretty basic, a war drama. The leader turns evil and he turns on his best friend, a captain, who then spends his days wanting revenge. This doesn't mean the series is as predictable as one might expect. The series has such a graphic level of violence and realism that every consequence can have a major impact on the characters. These consequnces will more then likely startle viewers as they lead to some scenes that would be obvious if it wasn't for how violent and tragic they are. Despite characters, dying, being rapped, being tortured, or worse, there lies the story of a simple minded boy trying to find his place in the world and a dream for his life. This is a good series and deffinately deserves to be added to the shelf of any anime fan. However, new time anime fans may want to check out titles like evangelion or samuri x first. Also, anyone with a weak stomach or who has trouble with graphic violence may want to stick to more child appropiate animes. This is deffinately an "adult" anime.
Rating:  Summary: FINALLY! Review: Yes, finally, finally, finally--There is an anime that doesn't follow the pack, that doesn't depend entirely on cliches, or have incredibly annoying and unrealistic characters! Finally!It's been a long time since I've gotten so excited over a series. I've been watching anime since about 1995 or so, and over the years, I've become jaded (I think I share this sentiment with a fellow reviewer of this show). Nothing was exciting, everything was so alike and so boring. But then I took a chance on this show, and am so happy that I did. This series is a breath of fresh air. Taking place in a fictional Medieval-type world, we are introduced to the character Guts, an "anti-hero" if there ever was one. Massive, muscle-bound, and scarred, Guts is not the usual type seen heading up a series these days--this position seems to be reserved for scantily-clad females or pretty boys--and in no sense is he perfect. He is blunt, crude, and rarely speaks. A fierce warrior trained from a young age, he kills because it's all he knows. He does, however, seem to have morals, they just aren't that obvious all the time. The tale takes its time to unravel. In episode one, we see where Guts is going to end up, as "The Black Swordsman" on the path of revenge. But for what, it isn't entirely certain. The series rewinds over the next episodes and Guts's past is revealed. There are many demonic overtones to the show, and Guts's origins become crystal-clear as the series moves on. This disc covers Guts's beginnings in the Band of the Hawk, a legendary army of bandits and mercenaries that are attempting to reach the goal that their leader, the charismatic Griffith, wants to attain--to rule an empire. Griffith realized the moment he met Guts that he would be the man to help him realize this dream. The reluctant Guts is forced into joining after losing a duel to Griffith, much to the dismay of Casca, the only woman in the Band of the Hawk who has an extreme loyalty to Griffith. "But are Guts and Griffith GAY?" This issue seems to come up a lot with this show. Sure, at times, it seems like Guts and Griffith "got it goin' on", but there is no concrete evidence to support this theory. Sure, Griffith is one of those "pretty boys", and yeah, he and Guts do share a strong loyalty that deepens as the show progresses, but as far as romantic love goes, if you judge it all on body language and longing gazes--I guess each viewer can draw his own conclusions. "Berserk" is one of those rare shows that sucks the viewer in because of its very unpredictabilty. Since its center is war and violence, you really don't know what's going to happen. There are no set "formulas", like those used in so many other series. Every show runs its own course in a different and unique way, and the way it's told is part of what makes it so compelling. The character design is gorgeous--no insanely big eyes, the proportions make sense, and some of the characters actually have noses (gasp!). There are some issues that come up like attempted rape, the murder of a child, and child abuse, but it isn't overdone or "glorified" in any sense. This show is really quite intelligent and unique and should not be missed by the TRUE anime fan.
Rating:  Summary: Intense and not for the Weak Hearted Review: Berserk is pretty much a stand alone when compared to other stories of knights and castles and the supernatural. It is amazing and the characters are stunning. Just by watching the first couple episoded is not enough, as you watch the series you watch people change and grow. It is quite amazing. But Berserk is not for everybody. Name anything and it is there...just about anything violent and psychologically damaging. It is bloody and at times grotesque, but at the end of this series you will stop and realize that this an incredible series. I love it. And though this is a genre aimed towards young men, women will enjoy it. I did. There is a review below stating that Griffith is not gay. I am not really sure because he both seduces a woman into bed to gain power and he also sleeps with a noble to get money. He also is facinated with Gatts. I think I'm just annoyed with people's endless bouts of homophobia. I think that this dark and sexual side of Griffith is there purely for character development and it works very well.
Rating:  Summary: Great Review: At first when I viewed War Cry, I thought it was pretty cheesy and dumb. However, as I continued to watch and began to get the subsequent episodes, the episodes grew on me. Besides the somewhat references to homosexuality and the grimness and roughness of Gatsu, it is high class anime.
Rating:  Summary: Wow! Review: The story and animation shine here! Very Dark, Gory , Gothic Fantasy! The animation is Eye popping here and the characters are Very well likeable. I find the story very moving and exciting! Im happy to get "Into" a Good Anime again! Im sick of the "kiddie" stuff and want something a little more adult, but Not xrated (like Some of the Fantasy Anime). This one Delivers All the way around! DONT miss it! The character Guts is a tormented and yet sad character, one with whom you both feel sorry for and cheer for during his many battles!
Rating:  Summary: Want ANIMATION not a slide show... Review: I couldn't finish this disc although I did get through three episodes. The main reason I dig anime is for the fantastic artwork and stylistic animation. I know this is a series of episodes and not a movie, but the action is very stilted. In one scene when two characters are dueling with swords on top of a hill, their blades lock and they freeze-then there is a watercolor painting of the same scene while you hear the sound effects of swords clanging in the background. Maybe I'm spoiled by other anime I've seen, but this is just not what I'm paying for. I want to see actual frame by frame movement, not still frames with only a mouth moving on a character's face. I know that anime has it's own tricks it employs and usually does so to great effect, but this looks lazy or rushed. The poor overall presentation really distracts from the story which is itself predictable and slow. Two stars for the efforts of the dialogue team to put english voices to Berserk. They at least breath some life into...but not much.
Rating:  Summary: boring boring boring Review: first of all its so boring...and 2ndly they are all ugly.....i only saw the first episode..and the rest i was just forwarding..the box is very attractive...but the show is so dull.,..maybe cus its not my type of anime....the drawings are old...anyway..it all goes after people's taste
Rating:  Summary: It was just boring. Review: I bought this DVD becuase everyone said it was awesome, or at least that it was pretty good. I was just boring. The fight scenes were always a still picture with a whosh noise and a panning camera. The characters made me feel nothing. I didn't even like any of them. The plot moved like a glacier. Buy Cowboy Bebop, buy X, buy Samurai X, but pass this one up. Oh man, what was up with Griffith?
Rating:  Summary: Didn't hold my interest Review: I rented this some months ago and am now trying to remember it. It did not hold my interest, had a hard time staying awake, kept waiting for something to happen. The characters all seemed rather cardboard and the plot did nothing to get me hooked and wanting to seem more. I would not buy this or any other Berserk DVD, I would not even rent the rest.
Rating:  Summary: Not the Usual Fantasy Fare... Review: If you read the other reviews, you pretty much know what Berserk is about and I'm not going to rehash the storyline. What I will say about this series that I've seen so far is that it is the fantasy I have always wanted to see. I've always somewhat liked fantasy, but there was always something lacking with it. Everything was just a little too perfect, a little too predictable. With Berserk, it's different. It's fantasy injected with gritty realism and harsh warfare, and most of all, genuine emotion and believable characters. The more you watch of the series, the more it grows on you. Everytime I end a dvd, I anticipate the next episode. Berserk grabs you and pulls you into their world, not just letting you watch from above. This is not Lord of the Rings sort of fantasy. There is gore aplenty, rape, crooked royalty, love, and a hero who doesn't have a reason to fight. Berserk is not just a series, it is a sweeping epic that spans every emotion. Highly recommended, but only to mature audiences.