Rating:  Summary: i hate it that they dubbed a whole season Review: this is not worth buying none of the episodes were worth seeing you have to spend alot of money for nothing good they had to dub a whole season and many other parts in one part in season 1 really 2 cause the dub rex challenged joey to a duel and have it where yugi cant help him by cheering him on tristain cept saying no joey got mad and punched him but all they showed was he fell down with bruises i mean come on im 11 and i wanna see everthing encluding the deleted parts so i am going to wait for the deleted scenes because that is what i think is really worth buying.
Rating:  Summary: Uh... Review: Well, Battle City is one thing and Duelist Kingdom is another. Betweent he 2 I would pick Battle City. One of the reasons is because of the effects that happen in season 1 makes absolutely no sense at all. Ex. In episode 4 Yugi duels against Weevil, deep in a forest where they both gai 30% power bonuses for their monsters. Well, Weevil's Cocoon of Evolution is played but is seemingly destroyed by Gaia the Fierce Knight. But when he first attack it with Gaia the cocoon's defense power is 2600 but Yugi loses no LP. Then he plays the Burning Land magic card and fries Weevil's forests. Then he destroys cocoon but it hatches into the Great Moth anyway. Then Gaia's power goes down due to the toxic dust that is being given off by Great Moth. So Yugi plays Makiu the Magical Mist and heals his Gaia then plays Summoned Skull and totals his Great Moth because the mist left Weevil's Great Moth drenched in dew which gave Summoned Skull an 1100 attack point bonus causing Weevil to lose all of is LP. First of all, how can Yugi attack a creature with 2600 DEF and not lose any LP? Second, why weren't there any tribute rules? Third, how come toxic dust and dew play a key role in this fight? If you ask me Duelist Kingdom is very underated but take my advice and just watch these episodes on TV (if they are played anymore) and buy the Battle City discs where they PLAY BY THE ACTUAL RULES! But, if you realize that Duelist Kingdom was seriously underated by the crowd then buy this and enjoy. Some of my favorite fights were Yugi and Joey vs. The Paradox Bros., Yugi vs. Kaiba on top of Pegasus' castle, and Yugi vs. Pegasus. In my opinion Pegasus could beat anyone because of his Millennium Eye. Buy this if you want to relive the good old days. If you're more into the futuristic stuff then avoid this at all costs. P.S. I know many people say the Japanese voices are better. That's because they are Japanese people who moved to America from Japan and are appaled with all the edits. Just ignore them an you'll be fine.
Rating:  Summary: Yu Gi Oh is an intriging series Review: Yu Gi Oh sadly has the Pokemon curse in that people who know nothing about it either assume it's for little kids (as marketing scams to buy cards, video games, and countless other garbage) or just hate it because it's the current fad.
What they fail to realize is that the series is actually action packed, entertaining, dramatic, and overall a high quality series.
What Yu Gi Oh is about is a young boy named Yugi after solving a millenium puzzle awakens an ancient Pharoh who is known as Yami. One day his grandfather (who runs a game shop) shows off to Yugi and his friends an incredibly rare card, the Blue Eyes White Dragon. Kaiba finds out and immediatly tries to buy it from him (despite the fact that he already has three of them). His Grandfather refues and eventually it leads to Yugi and Kabais first duel. Shortly there after the creator of Duel Monsters Pegasus steals Yugis Grandfathers soul as bait for him to go to Duelist Kingdom. From there Yugi along with his friends must quest to get his Grandfathers soul back.
The series like I said is action packed, funny, and dramatic. It should be noted that the series was origionally not for kids but 4kids did a decent job of marketing towards the younger audience (because truthfully the series would have died if they did not, there still is not that strong of an anime market for this). The series is fun to watch and it is very well written. I look at it this way with any anime series, if it lasts more than one season than they have done something right. Yu Gi Oh is an example of an anime series (on both shores) done right. In truth this ranks in there with Dragon Ball Z, Tenchi Muyo, and although I am not a fan of the last, Sailor Moon in terms of longevity. It lasted a number of seasons, so something was done right. It may never beat out Pokemon (because that one has better games) but in terms of a series, this is probably one of the best in terms of all ages out there right now (maybe that will get american cartoon makers off their --- and come up with something new and fresh).
Rating:  Summary: The Game King's second story Review: Yugi Motou, the game king, goes to the island of Maximillion Pegasus to play Duel Monsters in the Duelest Kingdom tournament. Pegasus is after Yugi's Millenium puzzle which gives the wearer the ability to shift souls with the Pharoah Yami who inhabits the puzzle. Pegasus' ambition is to use the Millinium puzzle and the Millenium Eye, that he already owns, to resurrect his love that died prematurely. This DVD set in only the first season in the US and it is probably the US TV edited version. It is poor marketing on the part of 4kids to market the edited version, as opposed to the full version released in Japan, when the serial plays almost everyday on the WB channel. The editing of the Duelist Kingdom story does not take away much from the original Japanese edit and is fine as it is. The voice acting is about the best for a redubbed Japanese Anime. Thank goodness because the original voice for Pegasus is very affected and even annoying at times. Losing very little through the editing, the first US season of Yugioh stands well enough on it's own and is very enjoyable. The serial is not edited for content, but in Japan a half hour show runs over three minutes more than in the US. However, this is only one thread in a very long story and after the Battle City story line it begins to get very complicated. Especially when Yugi goes to Egypt and starts to really find out who he is as the Pharoah. This happens still a couple US seasons away, but when it does the US version will really be difficult to follow as in some strories every minute has something to add.