Rating:  Summary: Compared both 'versions' of these 3 episodes... Review: After viewing both the japanese versions(with the literally translated subtitles) and the english versions of the first three episodes of Yu-Gi-Oh!: Duel Monsters(Which IS series 2; When an anime changes its name in Japan it's considered a new series), I can safely say that the Japanese version is more gripping than the English version. For starters, the most obvious changes were the voices. 'Duh', right? Well, compared to professionally made dubs like Disney's English dub of the anime masterpiece "Spirited Away", you can clearly see that 4Kids Entertainment(Their name tells so much..) did NOT put any time or effort into making it sound good or NATURAL. Its on par with the old Godzilla dubs for cryin' out loud!!! Yugi is supposed to sound like a 15 year-old wimp, but 4Kids changed him to sound like a TWENTYFOUR-year old geek.(Typical, thats about the same age as Ted Lewis, the man who does his voice) Anzu Mazaki's voice is CUTE, Tea Gardner's voice is ANNOYING. Joey Wheeler sounds like a New Yorker while Jounouchi Katsuya sounds like a regular teenage delinquit. Tristan Taylor sounds like an idiot at first, but once the new dubbed voice comes in he sounds just like Honda Hiroto(Thank gosh). Pegasus and Mai both sound OK. Weevil is even more annoying in English(woah). Now for Kaiba Seto, he sounds okay when he's angry or mean, but when he tries to sound sweet or anything the English voice just sounds FAKE. Talk about campy... Plus, Yami Yugi doesn't sound like a dark, FRIGHTENING spirit in English. He now sounds like a Superfriend. :) But out of ALL my gripes with 4Kids, this takes the cake! They TOTALLY removed ALL of the original orchestrated, adventurous and dramatic Indiana Jones-like music and replaced it with this stupid MIDI techno [stuff] that sounds like something off the GameBoy Advance. For what reason, I don't know. PLUS, they went ahead and tried to cover up the pentagrams and gothic crosses with their pathetic computer animation attempts. YET they leave in The Eye?! WTH?! Of course we all know about the edits to the guns and 'digital' monster gore and sharp objects(i.e: knives, buzzsaws). That just lowers the intensity of the danger at hand. In the japanese version the villians were so vicious and relentless that they made you HATE them and would make you wish Yami Yugi made them pay. But now they edit that stuff out for the kiddies who most of them wouldn't appreciate the deepness of the japanese version. They aren't GLORIFYING the violence, they want you to be AGAINST it, hence the VILLIANS doing the bad things. Besides, movies like Jurassic Park wouldn't be half as scary if they watered 'em down like 4Kids' Yu-Gi-Oh!. And OF COURSE there's gonna be 'obscure' Japanese references, because its an ANIME! From Japan! An if you don't understand 'em, go learn about 'em! They aren't gonna serve you everything on a silver platter! Anyways, there ARE many people who identify with the character's problems in Yu-Gi-Oh; who else hasn't been bullied before and wished they were stronger?(Like Yugi) But as I meant, Yu-Gi-Oh isn't meant for YOUNG kids, though older ones will enjoy it. I mean, the original version even has cursing in it(Didn't the Casper movie have a whole lot more?!), but that's not all 4kids [messed] up. There was a movie that was a bridge inbetween series one and two where Yugi dueled Kaiba for the first time. It WASN'T in this first episode of series two where he was first introduced to Kaiba's technology. In short, using [$$$] on a watered down, chopped up DVD that only includes the English and Spanish(WTH??) versions and trivial little extra facts that you probably already knew or could find easily on the internet, and a bad 'rap', isn't the way to go. Buy a deeper, more thought provoking anime. Or just wait 'till 4Kids ever allows Funimation Productions to release the original versions. Because for most people, its HARD to find imported stuff.
Rating:  Summary: Do not Diss the show! Review: First of all i have to say this thing is great! I used to have to wait for forever for the episodes to finally show the first on because there is many of them it takes forever1 Now if i wanna see the first episode that started the us craze i just pop this in! This is a great movie and a great start for an y yugioh fan!There has been some comotion going on about the 1st series and the 2nd series and so on. It is true though because the first series in America is the second in japan. I have read the reviews and can see why they do not show on tv in america. Alos a few of my freinds told me that they cuss alot and there is alot of violence. Let me tell you the first series is chalk full of violenc! The second series though is not very violkent at all. They are trying to keep its good name in america as a show for pretty much all age groups. in japan it is mostly for teens and adults. I have alos read some reviews and people are really dissing the us way of showing the episodes well if those people want violence and stuff why do they just go to japan and watch it there or buy the japanese versions of the episodes? and alos they say the parts were you can tell they are hoilding a gun and saying how dumb it looks i disagree. even though you can tell the gun is supposed to be there i am glad they deleted the guns. my mom would not let me watch the show otherwise and i am a teen! o well i hope that my freview helped you see another perspective oif yugioh. well bye!
Rating:  Summary: Suggestions... Review: For those who read the complaints about the story line, the editing, etc., remember that the US TV series skips quite a lot of character development. To make up for it, I suggest people go and get all the back issues of Shonen Jump magazine (the US monthly), which starts with the first story of the manga in issue 1 (January 2003). Yugi is actually 15 years old, but he's rather short and a late bloomer. His grandfather owns a game store, and sells "Magic & Wizards" cards. The name Yugi actually means "games", and in the manga, his alter ego plays quite a few interesting ones...Also, the card game in the manga borrows VERY heavily from Magic: The Gathering (I'm surprised Wizards of the Coast didn't sue, and that they didn't get the US CCG licence...), including the card design. The US TV series skips about the first year's worth (50 or so chapters) of the manga...to go straight for the card battles.
Rating:  Summary: Hoping For a Subtitled Version? Review: Hoping for a subtitled version to this horribly buthered anime? Unfortunately, 4Kids Entertainment ignores customer feedback so what we get is the lousy edited TV version. I've been fortunate enough to get a subtitled version to this show and I can honestly say I don't understand WHY 4Kids Entertainment decided to license an Anime that was specifically designed for TEENAGERS in the first place. This is also the SECOND season of "Yu-Gi-Oh!" (What happened to the first season?!)AND you'll only get 3 measly episodes on this DVD. The second season is actually 32 episodes long. The first episode of the second season was also skipped. What is edited? Mostly the battle scenes, swearing (these ARE teenagers after all), and interesting little character development tidbits. For example, "Joey" actually participated in beating Yugi up before he solved the Millennium Puzzle. This makes it more amazing that "Joey" even becomes best friends with Yugi. Most people wouldn't get within 2 feet of a person that beat oneself up. Which brings me to this: I can't remember if it's the first or second episode of this disc, but there's a lot of "flashbacks" from the first season. Yeah, like no one's going to notice that it's a LITTLE overdone, but 4Kids had to do SOMETHING to fill in the gaps that the first season would've revealed. There's a battle between Pegasus and Yugi. Pegasus's Japanese voice is so full of sarcasm and he LOVES to say in English, "No, no, Yugi-boy." The dubbed voice is annoying and doesn't have the sarcasm. In the Japanese version it really feels like Pegasus is playing a disturbing game using humans as his pawns. And in the dubbed Pegasus gives this whole history of the Shadow Games while dueling. It never happened in the original. I thought it was odd that Yugi and Pegasus were talking so much in a timed duel. I would give 4 or 5 stars to the original Japanese version because the plot is more complicated than 4Kids likes to show. And that whole "Heart of the Cards" wansn't so emphasized either in the Japanese version. I hope this was helpful to you.
Rating:  Summary: The dubbed version isn't THAT bad Review: I don't have the DVD but I've seen the dubbed and subtitled versions of the show and I don't think they are really that different. They cut out very little other than the occasional "damn". Kaiba's suicide threat is sugar-coated and Tea's attacker is a mugger not a perverted gym teacher. The dubbed version dialog is a little more about fate than friendship. I think the music and voices are better in the dubbed version. Pegasus' fey voice in the Japanese version is actually a little annoying. As for the DVD, a scant total of 3 episodes is too few to pay for. Just tape it off Saturday morning TV or find the dubbed first season DVD set somewhere else.
Rating:  Summary: Why are people knocking the dubbed version? Review: I just watched one episode for the first time today and I am now hooked. This show is so cool! WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE KNOCKING THE ENGLISH DUBBED SHOW? Its not bad, I was acutally amazed at how the words matched the mouths. Anyway, I will be getting the DVDs when they are released!
Rating:  Summary: Whoa! Review: I must say, Im not a typical Anime fan. In fact I used to be so totally agianst Anime that I stopped attending Science Fiction conventions because they showed heavy Anime. Yu-Gi-Oh, in my opinion IS NOT a show for children. Even with alot cut out of the shows in 4-Kids entertainment's kiddy-fied version, the story lines are way too deep for most children to understand. What average 8-year-old is going to understand a grief-striken mans desperate attempts to get back his late wife? How are they going to understand an Acient Egyptian Pharoh's inhabiting a 11-year old boy's mind, and not to mention the fact that he hangs out with friends who are way older than him. The show is good though.. I happend to catch it one day and got hooked, majorly. I'd recomend it for children atleast 16 and up, forget the children!
Rating:  Summary: Incredible Review: I was a little skeptical at first about the whole Yugioh idea. After sitting down and watching an episode on the KidsWB I found myself tuning in everyday for the next episode. Soon I was out buying the cards and even the old PS game. I'm a little older than the average Yugioh fan (probably) and I'm impressed. The only bad thing about this DVD that I noticed was the length. The [online store] site says its 90 minutes when in fact its only 60 minutes. That would be my only bad thing to report, and it isn't even a major issue. I highly recommend the Yugioh videos to everyone
Rating:  Summary: Yu-Gi-Oh!! Review: I've been sucked into the world of Yu-Gi-Oh as well. I own the subbed (original language) version and love that, but this version of Yu-Gi-Oh does an excellent job of presenting the show for those who don't want to read subtitles all day. I would highly recommend these DVDs to anyone who asked. The only "negative" that I've seen so far is the small ammount of episodes on each disc. But, I suppose they have to make money SOMEHOW. :-)
Rating:  Summary: Great for Yu-Gi-Oh fans Review: My husband (yes, I said husband!) is an AVID Yu-Gi-Oh collector, as are our kids. I purchased this for them for Christmas, and if DVD's could get worn out, this would have done so LONG ago. I'm not a fan of the series, but judging by the looks of joy when the rest of my family watches these, they were an excellent buy. Plus, the show is not violent, and the "monsters" (cards) are "WAY cooler than anything on Pokemon" according to my family.