Rating:  Summary: WOW!!! Review: Akira was a film I had wanted to see all through my childhood. When I was 6 or 7 my brother rented it from Blockbuster. He wouldn't allow me to watch since he said it was for adults. The next day he confronted me and told me the film would traumatize me. At the time I didn't understand how a cartoon could be as disgusting as he described to me, but to keep safe I stayed away from it. Last year I finally rented it on DVD after hearing all the hype about it. It blew me away. It was fantastic. I loved it so much I bought it and added it to my collection. I usually don't like really violent films but this had a plot to support the movie with so that the film didn't collapse at the end. I don't want to give anything away, but watch the movie and if you loved it, read the 2,000 page comic book it's based off of.
Rating:  Summary: A decent movie I just don't see what all the hype is about! Review: I have seen this film about 5 or 6 times now and it was the first Anime film I ever saw as it is for many. The animation is superb and quality of the voice acting is also great. I thought the world was very well done and the characters were intriguing. Unfortunately the film is just weird. I love intelligent films that make you think but this one just didn't seem to have much of a point at all. I know many people think they get it but a casual viewer will be baffled. Now most anime is extremely hard to figure out but I have had much better luck with films like Ghost in the Shell and Ninja Scroll. This film was a groudbreaker in America and started all the hype around foreign Anime so it should not be missed but I just don't buy all the hype that it is the greatest Anime ever made. There are so many better Anime films you can find if you know were to look.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best sounding DVDs ever Review: Audio: How could any anime fan not be happy? AKIRA, the revolutionary anime, is in DTS. Every aspect of your home theater will come alive with sound. The movie sounds better than ever and the disc is made for one purpose: great audio. Pioneer's equivelent to a SUPERBIT DVD. I don't think I'll ever use the SE's mix again! Oh yeah, it also has the same old English dub. Japanese: A+, English: B+.VIDEO: Not much of a diffrence between the 2-disc version. Grade: B+ No features but you don't need them at all.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Anime DVD and the 6th Best DVD Ever! Review: DISC 1: A- See review for the movie on the IMDB using this link: http://..... Video: In terms of video, its never been better. Animorphic widescreen for AKIRA. Not even Pioneer's laserdisc looked this good. Though I did notice quite a bit of grain (this was not a digital-to-digital transfer), it wasn't very distracting. Neo-Tokyo looks alive with color and scale, the giant toys have never looked so scary, and the detail of every blown-up body and destroyed super-structure has never been so staggering. And compared to the other transfers (excluding Pioneer's laser), this thing looks unbelievably great. If you want to see how the movie looked on VHS watch the trailers on Disc 2. Video: B+ Audio: The main audio presentation is the re-mix for the English dubbed version. The sounds are great and really give your rear speakers a work-out. But what about the dubbing? Its not that good. The characters don't sound right, and most of the improved sound effects sound exaggerated. The other set-back with the audio is that the Japanese track is in 2.0 surround. The most expensive Japanese movie until 1997 and we get Dolby Surround? NOTE: SEE THE REVIEW FOR THE DTS VERSION. English: B+, Japanese: C+. Capsule Option: Not as earth-shattering as Matrix's white rabbit option, but pretty cool. It translates most of the Japanese text in the film. Grade: B Disc 2: A AKIRA PRODUCTION REPORT If you're an AKIRA fan born before 1981 you've probably seen this. It's a great documentary and it was fairly informative. My only complaint is that the subtitles distract from watching the behind-the-scenes footage. Grade: A- AKIRA SOUND CLIP Fascinating doc about the music of AKIRA. An English narration guides you through the documentary and shows you footage of the recording of the music. One of the most interesting making-ofs I've seen. The closest thing to an AKIRA music video. Grade: A+ KATSUHIRO OTOMO INTERVIEW Otomo is very humble during this interesting interview conducted circa 1989. Thirty minutes will go by very quickly when you watch this. Otomo even talks about doing another project that sounds remarkably like Metropolis. Grade: A+ TRAILERS Pioneer wizened up and didn't just release trailers for the English dubbed version. These are the original 1988 Japanese trailers (with optional subtitles). Its very interesting to see how the movie was marketed in Japan. The "Special Announcement 1" is a great teaser that sets the mood of the film. Grade: A. PRODUCTION MATERIALS Many complain that this doesn't have the original graphic novels in still form (a feature on the laser), but the truth is Pioneer doesn't have the rights to the graphic novel. Dark Horse owns it, but who cares? We still have over 4,000 images of storyboards, cels, video covers, posters, toys, CDs, and more. Definitely the best part of the disc. Grade: A+ NOTE: I've read lots of notes about Pioneer's laser and Katsuhiro Otomo's interview has clips from that transfer. GLOSSARY For those of you people who still think the movie is confusing, this is something for you. It explains the movie a little better and is a great guide for fans. Grade: B+ OVERALL GRADE FOR THE DVD: A- Well worth owning. Go get it now!
Rating:  Summary: Akira Video Review: This is a great movie full of colorful artistry and strong language. It has brief nudity and a strong violence content, which is great for those who love the True animation experience. I have owned this video for many of years and it is a part of my collection including Ghost in the Shell and Vampire D.
Rating:  Summary: AKIRA! Review: One of the greatest Anime ever created! a simply must buy to every anime/manga entusiasts. Everyone in the world should watch this movie becouse its so inspiring and so geniously well done.
Rating:  Summary: The Best of Anime Review: This is not hyperbole, Akira really represents the highest point of anime (and manga for that matter). I saw Akira in the original Japanese format a long time before the English dubbed version hit the US. I am as amazed now as I was then. As well, Akira does not use computer animation as it really missed that advent by a couple of years. In some ways the movie is better in its plotting than the manga, but it also takes some different directions. This makes it a good companion piece to the manga. it also had a much better ending (or at least one that is comprehendable). The limited edition is okay, some of the extras you probably have to be a die hard fan to enjoy. Either edition is a must own for any serious anime, animation or science fiction fan.
Rating:  Summary: 4.5 Stars Review: Listen this movie is good but it doesn't deserve 5 stars .Its a good anime.Other than Princess Mononoke this is my favorite anime Pretty Good
Rating:  Summary: favorite animated movie by Jonathan Lerner Review: I thought akira was a stange yet awsome movie. The gore was very realistic and the sound was great but the music stunk. The story was creative and interesting.It's a close compitition with ninja scroll but akira is my favorite animated movie.
Rating:  Summary: not my cup of tea but it's good Review: impressive animation and great storyline but i just cant get into this movie like everyone else. i dont know what it is, but i really dont like it as much as everyone else praises it. its definately worth checking out though.