Rating:  Summary: Cheesey Zombie Fun Review: First lets start off by saying this film was really boring. I gave it two stars because the gore special effects were cool. The acting is really bad which is understandable but even for a monster film this is bad. The movie really had no plot and it wasnt even a movie that tried to entertain you. The zombies did however show some human characteristics which the traditional films do not. The zombies actually fire back when they have a rifle or talk somewhat. They also dont wobble around like the tradition films but actually attack with speed.What amazes me is that how come every monster film makes the characters so dumb to the point they watch as their friends die and watch when they zombie comes to attack. The only horror film that actually has smart characters with good acting is Dog Soldiers. It makes a horror movie so much better when the characters are always thinking trying to make another move even though it may not be successful to be outsmarted by even the monster themselves. WHY WHY WHY must such talented gore special effects go to waste? Its like good art wasted. Cool points: End scene where the zombie rips the guys heart out from behind Bad points: most are listed above but borefest would accurately describe this one
Rating:  Summary: Not a good monster movie Review: First lets start off by saying this film was really boring. I gave it two stars because the gore special effects were cool. The acting is really bad which is understandable but even for a monster film this is bad. The movie really had no plot and it wasnt even a movie that tried to entertain you. The zombies did however show some human characteristics which the traditional films do not. The zombies actually fire back when they have a rifle or talk somewhat. They also dont wobble around like the tradition films but actually attack with speed. What amazes me is that how come every monster film makes the characters so dumb to the point they watch as their friends die and watch when they zombie comes to attack. The only horror film that actually has smart characters with good acting is Dog Soldiers. It makes a horror movie so much better when the characters are always thinking trying to make another move even though it may not be successful to be outsmarted by even the monster themselves. WHY WHY WHY must such talented gore special effects go to waste? Its like good art wasted. Cool points: End scene where the zombie rips the guys heart out from behind Bad points: most are listed above but borefest would accurately describe this one
Rating:  Summary: After Death??? Review: hmm, this and Zombi 3 are both Terrible!!!! uninventive films with cheesy gore and wimpy effects!!! Dawn of the dead and Day of the dead they are not! this is a boring zombie flick....stay away, intead catch "Night of the living dead", Day and Dawn of the dead" "Zombie" and the "return of the living dead films"...this is a waste of money! I sold mine soon after purchasing, youve been warned
Rating:  Summary: Living After Death... Review: I actually found Zombie 4 to be highly entertaining. Even morethan Zombi 3. Of course, as you may have expected, this movie dosent compare to Fulci's Zombie, Dawn of The Dead or any other highly regarded zombie flick. This one is a good movie to laugh at and have fun with. The effects are actually quite good, and for the budget it had, its amazing what they did with this one. Its not as bad as you may think. Im reccomending this for die hard horror movie/zombie movie fans who already have 10 or more zombie films in their collection.... but if you;re willing to give it a try, by all means... go ahead!
Rating:  Summary: Cheesey Zombie Fun Review: I liked this Italian zombie entry. It's a typical plot - a group goes to an island where the dead are rising and get caught in one space trying to fend them off. This is an enjoyable ripoff of Night of the Living Dead and Dawn of the Dead, where they get stuck in a house for awhile and keep fending off the dead. I like really good zombie movies like Dawn of the Dead, Zombie, The Beyond and Night of the Living Dead as well as the bad ones like Zombi 3. If you're a zombie aficienado you should enjoy Zombie 4. Gay porn star Jeff Stryker stars. A voodoo priest's girl gets killed and he curses those responsible to have the dead rise from their graves. This is low budget with some decent gore effects. All the zombie cliche's are here.
Rating:  Summary: Like Zombi 3, just not as entertaining Review: If you take Zombie 4 for what it is, you will find entertainment in it. It is, of course, a poor Italain gore epic. It portrays poor acting, poor gore effects, poor directing, etc. Muct like Zombi 3, it entertains for all the wrong reasons it was intended for....it makes you laugh. It takes place...oh my goodness....on a tropical island! How original! The dead rise and attack some scientists on the island and then some visitors. The zombies aren't your typical zombies; these ones run, jump, THINK, and use weapons. Again if you take this film for what it is, you will find some entertainment in it. One complaint is that the actual title in the film says just "After Death" and the box art says "Zombie 4: After Death". I hate when company's release movies like this. Please put the title of the actual movie on the box! No more white lies!
Rating:  Summary: ZOMBIE 4 Review Review: Italian horror films can often be like the old Hong Kong martial arts flicks where some of them are so much the same that it is nearly impossible for anyone but die-hard genre fans to tell the difference. Such is the case with ZOMBIE 4 which is not really a sequel but pretty much an entire new film. A vengeful voodoo priest puts a curse on an island causing the gates of hell to open up. Despite its title, the demonic creatures seem more like "demons" than "zombies". In any case, this movie is equal parts Italian zombie flick and second-rate mercernary thriller. The dialouge is awful, the action scenes are very poorly-choreographed, the music is as cheesy as it gets, and the gore effects depend more on blood than any actual make-up. The walking dead in this film are a problem of their own. Most of them look like undead monks or bad Star Wars characters or something. They seem to switch back and forth from being slow-moving to jumping around like extras on a "Lord Of The Dance" performance. This movie takes a lot of liberties with the traditional zombie movie rules. Director Claudio Fragasso has them talking, firing guns, and doing the aforementioned leaping around. Needless to say, the action of the humans is so predictable, it's nearly irriating. There are so many groups of people that it is hard to figure out who is doing what and where. Fragasso's direction doesn't help this little flick either. What could have made for a tense moment in which a little girl runs for her life while her parents stay behind to be devoured is about as boring as anyone could have made it. The audience is supposed to understand that twenty years have gone by in between scenes without even being told. I guess the corny rock n' roll theme was our warning. And again, I can't say enough about the zombies. They honestly come off more like actors with down syndrome walking around in bad horror make-up than as scary walking corpses. The more gruesome make-up is saved for the ending which is underwhelming in itself. Claudio Fragasso is definetly no George Romero or even Lucio Fulci. This movie is not bad enough to be great, not nearly as silly as ZOMBI 3 or the hilarious HELL OF THE LIVING DEAD. All in all, if you're really hankering for some grade-Z zombie horror, go for it but you have been warned.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting, but... No. Review: Picked up this disc yesterday after an unexpectedly enjoyable experience with the oft-maligned "Zombie 3." Truth be told, I found "Zombie 3" to be a highly enjoyable (if deeply flawed) film. The direction was inconsistent as a result of the Fulci/Mattei hand-off. A lot of the acting was passable at best and just plain painful at worst (my least favorite being the actor portraying the lead scientist, undoubtedly working under Mattei's direction). The movie did, however, have enough creativity and just plain insane kill-em-all-and-let-god-sort-em-out energy in the script and the execution (no pun intended) to keep me going straight through to the end. The same, unfortunately, cannot be said of this installment in the series. While displaying a level of creativity similar to that of the previous installment also written by Claudio Fragasso, this time the whole enterprise feels conspicuously like make-believe. The acting is uniformly awful (though that's pretty much to be expected in films like these). The make-up effects are sometimes good, often times bad and the splatter effects feel strangely muted. In the interview track included on the "Zombie 4" extras menu, Fragasso mentions the trouble he had getting the film past the Italian censors and, at one point, even claims that the producer trimmed some of the gore effects. Fragasso, jovial and self-deprecating as ever, admits that the film as it stands is pointless and a much lesser film than "Zombie 3" and he is absolutely right. If you've already seen the Romero and Fulci entries in the series, then rest assured that this film offers little to tempt you. True, I do enjoy Fragasso's coherent zombies. They actually make for quite a nice change of pace from the usual shambling, grunting, groaning hordes massing about. Still, Fragasso's moments of inspiration are too little too late. I actually have a lot of respect for ol' Claudio. His interview track on this and the "Zombie 3" disc are both informative and charming. It's also apparent from this film that he has the ability to do a lot better. Basically, "Zombie 4" comes across as being exactly what Fragasso readily admits it to be: a quickie cash-in on a successful horror franchise. While I certainly understand that even artists need to pay their bills, I really wish somebody would give this guy some money and let him make a real honest-to-god horror film. The man obviously has talent and it's a pity that it has thus far been so woefully underappreciated. Then again, considering how many young people sacrafice their blood, sweat, tears, and various other bodily fluids every year in the production of independent features I find it kind of difficult to lament Fragasso's situation too bitterly. If he really wanted to I'm sure he could put together a great horror film. As it stands, however, his interest seems to extend only so far as the next paycheck. While this might make for decent box office it by no means assures a good viewing experience and, in the end, leaves most Italian horror films of this period feeling like hollow exercises in style and splatter. "Zombie 4," unfortunately, has far too little of both.
Rating:  Summary: Not for the weak o stomach Review: There is a distinct difference between American and Italian/European ZOmbie films. In America the zombies do eat people, but tend to look more human and the cannibalism is cut to a minimum. However ITalian/Eurpean Zombie films go all out in the gore factor. THus this comes in as the dubbed American Release of the movie After Death, released as Zombie 4. The story revolves around a woman who witnessed the grisly murder of parents on an island that is cursed with the living dead at a young age. She is traveling there with mercenaries and friends and end up in one of the doors of hell as she must battle the living dead. Problem is that there are hundreads of them and they just love human flesh. Just like any other Italian Zombie film the focus is not so much on story, but on the gore and trust me there is an abundance of that. It overall is very gorey and overall for the average viewer very disgusting. However for Gore hounds this is another title to place in your library, for die hard gore hounds only.
Rating:  Summary: Nobody can make Zombie movies anymore Review: There is a rare breed of people who like ITALIAN Zombie movies and I guess I am not one of them. Zombies are my favorite film monster and I love Romero's work and even can enjoy the RETURN OF LIVING DEAD series, but I have yet to see an Italian Zombie movie worth adding to my collection and this is no exception. Long periods of inactivity with a scattering of cheesy rubber flesh pull-off effects and a totally non-sensible plot. Go grab the DAWN OF THE DEAD, NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD, or DAY OF THE DEAD and be happy with that.