Rating:  Summary: Pretty good start, but is it worth the commitment? Review: After watching a few episodes on Cartoon Network's run of Yu Yu Hakusho, I decided to pick up the first DVD volume and give it a shot. And for the most part, I'm very pleased with this purchase! And if you are wondering, this disc is uncut, and contains both an English and Japanese audio track. Yu Yu Hakusho (YYH) hasn't really presented itself as being a ground breaking so far, but what it does offer is some good characters in a variety of fun situations. As with most series, the first few episodes introduce us to the characters and let us get to know the world they inhabit.Of course, when the lead character dies in the first episode, you know something's up! I won't go into the details of the story, but a synopsis is due. Yusuke is somewhat of an outcast who doesn't really display a care for anything. The only thing he seems good at is beating up on other middle school gangs. But one day, he saves a kid from being hit by a car, only to have himself hit instead! Now, our anti-hero lead is stuck between Heaven and Hell as a ghost since the higher beings don't know what to make of him. He is then offered a chance to return back to life, which is all well and good, except that Yusuke doesn't really care to go back. That is until he realizes how many people truly cared for him. And so the tale unfolds. YYH showcases a good mixing of several different genres; everything from fighting, supernatural and even some good old-fashion romance. YYH also borrows some aspects heavily from Dragonball Z. I personally do not care much for DBZ (though I do thoroughly enjoy the earlier part of Dragonball), but I found myself warming up a bit more to this series. I found myself liking the character designs as they remind me of older series from the 80s. A good break from the styles being pushed out these days. The animation is fair, but since this is such a long running series, that can only be expected. The palette of colors used is also pretty minimal and kind of drab. But ultimately I'm in for the show, and not the eye candy. As for the localization, I'd say it's pretty good. I enjoy English dub tracks, so I didn't have a lot trouble adapting to this one. Some of the characters, such as Yusuke, are well portrayed while others come off as too cartoony sounding (Kuwabara). I should note that the actual recording job of the dub could of been handled a little more professionally. Some of the dialog gets clipped slightly when things get loud, and there were also a few instances of microphone *puff* sounds. FUNimation went the extra mile and dubbed the opening and closing songs, which is always a plus in my book. And fear not, the original songs are present on the Japanese audio side. The adapted dub script follows the original Japanese dialog fairly well, with only minimal changes here and there. Thankfully, FUNimation included subtitles for both the English and the Japanese tracks (Most studios skimp out on subtitling the English track). But unfortunately, they aren't the best subs out there as they are white instead of the normal yellow. Alas, they are functional and well timed. Missing is a subtitle track devoted to translations of the onscreen Japanese writing, which is a real shame. This disc features decent audio and video; it's not terrible, but nothing to write home about. Depending on your equipment, you may or may not notice some of the macroblocking "squishy". The disc also features some good extras. For starters you get a clean (textless) opening and ending sequence in both English and Japanese. The profiles do a good job of fleshing out a few characters without being riddled with spoilers. Although, they are annoyingly tilted at a 30 degree angle, making them difficult to read. Yama's Notebook is a welcome section that explains some of the Japanese meanings for names as well as translations for some of the kanji used in the show. There are a few trailers for Dragonball related material, and one for Blue Gender. So would I recommend this disc? Probably, but make sure you know what your getting into first. While the DVDs are cheaper than most anime DVDs, you're also getting less content. The discs will be released with 4 episodes for the first few discs, then most likely drop down to 3. With a series this long (over 100 episodes in total) that's going to require quite a commitment on your part. Another problem with the length of the series is that there will no doubt be long drawn out stretches of lulls in the later episodes; something that turned me off with Dragonball Z. These first few episodes were good, but there's no telling where it'll be by episode 50. But hey, try out the first few volumes and form your own opinion. What you think is far more important than any jaded reviewer :)
Rating:  Summary: A ghost?! Review: As a fan of the paranormal as well as anime, this is a great start to the series. It explains things clearly. Plus, it has the perfect combination of humor, romance and action in my opinion.
Rating:  Summary: Pissed #1 fan of Yu Yu Hakusho ! Review: I am pissed. For not knowing about Yu Yu Hakusho until March 27, 2004. I have been missing out for years not knowing about this great anime series. This is my only and first Yu Yu Hakusho DVD that I saw and it was the MOST entertaining anime that I had ever seen! This is one of the best or possibly THE BEST anime out there. You might not agree but if you take the time a look at this anime series, you will know what I exactly mean. This anime has a great story line. It's about a 14 year boy (forgot the name because I only had it for two days) who dies trying to save a kid from a car. Later, he realizes that he had became a ghost and has to do good in order to come back to life. I'm not going to go too much into the story. I thought the idea was great and the execution was even better. I only saw it four times but I really enjoyed it. At first, it was kind of hard to understand the story but after the second time, I started to get the story. You know, it's funny how those Japanese people come up with those crazy ideas for catoons and games (Prince of Mononoke, Spirited Away, Dragonball Z, Inu Yasha, Arc the Lad, Ranma, Street Fighters, Silent Hill, and Clock Tower just to name a few) but this one is just totally amazing. I didn't enjoy an anime this mush since the first Pokemon days (after the Pokemon Journey, it got wierd). Well, at least now I know about Yu Yu Hakusho and I'm going to try to get all the DVD. I definitly recommend it and even though my review wasn't helpful, you should try renting it from a library, Hollywood Videos, or Blockbuster and then say something about my review.
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic show Long Series Review: I haven't actually seen the DVD of this yet but I did just see episode two on Cartoon netwoks Adult Swim. This looks to be an excellant series. The animation is beautifully done and the story line includes humor and drama. I will warn you though this is a long series. I have looked into buying the subtitled DVDs and found to my astonshiment/horror/pleasure that this series is currently 112 episodes long. Just so you don't have to do the math that means that if this series is released with 4 episodes per disk this series will cover 28 DVDs!! The import subtitled stuff has 9 or 10 episodes per disk with a total of 12 DVDs. That also means that it will take at least a year or two for the entire release of this series.
Rating:  Summary: Yahoo! Review: I love Funimation! I know a lot of people automatically hate any and all dubs, but I believe Funimation's done a great job. Nothing is really lost in the edited version, either, but for this first video, both versions are great. A must have.
Rating:  Summary: At first I thought 'man this is a vicious show!' But now Review: I still think that, but I also think it's MEGA FUNNY!! LOL I laugh everytime! And I mean everytime! Cept when Yusuke goes to his wake..To tell the true (Sshh dont tell anyone)I cried when Kuwabara comes to his wake! :sniff: It was sad. But in the beginging, You see Yusuke die and then he recalls what happened that day. And then he meets Botan! A blue haired spirit/person who flies on a stick. Next Yusuke goes and meets Keoima(sp?) LoL!! That was fuuny! When the walk down the hall to the great door. I like how Yusuke tries to figure out a way to beat up King Yama LoL! Makes you laugh over and over again! Well anyway he gets there and meets Keoinma..and being Yusuke he startes laughing(Because keoima is in the form of a toddler, that has a pacifier) at Keoima. And says 'Why would the spirit world be run by a toddler?' He sounds really cool there anyhoo, Keo gives him an egg. And ect.. Anyhoo I got to go, but I'm sure you all will love this Anime!! It's MEGA FUNNY! Ttyl bYeZ
Rating:  Summary: You`ll be embarassed to say you love it Review: I think it`s at least the funniest anime show I`ve seen yet, if not one of the best. At first it comes off as being kind of cheesy, and maybe it is, but what makes up for that are the constant moments of clashing humor. But as well as having comedy, the series can be surprisingly clever, thoroughly entertaining, and even moving. I was surprised by a couple episodes that almost made me cry. The story really does give you a feeling of hope and good-triumphing-over-evil and all that stuff.
Rating:  Summary: Somewhat decent Review: I was skeptical to how Funimation was gonna handle another anime series and not do another "hatchet" job. Listening to the English track with the Japanese script , you can tell the show has been very "kiddie-fied" and cleaned up. Basically death, alcohol, and sex talk. So I ended up going back to the Japanese track and was pleasently surprised. Great opening and closing tunes , as well as a solid storyline make this one a sure fire hit. Just stay away from the dub and edited versions.
Extras are lousy however. Whoopey, more DBZ saga previews with ludicrously overdone voiceovers compliments of Funimation.
Rating:  Summary: Well, the series is great! Review: I'm really praying this American release lives up to it's greatness. YYH is a great anime. I have seen about 30eps fansubbed, and refuse to watch the Cartoon Network dubbed version. Though some might not quite get how the main character is dead from the start, it all works out. ^.^() For the boys there's plenty of fighting, cursing, and some cute girl characters. For the girls, there's Kurama. He's a nice, polite, foxy (literally ^.^) bishonen. Oh yeah, and he still kicks butt - he just does it with roses. Oh, and there's the one known as the "Vegeta-wannabe", Hiei. He's a fire demon with a big attitude problem. And behind all the fights and tournaments each character's heart breaking past is shown. It's a little like DBZ - but the fights aren't as long and are certainly much cooler. And the style is more pleasing to the girls fans use to, say, Sailor Moon or Card Captors.
Rating:  Summary: "Yu-Yu Hakusho vs. Dragon Ball Z!" Review: I've never missed an episode of this show on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim. Anyway, I thought the first episode was kind of funny and Yusuke sounds a lot like Teen Gohan. Yusuke's friend, Kuwabara, is really goofy, too, and has a kind of a brute-like voice, but he's funny, too. I know I've watched every episode so far, but I don't remember what order they went in, so I'll just review the show! Well, Yusuke Uromeshi is the resident bad boy, and he likes to pick fights but has never lost because he's really really strong. When he saves a kid from getting run over, Yusuke himself gets hit and dies. Now, guided by the beautiful and witty Boton (a girl spirit who flies on an oar, and she's supposed to be the Grim Reaper!), and Koenma (the son of King Yemma. King Yemma is also a DBZ character, but the two Yemmas look different), Yusuke is now a spirit detective who has to get three artifacts back from 3 demons, Kurama, Gokei, and Hiei. Yusuke befriends Hiei and Kurama, but kills Gokei with his new "Spirit Gun," an energy beam that he can shoot from his finger. After that whole mess, Yusuke gets his life back and he and Kuwabara go to the home of the Genkai (an old woman who sounds a lot like Frieza), and she is a master in the spirit business. During this, Yusuke is after yet another demon named Rando. Will Yusuke find Rando before he gets Genkai's powers? P.S. Yu-Yu Hakusho airs Saturdays at 11:00 PM e/p and at 10:00 PM central time.