Rating:  Summary: Great for Yu-Gi-Oh fans Review: My husband (yes, I said husband!) is an AVID Yu-Gi-Oh collector, as are our kids. I purchased this for them for Christmas, and if DVD's could get worn out, this would have done so LONG ago. I'm not a fan of the series, but judging by the looks of joy when the rest of my family watches these, they were an excellent buy. Plus, the show is not violent, and the "monsters" (cards) are "WAY cooler than anything on Pokemon" according to my family.
Rating:  Summary: SECOND Season? Review: Nope ... let me explain to you what happened. There are two versions of Yu-Gi-Oh! ... a Sugar Coated version and a Version based on the Manga which is for teenagers and adults. The manga series lasted one season before it was finished and a new more kiddy version was made and THAT is the one KidsWB picked up.The Manga series showed a Yugi whose alter ego was a smoker, drank, cursed and was very sadistic. He broke someones mind so bad, he was reduced to a wimpering, cowering child and he even played a game similar to Russian Roulette. The manga version is in japanese only, but has subtitles and you could probably buy it somewhere but I don't quite know where. I personally think the other series is interesting, but this series IS Yu-Gi-Oh! Who needs curses, blood, perverts ... I welcome this more Kiddy version with open arms. Who needs another AKIRA? Plus these DVDs come packed with special extras, including music from the show itself, as all other songs will be released on a 14 track CD starting October 29th. So look for that if your a fan of the music, songs include " One card short " and " No matter what " Most likely the song " I'm not gonna panic " will be on there, at least I hope so :P
Rating:  Summary: oooooooooookay then Review: ok, all that i must say is that i'm a big fan of yuugi and all, but MY FRIKIN GOD!!!! how stupid can 4kids be? lettin some 40 year old dude talk the bestestest character in the whole show >.< my god, the japanese is WAY better. i mean, it aint just yuugi, but jounouchi, anzu, honda ect. they hire hobos to be voice actors for $20!!!!! -_-'' that all i must say folks...
Rating:  Summary: oooooooooookay then Review: ok, all that i must say is that i'm a big fan of yuugi and all, but MY FRIKIN GOD!!!! how stupid can 4kids be? lettin some 40 year old dude talk the bestestest character in the whole show >.< my god, the japanese is WAY better. i mean, it aint just yuugi, but jounouchi, anzu, honda ect. they hire hobos to be voice actors for $20!!!!! -_-'' that all i must say folks...
Rating:  Summary: Will The Real "Yu-Gi-Oh!" Please Stand Up? Review: There has been some major controversy surrounding the new kids craze "Yu-Gi-Oh!" It's populer, it's anime, it's hasn't gotten beyond the point of being anything more of a card commercial, and the only way to (Currently) get it in America is dubbed/edited. If it sounds like I'm a crazed otaku who's going to eat this dub apart like I have many others before me, then you're only half correct. I'd simply like to address the controversy surrounding the show, and my personal opinion of it too. For starters let's get this "season 1" thing out of the way. Like one reviewer has already pointed out there was never a "season 1," there was another series altogether. And yes the original series was very dark, and not anything like the second (And still going strong) series turned out to be, but it was still a very good show. And I don't really blame 4Kids for skipping it, because if they didn't then we'd have a REAL mess on out hands! The problem with skipping the first series was that, contrary to popular belief, the first series was VERY importent! It explained what the Millinium Puzzle was, what it did, the history of the games, and the way Dark Yugi thought and acted. All this was axed to get straight to the card battles, which left little room for plot development. The charater's were introduced as quick as 5 minutes, and then 5 minutes after that the card battle starts. So for an entire season this show already leaves the impression that "Yu-Gi-Oh!" is nothing more then a simple card commercial, and will never be anything more. It's true that the Dual Kingdom Saga WAS like one long card commercial, and if you ask anyone who was a fan of "Yu-Gi-Oh!" before it was brought over to the states then they'll tell you that this saga is the one they least enjoyed. Because despite the original series being so good, series 2 of "Yu-Gi-Oh!" was such a blant commercial for the cards they had the charater's go to a CARD SHOP of all things, and buy a truckload of cards! And while the show has it's touching moments (Like the story behind Peggasis's wife), there are many moments that prove to be painful to watch (This whole "save the world by playing a card game" is such utter garbage you get sick of it). The voice acting doesn't help with the credibility of the show since it's so aweful. All the character's sound weird and forced beyond belief. There is not ONE person who sounds like a human being in this dub! To tell you the truth I even suspect that there may be one guy doing all the guys in the show, and one girl doing all of the girls in the show. It would make perfect sense since the charater's sound fake beyond belief. Odviously if they ever dub this uncut they might simply want to hire a new cast so that they won't look ridicules. The music is also bland, with no emotion to be found anywhere. The music cues sound kind of random to tell you the truth. Now let's talk about the editing of the show, which is very mild, but also poorly done. Many people have complained about the following things found in the Japanese version: Guns, cursing, and culteral refferences that don't make sense. All these have been taken care of...a little. What little cursing there was has been deleated. I have no problem with this. The Japanese refferences were taken out too. I also have no real problem with this. The guns have been taken out, but in such a silly way that I wonder why they even bothered to take them out. You see all they did was take out the guns, but the people are still there gripping on to thin air. Not only that, but they are also making "threats" while they grasp nothing but thin air. Even things like "Stay where you are" and "Give me all your money!" Seriously folks, these are threats you make when you've got GUNS to threaten people with! And since everyone is still holding the thin air where the gun used to be they might as well of just kept them in. Trust me folks, your kids will know that the men were originaly holding guns, it doesn't take a rocket scientest to figure it out. So besides the dub being a very adverage dub, 4Kids decided that they'd start with the worst season of "Yu-Gi-Oh!" out there. Trust me people, this is not the full potential "Yu-Gi-Oh!" has to offer. Later episodes get much better, and I will be waiting for them to see if those will give the show much more respect. As it stands at the moment though, "Yu-Gi-Oh!" is simply nothing more then a card commercial. So will the real "Yu-Gi-Oh!" please stand up? And please show us the greatness you are capable of.
Rating:  Summary: we need the 1st series in the us Review: this dvd is horrible. who needs this kiddie stuff when they have a whole series that is very dark and very great. the only problem is that no one can seem to get a hold of this long lost series. if anyone knows how to get a copy of the series please notify me. thank you.
Rating:  Summary: Yu-Gi-Oh! Starts Here Review: This is volume one of the Duel Monsters episodes (season 2 Japan, season 1 US). This DVD belongs in every Yu-Gi-Oh! fan's collection. The DVD contains several additional features including a spanish dub, music video and monster stats for the serious collector. Another reviewer was talking [...] about these American edited versions, however they are far superior to the actual uncut and subtitled versions that you CAN already get (if you can even understand them). The uncut version features guns, violence and obscure references to japanese culture that no one in America can identify with. This edited version de-emphasizes the violence and instead emphasizes the friendship and loyalty themes of the show. Again, this American version is a much more enjoyable video that you can feel comfortable with your kids watching over and over as they master their dueling techniques. This DVD contains 3 Yu-Gi-Oh! episodes and makes a great gift.
Rating:  Summary: OH MY GOD...*BARF* Review: This is without a single doubt,the WORST DUB EVER.I HATE 4Kids.Words cannot describe how badly they butchered this once good series.No doubt some idiot little kids will respond to this review with something along the lines of "LOLKDI HEY GESS WAT ITZ STILL GUD WHO NEED BLUD ADN PEWVERTS LOlO WHO NEEDS ANOTHHRE AKIRA LOLO(which,I will add,is a classic...)" There's NO character development any more,which,as anyone with half a brain can tell you,is very important.The dubbed voices are an insult to the original voice actors,who put their hearts into their voices!Jonouchi(Or "Joey") has a Brooklyn accent.Anzu(or "TEA" or whatever) now sounds stupid,and now acts stupid to match,unlike in the original,where she is very strong willed.Yugi's dub voice actor is a 40 year old!!Malik sounds like Skeletor,and now wants the millenium puzzle.(what?...)etc,etc.It now takes place in America,all the cards have had their pictures and names changed.The edits are all very lazy.All deaths are now replaced with 'being sent to the shadow realm' THAT MAKES ALOT OF SENSE. Everything is changed.EVERYTHING.Plot,everything!Things are cut for NO REASON!This disk is edited,and there's no original japanese track!!!The 'fine people' at 4kids seem to forget that most anime is not some American cartoon like the Flinstones or whatever.They make me absolutely sick to my stomach,ruining great series that the creators worked hard to make,gaining anime an unfair reputation!it makes me sick!!!Also,all the music has been replaced,and now these idiotic little tunes always repeat,I'm sorry this review is so random,all my hatred for this ABOMINATION is flooding out at once. There's tons more,but I'll spare you the discomfort of reading it,children.*rolls eyes* I'd give this demon-spawn a -10000000 if I could.STAY AWAY UNTIL 4KIDS FIGURES OUT HOW TO USE THAT WRINKLY THING IN THEIR HEADS. Pros-THE ORIGINAL WAS GOOD..OTHER THAN THAT NOTHING Cons-TOO MANY TO NAME. If anyone from 4Kids is reading this,counting their money from parents of stupid kids,please e-mail me at Sawquid@aol.com.Come on.I dare ya.Cowards...I want to set things right,but fate loves to mock me...
Rating:  Summary: A Yugioh Believer Review: When I first saw the comercials for this show I was thinkink how can anything be so stupid? Well, one day I tuned in to check it out and it was awesome! I was totally hooked right then and there! Soon I was out and about looking everywhere for Yugioh merchandise ranging from cards to room furnishings. Now it is my life and hopefully it will be others too soon! I think that this is going to be the next big pokemon and even better! Soon it will be sweeping the nation like in Japan! Of all of them though this collection has some of my favorites! FOR SERIOUS AND NOT SEIRIOUS DUELISTS ALIKE YUGIOH DVD'S ARE A MUST, ESPECIALLY THIS ONE!
Rating:  Summary: A WB anime success Review: When I first saw the previews for this show on the WB, I was intrigued. I hate to admite it, but I was. I'm definately NOT your average Yu-Gi-Oh! viewer, and upon the first viewing of the show, I wasn't all that impressed. I found the english dialogue cheesy and frankly didn't want to get up in time to see it on saturday mornings. But, thanks to losing my cable, I started watching it regularly. I was rather surprised by how well done the dub was, and that's saying a lot coming from a "purist." And the fact that the WB had taken the chance with another anime after the hidious Cardcaptors dub showed great courage. Of course, I'm just happy to see ANY new anime being introduce to American audiences. (gotta get'em early, ne?) Of course, my growing obsession with the world of Yu-Gi-Oh! has peeked my interest in the original version of the series, leading to the purchase of season 2 and season 3 (Japan) on DVD. While I personally prefer the original version, despite the subtittling that reads like it was translated from the chinese subtittles, I understand the changes made for the transition to the American audience. And overall, I must applaude the production crew for keeping the spirit of the show intact. (Cardcaptors on the other hand had its spirit crushed...) There are a few things about the NA version that do bug me, however, such as a few slight changes in characterization and the blatent digital painting out of weapons despite the fact that you KNOW he's supposed to be holding a gun, and that everyone talks WAY too much. But overall, if you're looking for something that is "safe" to show your children the NA dub of Yu-Gi-Oh! if very much what you are looking for. Just don't be surprised if afterwards they start begging for cards, posters, etc.