Rating:  Summary: a brilliant plot Review: i'll be brief this film is an absolute rollercoaster. people who like SPEED and Gone in 60 seconds should see this movie. I really don't think much of plots but i thought this one was good. You'll enjoy the visual and special effects.
Rating:  Summary: Solidly mediocre film Review: This movie has an interesting, action-filled plot as well as a good, but it fizzles, perhaps because the screen time lavished on the action scenes robs screen time that could have been spent on character development. Even so, in the small screen time they get, Glenn Close is convincing as the tight-jawed Vice President and Wendy Crewson scores points as a dignified First Lady, compassionate mother and loving wife. Harrison Ford, appealingly macho as ever, occasionally distances himself from his character with a lapse into tongue-in-cheek line-readings or facial expression. Otherwise, he is properly presidential. As the first daughter, Liesel Matthews displays a range of emotion that many of the more seasoned supporting actors lack. One viewing will probably be enough for most people.
Rating:  Summary: This action thriller will keep you at the edge of your seat. Review: The airplane carrying the US President gets hijacked and the president may be the only person who can save the hostage and get the plane down. This is an unrealistic action movie (unfortunately it doesn't seem quite as unrealistic anymore). But if you don't mind unrealistic action movies, which I don't, I am sure you will be very entertained by this movie. It's well written, and very thrilling, with good actors, especially Harrison Ford and Glenn Close. I have seen few action thrillers that were more entertaining than this one. It kept me at the edge of my seat for two hours and a couple of minutes. I highly recommend it! This is action at its best!
Rating:  Summary: High Flying Fun! Review: This action blockbuster is a pretty fun romp. It's a little far stretched, but who says it can't be?. Director Wolfgang Petersen delivers a top notch, high octane action film that will definitley please any action film fan. Harrison Ford stars as the President Of The United States whose plane, Air Force One, is taken over in mid-air by russian terrorists. The always excellent Gary Oldman plays the lead villain, and he does it with complete scene stealing bravado. Glenn Close co-stars as the Vice President who tries to communicate with Oldman from Washington D.C. headquarters. We've seen this before, but this is a million times better than most action films that involve hostages and planes. The action is pretty high once it gets going, and the violence is all over the place. Ford is, once again, cinema's leading hero. He can be a space pirate, adventurous professor, or the President. He can make it work every time. Even if the script doesn't always hold up to his excellence. This is one of those. If you realize that this is just pure 100% adrenaline fun, then you will have a grand time watching this fun ride. Afterwards, you'll definitley be thinking 'Harrison For President!'.
Rating:  Summary: Crash And Burn Review: The worst film I have ever seen. Absolutely terrible! You can't care about any of the characters, especially those who are shot within minutes of their first appearance, and the countless explosions and bad one-liners leave you with a headache to beat the band. After suffering through this dreck, the only thought in your head that is still audible will be, "Why, Harrison, why?"
Rating:  Summary: Harrison Ford's Got My Vote... Review: ...because he is one mean-old President when he gets his Irish up! When terrorists take over AirForce One, it's up to the President himself to subdue the enemy. Suspenseful from start to finish, although feminists should take umbrage at the indecisiveness displayed by the female Vice President who's willing to placate the evil-doers. Notwithstanding that, just the kind of patriotic movie to fire up every red-blooded American.
Rating:  Summary: AIR FORCE ONE! Review: I swear that "Air Force One" is really a Tom Clancy/Jack Ryan story. I mean, HARRISON FORD plays Jack Ryan (or did at the time) and in the latest Tom Clancy books Jack Ryan is President, and here is Harrison Ford as PRESIDENT JAMES MARSHALL! Sounds logical to me! Here is a President who FIGHTS BACK against terrorists! GARY OLDMAN gets to play the terrorist, who is some sort of RUSSIAN neo-natioanolist type named Korshunov! Everybody on the plane wants the president to be SAFE, but not our HERO! Nice job by GLENN CLOSE as the Vice-President with DEAN STOCKWELL doing an Al Haig impersonation and WILLIAM MACY as a regular air force guy! Solid ACTION film from director WOLFGANG PETERSEN, but I sure am curious what the Secret Service and the USAF think about the stuff that happens for the terrorist to take over the plane!
Rating:  Summary: Air Force 1 - Supre BIt Version Review: Don't bother buying the super bit version. I didn't see a difference. And I also didn't see any increase in the bit rate. It was between 6 and 8 all the time. But so is the standard version. The movie is a great action movie and if you like those kinds of movies, you'll like this one.
Rating:  Summary: "Get off my plane!" President Marshall exclaims! Review: That line itself is the most classic line of all from this smash hit! Harrison Ford plays the president who after making it clear to the world he will never negotiate with terrorists falls victim to a terrorists hijack of Air Force One! The president is pressed to the ultimate limit when his wife and daughter are held hostage by a Russian goon (Played so deliciously by Gary Oldman)! With the fates of the world & his family both hanging in balance, it up to the president to kick some butt. Although the dialog & action is 100% macho, some of the CGI effects for Air Force One leave much to be desired. When you see the end of the movie, you'll know what I mean! Still it has heart and attitude which makes it out to be a true action classic!
Rating:  Summary: A stand up and cheer anti-terror flick -- Just what we need. Review: You want to see some hijacking terrorists get their butts kicked by Harrison Ford? Well, this does the trick. A lot of folks complained about the supposed unrealistic nature of this film, but I think we know now that it isn't as unrealistic as we would have hoped. As far as this movie goes, it is a thrill ride that is sort of like Die Hard on Air Force One, with the president playing the John McClane character in place of Mr. Willis. The terrorists are complex in their rationale, but ultimately, like all terrorists, they are evil at heart. Frankly, it's a bit unnerving to watch it all happening on the screen. But unrealistic is not the word to use any more. Sure, parts of it strain credulity, but so does virtually every action adventure film (automatic weapons fire never seems to actually hit the good guys in Rambo, or Mr. Schwarzenneger, or Mr. Willis, for example). In fact, I was sold on this movie mainly by the performance of Ford, who does an absolutely Oscar-caliber portrayal of the kind of president we all imagine in our dreams. He brings a believability and an integrity to every character he plays, whether it be as president, Han Solo or Indiana Jones. This ultimately isn't exactly deep, and it is somewhat derivative, but it's still a great action flick. And it may be just what you need right now.