Rating:  Summary: Huzzah! Review: Alrighty then. Deviations and out-of-order presentations aside...Me being the Subaru/Seishiro whore that I am, I will eternally regard this as my favorite volume of X TV. Their representation of their battle, while in my opinion was not NEARLY long enough, was still intense enough to grab my attention and keep it riveted. *cripes, I've forgotten how to spell!* The other episodes, after the travesty that was 'Slaughter,' failed to impress me though. Yuzu-chan's episode was cutsey and Fuuma's utterly kick-ass, but I was still a bit too demolished emotionally to appreciate them. Perhaps it's because I watched the last 2 minutes of 'Slaughter' so many times over that I was afraid my drive would start eating at my DVD in protest. I clap merrily for the director for keeping the beauty of Subaru and Seishiro's scenes intact. However, I'm still of the opinion that anime Sei-chan's fugly compared to his manga self, and definately a dog compared to his Tokyo Babylon representation. And Subaru had his bad camera angle moments, too - just destroy the bish goodness, why don't'cha. Wish they hadn't cut out the kiss in Sei-chan's side story, but guess you can't keep everything - especially with Clamp works and censors involved. Just someone tell me - did anyone else get the distinct impression that the animators had stared at Tokyo Babylon Part One forever to be inspired for that heart-breaking photograph at the end? I'm going to go watch 'Slaughter' again and cry now. Gaw, I love it!
Rating:  Summary: Huzzah! Review: Alrighty then. Deviations and out-of-order presentations aside... Me being the Subaru/Seishiro whore that I am, I will eternally regard this as my favorite volume of X TV. Their representation of their battle, while in my opinion was not NEARLY long enough, was still intense enough to grab my attention and keep it riveted. *cripes, I've forgotten how to spell!* The other episodes, after the travesty that was 'Slaughter,' failed to impress me though. Yuzu-chan's episode was cutsey and Fuuma's utterly kick-ass, but I was still a bit too demolished emotionally to appreciate them. Perhaps it's because I watched the last 2 minutes of 'Slaughter' so many times over that I was afraid my drive would start eating at my DVD in protest. I clap merrily for the director for keeping the beauty of Subaru and Seishiro's scenes intact. However, I'm still of the opinion that anime Sei-chan's fugly compared to his manga self, and definately a dog compared to his Tokyo Babylon representation. And Subaru had his bad camera angle moments, too - just destroy the bish goodness, why don't'cha. Wish they hadn't cut out the kiss in Sei-chan's side story, but guess you can't keep everything - especially with Clamp works and censors involved. Just someone tell me - did anyone else get the distinct impression that the animators had stared at Tokyo Babylon Part One forever to be inspired for that heart-breaking photograph at the end? I'm going to go watch 'Slaughter' again and cry now. Gaw, I love it!
Rating:  Summary: Why haven't more people reviewed this title? Review: I don't normally review items on Amazon, but I think the lack of reviews for X6 is ineXcusable. Many anime fans have a film or series that really got them into it, and while I wouldn't consider myself an avid anime fan, X TV series has definitely gotten me hooked on anime. It seems a lot of people are missing out on this truly special series. Chances are, if you're checking out X6, you're already a fan. If you are looking to see what X is all about and to start getting into the series, which I strongly encourage, check out X1. For the fans, X6 is more of the same greatness we've come to expect. The "cliffhanger" from episode 15 is resolved, as is the relationship between Subaru and Seishiro, in an emotionally satisfying and (for me) unexpected way. Episode 17 is mostly filler, reviewing what has happened with Kamui thus far in the series but also advancing his character a little. Episode 18 is difficult for me to rate. I find it hard to take a 13 year old girl seriously, so any episode focusing on Yuzuriha is a challenge for me. But some thoughtful dialogue, some insight into the character of Kusanagi, another truly evil performance from Fuma-Kamui, and a "new birth" (the title of the episode I think) all help make this a meaningful episode. I love X, and I love this volume. The only things keeping it at 4 stars instead of 5 are the fact that episode 17 was mostly a rehash of what has come before, my personal struggles taking Yuzuriha seriously (plus there were some hints of ephebophilia in there I found uncomfortable), and the lack of Sorata/Arashi story line (my personal favorite which I hope they take up in the next volume). Any X fan following the series will not be disappointed with X6.
Rating:  Summary: Why haven't more people reviewed this title? Review: I don't normally review items on Amazon, but I think the lack of reviews for X6 is ineXcusable. Many anime fans have a film or series that really got them into it, and while I wouldn't consider myself an avid anime fan, X TV series has definitely gotten me hooked on anime. It seems a lot of people are missing out on this truly special series. Chances are, if you're checking out X6, you're already a fan. If you are looking to see what X is all about and to start getting into the series, which I strongly encourage, check out X1. For the fans, X6 is more of the same greatness we've come to expect. The "cliffhanger" from episode 15 is resolved, as is the relationship between Subaru and Seishiro, in an emotionally satisfying and (for me) unexpected way. Episode 17 is mostly filler, reviewing what has happened with Kamui thus far in the series but also advancing his character a little. Episode 18 is difficult for me to rate. I find it hard to take a 13 year old girl seriously, so any episode focusing on Yuzuriha is a challenge for me. But some thoughtful dialogue, some insight into the character of Kusanagi, another truly evil performance from Fuma-Kamui, and a "new birth" (the title of the episode I think) all help make this a meaningful episode. I love X, and I love this volume. The only things keeping it at 4 stars instead of 5 are the fact that episode 17 was mostly a rehash of what has come before, my personal struggles taking Yuzuriha seriously (plus there were some hints of ephebophilia in there I found uncomfortable), and the lack of Sorata/Arashi story line (my personal favorite which I hope they take up in the next volume). Any X fan following the series will not be disappointed with X6.
Rating:  Summary: Another action-packed and emotionally-charged installment. Review: I found that a few of the first six DVDs (which will be eight total, the last two not yet released) included episodes that lacked story development and consisted mainly of flashbacks and lengthy dialogue, but the three episodes on X [six] were moving, exciting, and generally a big step towards the upcoming finale. I almost cried over episode 16, the first of three on the disc, because of the well-written and beautifully animated encounter between Seishiro and Subaru, which involved thoughtful imagery and an unexpected but very moving revelation about the relationship between the two. Episode 17 offers some more insight into the Dragons of Heaven and the Dragons of Earth, winding down a bit from the action of 16, but a much needed break after the high levels of emotion in 16. Episode 18 continued with more action-packed events, and also offered a closer look into the thoughts of Kusanagi, a rather unwilling Dragon of Earth. Episode 18 ended in yet another emotional scene involving Yuzuriha and her dog Inuki. Having waited some time for the release of this DVD, I am extremely satisfied and again impressed with CLAMP's skills. Despite the enthralling cliffhanger ending of X [five], I was beginning to get discouraged with feelings that the series was not as well-paced as I originally thought, but after watching the three episodes of X [six], I can safely say that X continues to be my all-time favorite anime series.
Rating:  Summary: X Volume Six Marks the Spot ! Review: I have to agree with the other reviewer on here.....this is the best volume yet. I found all the episodes riveting (even the second episode which is mostly a recap is interesting) , but it is the third episode that I loved most. "Newborn" has a touching story and a wicked cameo by Fuma. It also doesn't end the way you might think it will. I find this series consistently excellent. It's one of the best anime series in years and it's time that it gets the proper respect it deserves on Amazon.com. It deserves all the high praise fans have heaped on it. A beautifully animated, beautifully scored anime with compelling characters and a story doesn't come along all that often. Long Live X TV !!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: X Volume Six Marks the Spot ! Review: I have to agree with the other reviewer on here.....this is the best volume yet. I found all the episodes riveting (even the second episode which is mostly a recap is interesting) , but it is the third episode that I loved most. "Newborn" has a touching story and a wicked cameo by Fuma. It also doesn't end the way you might think it will. I find this series consistently excellent. It's one of the best anime series in years and it's time that it gets the proper respect it deserves on Amazon.com. It deserves all the high praise fans have heaped on it. A beautifully animated, beautifully scored anime with compelling characters and a story doesn't come along all that often. Long Live X TV !!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Confrontation and Hope Review: I'm getting to the point in watching anime where I'm not usually surprised by surprises. After all, they are very much part of what anime is about. But I let myself believe that I had the measure of this series. Partially because the plot is a known quantity, based as it is on a very popular manga series. In addition, the overall level has been so high that I didn't expect director Yoshiaki Kawajiri to notch up the intensity further until the final cataclysmic episodes. Needless to say, I was wrong. 'Slaughter' is the first real battle clash between the dragons. This has been a while in coming while the writers have developed the characters in fine detail. Subaru fights first with Fuma and then with Seishoro, who once killed the woman he loved. First blood is spilled in a grim story that reveals much about the forces of destiny driving the story line. I expected the battles to continue from that point on, so my first surprise was to discover that the next episode, 'Wish,' was a deep dive into Kamui's doubt's and motivations. A great reminder that he is not a simple player in a divine destiny but a human torn with anguish over the tragedies he has had to witness. Now it is time to accept his role. But the real surprise of this set is 'Newborn,' which is a pure tour-de-force. This time it is Yuzuriha and Inuku who are the protagonists opposed first by the cold, questioning Satsuki and then by Fuma. This is a sure formula for a tragedy yet, somehow, this episode zags just when you expect it to zig in a fashion almost impossible to explain. The result is a triumphs is a triumph for both the actors, the writers, and the artists. With three-fourths of this series over I've been musing at how much more compelling this version is than either the feature film or the manga. In both of those cases the story frequently feels disjointed, particularly the film. In this telling, even though the story line still jumps around, there is a sense of balance and flow that draws the viewer in deeper and deeper. Perhaps this is because of the acting, or the director's knack for fleshing out the original's sketchiness, but it has complete changed my attitude toward the tale. This isn't a beginner's anime series - it isn't light sci-fi or romance, but it touches some of anime's deepest themes. It is bound to become the kind of classic that should be on everyone's must see list.
Rating:  Summary: Confrontation and Hope Review: I'm getting to the point in watching anime where I'm not usually surprised by surprises. After all, they are very much part of what anime is about. But I let myself believe that I had the measure of this series. Partially because the plot is a known quantity, based as it is on a very popular manga series. In addition, the overall level has been so high that I didn't expect director Yoshiaki Kawajiri to notch up the intensity further until the final cataclysmic episodes. Needless to say, I was wrong. 'Slaughter' is the first real battle clash between the dragons. This has been a while in coming while the writers have developed the characters in fine detail. Subaru fights first with Fuma and then with Seishoro, who once killed the woman he loved. First blood is spilled in a grim story that reveals much about the forces of destiny driving the story line. I expected the battles to continue from that point on, so my first surprise was to discover that the next episode, 'Wish,' was a deep dive into Kamui's doubt's and motivations. A great reminder that he is not a simple player in a divine destiny but a human torn with anguish over the tragedies he has had to witness. Now it is time to accept his role. But the real surprise of this set is 'Newborn,' which is a pure tour-de-force. This time it is Yuzuriha and Inuku who are the protagonists opposed first by the cold, questioning Satsuki and then by Fuma. This is a sure formula for a tragedy yet, somehow, this episode zags just when you expect it to zig in a fashion almost impossible to explain. The result is a triumphs is a triumph for both the actors, the writers, and the artists. With three-fourths of this series over I've been musing at how much more compelling this version is than either the feature film or the manga. In both of those cases the story frequently feels disjointed, particularly the film. In this telling, even though the story line still jumps around, there is a sense of balance and flow that draws the viewer in deeper and deeper. Perhaps this is because of the acting, or the director's knack for fleshing out the original's sketchiness, but it has complete changed my attitude toward the tale. This isn't a beginner's anime series - it isn't light sci-fi or romance, but it touches some of anime's deepest themes. It is bound to become the kind of classic that should be on everyone's must see list.
Rating:  Summary: By far the best volume Review: This is by far the best volume. The battle between Seishiro and Subaru were really awesome. They did a really good job explaining their story too. Yuzurihas battle with Satsuki was cool too. The volume is my favorite. Im sure the 7th Volume will be just as good.