Rating:  Summary: ALICE IN WONDERLAND Review: If you buy one Disney DVD this year, BUY THIS ONE. Alice should not be compared to other Disney Classics of the time period (princess falls for prince, etc.) It simply stands on its own. It is about an independent little girl and her adventures. No, it is not a romance like many of Disney's films, but a technicolor swirl of imagination. In my opinion, it has the most interesting characters and music of any Disney film.
Rating:  Summary: PROBLEMATIC STORYTELLING IN A STUNNING NEW DVD Review: Lewis Carrol's "Alice In Wonderland" isn't so much fairytale as it is scathing political satire. That the novel just happens to feature such immortal characters as the Mad Hatter and Cheshire Cat was good for masking the author's real acidic read of the British aristocracy. In eschewing Carrol's original intent, Disney gives us spectacle without substance; a series of highly imaginative, magnificently rendered vignettes that, unfortunately fail to provide a cohesive plot for dear sweet Alice to meander through. At the time of its release "Alice" was much criticized for having omitted many of Carrol's best characters and the truncation of his best work in the novel, "the Jabberwacky" is a slight few die hard Carrol-philes have forgiven Disney for since. TRANSFER: In a word, stunning! A rich, fully saturated spectrum of color that is bold and well defined. While the previously issued DVD suffered from some picture instability and age related artifacts, this version is near pristine and to quote another Disney heroine, Mary Poppins, "practically perfect in every way". The audio has been cleaned up and remixed to 5.1 surround. The songs benefit richly from the remastering effort with robust spread across all five speaker channels that is quite uncharacteristic of most movies of "Alice's" vintage. EXTRAS: A ton. There's a Charlie McCarthy featurette, some studio junket stuff and a few short subjects that get introduced by Katharine Beaumont - the voice of Alice. There's also the Mickey Mouse short "Through the Looking Glass" which was previously made available on the 'Mickey in Living Color' DVD and a really, REALLY dismal virtual adventure in Wonderland that I can't imagine appealing to anyone outside of the pre-school set. One oversight: there's no comprehensive "making of" of this Disney film - a genuine shame that leaves the other extras sort of out in the cold, presented without any kind of overview and underlying unity - sort of like the film itself. BOTTOM LINE:If you've always been a fan of this movie this is definitely the version to get. For me, there's still something tragically lacking in "Alice" that not even a wonderland can make whole!
Rating:  Summary: Good! Review: I have never read the books that this animated Disney movie was based on but I did see Alice and Wonderland on the Disney Channel and I liked it. The story is enjoyable and the animation is good and all in all every thing about it was entertaining and I recommend this move to fans of Disney movies. BTW: I liked Alice in Wonderland so much I'm thinking of finally reading the books by Lewis Carroll.
Rating:  Summary: Great interactive fun Review: Not only is it great to see the classic in such beautiful form, but the bonus features are worth the price itself. The interactive Mad Hatter's Tea Party is so much fun. He is Ed Wynn! Wait to select any choices and see Alice and the Mad Hatter get impatient with you. Very fun for all ages. Bonus features are great, including some things that were left out of the original. Really a great buy.
Rating:  Summary: Not Widescreen? Review: Am I mistaken? It looks as if this SuperDuperSpecialWhatever Edition is in Pan and scan. I can find no information on a widescreen version. Can anyone help?
Rating:  Summary: Way to go Disney! Keep em' coming. Review: I just got my copy of the new "Alice In Wonderland" DVD and the restoration is beautiful!!! Much better picture and sound quality than the previous DVD. Some of the extras are great as well. I truly didn't expect for them to rerelease this movie so soon, but I am so glad they did! It is one of my all time favorite Disney films and very under-rated. I can't wait for more classic Disney films to be released with restoration like this. I've heard that "Dumbo" may be one of them, so keep an eye out. That one really needs it too!
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Review: This is a great adaptation and one of the better Disney movies.
Rating:  Summary: Alice in Wonderland dvd Review: Yup, I got it yesterday, and watched everything on it. Here's my feelings on this dvd. The Prevews I really liked the previews on this dvd. Mulan 2 is a great one, and so is Mary Poppins. Home on the Range is ok. There is also a preview for the Brother Bear dvd, but it is almost the same as the original theatrical preview. It also has the "hot tub" trailer from Lion King 1.5. The Movie This was a real refresher to me because I've only seen "Alice in Wonderland" once or twice when I was really young (like 3 or 4). My favorite part is when Alice sings "A world of My Own". I also like the singing flowers in "The Golden Afternoon" and "The Unbirthday Song" (I remembered both of those songs from the Sing-along tapes I would watch over and over when I was younger). Overall I liked the movie. I liked the smoking caterpillar! The only parts I didn't really like were the part with the Walrus and the Carpenter, and the croquet game followed by the Trial. The Virtual Tea Party I did not like this at all! I felt like I was watching an episode of Barney! The only neat thing I discovered was if you click on the index of activities, you'll see "cookie recipies". Click on that, and there are three recipies fro Chocolate chip, Peanut butter, and Oatmeal cookies. I like to cook, so that appealed to me. The Sing-alongs I really liked these since I have always loved Disney's Sing-along Songs. It's also neat beacause these sing-alongs (of "The Golden Afternoon" and "The Unbirthday Song") show the film before it was restored. Speaking of the restoration, It's WONDERFUL! They did such a great job! The "Alice Set Top Game" One word, boring. This was even lamer than the tea party! It shows you, like 5 objects. Then, it asks you a question like "What does the Mad Hatter wear on his head?" You would then click on his hat....see, lame. "I'm Odd" I liked the song, but I wish they created new animation and integrated it into the film. What they did was just use their animation of the Cheshire Cat that was in the movie, and try to make it fit the new song. The song itself though, is enjoyable and very pleasing to the ear. "Thru the Mirror" This Mickey mouse cartoon was cute and interesting to watch. One Hour in Wonderland I LOVED this! It was very enjoyable to watch. The story was, Walt had the Magic Mirror from Snow White, and he entertained the girl that voiced Alice and some other people with it by having the mirror show them parts of Disney movies and cartoons. These included, "The Silly Song" from Snow White, A Mickey Mouse cartoon where Mickey, Donald, and Goofy were all cleaning a big clock, Zip-a-dee-doo-dah plus a little more of Song of the South, and a Pluto cartoon where Pluto took a bone from a bulldog. After that, they showed Disney animators playing "Jingle Bells" with trumpets, tubas, and other wind instruments. That was very comical . At the end, it showed "The Unbirthday Song" from Alice in Wonderland. Throughout the show, it also showed old advertisements for Coca-cola, and they were amusing to see as well. The Alice Comedy I didn't think it was very good. It just showed a real girl, going through a dull cartoon world. I thought it got boring after the first 3 or 4 min, (it's 8 minutes total). The Original Theatrical Trailers They were nice. Walt's TV introductions They were nice too. "Operation Wonderland" I really liked this "Behind the scenes" of Alice. I always look foward to this kind of stuff on Disney dvd's. The Fred Waring Show I liked the first part of this, where Walt talked briefly abot Snow White, Cinderella, and Alice. After that though, I didn't like it at all. It was very weird seeing the people on the show act out some of the scenes in the movie. The Cheshire cat scene was particulary weird acted out with real people. Deleted Materials These were very good. "From Wonderland to Neverland-Evolution of a song was neat since "Second Star to the Right" was originally written for Alice with different words. "Alice daydreams in the park" was ok, and the "Song demos" were very fun to listen to. Art Galleries They are very nice pictures, but it would have been nice to see more. Well, that's my review! I hope you enjoyed it!
Rating:  Summary: Wonderland is Wonderful! Review: I really thought with all the new Disney Re-Releases that they would blow Alice in Wonderland off. Let me tell you I am SO pleased that they didn't and even put allot of effort into it. This is if not my favorite out of all the Disney movies, one of the best animated films ever for both kids and adults! I DEFFINITLY reccomend to add this DVD to your collection to enjoy it from now till forever!
Rating:  Summary: I Love This Unique Film Review: I love this film. The artwork and animation are breathtaking, the songs are delightful, and the voice work is right on. Kathryn Beaumont is the quintessential Alice! Most of these Amazon reviews on Disney's version are like the Wonderland creatures; some of them are brimming with joy and exuberance, and others are self-important, pompous, mean-spirited and negatively nonsensical, and unnecessarily so! It's a shame that people persist on comparing this film to the book, or to Snow White, or to The Wizard of Oz. It would be nice to be open-minded enough to accept this film on its OWN terms, and perhaps therein lies the secret to enjoying it. Unfortunately, not all of us are interesting in trying! I'm getting the 2-disc Masterpiece Edition, just because IT IS.