Rating:  Summary: Quick info! Review: I really enjoyed this dragonball z episode!This movie is really cool because of the fighting.Some dragonball z movies have a very powerfull person who gets hit by a blast and he,s not dead and it takes forever for him to be defeated.But not this, Gouku so strong! His power level was about 70,000!I thing so because Gouku's level rises countinuasly,when gouku starts raising his level in a minute it,s 90,000! The first episode is: GINYU ASSAULT.Jasse and Burter fly towards Gouku and try to attack him.But Gouku,s so fast you dont even know he moved! After making the members of the force angry a fierce battle starts and gouku defeats Burter in 2 quick hits. Jasse goes to get ginyu because he,s a chicken! Episode 2:INCREDABLE FORCE!ginyu brakes in to a big battle with gouku! You find out that Gouku can raise his power level in an instent. Funny thing is that Ginyu is a bit stronger than Gouku and has the raising abilaty two. But when Ginyu reilises that the battle will never end he gives gouku a chance to show them his true power. But it,s the biggest mistake ever! Episode 3:FRIEZA APPROCHES!while powering up the two Ginyu members are getting so scared! And for once Jasse has a good idea:to get frieza! But Ginyu still whants to fight gouku even though he can,t win. Suddenly Ginyu can,t take it when he see,s Gouku's level is 180,000! But mean while Frieza has arived on the mountain where Guru and Nail are. But Ginyu has learned Goukus ultaimete weakness!Can Gouku defeat Ginyu?
Rating:  Summary: Summary of the entire feeling. Review: I saw a comment of when DBZ first came out, and then the dubbed versions that came out later for Cartoon Network. He claims that he likes the origional that came straight from Japan, and not these newer ones. To set things straight, he is wrong, the more recent episodes are dubbed purely, without any other changes, not like the first episodes, wich i think are a horrible mutilation to the animae. For those of you who know what i'm talking about, remember Piccolo's "Special Beam Cannon"?, well it is really known as "Screw Beam of the Devil". I'm sorry, i just hate hearing 13 year old know it alls that think the episodes that say "Special Beam Cannon" are the origionals straight from Japan.
Rating:  Summary: Sound is awful Review: If you have seen other DVDs, you are going to hate this one. All the character voices are different and also are no good. Hope they will revert to old people for dubbing. The new Trunks DVDs aren't from Pioneer either, oh man... :(
Rating:  Summary: From an Older, Experienced DBZ Fan Review: INTRO: First of all, I would like to mention the first thing a lot of people think when they see this DVD. This is when the original company that held DBZ, Pioneer hands over the rights to the company in full to FUNimation. This is a landmark decision as DBZ fans will now start seeing Japanese audio included on every DVD from this point on. Thank Kami.PLOT: Well, another 3 measily episodes from the series, for a unusually high price. For individual episode reviews read the DVD description. AUDIO: This is the 50/50 part. Since FUNimation was just jumping onto the "dubbing" bandwagon, they terribly [stunk] at first (still do to a point). The ONLY reason I bought this DVD was for the Japanese audio track, because when you listen to the dub, you'll probably cover your ears in shere agony. DBZ's drawing isn't always the best, and when you have bad dubbing, it brings down the series drastically. The only thing that the two audio tracks differ in is that the English audio track has Stereo, while the Japanese has basic mono. Strange for a DVD, but I can live with it. VIDEO: The video is a little granier than the rest. FUNimation didn't spend a lot in restoring the video for this DVD. DVD: The menus are ok, although most people don't like them. They are quick, and to-the-point so I really like them though. EXTRAS: THERE ARE NO EXTRAS! Which I can understand because this was FUNimation's first DBZ DVD...they'll make up for it later with [poor] commercials. OVERALL: Overall, I gave this a 3 because the video wasn't that great, there were no extras to speak of, and the price is a little high for 3 episodes (60 minutes about). Most people won't pay more than [price] for a 60 minute movie, as most features today are at least 80 minutes or so. But in the end, if you are a die-hard DBZ fan, and need higher quality Japanese language DBZ than your VHS fan subs, then this is recommended for you. Others who are looking for great DVD + great show, look somewhere else. PS: Although DBZ is one of my favorite shows, I will not admit there is better anime out there.
Rating:  Summary: From an Older, Experienced DBZ Fan Review: INTRO: First of all, I would like to mention the first thing a lot of people think when they see this DVD. This is when the original company that held DBZ, Pioneer hands over the rights to the company in full to FUNimation. This is a landmark decision as DBZ fans will now start seeing Japanese audio included on every DVD from this point on. Thank Kami. PLOT: Well, another 3 measily episodes from the series, for a unusually high price. For individual episode reviews read the DVD description. AUDIO: This is the 50/50 part. Since FUNimation was just jumping onto the "dubbing" bandwagon, they terribly [stunk] at first (still do to a point). The ONLY reason I bought this DVD was for the Japanese audio track, because when you listen to the dub, you'll probably cover your ears in shere agony. DBZ's drawing isn't always the best, and when you have bad dubbing, it brings down the series drastically. The only thing that the two audio tracks differ in is that the English audio track has Stereo, while the Japanese has basic mono. Strange for a DVD, but I can live with it. VIDEO: The video is a little granier than the rest. FUNimation didn't spend a lot in restoring the video for this DVD. DVD: The menus are ok, although most people don't like them. They are quick, and to-the-point so I really like them though. EXTRAS: THERE ARE NO EXTRAS! Which I can understand because this was FUNimation's first DBZ DVD...they'll make up for it later with [poor] commercials. OVERALL: Overall, I gave this a 3 because the video wasn't that great, there were no extras to speak of, and the price is a little high for 3 episodes (60 minutes about). Most people won't pay more than [price] for a 60 minute movie, as most features today are at least 80 minutes or so. But in the end, if you are a die-hard DBZ fan, and need higher quality Japanese language DBZ than your VHS fan subs, then this is recommended for you. Others who are looking for great DVD + great show, look somewhere else. PS: Although DBZ is one of my favorite shows, I will not admit there is better anime out there.
Rating:  Summary: Good anime series, mediocre dub Review: INTRODUCTION: The Dragon Ball manga was created by Akira Toriyama, the same person who was previously responsible for the Dr. Slump series, as well as the Dragon Quest (Dragon Warrior in America) series of video games. In the latter half of the eighties, Dragon Ball became a Japanese anime. And when the series drew to a close, he created a follow-up series - Dragon Ball Z. This one also became an anime. Nearly six years after its original Japanese release, Dragon Ball Z finally arrived in America. Unfortunately, Toei Animation (the company that created the anime) added in a number of filler episodes, and FUNimation (the owner of the American rights to the series) was forced to make large amounts of edits so that the show would meet American television standards. Though their dub voice actors actually were pretty good, they had a tendency to mistranslate some information and use a good deal of stupid dialogue. This package contains the second batch of episodes of the series. Read on for my review. EPISODE SUMMARIES: -The Saibamen Strike: Tien wins his duel with a Saiba Man. Yamcha follows up, and wins his. Unfortunately the defeated creature self-destructs on him, killing him. This enrages Krillin, who fires a huge blast that kills all of the Saiba Men but one. With the Saiba Men out of the way, the real duel can begin. -Nappa... The Invincible?: Vegeta stays back so Nappa can "have some fun" fighting the Z soldiers. Unfortunately, it fast becomes apparent that they don't have a chance of winning. Tien loses his arm, and Chiaotzu sacrifices his life to kill Nappa - only to find it doesn't even phase him! -Tien Goes All Out!!: Enraged at the death of his long-time friend Chiaotzu, Tien charges to his fullest power and fires his ultimate attack - the Kikoho. Unfortunately, this attack sacrifices the user's life force. By using this attack, he kills himself. Nappa's armor is damaged, but he himself is not. Realizing these people are no challenge, Vegeta recommends that they take a three hour break to wait for Goku. EPISODE OPINIONS: The serious mood of these episodes results in considerably less stupid dialogue than earlier in the Saiyan Saga, but you still get some pretty dumb lines every now and again. As I stated in a previous review, everyone thusfar in the series has a good voice actor - other than Vegeta. Brian Drummond just couldn't do his voice that well. Christopher Sabat, the replacement Vegeta voice actor in the third season, does the job considerably better. DVD: This DVD is good because it has better picture quality than a VHS tape, but horrible because it only contains the edited dub, and not an uncut sub like later Dragon Ball Z DVDs. I recently heard word that FUNimation will be redubbing the Saiyan Saga and the former half of the Frieza saga, so don't go out and buy this right away. OVERALL: Overall, Doom does a pretty good job continuing the Dragon Ball Z series - but the dub could have been SO much better. Although Dragon Ball Z is an excellent anime, I don't recommend this. I recommend seeing the series in its uncut, original Japanese glory; this dub doesn't do it justice.
Rating:  Summary: Real DBZ finally begins Review: It has been long in the waiting but finally Dragonball z as it is meant to be seen is here. Why? you say. Because now after 17 DVD volumes DBZ is finally available in it's full uncut, Japanese languaged, English subtitled version, and to be honest with you it's an amazing experience to watch. GINYU SAGA. VOL:18 ASSAULT contains three classic episodes of one of the finest anime series ever created and show you the new improved and possibly super saiyan??? Goku battling it out against the remaining members of Frieza's elite Ginyu Force. I won't say to much of what goes on as I don't want to spoil it, but I fully recommend both this DVD and VOL: 19 DOUBLE CROSS to anyone who loves DBZ. Also if your new to DBZ then this is the best place to start off your DVD collection (I would recommend getting the earlier two sagas on VHS as the earlier DVD's offer you the same dubbed, chopped up version as they do. Save some money. The Saiyan/Namek sagas will most likely be brought out in subtitled uncut DVD form next year when Pioneers rights to them expires). Although these first attempts at putting Dragonball on this format are not as well presented as some of the later editions and come with no extras they are still more than worthy of a 5 star rating so get out there and buy it. NOW. I guarantee no regrets.
Rating:  Summary: Only to add to your collection... Review: Let me first say that I consider myself I nice mid-level Dragonball fan. I read the manga, go to the websites, watch the fansubs. That said, I was very excited when I picked up this DVD, expecting loads of extra features (as a DBZ DVD trilogy I had bought in the past had), but alas, by hopes were let down. Going by extra features, there are absoluetly none. Not one. But since a DVD should not be rated based on extra features, I'll get to the actual episodes. To be blunt, FUNi really did a bad job with these ones, and I mean terrible (border line worst ever), with the mouths/dialogue out of sync in many scenes, terrible music, butchered dialogue. While the dub is indeed rancid and not to be viewed unless you want to be disgusted, the subtitled version isn't that great either, with numerous INTENTIONAL mistranslations of cursing. The sub isn't really bad, it's just it could be a lot better (FUNi has put out much better ones). I am impressed with the quality of the DVD as far as video goes, considering the age of these eps. But the thing that makes me the most disgusted is that FUNi has the guts to call this "Uncut". While it is Uncut in the sense that no footage was left out, one of the images is doctored. In a scene where Buruma is remiscing about Son Goku's origin's and the past adventures they've shared, a scene which every dragonball fan will recall is displayed (The one where Buruma first gives the naive son goku a bath). FUNi doctored the image of a naked son goku in a bath tub to cover up his private part. The fact that in the dubbed version this part is rather doctored is the part that [I don't like] ...). However, in the subtitled version, we see the scene uncensored, but this points to a root of the problem with FUNi: It's almost as if they're afraid to release a true uncut version (perhaps out of fear that a younger viewer might see it, despite the 13+ warning on the back). All in all, this DVD should only be bought for those who want to complete they're FUNi DVD collection, not for those seeking a good set of dragonball episodes. Perhaps those seeking content should try a fansub? If you do buy this DVD, please buy Dragon Ball Z vol.9 graphic novel, put out by Viz Manga (also available on Amazon.com, and happens to be sold for the lowest price I've found). This will keep you from getting tricked by the mistranslations, as the Vol.9 Manga is the counterpart to this DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Where DBZ's greatness begins.... Review: not to say the first 2 saga's were bad. They are good but not great cause they are all edited. This is a great saga that is a perfect setup to the Frieza saga. This DVD is great cause it has alot of action and its funny too. Sure the voices are a little off. Because of this i really give the DVD a 4 and 1/2 stars. Though the voices are not terrible and awful like most people complain. Goku, Gohan, Frieza and Bulma all sound the same as on Cartoon Network. Although Vegeta and Krillin are off and since Vegeta is my favorite that is why i am most disappointed. I dont know why people say the Japanese version is better, I find it too wierd to watch. Maybe it just cause im used to the american version I've seen on Cartoon Network. Oh well, just buy this DVD cause its real good.
Rating:  Summary: Dragon Ball Z has another good story Review: Once again DBZ has another excellent plot to give the viewers at home! Assault has great fight scenes and isn't dragged out with too many pointless insults between Goku and Captain Ginyu, commonly found in other DBZ episodes. Do yourself a favor and buy this one!