Rating:  Summary: Truly Outrageous!!!! Review: I CANT BEGIN TO SAY HOW EXCITED I AM OVER THIS DVD RELEASE! RHINI IS RELEASING A WONDERFUL DVD COLLECTION FOR THE JEM FANS. THE EPISODES FROM THE 1ST AND 2ND SEASONS OF JEM ARE: Season 1: The Beginning Disaster Kimber's Rebellion Frame Up Battle of the BandsSeason 2: Starbright 1: Falling Star Starbright 2: Colliding Stars Starbright 3: Rising Star The World Hunger Shindig Adventures in China Last Resorts In Stitches The Music Awards 1 The Music Awards 2 The Rock Fashion Book Broadway Magic In Search of the Stolen Album Hot Time in Hawaii The Princess and the Singer Island of Deception Old Meets New Intrigue at the Indy 500 The Jem Jam 1 The Jem Jam 2 Culture Clash Glitter and Gold I WILL PROBOBLY GET NO SLEEP THE NIGHT BEFORE THIS GREAT DVD BOXED SET IS RELEASED. JEM WAS A GREAT 80S CARTOON. IT WAS LIKE AN ANIMATED SOAP OPERA. RHINO HAS BEEN DOING A GREAT THING FOR FANS OF 80'S CARTOONS. THEY'VE ALMOST COMPLETED, RELEASING THEIR TRANSFORMERS DVD BOXED SETS, AND LAST MONTH, RELEASED THE FIRST SEASON OF G.I.JOE. ONE CAN ONLY HOPE FOR HE-MAN & SHE-RA TO GET THE BOXED SET TREATMENT. BUT ANYWAY- IF YOUR A TRUE 80'S CARTOON FANATIC, AND LOVED JEM AS MUCH AS I- MAKE THIS GREAT PURCHASE!
Rating:  Summary: Showtime Synergy!!! Review: Like most cartoons of the 80's, JEM may have had an agenda of commercialism behind it. But that in no way should overshadow the fact that this cartoon aspired to be more than what it seemed at the superficial level. JEM made a serious effort to not only capture the attention of girls ages 5-13(through a mixture of catchy 1 minute bubblegum pop tunes and a lucrative collectors doll market), but to actually distinguish itself as something special in the annals of animation lore.As a young comic-book obsessed, introverted boy in the 80's, JEM first managed to catch my attention as part of an animation block of Saturday morning programming along with Bigfoot and the Monster Machines, and the Inhumanoids.As a boy and die-hard comic freak, I tuned in for the Inhumanoids naturally. But there was something about JEM that automatically captured my attention. Perhaps it was the "super-hero" aspect of the show. Perhaps it was the bevy of gorgeous animated babes. Whatever it was,I was instantly hooked.I felt kind of weird being a male JEM fan,but I consoled myself with the fact that I only gave the cartoon my patronage, and NOT the dolls! But I digress. GOD BLESS RHINO!!!! Season 1+2 are here in all thier big-haired glory! Enjoy JEM from her humble origins to her maturity as a pop-goddess and role model for kids of all ages and genders! This is a solid essential for children of the 80's,or any fan of quality animation with quirky storytelling, memorable characters,and (of course) those awesome mini pop anthems that gave the show it's aura of individuality. Good for young children,as it is replete with wholesome values and the triumph of purity and right over the forces of malicious mischief.(By the way:the MISFITS ROCK!!!) The animation itself is a bit rocky at times and primitive by today's manga-obsessed purists. But this can easily be forgiven due to the show's out-and-out ability to enthrall and stand the test of time despite its dated look and feel. HEY RHINO:CAN'T WAIT FOR SEASONS 3-4!!! I feel those are the best episodes, as the show really matured story-wise,and even more unforgettable characters were introduced! Hope this was helpful!
Rating:  Summary: It's About Time Review: Well, it is about time that Jem has finally come out. I have been waiting years doing research, watching and waiting for someone to do the right thing and bring it all back. My best friend and I used to rush home everyday after school to watch this show. The wait is finally over. My all time favorite song is I've Got My Eye on You. "Hey Babe"
Rating:  Summary: I got the Jem DVD. 1&2nd season ...Wonderful . Review: I just got the Jem and the Holograms DVD of seasons' 1&2 it was wonderful. All of the songs the characters it just brought back a flood of memories when I was a child watching Jem with my sisters! It is definetly worth every cent if you are a Jem and the Holograms fan! You will not be disappointed at all! Wonderful!!!
Rating:  Summary: Return of the Queen Review: Wow...wow. That's really all to say. It's great that "Jem" is finally seeing a fantastic celebration of her legend immoratlized in digital fabulousness, but my "Wow...wow" comes from the effort that Rhino put into this beauty. The DVD set is beautifully packaged; from the glittery logo cover to the included bonus tidbits. The packaging itself is filled with pictures of Jem and her rock star sisters (although Pizzazz has brown hair in one insert; that was before she went punk) and has this fabulous pink envelope kinda thing holding all 4 disc snuggly in place. Amazingly, Rhino has included some prety cool features in this set; including a (limited) commentary track, interviews, Jem "videos", and even an interview with "Jem" herself. The audio and video quality is quite good, far surpassing the quality of the recently issued JEM VHS tapes. Granted "Jem" doesn't have the hugely loud fan base (read He-Man) as other 80's relics, this is an amazing tribute to an 80's essential. Today's modern little girl may not quite get this one, but this DVD set isn't for her anyway.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Cartoon of the '80s and All Time!!! Review: First of all, I would like to say a big THANK YOU to all the fans who signed petitions to get the Jem series on DVD! I've waited years for this to come out and have resisted buying boot-legged copies of the episodes on eBay. It has been well worth the wait! The picture and sound quality of these DVDs are excellent. I am glad I finally got to see episodes like "Intrigue at the Indy 500" and "Glitter and Gold". (I watched this show religiously as a kid but never saw these. Maybe they weren't available in my region?) Also, the interviews with Samantha Newark (Jem's speaking voice) and Christy Marx (creator/writer) were interesting. I too was annoyed by the artwork on the inside of the box. I thought it couldn't be THAT bad, but it is. One earlier reviewer mentioned that the Misfits song "Gimme, Gimme, Gimme" was botched in "The World Hunger Shindig" episode. I also noticed in the same episode the vocals and music are off for the song "Share a Little Bit of Yourself" where Jem is singing over the Misfits music and vice versa. All of these things can be forgiven by the quality of the shows themselves, however. Recently I went to the Britta Philips (singing voice of Jem) website and she mentioned in her forum that she will be part of the next boxed set. Yay!!! So we have the next seasons to look forward to. Samantha, Britta, and Christy have all said they would like to be part of a revival of Jem. Let's make it happen! Get out the petitions again! Bring back Jem, the coolest, most innovative cartoon ever! Truly outrageous!
Rating:  Summary: I can't believe this reached DVD Review: I watched this cartoon faithfully as a little girl and even had some of the (admittedly) cloying toys. I also thought I was cool pretending to change idenities with my own red star earings. The music is very different from my own current preferences, but I continue to remember some of the songs. Jerrica Benton is a do-gooder millonare who runs the Starlight Foundation for Girls, but she also masquerades as the hologram- created JEM, lead singer for the Holograms. Few people have an idea of who she really is, including her (admittedly hot) boyfriend Rio. Their chief rivals are the Misfits (who actually rock) and Starlight Music's executive Eric Raymond. Technically Jerrica should also have ful control of Starlight Music's roster and quality control, but I must have missed the explaination because the Holograms are structurally on the outs with regards to industry resources. Synergy is housed in what appears to be an abandoned drive-in theater, even though a private investigator (hired by Eric Raymond, duh!) manages to sneak in, take photos, and temporarily damage Synergy. She then is moved to Starlight Mansion (where Jerrica and the girls live!) but something this important to the band's success and other people's survival should have been secured from the begining. The best character is Stormer, the only Misfit with a heart of gold. She likes the musical arrangements of her group, but despises the way Pizzaz (the Misfit leader) and Roxy treat other people. Stormer would leave, but Pizzaz and Roxy have erroneously convinced her that she is not any good and would never be able to make it outside the group. The only really anyoying people in the series are Kimberly Benton, Jerrica's younger sister/bandmate who periodically broods about being the younger sister, and Ashley, a "Starlight girl" who wants to emmulate some of the Misfit's more destructive habits (although she was drawn so cool because she always resembled a cheetah and the other girls looked so square even to me back then!). Personally given a choice, I prefer 80's cartoons over the stuff now being peddled on the broadcast and cable networks. I hope the release of this DVD encourages the production of other long-loved series from the era.
Rating:  Summary: A great package but a few minor flaws... Review: I was waiting for this for quite a while, and over all i'm happy with it. though the box art was a major let down. I expected better. It looks like a grade schooler drew 90% of the interior box art. As for it being labled seasons 1 and 2 that's not true. it's only season 1. they call the first 5 episodes that made up the movie season one and the rest season 2, but season two doesn't even start until after glitter and gold which is the final episode in the set. the dvds cover the first 26 episodes of 65 total. Seaon one is 1-26. 2 is 27-52, and the final season is 53-65. it was bit of a let down that it wasn't as many episodes as it sounded to be. but 26 is better than nothing when it hasn't been run on tv since the 80's. The interviews with Christy Marx make up for alot of the let downs, i think, cause it gives fans of the show a deeper look into the world. the image and sound quality is excelt and it's all worth it to enjoy one of my favorite cartoons again. From an animation student's point of view it's also neat to see how the drawing style changes though even just the frist season and evolves into the Jem that we all remember.
Rating:  Summary: Blast from the Past Review: Few would claim that Jem was the best show ever, but it is a lot of fun. How many shows are as much about muisc, fashion and dance as high speed chases, cuttnig edge technology and social consciousness? That all these disperate elements came together in an even mildly successful show would be a wonder but Jem was not only successful but a phenomonon that has survived the years. Kids today might laugh at the awful animation, corny dialogue and fashions, but the underlying themes and fun are undeniable. I'm sure most who buy this set though will be doing so for nostalgia. Well luckliy, that's here in spades. All the PSAs created for the show are included (some I didn't even remember seeing) and browsing through the production bible will reveal insights to character and franchise motivations. But the best feature of this set (aside from having the shows on DVD at all) is the ability to watch only the musical segments. The music was the main reason I liked Jem in the first place and I'm sure mor eoften than not I'll only be watching teh musical segments anyway. This feature is just perfect! I'm eagerly awaiting further season sets of Jem and Truly Outrageous trips down memory lane.
Rating:  Summary: Blast from the past... blasting the neighborhood kids Review: The Jem story is awesome, the music is great, and the dvd quality is acceptable considering it is such an old cartoon. The only thing I did not like was the cover art. Couldn't you find someone older than 8 to draw it??? Otherwise I loved it! When are seasons 3 and 4 coming out??? The neighborhood kids come over and ask to watch Jem daily and we all want MORE!!!!!